• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 334 Views, 11 Comments

The Story of Nightshade - Phoenix Nebula

Nightshade is the daughter of Chrysalis and Sombra. They abandoned her when she refused to hurt ponies. A pony by the name of Phoenix takes her in and watches over her. Now she lives a normal life, but that will soon change

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Chapter 1: Alone

It was cold and raining. The ground was muddy and the temperature was barely above freezing. No pony in there right mind would be out on a night like this. Deep in the Everfree Forest a lone soul wandered aimlessly looking for any sort of shelter. A young filly, hardly ten years of age, trudged through the mud. She was cold, tired, and hungry and in desperate need of shelter. As she made her way through the forest she thought back on how this all happened.

Today was the day! To day her father and mother were going to giver the ultimate test to see was worthy of ruling Equestria. Today was the day that everything changed. Today was the day she lost everything.

"Nightshade!" A female voice called. "Get up to day is your test."

"Five more minutes mom!" Nightshade called back before falling back asleep.

"Don't make me come up there!" The voice responded. Nightshade said nothing in return already fallen back asleep. "Fine you asked for this!"

"GAH!" Nightshade cried out as a bucket of gold water materialized above her head before spilling its contents on the small filly, giving her a rude awakening." Okay I'm up!" She said. Nightshade groggily stepped out of her room and made her way down the massive flight of stairs down to the first floor. Why her father installed so many steps was beyond her, but she learned it was best not to question her parents' logic. After reaching the bottom of the stairs she made her way into the dining hall to see her mother giving her a cheeky smile. Nightshade just glared at her. Her mother was a tall bug like pony creature with a crooked horn and hole ridden hooves. She had insect like wings, green spider web like hair, and an antenna shaped a bit like a crown. Her name was Chrysalis

"I hope you're excited because today is the day you get to prove yourself." Chrysalis smiled.

"I can't wait I'm going to be just like you and dad!" The filly said excitedly. The changeling smiled proudly at her daughter's enthusiasm.

"Good to hear I know you will make your father and I proud, speaking of which. SOMBRA GET YOUR FLANK UP HERE AND EAT BREAKFAST WITH YOUR FAMILY!" Chrysalis yelled towards a door that lead to the basement. A loud crash and a loud whoosh sound shook the house. The sound of hooves on steps were heard before the door to the basement was pushed open. A tall black stallion with a black mane, a cutie mark consisting of three blood red crystals. His horn was curved and red at the tip and looked to be as sharp as a newly made knife. He turned towards his family with a bemused look on his muzzle."Nice of you to finally join us. What were you doing building more stairs?"

"Hmph! I'll let you know I was making something special for Nightshade for when she passes the test." He said as a matter of factly tone.

Nightshade looked very excited at the prospect of getting a present. She looked up at her father with wide eyes hoping to get him to tell her what the surprise was. Sombra chuckled before ruffling up his daughters mane."Nice try but you're not going to get me this time my little shadow." Nightshade crossed her hooves and pouted. This caused her parents to burst out into laughter which she soon joined.

"Okay time for breakfast!" Chrysalis announced as she presented the meal. In front of her husband she placed a plate of burnt toast, burnt eggs, and even burnt orange juice, for her daughter a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice, and for herself a pink glowing love smoothie.

"Well dig in we got a big day ahead of us!" The changeling announced before beginning her meal with the rest of her family.

After breakfast the family made their way to the roof were Sombra and Chrysalis had set up Nightshades test. Nightshade didn't know what the test was all she knew is that she had an important test to proof her ability to do something important. Other than that she had no clue. Once they reached the top the first thing Nightshade saw was a tarp over some large cube. The filly turned to her father with a confused look. Sombra just smiled and trotted over to the object and grabbed the tarp with his magic.

"Okay Nightshade all you need to do is one simple thing..." He pulled off the tarp."Kill this mare." A cage with a young unicorn mare with a yellow mane, peach colored fur, and an orange as a cutie mark inside. She was bound and gauged and looked absolutely terrified. Nightshades' eyes bulged and her jaw nearly hit the ground.

"WHAT?! WHY!?" She asked." What did she do?"

"She follows Celestia and her sister. She is our enemy and she should dye because of it." Sombra said proudly.

"Go on honey go kill the follower of our enemy." Chrysalis encouraged her daughter.

Nightshade walked toward the cage. When she approached the mare inside tried to inch away in fear. This caused Nightshade to hesitate. The filly never questioned her parents, but this was the first time they told her to kill an innocent mare. She couldn't do it."No." She said softly

"What?" Sombra asked, his voice getting darker."What did you say?"

"I said no! I will not hurt an innocent mare who did nothing wrong!"
Sombra growled and charged up to her daughter"Did you just tell me no?! I command you to kill that mare I am your father!"

"No I will not hurt her she did nothing wrong so let her go!" She demanded.

"Oh I'll let her go..." He turned towards the caged mare."TO THE GRAVE!" He exclaimed. He lifted the mare with his magic and ripped of her gag. Using his magic he twisted the mare in uncomfortable positions, snapping her bones and joints as the mare screamed in pain. The dark stallion grabbed her two back legs and tore them from her body. He then slammed her back into the ground shattering her spine. Sombra then grabbed the mare's horn with his magic. The mare's eyes widened in horror as she realized what was about to happen next. "NO PLEASE!!" The mare cried. Using his magic he pumped the horn full of energy to the point where it exploded. The unicorn screamed in agony as her most powerful part of her body was taken from her. Sombra wasn't done yet though. He quickly grabbed the unicorns jaw and began to pull. The mare continued to cry in agony as her facial bones and muscles were slowly torn from her body. All the mare could think was how much she wished this to be a bad dream, how she wanted to wake up and be home with her husband and son. She never got her wish, with a loud rip of bone and tissue and the slosh of blood the mare was dead. Her face was gone and her brain hung on the edge of its now exposed cavity.

Nightshade was horrified at what she just saw. She looked at her father with fear. He then spoke"Get out of my house" he said darkly. Nightshade was shocked.

"D-dad.." She began to say.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER!" He cut her off."Get out of my home before I kill you too!" He commanded. Nightshade turned towards her mother for comfort but got none. Chrysalis looked at her with disgust. Tears began to well up in the filly's eyes as she realized they didn't care for her. Nightshade turned and ran. She ran back down the stairs and out the front door. She ran and ran, not stopping for anything. Her family didn't want her anymore. She ran into the forest never to return.

The memory played over and over in her head. In an instant her family hated her. One minute they were all happy and the next her family hated her. She had no idea that her parents were actually like that. Her parents were killers and insane. In a way she was glad they weren't her parents anymore, but that didn't remove the void that no resided in her heart.

After traveling for another hour or so Nightshade finally found some sort of shelter. A large flat rock lying on a smaller sloped rock provided a cover from the rain and a dry spot to sleep. The young filly made her way to the rock cover and laid down. She was cold, hungry, and most of all...


Author's Note:

Well here we go again me making another crappy story. Let's just hope it's slightly better than the others.

I like to hear back from people so please leave a comment... unless you are an asshole.