• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 1,936 Views, 117 Comments

Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional - Nova Quill

The life and times of the sirens, mostly involving Adagio and Aria scrambling to not let Sonata kill herself. Or them.

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Boys and Girls of Ev-er-y Age

The house in front of the kids was relatively small, but none of them had ever seen something quite so imposing. There weren’t any fog machines visible, but the place was enshrouded in an eerie mist that seemed to tingle up their spine any time they started to move through it. There appeared to be small; almost child-sized handprints and drag mark - like streaks leading toward the road in what looked like a great hurry from the house made of some dark substance, long dry now. More worrying was that it looked like something had seized the poor soul by the legs and dragged them off the path and onto the lawn. From there, the drag marks transitioned into deep, desperate gouges that marked up the soft earth leading up to the full plot on the far left before the dark stain got much larger, and then disappeared altogether. There were four burial plots total - two covered in fresh earth, two empty. The dark mahogany, silk lined, very real looking coffins were lined up with the open and remaining holes and leaning against the house. One fully opened, the other closed. There was a simple sign that sat in front of them staked into the flower bed, it was marked in elegant script that read:

Open for tenure to those who would dare trespass.

If that all wasn’t enough, there was a faint melody playing that simultaneously filled all five of them with dread and beckoned them closer.

“I don’t know about this place Pip, it’s pretty creepy; I don’t think I want to know what they have for loot.” The small, red-haired girl's typical lisp was overshadowed by the stammer of fear. She was dressed in a dapper purple tux with a ruffled cream Ascot and brown top hat, and looked for all the world like she was ready to bolt at any moment.

“These ladies just moved in here about two years ago, last year their place was almost as creepy, but they give out full candy bars, full bags of chips, and cans of pop!” Defended Pip, dressed in his customary pirates’ outfit. This year he had a peg leg, eyepatch and appeared to have been promoted since last year from Captain up to Commodore. The hat had a very nice feather in it. “The coffins are new” His voice trailed down to a whimper.

“Are they nice?” Squeaked Sweetie. The petite singer had decided to go as Belle from Beauty and the Beast this year. Partially due to her older sister's unfortunate run in with a well to do young man who quote: "Held such promise, so unfortunate that he was such a fiend. Oh, why aren't there any real princes out there!" Rarity had then spent the next day and a half binge watching the various prince-themed Disney films and wailing into her ice-cream bucket. The fashionista then decided that her little sister deserved to be a princess, regardless of Sweetie's own wishes. She had wanted to be a lion.

“Not really. They’re kind of insane.”

“Who cares if they’re nice if they give out loot like that?! Come on ya ninnies; it’s just some silly decorations.” Scootaloo bellowed. The tough act fooled exactly no one, considering how badly she was shaking. The girl’s purple hair had been temporarily dyed green, and she was wearing a pair of white coveralls over a brown turtleneck sweater.

“Scoots is right, ah don’ wanna pass down loot like that jus’ because of a few decorations. For all we know, they jus’ really like Halloween!” Since Sweetie had wanted to go as the Beauty, she had bribed Apple Bloom into going as the Beast with promises of a quarter of her candy. Bloom’s pick. Visions of double full sized candy bars and pop made the normally level-headed girl think with her stomach. It was a rare occasion indeed where she didn’t get sweets with an apple attached to them.

Decision made, the group huddled together in close quarters and made their way up the short walkway. Steadfastly ignoring Sweetie Bell’s mutter of “For all we know, the reason they like Halloween so much is ‘cause people ignore the screams more.”

They noticed that as they got closer to the house, that eerie song got louder, and had double the effect. By the time that they reached the door, it took three tries for Pip to be able to knock loud enough to be heard. They all mewled out squeaky “Trick or Treat”s as the door slowly creaked open.

There was no one there, just an inky darkness, just as Pip was going to call out again, a husky voice started chanting. The white mist around them changed to a deadly, malicious green.

“Twist the bones and bend the back.”

Two voices joined in with a nonsense rhythm in counterpoint. “Itch-it-a-cop-it-a, Mel-a-ka-mys-tic-a.”

“Trim them of their baby fat,”

“Itch-it-a-cop-it-a, Mel-a-ka-mys-tic-a.”

Oh god, the lot of them realized, the other two voices weren’t in the house, they were outside. Right. Behind. Them!

“Give them fur, black as black.”

“Just” This voice, different from the first, lighter. The children realized with mounting dread it was the voice that sang the first tune that drew them closer.

“Like” A darker, more rough voice joined in with the first two. Promising malice.

“This” All three, in harmony, and ending in a hiss, before the biggest black cat that any of the intrepid candy hunters had ever seen leapt out of the darkness and hissed at them. His red eyes nearly glowing with malice. Those fangs looked very, very sharp.

The lot screamed, dropped their bags of candy and ran for their lives. Pushed to move faster by the insane cackling of the residents.

“Zim, you did that perfectly! Who’s my good demon kitty?” Sonata squealed, and swooped to pick up the now purring and thoroughly pleased with himself cat. Her long hair was, for once down and cascading around her shoulders in very loose curls, and she was dressed in a light pink, the low cut bodiced dress that got darker toward the skirt. “I love this holiday! So much candy.

“The food we can get from all the fear isn’t half bad either.” Purred Adagio, her garnet coloured eyes shining with sadistic triumph as she came out of the darkness of the house. She absentmindedly reached out to give Zim a friendly scratch under the chin and around the ears with her long, sharp and well-manicured nails for his part in the play. The Siren leader was dressed in a form-fitting, high cut hunters’ green dress. Her great blonde mane had been wrangled into an upward curled bouffant by Aria, but a few errant strands fell around her neck and chest in defiant curls.

Aria sauntered out of her hiding place in one of the coffins with a grin; her lovely blood red dress was entirely overshadowed by the up-do that she somehow managed to wrangle her hair into- something reminiscent of a witches hat made of a rats' nest. “Maybe next year we should just go all out and make a real haunted house. I bet that way we could get a real meal out of the chumps in this world. I don’t know about you, but I don’t find these scraps filling at all.”

Adagio gave an oddly tender smile toward her sister. “Hm, maybe. This is, after all, our favourite night.”

Author's Note:

Happy Day of the Dead all. And Happy (late) Samhain and All Hallows Eve / Halloween.

(1)Willy Wonka seemed fitting for Twist.

Yes, the girls were indeed dressed as the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus. It’s one of my all time favourite Halloween movies, I watched it every year with my sister growing up, and I watch it every year now as a form of solidarity. I thought it was fitting. Seriously, the personalities are very similar.

***EDIT*** I made the idiotic mistake of hitting publish before the read through. Sorry guys! Made a few changes.

Comments ( 41 )

I love you for that Hocus Pocus reference!


I love that movie, watched it yesterday after a marathon of the Walking Dead with my roommate. It hit me at that scene that I could see our favourite three miscreants using that to wreak havoc. And since I've always figured it really doesn't matter what words they use, it's the intent. Them dressing as the Sanderson Sisters and traumatizing small children would be good times.


Thank you very much!

7688912 Traumatizing children is one of the highlights of Halloween

I recognized all the Hocus Pocus references. I remember that movie fondly myself.

7688912 So Nata was Sarah Jessica-Ponyfaces character?:rainbowlaugh:

I bet that way we could get a real meal out of the chumps in this world. I don’t know about you, but don’t find these scraps filling at all.”

Think there should be another 'I' in there?

If I could dig a couple shallow plots I'd love to try this but Halloween isn't too big here in Oz yet, and me in wheelchair.
So just scare em' with a hockey mask and electric chainsaw with the chain removed.
Sorta like this guy...

Love how a kid from earlier is standing aside there at 3:00 to watch the hijinx.


Who said they were shallow graves? And who said it was just for show? :trollestia:

Caught that, did'ja? Yes, Sonata was Sarah Sanderson, Aria was Mary and Adagio was Winnifred. Honestly, Adagio and Sonata's personalities are pretty much spot on, though I do see Sonata as being much less of a horndog, however, you really just need to change the connotations of the word 'play' there, and it mostly fits. Aria doesn't really fit Mary, since she's not that dense, and much more snarky, but eh, it's cosplay. :moustache:

And yes, you are right, I'll fix that.

7689757 Ah, you mean pretty much the entirety of the chapter? Because it was almost the entirety of the chapter mixed liberally with one utterly insane couple that lived down the road from me growing up. They gave out full candy bars, cans of pop, etc. but you had to brave their nightmare-inducing creepfest to get to it. I loved that house.

7689840 I meant that I could only barely dig shallow graves in my yard, start digging holes in my yard would hit solid limestone less than a foot down. I understand there's were realistically deep. Have that DVD movie in my substantial collection, hilarious movie.:pinkiehappy:
Gotta have hobbies!?!:facehoof:


O.o that is an amazing collection! Mine's not even half that size.

And sorry, I meant to be teasing, but I can see how my comment could come off as salty.

7689871 Took it as a jest by the tone of the rest of the comment, very hard to put forth emotion into a comment, we need a bigger selection of emoji's.:pinkiehappy: Last year had one trio of kids knock on my door with dad chaperoning, this year no-one. Other years 2 or 3 groups. The effort isn't worth it for me.:pinkiesad2:


Seriously? :rainbowhuh: Wow, I can't imagine so few kids. This year we had at least a hundred, and we didn't even have any decorations up! Just had the porch light on. The year before that we had only just moved in, and still got upwards of seventy-five.

Even in our old place we'd get fifty or more, and that was a pretty rough neighbourhood, so parents didn't really want their kids out.

7689916 It just doesn't have the same meaning here, The supermarkets always have big displays of pumpkins for sale for carving and hardly sell any, hopefully there is a lot of pumpkin soup for the homeless after.

7689918 I hope they do so too, be a terrible waste of a perfectly good vegetable/pie filling otherwise. I can certainly understand how many other cultures wouldn't make a big deal of Halloween at all, but it's one of my - and many others' that I know, favourite holidays, and truthfully only one of perhaps two that I even celebrate. Even then, I make a bigger deal of Halloween than I do Yule/Christmas because it's far more fun.

7689922 Halloween/Nightmare Night online is always good fun, yeah X-mas not so much. I think it's the over commercialism of it that's a bit of a downer.:twilightsmile:

Thinking about it, I seriously wonder if the writers of Rainbow Rocks decided to borrow from Hocus Pocus.


Well, Aria is very different personality-wise than Mary Sanderson, and Sonata is far more PG than Sarah. There are a wonderful amount of parallels between Adagio and Winnifred, but even then, Adagio was much less hammy. (The Trope, not the insult)

In short, there are parallels, but the characters are different enough that it's certainly not blatant plagiarism. Though I really can see Adagio uttering the phrase:

"You know, I've always wanted a child. And now I think I'll have one. On toast!"

7695965 I'll grant you Mary is very different from Aria. I think Sarah isn't really that far off from PG herself, her being a seductress was hinted at, but she was mostly a goofy ditz who accidentally revealed the plans of the sisters. Her voice was actually called "siren song!"

The talking pet that helped the teenagers round up a boom box to defeat the Sanderson Sisters was a parallel, but the piece de resistance must be Winifred Sander's hair: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/56/fa/87/56fa87cd5b187f532c17f955ac78bccc.jpg


"Sisters, whatever shall we do with him?"

" You could tie him up, and maybe let me play with him." Sarah purrs while reaching for his crotch.

Oh yeah, totally pg. :trollestia:

but the piece de resistance must be Winifred Sander's hair:

I know right?! Mind you, Adagio just has ridiculously curly hair, it's tied back(sort of) but it's certainly not in a bouffant.

7696368 They were looser with PG ratings back in the day, I suppose. I wonder about the target age ranges of Hocus Pocus versus Rainbow Rocks.

Adagio's hair isn't purposely up in a bouffant. But there's one much of it it kind of bunches up into one anyway.


Nah, they just understood that 90% of Sarah's dialogue would go over kid's heads. They'd think that she was thinking of the kid's version of 'play'. Whereas adults would be able to hear and understand the full implications in her tone.

Go back and watch Animaniacs at some point. It's waaaay funnier as an adult and it was one of my favourite shows as a kid. Well, that and Samurai Pizza Cats. Parents now are far too focused on mollycoddling their kids, so the censors just go ballistic for anything remotely risque nowadays. Gratuitous violence is peachy-keen, but god forbid a woman or man say something remotely sexual.

7696465 Great, now I have to watch the Samurai Pizza Cats theme song 3 more times.

7696495 HA! You're welcome. :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::trollestia:

7696545 You say that, but to get the full effect, I'll need to eat a pizza pie, and that's three pies in a row!

7696555 Yes, but it's better because they've got more fur than any turtle ever had!

Hah! Love the mood the Dazzlings set and their plan of free energy and candy. :rainbowlaugh:


It seemed fitting for the three of them. Adagio would be all about making sure they got enough sustenance to last for a while, Sonata would be all about that candy, and Aria would be somewhere in between. At least by my reckoning. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm amused I spotted all the other costumes except Scoots. Still, another excellent chapter.


Thank you very much, I enjoy writing, but I'm very raw. I mostly posted this in hopes of getting some feedback and to grow. :pinkiehappy:


He's not likely to be a constant figure, but he is an incredible catalyst for storytelling if nothing else. Besides, I live with cats. Believe me, they can provide loads of writing material just being the adorable, unapologetic, murder-mitten wielding assholes that they are. And many of the behaviours can transfer over to the Sirens.


Oh good, I was a little worried about posting that chapter because it was so very different in tone. I thought I might get lambasted for it-- even though the girls pretty much wrote it for me... if that makes any sense at all.

I believe that in order to write about magical predators, one needs to at the very least acknowledge what they are. The sirens are hilarious and quirky, but they are also very, very dangerous. I think the fandom tends to forget that from time to time. :rainbowlaugh:


Abject terror.


Scoots went as an Oompa-Loompa. Twist asked her to since she was going as Willy Wonka. She was more or less given a choice between that and going as Lumiere... and she can't do a french accent.

7805672 Oh my god I'm slow. Of course, It was tickling my brain but I couldn't spot it. Thanks n_N


Lol! I wouldn't feel bad. It wasn't the most overt costume in there.

Is this still continuing?


When I get time or inclination for it, yeah. I have two chapters that have been in the rough stage for a while now.

I write far more slowly than I draw.

Binx is the name my brother gave to a male tuxedo cat he got last year. If you don't know why that is relevant to this chapter, then you do the victim of that spell a disservice.

I uh... thought it was pretty obvious I'm a fan of the movie.

Great name for a cat though. :)

I meant that quip for others who read it, not you, oh noble author of this tale.

Lol, this is really cool. Could you censor the swear words though please? At least partially? Nice story tho. :D I wan MORE! XD

Thank you for the comment, but no, I am not going to sensor the swear words. I feel it disrupts the flow, and comes off as juvenile.

It's in the second paragraph of the synopsis that foul language maybe used.

I look forward to seeing more of this someday ^_^.

Don't forget that Aria would make you put money in the jar for not using real words.

But seriously though. I find it good that you don't censor swear words. It allows it to have more impact and feel more in-character.

I have a few chapters that have been languishing in my documents for a while now, I really should get back to them some day.

And yes, Aria would totally kick my ass if I tried to swap her over to saying 'heckies.'

Don't forget <Sweet tap-dancing Christ, that is a lot of fire.>

Some day, and yes. I can see that thought being mentioned quite often as well *high fives*.

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