• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Just want to write some good stories


Comments ( 133 )

this is ....
i have no word
i was laughing so hard soometimes . i love this story .Salt is soo hillarious with his sherigans.I think Sombra had it easy i would have done far worse than cut his horn :ever heard of vivisection?
Excellent story but I demmand one thing : MORE stories like that

7398176 thank you. Damn it is good to be back.

Loved every second of it. I want more of Salt!

7398658 Thank you.
7398721 Sadly this is the only story that will involve me as a character... Strictly because I don't think I could come up with a new adventure for Salt.

7398760 If you ever do come up with a story, remember to post it.:pinkiehappy:

Btw this story rates :moustache:/10

7398760 Oh well. I can still read this one over again lol, Celestia knows I will.

Holy shit let me just say What. the. fuck.
When I first started reading this I was like, "okay this is a crap fic that knows it's a crap fic and it doesn't care. I'll keep reading" but then I was like, "holy shit, this is a crap fic that's fucking awesome." Seriously this story was bad but somehow it manages to be good. I LOVE IT!

That's a bit too much there man.

When I first started reading this I straight up hating this kids attitude. Period I mean I want to smash his head in because it was a blatant dick but no I finish your story and I swear this was the best story I've read within 2016 hope to see more.

7405856 um... Jon is 23 at the beginning of this story... He isn't a kid...

7406165 I can guess by the fact he ended with a Wife but in a way we are all still kids. From when a dude is 5 to 21 he's still the same dude. He just has a little more experience than he used to.

Although all that philosophical crap has nothing to do with me calling him kid. That's just the way I talk sometimes

7406205 Alright. I am also surprised how well this story has done when I knew it was bad to begin with

forgot this was a self insert also like the power progression you have here it makes sense with the time skip but could a short bonus chapter or short side story explain how he learned all this more for curiosity.


Holy shit this is like listening to Sir Lancelot from Fate/Cero: The Abridge Series! :pinkiecrazy:

I-I..... um.... this explains ALOT really. :rainbowderp: Good show :moustache:

Fucking hell this was brilliant!

JON WHY! :rainbowlaugh: fucking priceless

7433436 I fuckin died. Woke up my parents laughing. And might just watch that again...

Sword of light and sword of darkness?
Hmmm major terraria senses tingling.

I love how they don't fight each other... they help each other!

Those Bastards are fucking with his mind! Kill them ALL!!!!!!!!


7541145 Jon lost because of arrogance If Celestia were to Fight Jon as he is at the end of Bonus 4 it would either end in a tie or Jon winning.

God Damn IT this story is JUST TOO GOOD!!

Ummm... He has a sword that explicitly purifies corruption, instead of destroying it... A sword that goes right through anything else without damaging it... Why doesn't he just use the harmless blade of purification on his arm, or have someone else use it on him...?

7576351 think of it like this. Every time Jon touches something that harms corruption it hurts him. His right hand has essentially become pure corruption if it was to be purified he would lose the hand and most likely whatever else the corruption is touching. The way I see it and how it came to me when writing this is as such. The parasite known as Nightmare corrupted Luna's magic which is why it took her so long to recover. Unlike Jon he had no magic to latch onto so it latched onto his physical body and fed off of his anger. That's how I see it. That's also why Celestia states that if they used the elements it could either purify him or kill him.

I have to say, I LOVE this psychopath!

Finally it took six chapters for things to get real interesting.
I loved the first chapter though:trollestia:

Well that escalated quickly

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