• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 1,034 Views, 166 Comments

Earth, Magic and Sparkles - Dreams of Ponies

All ponies seek to find their true purpose in life. What happens when the limitations of nature stand in the way of finding your destiny?

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The Golden Lies and The Silver Truths

The intensity of the room rose fiercely, which had nothing to do with the vast amount of magma in the pit behind us. The pony before me rubbed a hoof through his mane, his expression caught somewhere between terrified and uncertainty. The silence and tension between us could probably be cut with a knife and spread over a slice of bread.

"Well, I can't say I'm completely surprised," I said, looking the changeling over, his gaze having locked itself on the ground in front of him. "Golden Quill was never that social with me, but I wanted to hope we'd become friends that quickly..."

"So, um, what now?" the changeling asked.

"First, change back to your normal self," I ordered. He complied, his golden fur giving way to green flames before the black form of a changeling emerged before me.

"Are you going to burn me into a pile of ash now?" it asked, bowing its head to me in resignation.

"I couldn't right now, even if I wanted to do so," I said as I looked over at the jagged cliff edge. "But if that's what really you want, I guess I could improvise..."

The changeling shuddered uncontrollably, but then stopped after thinking over what I said. "You don't want to make me into a bug-kebab?"

I actually laughed at that, the touch of a smile upon my face as I said, "I'm not so heartless as to cause harm to the pony...er...changeling that just saved my life. If you really had it out for me, all you had to do was to let me fall and I would be out of your mane."

The changeling relaxed slightly, but still pressed me with questions. "But ponies think that changelings are evil, remember? Even Twilight said so!"

Yet again, I found myself smiling, despite the situation, "My niece's experience with Changelings is rather limited, but it also seems like your interactions with ponies are as well."

"I, uh..." the changeling stammered momentarily.

"Your queen willingly sentenced you to the possibility of death, only for you to end up saving my life, not once, but twice. So, while I'm not terribly fond of being lied to, I can't bring myself to to hate some...ling that has more backbone than most ponies."

"Well, if you say so, Azure," the changeling said.

Before we could continue, I heard a yell from above, and then looked up to see a very irritated Clover. Her eyes were narrowed and she wore a fierce scowl, which was the first time I'd seen a serious expression upon her face.

"Cheaters! No wings or strange transformations allowed, I'm so telling Swirly on all of you!" she called out, before flying down past us, phasing through the door next to us as she actually started to cry.

"Let's move this conversation away from the boiling pit of death, shall we?" I said, gesturing with a hoof. When the changeling didn't move, I took the lead, moving towards the door and pulling it open by a small steel ring. It goes without saying, however, that the ring burned liked Tartarus. I yanked the door open as hard as I could, and almost released it early because of the pain. The door grudgingly opened to reveal another staircase leading downwards as I stopped to blow on my burning hooves like a small foal would a hot bowl of soup.

"Ouch, ouch, hot, ouch..." I muttered as the stinging subsided. From beside me, I could hear a little bit of chittering that might have been a giggle of sorts. "You hush, now come along, before I have to tie a rope around your neck."

I started down the hallway and after a few moments, hoof-steps followed behind me. The stairway before us was long and winding, curving into eternity. Thankfully, this time it was well lit, with small runes emitting light from above us. As soon as I placed my hoof upon the first step, I shivered as a magic passed over me. My extra sense of the world rushed back to me, so best guess was that the runes above served to either specifically counteract the earlier runes that bound my magic, or they removed existing magical enchantments in general.

"Ah, that feels better," the changeling called from behind me. "I can feel my horn again."

"I guess the tests are over...for now at least." I said, looking back at the bug that used to be Golden Quill. "So how about we really get to know each other while we have the chance?"

"Do you have something specific in mind?"

"Just the old standby, the question game that is," I stopped to stare the bug down, my tone dropping into a deadly serious tone. "We take turns asking questions. the only rule is that you may not lie. If you refuse to answer a question, then you have to do a dare."

"And what if I don't want to play?" it said meekly.

"Then I get to find out if changeling chitin makes for good pony armor," I said without a hint of sarcasm.

The changeling gulped, but then frowned before saying, "I thought you said you weren't going to hurt me."

"Nope, I said I couldn't bring myself to hate you, but if I feel like you’re a danger to myself and Twilight, then, well, you know what happens to annoying insects."

"Fine, let's play your game," the changeling said with a sigh.

"Good choice," I said, turning around to descend the long staircase. "First question: What's your real name?"

"Uh...it's drone six two three five par four..." it had started saying before I cut in.

"Your chosen name, silly bug," I said with a laugh.

"Oh, um, it's Cirrus."

"That's a nice name," I said genuinely, but was then hit with an additional implication of the statement, "You're female, aren't you?"

"Yeah, wasn't it obvious?" she said with a scoff.

"Well, maybe changelings can tell each other apart at sight, but it's a little harder for ponies. I suspected as much, but wasn't sure enough to just guess," I said honestly.

"Fair enough, and that was two questions, so now I get two questions." Cirrus said, a little snark sneaking into her tone.

"You've caught on quickly, indeed, so go ahead and ask your questions," I said while smiling to myself. Perhaps I found a worthy partner for this game.

"Alright, then," she said, her voice settling into that typical bug-like tone, "What had Golden Quill done that was so terrible to you?"

I blinked in surprised as I moved down the steps, speaking in a curious voice, "Why would you care about that?'

"Tsk, tsk, It's my turn, so answer the question," she said with a little evil chuckle.

"Dang, you caught me," I said, my head slouching in faux defeat. "Well alright, I'll tell you. He said a lot of terrible things about how inferior earth ponies are, and purposefully went out of his way to spite me. He's one of the primary reasons I still distrust most horn-heads."

"Sounds like you were a bit peeved at him." Cirrus said with concern.

"No need for that type of language, but yes, I wanted to buck him through a wall, then have him rebuild the wall so I could buck him through it again."


"Your next question then," I said, trying to get the image of Golden Quill's face meeting marble out of my mind.

"Alright then, here it is: Did you suspect me at all, you know, before the pit of raging inferno?"

"Ahh," I started to say, but then stopped to think about it. "I guess it was in the back of my mind, but it didn't seem likely until we started the tests. The real Golden Quill wouldn't have become such an instant friend like that. There was just too much bad blood between us for it to happen so quickly," I said honestly.

"Well, it's not like I had anything to go on, I was sort of just thrown into this situation," she said in a pout.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've probably had a better time in here with you, than if the real Golden Quill had been here." I stopped, turning around to face the changeling. "I don't think I would have survived if the situation had been reversed, so I'm actually glad I chose wrong." I said sincerely. Cirrus's face went through a strange mix of emotions, ranging from shock to disapproval to uncertainty.

"Anyway," I said, turning back around, "my turn for a question. How did you specifically get chosen to go along with us?"

"The hive thought it was time for me to do something useful for once..." she said glumly. "I didn't want to do it, but you don't defy the queen’s orders right in front of her."

"That's only about half an answer."

"Fine," she said which was accompanied by a half annoyed groan. "I spent most of my time up in the skies of pony cities, watching the pegasi there work. I wasn’t able to gather many emotions there, but I just couldn't help it. So after a while, the hive started to single me out as more of a nuisance than anything else and when you all came along, they saw the chance to get rid of me."

"Well, that's pretty ruthless, but it’s pretty much exactly what I would’ve expected from Chrysalis," I said. "It's nice to see that you do actually like clouds and flight, so, at least not everything you said was a lie. Anyway, it's your turn to ask."

"Okay, here's what I really want to know...is how you can be okay with the fact that you roasted your pony friend." She emphasized the last four words heavily and then continued with, "I mean, how can any-ling, I mean anypony be that cruel and dismissive!?"

"I, uhh..." I stammered, taken aback by the sudden emotional shift in her voice.

"I would also like to know that information," called a familiar feminine voice.

I turned to see that we had reached the end of the staircase, and there, where the hallways ended in a pair of ajar double doors, stood Twilight. Her face told me that she had been listening in for at least a little while and that she very wasn't happy with what had been said.

"Before anything else, before we talk about what to do with...it," Twilight gestured to the changeling. Cirrus frowned and then turned her face away at being called it. "I want to know the answer to that question." Twilight took a step forward, her voice a tone that brooked no argument, which vaguely reminded me of Celestia's similar tones.

"Well, um, I did put him through a bit of pain, but it’s not a big deal," I said, shrugging as I explained.

"Not a big deal!" Twilight shouted at me, her face reddening, "How can you say that! You killed a pony, an innocent pony! Even if he wasn't very nice, he didn't deserve to..." I walked over to Twilight and booped her on the nose to cut her off. The way her eyes shrank and expanded rapidly was mildly amusing.

"I'm not finished, Twilight," I said, and then gesturing to Cirrus with a hoof. "If you girls would let me finish, I would appreciate it."

The odd pair looked at each other, and then immediately away, both making a "humph" sound as they did so.

"Alright, thank you," I said, chuckling at their reactions. "I'm saying what happened to Golden Quill wasn't that big of a deal because, and get this, he's not actually dead." The sound of mouths falling open and cracking the marble floor was totally worth the annoyingly long time I had waited to explain this.

"What!?" they both said in unison.

“Both of you jumping to the conclusion that I’m some sort of heartless pony. It reminds me of a blue and yellow unicorn I knew as a foal. Her name was Magic—”

"How is that even possible?!" Twilight interrupted with a gasp. "I saw you roast him right in front of me...unless that wasn't the real Golden Quill either."

"No, that was the real one, there's no doubt about it," Cirrus countered.

"Then explain, Uncle!" Twilight demanded, stomping a hoof at me.

"Ah, well, I'll have to explain something else, first," I said, getting a frown from Twilight and a confused look from Cirrus. "After my battle with Princess Celestia, I had to repair my gems, remember?"

"Yeah, Rarity gave you some replacements for that."

"Well, yeah, but I still needed certain types of magic to attune each gem, and well, I didn't have a lot of choices so..."

"I remember you using spikes fire for one of the gems..." Twilight started to say, her frown deepening. "Wait...spike, dragon fire, your gem, Golden Quill..." Her eyes widened as the realization struck her like a pancake thrown by Pinkie Pie. "You sent Golden Quill to Princess Celestia by way of dragon fire!" She waited for me to nod before continuing her tirade, "Are you completely insane?!"

"I would also like to know the answer to that question," Cirrus said, clearly amused.

"Only partially insane, I assure you, but more to the point, Golden Quill is alive and well, if just a little bit on the crispy side," I said with a chuckle.

"Wait, how do you even know it worked?" Twilight asked, still concerned and confused, but no longer yelling at me.

"Luna told me in a dream before we left the zebra village," I said.

"Oh..." Twilight responded, "but why didn't you tell me right then?"

"It actually slipped my mind, being suddenly shook awake, and then sent out to find, well, the fake Golden Quill."

"Didn't Luna tell you if the Golden Quill you sent by dragon fire was a changeling or not?' Twilight asked reasonably.

"Ahh, well that might’ve helped, but I'm afraid I never got the chance to ask."

"So, now what?" Twilight asked.

"Well, before we get to the matter of our little changeling friend here, I wanted to ask you something, Twilight." I said innocently.

"Yes, Uncle?"

"Where in bucking blue blazes have you been?" I shouted at her. Twilight rubbed her ears, wincing back from the change in volume.

"I, was...well—" Twilight looked around guiltily before letting her head slump, "I was reading in the library."

"Really, you were just reading this entire time?" I said, clearly annoyed. "No death traps or almost impossible life-risking tests?"

"No, I was told that I could just read in the library and that you would be joining us shortly," she said.

"Told by whom exactly?" I asked her.

"Well, by Starswirl himself. Well, sort of," she answered.

"Right, okay. Let's just go meet him then," I said, walking forward past Twilight.

"Wait," she said. I turned to see her gesturing towards Cirrus as she said, "What about her?"

"I have a name you know," Cirrus retorted back at Twilight, who, of course, ignored her.

"Cirrus here saved my life, twice mind you, so, for now, she's earned the right to stay. At least until we leave the library," I said, giving Twilight a firm look. "And the Princess of Friendship should do better than judge a pony that quickly."

Twilight stopped and stared at me open mouthed, but then said, "But she's not a pony!"

"I can be a pony if I want to be," said a voice behind us, We turned to see a flash of green before a pegasus stepped forward. Her mane was a long river of aqua marine and her coat was almost a sterling silver. The mark of wispy green clouds adorned her flank as she smiled at both of us. "Does this make you all feel more comfortable?" she asked without sarcasm.

"A little," Twilight said shakily, "Thank you...Cirrus was it?"

Cirrus nodded to her and said, "Well, let's go meet this Starswirl." She walked, flapped her wings, and flew past us through the doors Twilight had entered from.

"Well, at least she's enthusiastic about learning, you of all ponies can relate to that," I said, poking Twilight in the side with a hoof. "Just let me know if she's bugging you."

The facehoof that shook the world, by Twilight Sparkle.

We pushed past the door into one of the strangest libraries I had ever seen. Sure, there were hundreds of books everywhere, but what caught my eye was the levitating flow of lava and water through the air, guided by magic. The streams rose from the ground before turning and then flowing into different holes in the opposite marble walls. A walkway led us to the center of the area, which was carved from stone above a large pit. I stepped to the side and then glanced downward. There, far below us, was the grand magical flow of the world, flowing past the base of this mountain.

"Ahem," came the sound of a pony clearing their throat.

I looked up to see a figure standing in front of me, his long white beard and star-speckled hat giving him a notably wise appearance. Behind him, Clover and Cirrus both flew circles around each other, a silly giggle filling the air.

Suppressing a laugh, I bowed respectfully to the magical being in front of me. "Starswirl, I presume?" To my surprise, the unicorn let out a laugh, the old, almost jolly kind of a laugh my grandparents had.

"Starswirl died a long time ago. I am but a mere image of his former self," he said earnestly.

"How..." I started to ask, but stopped when he raised a hoof.

"There are many magics in this world, one of which was used to imprint a part Starswirl's mind and personality here, in his personal library."

"Part of his mind?" Twilight asked, gazing up at the old figure with a reverence that was usually reserved for Princess Celestia.

"Starswirl was very old at his time of passing, and thus, had more knowledge and wisdom than could be placed into a spell of that kind. Keep in mind that this was a long time ago, and the fact that I am still here speaks volumes of the genius that was Starswirl."

"So, how does the spell work?" I asked, my eyes observing the full majesty of the library.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet," he responded, a slight change of demeanor in his tone.

"What do you need us to do?" I responded knowingly.

"I..." the magical mage began, before he started laughing. "Princess Twilight did say you were rather sharp, Azure Sparkle."

I turned to see Twilight blush at her mention and then looked back at the magician as he said, "I need you to destroy the Mother of the Sirens."

Author's Note:

Everything will end in sunshine and rainbows.

Hey everypony, glad I could get this out as fast as I did. The speedy release was considerably helped by my current, and most likely permanent editor, PeerImagination. I wanted to get this story out quickly due to the way the last chapter ended, even though that was how I intended it. I love writing this story, so please trust me when I say that every twist and turn has been thought out far ahead of time.

As always, I appreciate all comments and criticisms that everypony takes their time to give.

With love and dedication, Dreams of Ponies.