• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 1,844 Views, 112 Comments

Rainbows Dark Origins - Orangeblossom1212

This is the true story of Rainbows dark origins, and painful past one she is determined to keep secret!

  • ...

Wonderbolts Academy

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter took so long! I had to go to the hospital for an appointment, and then I went to the beach for a few days, and when I did do it and got to the editing..... I got kicked off....SEVERAL TIMES, so I had to reedit this three times!!!! So sorry for the wait. Hopefully it was worth it! Please leave a comment about what you think Rainbow Dash will do next!
Thank you!

Also please forgive my spelling errors and the bad chapter. This is nothing like I planned it. The original was a lot better, but it got deleted. Please don't hate me!!!:raritycry:

"Soarin are you done packing?" His mother asked, trotting into his room her husband in tow.

"I don't know! What if I missed or forgot something?!" He said spinning looking all around the room. "I'm so nervous!"

"honey you'll do fine!"

"what if I'm not good enough? what if I mess up and look like an idiot?! What if-"

"Now stop right their young colt!" His father interrupted. "I'm sure every pony is always nervous on the first day, besides no pony is going to judge you the first day. They are always the hardest, so calm down. Change can be good or bad, but what matters is what you make of it. And that you'll always do your best. and go in with a good attitude! "No matter what ponies throw at you."

"You sure?" Soarin questioned

His father he chuckled

" I'm sure Soarin, and besides if you decide that you forgot something, or need us to come get you. We are only one call away."

"That's right honey. His mother interrupted. And we have to get going the carriage will be here any minute-" 'Ding Dong' "I-oh it's here! Come on sweetie, you'll do fine." She said as she helped her husband gather Soarin's things.

"But what if-"

"No buts!" His mother cut him off.

"Your mothers right, Soarin. Don't worry. Besides we will be staying with you until your dorms set up and you can call us on the Phone every night when you go to bed. And we will be here waiting for your call every night." he said putting a hoof on his sons shoulder and guiding him to the door.

"Promise?" Soarin asked

"Promise." His father said giving him a nuzzle.

"Ok..... Then what are we waiting for!?" He asked now excited. He darting out the door and into the carriage.

"Hold up honey! Be carful! his mother warned.

His parents trotted out side and handed Soarin's bags to the driver. Then they stepped inside after the driver loaded Soarin's bags into the back. He hooked himself up to his Harness he started pulling before unferling his wings and taking to the skies. The ride was short only about 15 minutes. It wasn't long before they pulled into the academy."

"Oh I'm so nervous." Soarin said

"welldontbe!" A white pony with a poofy mane said popping infront of Soarin out of no ware.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh" Soarin yelled

"Hi I'm surprise! Oh new friends! I'm so excited to meet you! Hi stranger! What's you name?" She said talking so fast it was making Soarin dizzy.

"Um soarin?'

"Yay! Nice to meet you Soarin!" She said grabbing his hoof and shaking it so much it pulled his body of the ground and shook along with it.

"Come on we need to check our name on the list and go set up our dorms!" She said suddenly. Finally releasing Soarin and zipping off to the building. Soarin cautiously looked at his hoof.

"Ouch." He winced as his hoof visibly pulsed.

"Come on Soarin." His mother said leading him towards the building.

"Soarin heard laughter behind him as a colt trotted up to them.

"Hey your hoof okay? That's Surprise for ya, your new aren't you?"

He said handing an ice pack to Soarin to put on his hoof.

"Yea, is it that obvious? Soarin asked

The colt laughed. "Well for one you look more Nervous than my brother when it's time to get a shot. Two if you've been here before I would have recognized you. I've been here for the past three years. And third of all, well you saw surprise, I mean don't get me wrong she's always hyper crazy. But she goes, well, you saw it. When she met you, but don't worry you'll get used to her antics. Although scents your new, you should know things always get a little bizarre around here."

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked

"The colt grinned. You'll see we tend to do things differently around here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Soarin questioned once again.

"The colt smiled mischievously. Anyways you signed in yet? get you schedule?

"Oh um no, I don't think so."

"Alright then, the parents need to go to the front office." He said pointing a hoof. "They'll give you all the information they need about the school, and I'll take you to get signed in get your scedual and testing progress reports set up."

"Really?" Soarin asked, surprised to have already made a friend.

"Sure no problem. I've don't it for what feels like a thousand times. How about we meet your parents back at the dorm?"

"Ok!" Soarin agreed, Mom, Dad that ok with you?"

"Oh, um. Sure honey." His mom replied.

"They'll give you his dorm room number inside." The colt said

"Oh, ok." Soarin's mother said hesitantly

"What is your name?" Soarin asked

"Oh me? I'm lightning Clash."

"Cool name!" Soarin commented

"Thanks and you are?"

"Soarin", Soarin replied happy to make a friend

They began trotting off, they went through a pair of doors, and up to a desk.

"Hello we're here to sign in." lightning said

A mare looked down and smiled.

"Oh hello sweetie, is this your first year?"

"Oh, um, Soarin nodded. Suddenly feeling very nervous.

lightning smiled "This is Soarin."

"Soarin." The mare repeated. "Soarin," she said again as she started going through the files. "Ah ha, Soarin. Here you go! This is your scedual and here's a map of the school so you don't get lost. I highlighted your dorm and it says here your dorm partner is lighting clash."

Soarin smiled "Thank you." he said

"Have a good day! Their doing testing as we speak, hurry, don't want to be late on the first day!"

"Oh, ok, thank you." Soarin said nervously.

Come on! You'll do fine, you'll see! lightning encouraged

They trotted up to an obstacle course as the coach cleared his throat.

"Now every pony. None of you are expected to make it through this obstacle course, but you are expected to try and to be able to hover for at least five minutes. is that clear!?"

"yes sir!" every pony shouted.

Soarin bit his lip. But relaxed when he saw the obstacle course. It had several cloud loops and poles to weave through, but what excited him was the moving rings. This caused Soarin to get a determined look on his face. Rainbow had taught him how to do this without even clipping a single feather!

Soarin's parents trotted up. just in time to see a young filly start to go through the obstacle course, only to clip her wing on the first ring and tumble until she crashed into a pole.

"Alright next up Soarin and lightning Clash." They stepped up to the staring line.

"We can't let him do this! Soarins mother said, after seeing the filly crash on the advanced obstacle course. "This is far to advanced for any foal their age!", she said franticly.

"On your marks! get set! GO!"

Soarin and lightning took off staying parallel with each other, as they weaved through the poles and rings and hoops flawlessly. Before sticking a landing. The crowd broke into applause Soarin's parents sat their jaw dropping to the floor. Soarin was grinning ear to ear. The coach trotted up to him as well as Soarin's parents.

"Kid that was good, real good. Why don't you two go get started on your daily health screening and hit the mess hall early? After that you can start exploring the school and setting up your dorms. Your something special kid." he said patting Soarin on the back.

"Soarin, honey that was amazing!"

"Really you liked it?" Soarin asked shocked at his mothers reaction.

"Yes!" his father said "That was truly amazing!"

"Oh Soarin, I'm so sorry, I tried to keep you from flying! his mother said

"Yeah that was pretty good." lighting clash cut in. "No pony has ever been fast to keep up with me before! Finally it'll be fun to have some competition, anyways, come on let's hit the mess hall! I'm starving!" He said trotting away towards the mess hall, Soarin and his parents following suit. All with happy smiles on their face.