• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 334 Views, 11 Comments

The Story of Nightshade - Phoenix Nebula

Nightshade is the daughter of Chrysalis and Sombra. They abandoned her when she refused to hurt ponies. A pony by the name of Phoenix takes her in and watches over her. Now she lives a normal life, but that will soon change

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Chapter 2: Hello

Phoenix was having a bad day. It started out fine; he got up, checked on his fusion reactor, made sure no time demons were attacking the town, and got sat down for breakfast. Halfway through breakfast, however, some crazy light being broke through the walls of reality and decided to challenge him to a fight. To say Phoenix was a bit upset would be accurate. The being of light calling itself Victory claimed that he was a hero and Phoenix was a dark being that needed to be destroyed. When Phoenix said he didn't want to fight Victory flung him through a tear in space to another universe. Now if Phoenix was in the previous universe he would have blown Victory from existence, except now he was in an entirely different reality he could not do that.

"You will not win villain!" Victory shouted before sending a beam of light at the upset pony.

"You're the one who attacked me," The unicorn replied taking the beam directly to the chest. Phoenix absorbed the energy and fired it back at the being of light.

"Oh so you still maintain your reflection ability in this reality huh?" Victory mused while dodging the reflected attack. Victory quickly opened up another rift and tackled Phoenix through it. What Victory didn't know was that no matter what universe or dimension they were in Phoenix would have that power.

After what felt like hours they fell into a new universe. As soon as they passed by the tear in reality Phoenix could feel some of his power returning to him. As soon as he landed on his hooves the unicorn charged his attacker. Surprisingly enough the being of light was solid allowing Phoenix to tackle Victory through a few trees. Trees? Phoenix got up quickly and observed his surroundings. He knew this forest this was the Everfree from the universe he started in, but why did he not have more access to his power? A blood curdling scream interrupted his thoughts.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" the voice of a filly cried out. Without a second thought the unicorn ran in the direction of the cry ,completely forgetting about his fight. Weaving his way through the trees, ducking under branches, and vaulting over fallen logs. Finally he made his way to a strange rock formation. He instantly found the source of the cry, a small filly coward beneath Victory as he towered over her.

"You are full of dark magic I must end you before you can cause harm," The light being said as he prepared to strike down the defenseless filly. Victory didn't have time to follow through with his attack before Phoenix slammed him into the rock formation. The unicorn concentrated dark magic into his fists and began to pound Victory into the rock. The light being screeched as he was beat relentlessly."You can't win your full of dark magic your evil." He yelled knocking Phoenix off of him and sending an even more powerful beam of light in the direction of the stallion. The unicorn took the beam of magic head on and absorbed it. What happened next shocked Victory, the light magic that Phoenix absorbed converted itself into dark magic and was fired back at him. The creature of light was so shocked that he had no time to evade the attack. Phoenix trotted over to where his opponent once stood. There laid a slightly glowing goldenrod colored pony with a white star cutie mark.

"Do you repent and feel sorry for your sins?" Phoenix asked.

"Y-you are the one who wields dark ma-magic you are the o-one who have sinned." Victory said weakly."I will never give in to you."

"Very well," Phoenix said with a sigh, he hated doing this. Four black tendrils shot out from round the unicorn and slammed them selves into the golden pony. The pony let out a screech of pain as his soul and all his power was pulled from him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went limp. The dead ponies body faded into light and vanished. The dark tendrils reseeded and dissipated leaving the forest forest quiet once again except for a slight whimper. After staring at the spot where the pony once laid for what felt like eternity he turned to the sound of the whimpering. Hidden in the shadows was what looked like a small filly crying. The unicorn slowly made his way over to the crying pony."Hay are you okay?"

"EEP!" The pony cried out and suddenly turned itself into a shadow. To say that Phoenix was surprised would be an understatement. The shadow made it's way across the ground and was hard to track because of it being night, but the full moon provided enough light to spot the little shadow scurried along the forest floor. Phoenix tracked it with his eyes as it went in circles appearing to be lost. After a good while the filly rematerialized and ran right into the larger pony. The pony cowered underneath his gaze trying to scoot away from him.

"Hay hay it's alright I'm not going to hurt you," He said calmly. It had been along time since Phoenix had any experience with foals so it was a bit hard trying to appear friendly. It must have worked because the filly stopped trying to back away and just looked up at him with big fear filled eyes. Now he could get a better look at her. She was a young filly obviously, probably no older than ten and had no cutie mark. She was gray with black hooves, her mane and tail was black and green, her horn was curved like a changeling, her eyes were like that of sombra, she had small fangs, she had a red changing shell on her back, and she had wings. The unicorn could feel dark magic emanating from her, but it felt soothing not hurtful. There was something else however he wasn't sure what it was it felt familiar in a way.'How peculiar.' he thought
"P-please d-don't hurt me" she whimpered softly.

"Don't be scared little one I'm not here to hurt I did just save you after all," He said with a wink and a cheese smile. The filly giggled a bit at this."There we go no need to be afraid." He said as he helped her up with your magic. "Now what are you doing out here, and where are your parents?"

"They...." She trailed off as tears began to fill her eyes. Phoenix quickly decided it was best to change the subject.

"Well why don't we start by introducing ourselves my name is Phoenix Quantum Nebula!" He boasted proudly causing the filly to giggle again. Phoenix stuck out his hoof for a sake,"And you are?"

"Hello... I'm... Nightshade" She respond and shook his hoof with her own.

Author's Note:

This was a bit of a pain to write I'm really not good at this. I'm just making it up as I go. I have a set goal of where I want this story to end up, but I don't know how I'm going to progress the story to that point.

One other thing. Phoenix is powerful but not limitless. So I don't want people calling him a Gary Stu something like that. If you do I'll just delete the comment, so I don't want to hear it.

Any way don't forget to leave a comment and like for more chapters. Also don't expect a scheduled time for me to submit chapters I'm bad at keeping a schedule. I submit when I can.