• Member Since 5th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


So how long will it be then? How long before you're no longer cursed to walk the Earth?

Comments ( 452 )

No I'm sorry but you can't just take the best aspects if several characters, shove them into one person, write a short chapter that explains NOTHING and expect to have good reviews. I don't claim to be a better writer, but I can say accurately that this is sub par


A protagonist without any flaws is a dull, uninteresting Gary Stu that will turn many people off. Not to mention, displaced is one of the most stigmatized genres to write.

There is a reason the title says over powered in it. I know the character is a gary stu power wise. There is a reason the world is a DC universe mix. Personality and makeing friends wise will it be gary stu? Not a chance. The only reason sweetie was as open as she was is how young she is. Also as for noone likeing it due to him being over powered -which if you didnt want to read its in the title- why do people watch One Punch Man? Hell i even said in chapter one i was my own displacer. Will there be fighting? Yes. Will it be important? Somewhat. Will it be the main focus? Hell no. The main focus will be to 1 have fun and 2 troll people like Twilight, Celestia, The joker, Batman, Superman, and others

I didnt just take the best parts of them as will be shown later. And as stated above the title says over powered for a reason. If i only used the good parts of them i wouldnt have died in the second chapter. The powers are more a means to an end anyway. Will there be fighting? Yes. But as the discription says its more about the trolling and haveing fun.

I don't think this is meant to be taken all that seriously...

Laissez faire attitude? That's a flaw. Honest to God troll? That's also a flaw. No sense of natural direction? Oh hey look, a flaw. You knew what you were getting into.

I will be very disappointed if you don't quote Fist of the North Star at least once.

It gets better lol if you know ryoga hibiki from ranma 1/2 his sense of direction plus the kalidoscope

I think the curse from Ranma should also be present as well. And his sense of direction should almost be as bad as the dude who turns into a pig.

Dude who turns into a pig = ryoga hibiki. As to body changeing curse... we'll see

this is going to be a truly funny crackfic.


I bequeath thee...boot to the head.

just making it look like twilight was reading as well. and it took her that long to reply

"Ahh.. hey twilight... boot to the head" throws boot at twilights head

Good yes! Dude this hilarious cant wait for more.

the trolls..lolol!!! They hurt my sides!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

.........................:facehoof: ‘why can’t stop reading this?’

Why twilight i thought that would be obvious. It is a story about a strong young virile stallion and as the repressed and kinky librarian you are you clearly want the D.

Geez are you happosai too!? Panty thief...

.............:facehoof:‘Dash? Remind me to kill you for making me read this story.’
”can’t hear you right now. Too busy ROFLMFAO. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

What was that twilight you want me to pair you with a futanari couple of cadence and gleaming shields? (Fem shining armor) and i am happy you are enjoying the story rainbow.

Oh boy... I can tell you might not do well in cross-overs.

Lol thats the thing. I actually could i would just be a more assistance/ background/troll character when i do cross. Hell i would probably cross over looking like someone completely different to troll lol

yes....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... that is all I have to say

This is the funniest thing I have ever read. It is so funny I actually laughed so hard. Soon the trolls will take over the multiverse and it will be glorious. This fabric is a great read. Keep up the good work on this. Also you have gained a new follower.

.....................................:facehoof: ‘you said more than just, yes, you know.'
shush twilight. people are reading here.

:twilightoops:............................................:twilightangry2: ‘Do that and the next time you wake up you’ll know what it feels like having something too large fit inside a tiny hole. Namely, I will shove my hoof so far up your ass that you’ll be coughing up hoof clippings and fur for weeks.’

Wow twily your even kinkyer then i expected. I think that would make gleaming and cadence jealous though. But if your up for it sign me up baby the safe word is watermelon. *winks at twilight*

:twilightangry2: ’That's it!’ *casts gender change spell and enlarging spell* Hope you like have a mountain sized hoof going all the way through.’ ‘Oh, and by the way, I never said you’ed still be a stallion when it happened.’

Why twily how did you guess two of my fetishes were gender bend and all the way threw?! You kinky girl you.

:twilightoops: D-Dash help! My threats aren’t working, and this guy is starting to freak me out.’
:rainbowlaugh: ’Oh, My sides.' :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: ‘I’ll find a soundproof room for you two with the lock on the outside as you wanted.’ ‘I always said that you needed to get laid, just never thought you’ed do it the other way around.' 'Hey after you finish up with your friend, mind coming over to my place so we can have some fun with the spell?'

"Come twily the little man in the boat needs to be played with hes so lonely" i say throwing my arm around twilights neck pressing my new c-cups against twilights head "sure dash talk to you later" licks behind twilights ear and whispers "with how kinky you are i bet you want me to call you 'mistress' am i right"

Ok, this, this is pure, un-cut crack and I'm loving it!! Keep bringing on the fun, vaguely Jiriya non-sense, And we'll get along just fine!! Best of luck and thanks for all the laughs so far!

Bad twilight no nitpicking👿
what did I do:twilightoops:
not you twilight the other twilight
but there's only one of me:twilightoops:
no there are and infinte number of you in the universe that have some difrence

All of which have such a lovely spankable plot.

I like you..................................................................................................................................................but you are also wierd ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GOOD

For some reason I imagine billy's dad- from the grimm adventures of billy and mandy- when reading the characters perverted lines and I love it.

*feels lick on neck*
*teleports all the way to the crystal empire*
:rainbowhuh: “Mmmaybe she didn’t need to get laid like i thought.” :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
“I better go make sure she ok.”

Are you sure? I think she might have just been running late for a 3some with gleaming and cadence.

*Loud, forceful knocking sounded from the front door*
Open Up! This is the Crystal Empire Police! You under arrest for the continuous sexual harassment against Princess Twilight! Come Quietly, or we will take you in by force! By the Royal decree of Prince Shining Armor and Her Highness Princess Mi Amour Cadenza!
You have traumatized my sister for the last time!

Smirks at door and snaps fingers "did i mention one of the alternates i have is a version of discord also..DONT YOU MEAN PRINCESS GLEAMING SHIELDS AND PRINCESS MI AMOUR CADENZA?" yells the last bit (all caps bit) for the guards and shining armor is now a mare

*Guards rush in through door and force a null-stone horn ring on you*
”didn’t anypony tell you that thinks to twilight everypony is immune to all forms of chaos magic and for the record.
*takes a deep breath* I HAVE NEVER, NOR WILL I EVER BE A GIRL!!!! Slap three more Alicorn strength null-rings on him and take him away.

Chuckles and points at story "you may want to read before you try starting something you'll come to quickly regret"


Looks like image but bald and rings start to crack "and who said it was chaos magic i said a version of discord meaning a different type. A reality warping type" shining armor is now female

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