• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 5,821 Views, 155 Comments

Little Light - InfinitySlayer

Most Ghosts slowly perish into oblivion after their Guardian is killed in combat. One little light has broken the iron clasps of the shadows to continue the legacy of his mentor and friend in a world of unknown potential for both Light and Dark.

  • ...

The Play's the Thing


What is magic? Most arcane scholars of the Warlock order claim that it's a mixture of highly complex scientific principles and the reality altering effects of the Traveler's Light. Walls upon walls of nearly indecipherable mathematical script in the Library's Alchemic section support these claims. The average Guardian rarely spends much time pondering how their immense power is derived, instead practicing on how to most efficiently use it. If a City-dweller were to question a passerby Titan how they materialized a flaming hammer out of nothing, they might reply with something along the lines of, 'the Traveler's Light', or some other vague answer.

As I traveled deeper into the "Everfree Forest", as my Guardian calls it, I reconsidered everything I knew about "magic". She seemed to be connected with a very different form of it, not begotten of the Light. I find it difficult to articulate exactly what it is that she constantly exhibits, but it appears to have something to do with positive emotions and friendly partnership with fellow members of her species. Her "magic" is not physically powerful in a colloquial sense, but rather has strong effects of the mental and emotional well-being of various creatures. Her ability to successfully overcome this world's force of gravity and fly using her strange wings probably has something to do with that form of magic as well. I must look into this matter further. Who knows how it might benefit the City if we figure out how to harness it?

Even more interesting is how the Traveler's Light and her "magic" interact within her soul. I'm still obviously in the early stages of research, but according to my findings, the two have no opposition to one another. In fact, it appears that the presence of one amplifies the power of the other in a sort of alternating current. In terms of psychological effects, the Traveler's Light seems to, how do I say, galvanize her to a level of fearless action once not possible for her relatively frail emotional state. I'm quite certain that the ascension to Guardianship will continue to have these positive effects on her personality as time progresses. I'm impressed by her focused calm in the light of her most recent battle against Vex units and her strong-willed determination to push forwards into this oppressive forest.

As we turned into a bend in the road and into a section of forest particularly overrun by small thorn bushes, my Guardian turned her visor to ask a valid question,

"That fire magic I was using earlier... how exactly was I doing that?"

I pondered for a moment, then slowly replied, "All Guardians are imbued with the Traveler's Light, you being no exception. Putting it simply, that Light more or less fuels your special arcane abilities as a Sunsinger. Interestingly, what you unleashed back there was your 'supercharged' ability, with the resurrection buff, no less. That's a maneuver that generally takes Guardians a long time to master."

Fluttershy continued to trot forwards at a steady pace, her determined expression concealed under her Warlock helmet.

"I see. How might I use that again, or was it a one-time thing?"

I raised a nonexistent eyebrow. For a creature that just a few hours ago dreaded the idea of injuring something, she sure seemed interested in learning how to become a lethal fire-wielding horse thing.

"My prior Guardian kind of just figured it out, I guess. I never really asked her how she did it, I was along for the ride. I've read that it has something to do with focused will-power and concentration, along with a steady amount of practice. Try tapping into those same emotions you felt while battling the Vex assault force, it may help."

We pushed through the prickly, dark green brush and into an area of the forest where the trees thinned considerably. Despite the fact that it was about midday, the surrounding fauna was smothered in a ghostly array of shifting shadows. Strange, colorful insects with far too many legs for my taste crawled across the decaying leaves.

In the center of the clearing was a squat wooden structure of intriguing design. According to my database, the intricate patterns and architecture correlate to old African models. Initial scans on the building revealed numerous objects displaying "magical" properties.

"Is that the house you mentioned, Fluttershy?"

My Guardian gestured towards the structure with her hoof,

"That's Zecora's house, all right. Something still feels off, though. Like we're being watched."

There was no quantifiable data to support her claim; however, I understood from past experience that a Guardian's intuition was correct more often than not. I increased power to my short range scanners and moved with my Guardian towards the odd building.

Each meter we covered seemed to amplify the ominous feeling in my soul. The thick leaf cover overhead threw swirling shadows onto the deep green forest floor like an ocean of dirt and decay. As we crossed a small brook dividing the small clearing, I got a better view of the squat structure.

I felt the cold feeling of dread as my visual analyzers picked up on dark blast points dotted along the frail wooden structure. Various chunks of wood and earthen material were scattered across the area surrounding the house, some sections still emitting black smoke. My Guardian quickly saw the evidence as well, increasing her approach speed towards the severely damaged building.

After closing the distance to a few meters, she halted, a look of terror spreading across her features. From this closer vantage point, I proactively scanned a cluster of blast marks. Within a few moments, I vocalized the unfortunate prognosis to my Guardian,

“According to my analysis, the damage appears to be Vex in origin. The number of blast points suggests a substantial force was present. Scanning the area for life signs...”

I could only watch my wide-eyed Guardian as I discovered no signs of life in the vicinity. Without saying a word, Fluttershy entered the building through what was a door frame, now a gaping, blackened aperture.

The situation inside the structure wasn’t very different from the outside. Various items lay strewn about the wooden floor, jars of strange liquid substances cracked and leaking. A cast iron cauldron lay haphazardly on the ground, sections shattered under its own weight.

I turned to face my Guardian, observing her unveiled face. Her expression was clearly full of sadness as she said,

“I won’t cry. I made a promise.”

My heart fell further as I attempted to reassure her,

“The lack of corpses strongly suggests that the Vex took your friends alive, Fluttershy. I can only speculate why. However, given the smoldering status of the building, they were most likely captured in the past hour. If we hurry, we might be able to track them down.”

Her sadness swiftly gave way to anger as she replied,

“You think my friends would just get captured so easily? They’re out there fighting now, I just know it! We’re going to save them Blue. I don’t care what it takes.”

I eyed my Guardian cautiously. My life scanners were picking up what many Guardians knew colloquially as a Light Rage. Contrary to its title, a Light Rage is an emotional ‘supercharge’ of sorts that sometimes occurs when an inexperienced Guardian is put under high emotional duress. While it can amplify the Guardian’s magical abilities, its unstable nature often drives many novices to insanity. Therefore, one of the first lessons taught in the Tower is how to understand and control negative emotions in order to avoid their harmful effects.

In an attempt to diffuse the situation, I quietly replied,

“Calm down, Fluttershy. I understand what you’re feeling now, I really do, but we have to keep a clear mindset if we are to have any chance of rescuing your friends. While your gut feelings can be your greatest asset, they can just as easily become your worst enemy, if you allow them to.”

Fluttershy’s hyperventilated breathing gradually slowed as I felt her mind begin to clear. After a few moments, she suddenly turned around and moved decisively towards the exit as she said coldly,

“I care about my friends more than you may ever be able to understand, Blue. They’ve been there for me through every bad time and every good moment. I’m going to repay the mountain of favors they’ve given, and I need your help to do so. I know you’ve been through a lot, and I hate to ask more from you... but, I’m asking you as a friend, please help me find them.”

I teleported beside my Guardian, following her through the forest as I replied warmly,

“I am your Ghost. Regardless of my feelings, I exist to serve my Guardian. More importantly, I exist to serve you, Fluttershy. Your cares are intertwined with mine, they are one and the same. I’ll help you find your friends, and I’ll do everything in my power to help you rescue them and repel this Vex invasion. Let’s get moving. We can’t know when the Vex will launch their main offensive.”

No more words needed to pass between us as we silently followed metal imprints in the soft soil deep into the forest, determined to rescue the innocent beings abducted by darkness.


Comments ( 13 )

Woo! An update! :D

please don't take as long next time.

Light rage, huh?...

Nice name:ajsmug:

Sorry for the long wait, next chapter is on its way! :)

Positive effects on Fluttershy... well, let’s hope that it won’t lead her astray.

And as if Fluttershy needed more incentive to save her friends. The Vex have messed with the wrong planet.


*shotgun click* Time to go hunt some Vex.

Ow hey I know this doesent really matter and you could explain it by saying thee ghost never reported it to the vanguard but there is actually an example in the lore of a ghost choosing a second guardian after there original has died and the second guardian was not a dead person but a living kid. It was shin malphur ghost you know the original owner of the last word, the very day gaurdian that fluttershys current weapon thorn killed. I know it doesent really matter but I don’t know I just find it kinda ironic that thron killed a guardian who’s ghost did the impossible twice and formed a second bond and with a living person and now it’s well recent and current hold has basically down the same.
Also another fun fact concerning that story the kid grew up to be a great hunter and eventually killed yor the owner of thorn for killing his master and took his gun.
But your right even the ghost in the grimar admits that’s he had never heard of this happening and the chances of this that happening are basically impossible.

Hey last this I have a question will fluttershy learn storm caller, cause I mean she’s a Pegasus we know they can control the weather such as create lighting from storm clouds so that could be kinda of cool and would fit since she already has a natural ability to well fall storms in a way. plus storm callers a weird sub class that not like the others it’s one that must be forged. It basically a warlock going out into a storm calling apon the light and lightning and accepting it into them, letting it become one with them and hopping it doesent kill them, could be a cool skill later because to be a storm call it takes a show of great courage cause it could kill you more than I think fluttershy could reliably call apon right now.

also great job with the story keep updating.

Yet another story with so much potential, dead before it even truly started.

You will be missed, little light.

This is an amazing story that has so much potential. Please update

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