• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

Comments ( 38 )

Then I have succeeded in my purposes.

That's a thing.

...I have the weirdest image of Big Mac running off with Spike's skull..
It's got a hole.
Like a demented, gory Sex toy

I can accept this as headcanon.

Willing to bet Spike would probably be one of those little turds that sprays about a metric fuck ton of liquid ASS AXE spray in the locker room to cover up his swamp ass.

Stupid snake on legs.


WARNING: This will not end well.


...I'm billing you for a new pair of glasses, mine cracked reading this...

Weeeeeeeell then. I should have expected that ending due to the gore tag... but... uh... some other tags as warning might be appreciated in the future :rainbowlaugh:

Vylon #7 · Aug 2nd, 2016 · · 2 ·

For someone who supposedly really hates Spike, you did a real good job here. I actually saw Spike as a character.

You know, until the later half with the cheap plot device.

Extra milky cookies for your poetry, too. Loved the Zecora dialogue.

Take the compliments.

2/10 - Needs more Spike abuse.

Cheap plot device is what I call my vibrator.

But oh god not really.

Dislike, because I adore this sidekick. :pinkiesmile:

This is a frickin masterpiece!

Those who dislike this will never understand a work of art!

(Am I a sick person for laughing at this?)

"And that oil has wonderful and specific power. A few drops rubbed onto your face each day, and you’ll be noticed by most ponies who pass your way. You see, the flower doesn’t cause love or lust, just a certain soft chemical smell like musk. That smell is not nasty or foul or bad, it won’t make ponies disgusted or mad. But it reacts in their noses and makes them see that you’re around, wherever you might be. You must do the rest, but with this magical fume, I suspect your popularity will grow and bloom."

I bet you lost several brain cells making this...

Actually, I LOVE writing Zecora parts. Always a fun challenge, even if it doesn't come out perfectly.
Other parts, though, my loss of brain cells may be a bit more obvious.

In my mind, Spike was saved and taken to the hospital...

Then disected. :trollestia:

Vylon #14 · Aug 2nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

Wow, classy.

I only use fruits and put a condom on them.

Preferably bananas and cucumbers.

Kappa pls

That is single handedly most disturbing story you have ever written, you have taken an innocent infant, used his desire to be loved and turned into the most disturbing orgy I have read or heard in my entire life and I have a life with a high deviation.

I also suppose that you were not drunk while you were writting this story as it lacks the usual type of cynicism your stories have, it is emotionally binding story, in which the main protagonist is fucked to death.

If I have believed in afterlife I would have said that there is a special hell just for people like you but I don't so I am just going to say that to write such a story requires an exceptional kind of insanity and psychopathy.

If we are to completely suspend all ethical values, your story is well executed, contains good amount of conflict, tragedy and possibly darkest most brutal humour I have ever seen and I watch dethlok and superjail to unwind and relax.

I believe the word I am looking for here is: thanks.

...but yes there was scotch involved in writing much of this.


Great work pencil tis a truly unique and splendid work you've done here.



Praise be to the Father of Humanity, of madness and suffering!

Comment posted by Absence of Purity deleted Aug 2nd, 2016

God damn it anonpencil, you really ripped into Spike this time! Go back to making stories that make me question my sanity instead of questioning the possibility of people being separated limb from limb.

Yeah, sorry, I kinda went out on a limb with this one.

I'm actually disappointed in the lack of puns in the comment section.

Bad for you.

People actually like Spike.


I had no idea it would end like that. What a twist! Although perhaps not a delightful one.

Mhmm. Hot. I came. Twice. 10/10

Well, your Army seemed to enjoy it. Spike was okay, he deserves a hand.


every move he made, ever step he took, Ponies were watching.

Pretty soon, you should rename this story 'Not A Stallion, Still a Stump.'

To be honest, I think you could have had the bear show up in the last scene too, just to make Spike actually afraid for himself while he passed out. But the, I'm sick and twisted sometimes too. Love this story by the way! Funny as hell. :derpytongue2:

I can't express how tired I am from seeing poorly written non-fatal fetish stories get upvoted for no reason while decently written fatal ones get stomped into the ground. It is just not fair, can't you people read the warnings and see the tags and just let others enjoy whatever they like? So tired...

Not to fret, I'm quite pleased with the downvote ratio! Sometimes I just like to watch the world burn and bask in peoples' anger and frustration. This is definitely one of those times, though I appreciate your words.

When I started reading this I thought this otter be good

And then the narrator intervened, because fuck Spike. And it was great!

7449936 I think it might be less "anger and frustration" and more that it's just a bad example of writing. You not only inserted yourself in the story (as the narrator), you referenced being the narrator as the reason to do a "lol so random" direction, and inserted commentary into the story itself. You can say that all the downvotes are from "angry" people, but that's like saying a high school teacher is "angry" at their students for writing at a grade-school level and marking them off for it.

I'm not saying "naw they just haters." I'm saying those who downvote are upset with the story and me for what I did with it. And that that's ok with me! I don't mind! I'm hardly ashamed of myself or hurt by it or humbled by it. It's warranted! I would prefer that no one try to defend me or this.
This story was very much directed at a handful of individuals, to make them in particular goodnaturedly frustrated with me (you know who you are). It's by no means a good piece of work. But I'm pleased with its effect on those I wrote it at. And that's all that really matters to me here.

7469611 Personally i have no idea what people were expecting... You literally tell them in the chapter's title, "This will not end well" , kind of hard for me at least to take offense.

The funny thing is this potion is only supposed to last a day with each application.
So what's really funny is how the ponies will react when they wake up the day after with bloody bits and pieces of spike in and/or on their genitals.
And after they scream they'll blame spike.

Third paragraph and the sentence after that was the best I've read. The rest was good too. Neat story.

I still smile every time I see this...

Is something wrong with me?

Good writing and fitting of you but as a Spike fan downvote. Still through great writting

….No lo siento.

you will be missed

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