• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 1,844 Views, 112 Comments

Rainbows Dark Origins - Orangeblossom1212

This is the true story of Rainbows dark origins, and painful past one she is determined to keep secret!

  • ...

The First Day Back,

Author's Note:

Hey every pony! Sorry I know this chapter sucks! But I got so frustrated because it kept getting deleted! My iPad died, it wouldn't save, the site kept kicking me off! So anyways I'm so sorry but, I've gotten really frustrated with this! So please don't be angry at me for my grammar or for how terrible this chapter turned out. But if it really is horrible I guess I'll have to redo it! Honestly I'm so frustrated I feel like I might cry! :fluttercry: I wanted to have this posted 2-3 days ago! Why cruel world!

"Ugh," Rainbow Dash groaned, as the sun light from the first crack of dawn shone through the window onto her face. Rainbow Dash forced herself up. "I'm exhausted. Well on the bright side Coud only woke up 6 times last nigh,." Rainbow Dash yawned. Rainbow had dark circles under her eyes.

"Wwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa wwwwwwhhhhhhaaaaa," Cloud Chaser screamed as he woke up.

"Oh celestia help me get some sleep tonight," Rainbow Dash preyed.

"Ok ok, Cloudy calm down. Your ok, your ok I promise."

The colt calmed down and looked at Rainbow Dash. He was teary eyed and his lip was quivering.

"Aaaaawwwwwwhhhhh, that is not a happy face," Rainbow Dash cooed. Rainbow took a hoof and gently wiped the tears away and stroked his cheek.

Rainbow Dash then rolled forward on the bed, pinning the foal up against the comforter she blew raspberries on his tummy.

The colt burst into a fit of laughter.

"See, now that's a happy face," Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow dash bent down and grabbed a diaper from the drawer. Then Rainbow undid the straps on the diaper cloud chaser was wearing. She carefully grabbed both his hind legs together in one hoof, and lifted his hind quarters up. Rainbow then proceeded by pulled the diper out from under him and replaced it with a new one. Once he was clean Rainbow Dash put on the baby powder. Rainbow Dash pulled the top up between his legs and secured the straps.

"Their all better. Isn't it nice to be clean," Rainbow said.

Now looking at the little colt she smiled. He was sucking on his hoof and grinning. Rainbow Dash pulled his hoof out of his mouth, and he giggled. Rainbow's heart exploded, she turned to the container of powdered formula.

Ok let's see if I can do this, Rainbow Dash said.

She reached a hoof out towards it, trying hard to concentrate. A rainbow tinted glow surrounded the container. Then it opened the baby bottle. Next to it was an open container of formula. Using her magic Rainbow Dash clumped it together and levitated it up over the bottle and dropped it into the baby bottle. Then Rainbow Dash turned her attention the bathroom. The sink flipped on, and the bottle went and levitated under the faucet, until it was filled with water. Then as Rainbow Dash levitated it back the cap flew over to meet and twisted on! as it landed in Rainbow Dash's hoof. Rainbow Dash bit her lip as she handed the bottle to the foal. Cloud Chaser excepted the warm sweet fluid, welcoming it into his mouth, as he enjoyed his breakfast Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Okay you finish that while I go get ready for school, and get your stuff packed. Your going to go spend the day with Grandma Blaze. The colt simply giggled at Rainbow's colorful mane. Rainbow Dash sighed knowing it was fruitless and that he didn't understand what she was saying but smiled anyway.

"Okay you stay here and play, while I go get ready okay?" Rainbow Dash smiled as she care fully moved the giggling colt back to the middle of the bed, so he wouldn't fall and get hurt. Then Rainbow Dash swiftly went into the bathroom to take a shower. It only took about 15 minutes. It was about 6:45 so she had time to relax and get ready. She didn't have to be at school till 8:30, once Rainbow Dash stepped out of the shower she ran a brush through her mane and tail.

"Okay your turn," Rainbow Dash said smiling.

Cloud chaser only looked at her blankly.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Rainbow Dash told Cloud Chaser, pulling him into her wing and giving him a nuzzle. Rainbow Dash sat him gently in the sink half filled with warm water.

The colt squealed as he felt the warm water up against his coat.

"La la la la la la La," Cloud Chaser sang, as he splashed and played in the water.

"Yeah bubble baths are fun aren't they," Rainbow Dash said as she began washing his wings.

"Bubba bath! Bubba bath,"Cloud Chaser giggled.

Rainbow Dash gently but tiredly washed his coat and mane. Once he was clean she wrapped him in a towel and dried him off.

"Okay how about you have some play time with your toys, while I get ready? And after school I'll pick you up and we'll go to the store and get you more toys."

The colt didn't even seem to hear her, as he was reaching for his toy. Rainbow Dash smiled and gave it to him. The colt hugged it and yawned. Rainbow Dash pulled a blanket over him and tucked him in. Rainbow Dash gave him a nuzzle and kissed him on the head.

"I guess some things are more important than your reputation and being sappy. I promise Cloud Chaser I'll do everything I can to make sure you have a good life. The one I always wished for," Rainbow Dash said. Giving him one last nuzzle before the colt instantly fell fast asleep. He had a smile on his face as he snuggled into the blankets.

Rainbow dash trotted out of the room.

"Okay let's see, I need to make sure I have all my assignments ready. I need to pack a bag for Cloud Chaser's day with Comet Blaze. I need to eat breakfast, and pack myself a lunch."

Rainbow Dash trotted into the kitchen.

"Okay, let's see what my ex-parents got in here. It's not like they'll ever know. They won't ever be stepping a hoof into my life or this house again."

Rainbow Dash peered into the fridge, nothing but beer bottles.

"Ugh! I gotta get rid of those as soon as I get the chance. Rainbow Dash closed the fridge and looked are around.

"Geese, all they gave is a bowl of apples on the table and half a loaf of bread! What the hay did they eat!? Whatever I'll just make some toast and have an apple for lunch," Rainbow Dash said. She grabbed an apple and popped the toast in the toaster.

"Alright while that's cooking I'll go get my saddle bags and school stuff," Rainbow Dash thought. She then trotted up stairs and grabbed her stuff, as well as a bag she found in the corner of the room.

"I'll just use this to hold Cloud Chasers stuff."

Rainbow dash quietly trotted into the room carefully. Trying not to wake Cloud Chaser. She threw the diapers and bottles of formula inside and swiftly made her exit.

"I'll just give him his pacifier before we leave and he can play with his toy on the way. That way I won't wake him," Rainbow thought to herself. Rainbow Dash glanced at the clock only to find it was 7:45.

"Oh man, gotta hurry! I wanted to get all my assignments turned in before the bell. Of course, worst case scenario Is I wait till I go to each class, but then I'll look like an egg head! I could always go after class I guess. Ugh! Whatever," Rainbow mumbled to herself, as she put on her saddle bags.

"Okay it's time to wake up, Cloud Chaser," Rainbow said gently.

"Mmmnnnn," the colt yawned, and it didn't take long for him to become cranky. Rainbow Dash gave him his pacifier, and wrapped him in the blanket holding him close to her chest. She unfurled he wings and took off at a gentle pace towards Comet Blaze's house. After dropping Cloud Chaser off and hearing about Comet's condition, and that he is making a full recovery. Rainbow Dash took off to school as fast as she could. Witch was nowhere near as fast as normal do to lack of fatigue, but was fast non the less. Finally it was 8:15 and Rainbow Dash was at school. She literally bumped into Mr.Squared.

"Whoa, Rainbow Dash, slow down!"

"Sorry, I was trying to get this to you before school starts," Rainbow Dash said yawning.

She handed him a large stack of papers witch were all of her due assignments. Mr.Squared flipped through the papers.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Good work, it all looks good. I'll start putting it in the grade book. Keep up the good work-"

Mr.Squared was interrupted with another yawn from Rainbow Dash. Then he noticed the dark rings under her eyes.

"Are you okay? You seem really tired."

"W-what? Oh, um, yeah sorry. I just haven't gotten much sleep the past two days."

"Well I suggest you get some tonight."

"I hope so, anyways sorry. I gotta go turn in my other assignments to my other teachers.

"What do you mean 'you hope so'? If your going to be focusing on your school work, you need to get some proper sleep. I don't want you falling asleep in class anymore, understood," he asked sternly.

"I understand. I'm sorry I just got a lot on my plate. When I fall asleep at night Cloud Chaser wakes up screaming at least 5-6 times during the night."

Mr.squared eyes softened. "Okay, I understand, a foal is a big responsibility. I forgot you were caring for him, but we have a group project being assigned today. Toy will be working in pairs and it's a summative grade. You need to focus on your education, if your going to be able to continue to provide for your foal."

Rainbow dash sighed, "I know that's why I'm so stressed. I'm just trying to prove that I can be responsible and that I'm looking out for his best interests, so I can get custody. I don't want his life to be ruined by the same ponies who ruined mine. Or to grow up in an orphanage thinking no pony wants him or cares about him, like he's a peace of trash. He deserves better than that. He deserves to at least have a Chance."

Mr.Squared had an unreadable expression studying her carefully, then he smiled.

"Well I think right now your on the right path, and that you truly care. However you have to turn yourself around. You can't just stop when you get custody. you need to work at it!"

"I know," Rainbow Dash said. "And I plan on it, I don't care what it takes! I'm not going to give up on him!"

"Good! Keep up that attitude, and it'll take you far. If theirs anything I can do to help you, just let me know. Like if you need a teacher to speak on your behalf in court.

"Really?!? thank you!!!"

He smiled, "Now you only have 5 minutes, if you want to talk to your other teacher and give the your assignments.

"Oh my gosh, your right! Bye see you when the bell rings!" And with that Rainbow Dash zipped off.



"Oh no! I got to get to class," Rainbow Dash exclaimed, as she darted to class!

"Here Rainbow Dash, let me write you a pass." Rainbow Dash's science teacher told her.

"Rainbow Dash trotted into Mr. Squared's classroom, he turned to her.

"Before you say anything, I have a pass," Rainbow exclaimed. Holding it up in the air victoriously.

Mr squared chuckled.

"What?! It counts! on time! beat that!"

Mr. Squared rolled his eyes and smiled shaking his head. "Very well, sit down, so we can get to work."

"K, Rainbow dash Said." Now finally starting perk up due to her determination, that and having raced half way around the school.

"Okay every pony, today we will all be working on a group project."

"Noooo," every pony groaned.

"Now get into pairs once I call your name, and I will tell you your partner," Mr.Squared continued" Ignoring the groans of protest.

Rainbow Dash spaced out as he began calling names, but snapped back into reality when she heard her name.

"Rainbow Dash, you'll be partnered with Snow Storm. You two go to the table in the back, and begin working.

Rainbow dash got up and trotted over to her.

"Hey'a, what's up Snow Storm, Rainbow Dash greeted.

"A project," she answered bluntly.

"Okay? Relax why are you so uptight?"

"Relax?! Maybe it doesn't matter to you but it matters to me! This project is a summative grade! The last thing I need is some stupid pony like you getting in the way, and cause me to get a bad grade!"

Rainbow was silent once again, she felt her heart break. But like always, she'd never show It. Not here, not now, not ever. Only one pony knew how sensitive she was, and that pony was Soarin. "Come on just face it," Rainbow Dash thought to herself, as she remembered all the time they used to spend together. "He's a Wonderbolt! No way he would have time for a low class fangirl, like me. I guess that's all I am to him now, not that it matters."

Rainbow Dash sat their silently, showing no emotion.

"Snow Storm! See me after class, Rainbow Dash, he said his voice getting more gentle. Rainbow Dash please step outside with me.

Rainbow Dash got up quietly and trotted over to Mr. Squared.

"I didn't do anything-"

"I know, relax. I have a diffrent project for you to do independently.

"Different project, Rainbow asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Yes, how about you make a children's book? Just a little book with one or two sentences on each page, with a neat drawling or picture.

"I could always borrow Gilda's camera."

"Good, you don't even have to present it. But I want it neat and at lease 4 pages. You can even do it on Cloud Chaser. Also what were you and Snow Storm yelling about? And did you find a foal sitter for Cloud Chaser?"

"Well for one, I don't really know why she yelled at me. Two yes, yes I did find a sitter. He's with my stepmother, not the horrible one! Firefly's in jail, I mean Comet Blaze. She's not really my stepmother but..... Ah whatever," Rainbow Dash said quietly glancing as the floor.

"Okay well I suggest you get started on your project. Their is plenty of supplies on the back table, so I suggest you get started. We'll be working on this project in class for the next three days.

"Ok," Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash trotted back inside the classroom, now smiling as she made he way towards the back table.
Every pony sat their stunned. Not only had they not heard yelling but Rainbow Dash came out smiling, and she wasn't going to the principles office.

"Okay class! Get started on your projects, theirs supplies in the back, Mr.Squared told the class.

Every pony got up and began to make their way towards the table to get supplies. Rainbow Dash got a small stack of light blue paper, a neon marker, a sharpie and a humming bird sticker. Once Rainbow Dash went and sat down at her desk, she folded and cut the paper so that she had a total of 12 pages, not counting the title page. Rainbow Dash drew a wavy musical with a treble clef using the neon marker, and put the humming bird sticker in the middle of it. Then using the sharpie she wrote a sentence on each page leaving room in the middle of the page for a picture.

Book pages;

My sister fed me
She snuggled
And she preened my wings
Sometimes I get sad
But my sister makes me happy she plays with me
I got to play in the bubble bath
I have a brother his name is comet streak
He's hurt but he will get better
My mommy is mean
I'm 5 days old already I'm becoming a better and stronger pony because I have pony who cares
My sister takes care of me she is trying to get custody
So I won't be alone I'm only 5 days old and I've been through a lot but I'll be ok because I have a new family now

Once rainbow dash was satisfied with what she rote, she put the booklet in her saddle bags.

"Now all I need is Gilda's camera," Rainbow Dash muttered to herself.

Rainbow Dash got up to return the supplies she borrowed. Mr. Squared watched her for a moment deep in thought, but then watched her trot off towards Gilda.

"Hey G?"

"Hey dash, good your here, what do you say we ditch this joint and-"

"Please Gilda," Gilda's partner Cloud Kicker pleaded.

Gilda just ignored her completely.

"Please? come on, I need your help. I need to get a good grade, all I asked you to do was draw a picture of a wave. It's important! It's for the introduction of our projects presentation! Thats all I asked you to do! That and make the charts for the data! I already got the information for you, you just need to put it in a bar graph."

"Whatever! Not my problem, Gilda replied.

Before cloud kicker could plead any further Rainbow Dash interrupted .

"Hey G can I borrow your camera?"

"Sure, here," Gilda replied. She reached into her saddle bags, and pulling out a camera.

"Thanks," Rainbow said taking it and trotting off towards her desk quietly, but she stopped and grabbed a few markers and a peace of paper off the back table. When Rainbow Dash got back to her desk, she slid the camera into her saddle bags, and began to draw a wave on the paper. It was only a quick 5 minute sketch, but it had the basic shading. Rainbow Dash looked up when she saw Cloud Kicker trotting past her desk. She tapped her on the shoulder. Cloud Kicker turned and looked at Rainbow Dash expecting this to be a prank. Rainbow Dash simply slid the drawling in front of her.

"You can have it," Rainbow Dash said, as Cloud Kicker picked up the paper.

"Wow! This is really impressive it looks so realistic!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Its just a quick sketch."

"No, this is really good! Where did you learn to draw like this?"

Rainbow dash shrugged.

"I don't know, I just draw. I actually think I like drawing."

"Yeah, well, you should. This is really good! Thank you!"

"No prob," Rainbow Dash replied smiling.

Cloud Kicker turned and trotted over to Mr.Squareds desk.

"Excuse me Mr.Squared


"I'm sorry, but I've tried. Gilda will not help me with out project. The only help I got was from Rainbow Dash. She drew this for me. It's for the introduction of our presentation, on rouge waves. This is the only thing I asked Gilda to do, and Rainbow Dash did it in 5 minutes."

Cloud Kicker gave him the drawling.


"I know its really good, but what am I supposed to do about the rest of the project? I need Gilda's help but she won't help me."

"Ok, tell Gilda that if she doesn't participate she will get and F. And ask Rainbow Dash if she is willing to help. Tell her if she does she'll get extra credit, but don't get upset if she says no. I'm not supposed to say anything but let's just say something very close to her is in danger, and she's having a really hard time at home. I'm glad to see your willing to work with her. I purposely paired her up with Snow Storm for that purpose, but never have I seen or have even thought that she would have acted like that to any pony! Rainbow Dash isn't as bad as she seems. From what I've seen so far, she's trying to turn herself around, and do well in school. I think her hanging out with better friends will have a huge impact on her, so please don't give up on her."

Cloud kicker smiled, "of course not!"

Then the bell rang and every pony left the classroom.

"Hey Dash, what were you doing talking to Cloud Kicker? And why didn't you come back sooner?! Don't tell me you were actually working on that project, were you?"

"Gilda I'm not preparing for a stupid presentation!"

It was mostly true. Her project was a children's book not a presentation, but she was still working on a project for class.

"Whatever G hang on I'm going to grab a drink of water," Rainbow Dash said trotting over to a nearby water fountain.

"Rainbow dash?" Gilda heard Cloud Kicker call, Gilda looked up and raised an eyebrow and then got a sly smirk.

"Ppffff, why would you be looking for dash? Do you seriously think she'd be caught dead hanging around somepony as lame as you?!? Gilda said grabbing cloud kickers binder and throwing it to the ground, causing all the papers to pop out everywhere. Do you seriously think your special? Or that by doing well in school you can actually accomplish-"

"Gilda that's enough," Rainbow dash yelled. Every pony pulled out their smart phones, expecting to video a fist fight.

Gilda turned her head to Rainbow Dash. "Come on Dash don't tell me your seriously siding with these losers!"

"Tell me Gilda? what makes her a looser?"

"Huh oh um-"

"Yeah that's what I thought. Seriously can you go 5 minutes without bothering some pony?!?"

"Ha and I thought you were actually hardening. You never liked it when I messed with ponies, but always went along with it. You would always yack away and I'd never hear the end about how I mistreated this and that. I thought you were cool, I mean, come on! You seemed like you were learning, you used to be cool! What changed dash!?! Huh!"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying maybe your not cool like I thought! maybe your just a loser, like the rest of these punks!"

"Yeah so? Look if being cool is all you think about, then maybe you should leave and go find some cool friends some place else."

"Come on dash, your josh-in me, right?"

"No Gilda! If you don't knock it, off and leave everypony alone, then go find some pony else to mess with. Maybe that are bullies like you, I don't care but get out of here! Rainbow Dash said gathering Cloud Kickers papers.

"You'll pay for this, Rainbow Dash, Gilda yelled, before stomping away.

Rainbow Dash handed Cloud Kicker her binder, and began trotting to the cafeteria. Everypony who witnessed it just sat their in shock. Their recordings still running, before they finally all burst into cheers. Rainbow Dash had just gotten out of the lunch line, when she glanced around and spotted Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash bit her lip, but moved in her direction anyway.

"H-hey Fluttershy?"

"Eeeekkkk," Fluttershy squealed.

"R-Rainbow dash," Fluttershy questioned.

"Um hey? Mind if I sit here?"

"Huh? oh, no of course not! Go ahead, Fluttershy said moving over, Rainbow Dash sat next to her.

"Rainbow dash, I'm so sorry for how I treated you!"

"No, don't be."

"But I-"

"I said no," Rainbow said sternly. We are both equally guilty of this.

"But you didn't do anything."

"I could have come to you sooner and fixed things. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm the one who yelled at you and said I didn't want to be your friend.....-are we friends? "

Rainbow Dash was silent, "Yeah, I guess we are," she smiled.

"Fluttershy hugged her and Rainbow Dash hugged her back.

"Is it true?"

"It what true?"

"Did your parents really get arrested? Did you really run away."

"W-What ? What makes you think that was me!? No names were given out, except for the parents who were arrested!"

Fluttershy sighed, "I guess, but the stallion looked so much like you. I just assumed-"


"Huh? What, Fluttershy asked, not understanding."

"They are, well, were my parents..... But like you said, I ran away."

"Rainbow Dash I'm so sorry I-"

"No, it's fine just, just don't tell anypony okay, Rainbow Dash pleaded now whispering.

"Okay, I promise," Fluttershy said smiling. "I missed having a friend to tell all my secrets to."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "me too."

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy spent the rest of the lunch period catching up, and the rest of the day went by smoothly.

............................................... What happens next? Stay tuned! :^)