• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 5,821 Views, 155 Comments

Little Light - InfinitySlayer

Most Ghosts slowly perish into oblivion after their Guardian is killed in combat. One little light has broken the iron clasps of the shadows to continue the legacy of his mentor and friend in a world of unknown potential for both Light and Dark.

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From ashes, the world began. In the heat and pressure of time and space did the first heroes crawl from the mud, awaiting their destiny. They became legend and returned to dust.

From the Darkness did the first villains crawl from the shadows. The heroes of their time performed their calling and banished them back.

As time progressed, the shadows grew longer and the ashes grew thicker. Darkness devoured both heroes and would-be heroes mercilessly. Light diminished.

The world became ashes. From ashes, the world began.


Have you felt true perfection? Tranquility? Peace? Neither have I.

Every good memory I recall about my old Guardian's life is falsified by the ultimate vanity of her death. I had been hoping to create new memories, untainted by the weight of my grief, with my new Guardian. As I hovered a foot above her lifeless body, however, all potential of that slipped away.

I felt nothing but an empty void within my soul. That was worse than anything else I could've felt. Some essence of an emotion would've signaled that inside I remained alive, but nothing was left but emptiness. I had no more emotions left to give.

I waited for death as the Vex Goblins closed in.

Then, light.

I could see nothing but pure, unadulterated Light. It is impossible to describe exactly what that experience is like. It's an extrasensory event, and even recalling it exactly is difficult. Imagine heaven, then forget about it because it doesn't even come close to what that was like.

I do remember one thing clearly, perhaps the three most important words I have ever heard in all my years of fighting. A voice, echoing from far beyond infinity, like the sound of rippling water in a dark cavern,

"I'm here, Ghost."

The Light faded, and I found myself back in that forest of Darkness. However, a light shone through the shadows, bursting from all directions like the very sunrise. This time the light wasn't one of pure, unstained perfection, but the orange-red glow of passion. Fire set trees ablaze in an instant, flickering like candles in the blackness. Patches of brush and weeds were incinerated almost immediately, crumpling into piles of dirty ash. The Vex minions staggered backwards, protecting their ocular drives from the intense light and heat. I was blinded momentarily yet again for a few short moments until the light dimmed slightly, allowing me to see the beauty in the epicenter.

There she stood, the most powerful thing in existence in that moment in time and space. Fire blazed around her armored frame, yet she was not at all burned. Wings like those of the phoenix of legend shone over her physical ones, extending them in a regal and deadly fashion. The fire blazed especially around those eyes...those ice blue eyes. No longer were they filled with fear and pain. Now they burned with the passion of a Guardian who has tasted death and lived to tell the tail. The flames blazed with all the emotions of one who has lost much, yet has so much more to gain.

These were flames that not even the Darkness could extinguish. This was the passion of a Sunsinger reborn in fire. This was the power of the Fireborn.

My new Guardian commanded the element of fire with mastery. Extending her hoof forwards lightning fast, an orange orb of dense fire-energy formed on the end of her outstretched appendage. Like hurling a stone into a brook did Fluttershy release her power so elegant, yet so destructive. The Fusion Grenade attached to a nearby Goblin, quite startled and confused by the change in events. The demon had little time to react before being obliterated in a flash of fire.

The Vex minions retaliated ferociously; however, their crimson bolts of death simply dissipated in the intense Light of my Guardian's supercharged aura. She did not relent her assault, hurling grenade after grenade at the next nearby Goblin or Hobgoblin, each one exploding in a blazing spectacle. Groups of clustered minions found themselves on fire themselves from the sheer heat of the grenades. The passion in my Guardian's eyes never waned. It was almost terrifying, seeing those calm blue eyes which had seen the nurturing of so many so full of rage and destruction. I almost felt bad for the Vex. They had awakened something far more dangerous than any mere king. They had awakened the fury of a Guardian, reversed the scales of her reason to passion.

Before long, the remaining Vex soldiers engaged their long range teleports and fled. Most assume the minions of the Darkness to be unfeeling, unmerciful, but I know the truth. On rare occasions, they can feel fear. When they do, you know that you should as well.

For a few moments, there was little noise beyond the crackling of nearby trees burning with impossible power. My Guardian stood still, her breath coming in short, raspy gasps. Her eyes were darkened by the shadows dancing across the forest. The passion in those eyes retreated slowly, becoming replaced by shock.

I disabled my cloaking ability and materialized next to my Guardian's stunned frame. Looking into those darkened eyes, I lightheartedly said,

"Something tells me that those Vex Goblins won't be coming back for a while. You did well, Guardian."

I stopped my banter instantly as a glistening tear rolled down the side of her muzzle and onto the wet ground. I moved closer to comfort her, beginning to speak before being cut off by her resolved voice,

"That's the last one."

Perplexed, I replied, "The last what?"

She looked up and directly at my eye with her own. No longer were they filled with terror; no more were they hiding innocent fear. They were hardened with a steel resolve that I only saw in a select few Guardians, my old one being among their number. The Lords of Iron described it as the "Glare of the Wolf", the look of calm rage.

"The last tear I'll shed until my friends are safe. I can't let my own cowardly emotions get the better of me anymore. I nearly died, Blue. The pain I would've caused them...no, I won't think about it. Not until they're all safe."

She lifted the Thorn attached hastily to her right hoof to her muzzle, analyzing it closely.

"Teach me how to use this, Blue. While it hurts me more than you will ever understand to take the life of another living thing, I know what needs to be done. Help me learn to use whatever power I just unleashed on those vile things. I am your Guardian, and you are my Ghost. Teach me."

I engaged my holo-projector and displayed an three dimensional image of a sphere made of fire suspended in front of my Guardian,

"You are a Warlock, it seems. More specifically, you belong to the subclass of the Sunsinger, the ones who wield the flames that not even the Darkness can extinguish. Ironic, my old Guardian belonged to this class and subclass as well.

I can teach you how to bear the fire, Fluttershy, as much as my old Guardian learned it for herself. I'll teach you to use your weapons as well as I can. However, much of that responsibility falls to you, Guardian."

She nodded swiflty, trotting forwards suddenly down the path. She beckoned me to follow and said,

"Before we do any of that, we must make sure that Twilight and Zecora are safe."

"Indeed. My sensors indicate that the Vex time loop has naturally disintegrated, so we should be back in our own continuous timeline. I'll follow your lead, Guardian."

Without another word, we walked past the dwindling flames and piles of ash and steel, cutting deeper into that sinister forest.




request for reinforcements approved. the divine Omnipresent Mind will arrive shortly.