• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 1,034 Views, 166 Comments

Earth, Magic and Sparkles - Dreams of Ponies

All ponies seek to find their true purpose in life. What happens when the limitations of nature stand in the way of finding your destiny?

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Contention, Conjuration and Redemption

The throne room was deathly silent. Twilight stood with her mouth open, eyes darting between me, Iron Quill, and Princess Celestia. The latter sat upon her throne, simply looking amused at the idea. When the blanket of silence was finally lifted, the room exploded into a cacophony of yelling.

"You can't be serious, Iron Quill, what in the name of Equestria are you thinking?" Twilight stammered.

Iron Quill said nothing, but his smug grin and narrowed eyes spoke volumes. I stared at him, hoping to discern any hint of this being a jovial concoction. When it seemed apparent that he was indeed, quite serious, I walked forward, in order to properly address Princess Celestia.

I bowed deeply, gazing up at her as my nose touched the floor. She gave a small nod, which was an indication that I was allowed to speak. I rose back up, and after giving Twilight one last glance, I made my decision.

"I refuse to fight with my family again, so that leaves only the one choice," I said, looking into the eyes of the sun, "Princess Celestia, I challenge you to a contest of magical combat."

Princess Celestia held my gaze, no visible emotion upon her royal features, before simply stating, "No"

I almost fell over in response, before a familiar anger started to rise in the pits of my stomach.

She continued to speak, cutting short any outcry, "I refuse to cause harm to any of my subjects, I seek only to protect my little ponies."

I stomped hard in frustration, leaving a small hole in the marble floor. Deadlocking my eyes with hers, I vented at her, "Your unwillingness to act, once again, Celestia, causes me great pain." Celestia frowned at me, but said nothing. "You told me, all those years ago, to be strong, to prove myself through action. And that in time, I would be accepted for who I was, and now that I have the possibility to show everypony, you deny me the chance."

Celestia's frown deepened, her eyes going slowly from me, to Twilight and Iron Quill, and then back to me. Celestia gazed at me, her frown lightening into a simple sad smile. She stood up, observing everypony in the throne room, and then, only for a moment, I saw the beginning of condensation on her right eye.

Celestia blinked twice, clearing away what might have been, and then stepped forward, directing her full attention to me.

"Azure, what you ask of me will bring both of us great pain, but if I were to deny your request, you would suffer even more terribly," Celestia said, almost speaking to convince herself as much as the room around her. "If a contest against me would help you grow as a pony, I would be remiss not to oblige such a request."

Iron Quill's mouth hit the floor, and Twilight seemed torn between horror and amazement. I looked at Twilight, and tried to give her a reassuring smile. She returned my gaze, as if seeing me for the first time, and then ran over to me. Twilight threw her hoofs around me, and then whispered into my ear, "I hope you know what your doing, uncle, please be careful."

I pulled her close, her head buried into my mane, before releasing her. I mustered the most confident smile I could manage, puffed out my chest, and then said, "Piece of cake."

Twilight chuckled at that, and then looked up as Princess Celestia descended the stairs.

"Gather around everypony, we'll need to move somewhere more appropriate for this event," she said, gesturing with a hoof. Twilight, Iron Quill and I stepped around to stand alongside her. Celestia's horn alighted with a golden aura, and in a blinding flash, we were standing outside.

I looked around at our new surroundings, seeing Canterlot nestled into the mountain a good few miles away. That was probably the cleanest teleport I've ever seen. I knew I was probably biting off more than ten ponies could chew, but the alternative was far worse in my eyes. If I had backed down, I would never be able to look myself in a mirror. I'm just as good a magician as any unicorn, but maybe that's why they shunned me. Even without a horn upon my head, I continued to study magic, and to better myself, with a determination they couldn't understand.

I turned to face Princess Celestia, about six pony lengths apart, when Iron Quill stepped up to speak, "The rules are simple. The winner is declared when either pony is rendered unconscious, gives up, or is otherwise unable to continue. Any type of projectile or alteration magic is allowed," he looked between us, his grin faded into a neutral expression. "Are both competitors ready?"

I took a deep breath, and then shut my eyes and relaxed. I could feel the magic of the world humming, like it was rising with our heightened emotions. Drawing the natural energy in, I could feel my self-confidence solidify. I stopped after I lost my sense of smell and the feeling in my hooves. Then I opened my eyes, before saying, "Ready."

Celestia was staring at me with a curious expression, maybe she could feel my change in energy. She readied herself, moving her front hooves apart and lowering her horn slightly.

"Very well," said Iron Quill, turning and then dashing away at a rather fast speed for his age, before he yelled, "Begin!"

Celestia's horn flared up quickly, and then shot a burning beam of light into the ground towards me. The ground was ripped apart, gravel biting into my flank as I jumped aside. I pushed magic into my hooves, and then bounded into the air. I rose above Celestia, and then put a hoof to my collar, feeling around until I felt the ruby, and then tapped it twice. It pulsed with red light, before settling on a warm amber glow, which spread through my body. I struck forward with a hoof, pushing my magic outwards, and watched a wave of fire erupt from its base.

Celestia hesitated only a moment, before raising a magical barrier to shield the flames. My magic dissipated on contact, but the area around Celestia continued to burn. I landed on my hoofs, and then scowled at her shield. I can deal with that. I lowered my body into a runners stance, my right hind-hoof going back, and my left fore-hoof moving forward.

I kicked off the ground, rocketing towards her, while screaming something incomprehensible. Flames jetting from my hind-hoofs, propelling me towards Celestia and her bubble gum shield. I cocked my right hoof back, and then struck out when I reached her—my hoof bursting into flame while doing so.

I hit the bubble with a thud, the ground beneath it cracking and shifting. It lifted a few feet into the air, and then was hurdled backwards towards a small hill. The sphere crunched into the wall, the magic rippling like a rock thrown into a pool. The barrier disappeared, and then Princess Celestia stepped back out towards me, looking relatively unfazed.

"You'll have to be more creative than that, Azure, if you wish to best me," she said, her lips forming into a sad frown. She lowered her horn, and then after a moment, water formed out of the ether and gathered at its tip. She formed it into a ball, before directing it towards me as a stream.

I jumped backwards a step, and then swept my back hoof around, dragging it through the ground in a circle. The fire burned a small circle in the grass around me. I lifted my hooves and slammed them down, pushing my magic out into the circle. The water came rushing towards me, just as a pillar of flame erupted from the outside of the circle, springing high into the air.

It got unbearably hot inside the circle, but had the desired effect. I could hear the steam hiss as I poured magic into the circle. With one hoof, I tapped the ruby again, which then dimmed, before spinning it to find the yellow citrine. I tapped it twice, pouring magic into it as I did so. I felt an electrical surge rush through my body just as the water stopped.

I rushed forward through the steam, looking around wildly for Celestia, before spotting her gently dousing the flames I'd caused earlier. She's not taking me seriously at all. "Fine, I'll show you what I can really do!"

I ran at her, my hooves crackling with lightning before I reached up to touch the dream pearl Princess Luna had given me. It was made specifically for this purpose—to connect my thoughts with my gem's magic. I thought how I wanted to shape the magic, much like how a unicorn casts spells, and then the energy around me surged forth. My body was transformed into a pony shaped lightning bolt, causing me to move almost faster than I could process. I darted towards Celestia, my body reforming as I neared her. I pushed a hoof out, and lightning pulsed outwards towards her.

Celestia was thrown backwards, having apparently been caught by surprise. She stood up shakily, a small amount of static crackling off her mane. There was also a small black mark on her coat where I had struck.

"How about now, Celestia! Am I strong enough for your mighty magicians now?" I roared at her. Celestia shook her head at me, a small drop of water falling from her face. Celestia looked up at me, her expression sad, yet determined. Her horn glowed, and chunks of earth pulled themselves free from the ground.

I rushed forward, transforming into a living bolt of energy. Celestia hurdled rock after rock at me, trying to knock me off course. I dipped and dodged, moving in for another attack. When I was about a foot from her, she vanished in a flash of light. I turned abruptly, my body transforming back, while I searched her out, before I was rocked—quite literally, hit by a large rock. I spun through the air, crashing through the dirt, before coming to a stop near the hole Celestia had made earlier with her shield.

I shook myself, my head pounding like a bass drum. I saw Celestia approaching me from a distance, the chunks of rock still floating around her. I scowled, and then took off once again towards her. As I neared her, Celestia raised her shield against me, so I quickly turned, and then started circling around her. The electricity surged off me, carving a path on the ground, as I floated inches about it. I darted towards Celestia, but missed her shield by a foot or so. Celestia continued to throw rocks at me, causing me to change my speed to avoid them. I moved along the circle, darting across its diameter, just missing Celestia, until I had formed the desired pattern into the ground.

I stopped, my magical form ebbing as I set my hooves down outside the circle. "I'll show you Celestia, I'll show all of them! I'm not just some dirt pony, they're not any better a pony than I am!" I shook my head at her, "Even you think you're above me, don't you?' I whispered. Celestia's eyes widened, and then she opened her mouth to say something.

I shouted her down, "No, you don't get to take this away from me, Celestia! I'm going to prove to you that I'm strong!"

I closed my eyes, and pulled on the magic of the world, channeling all I could into the circle. It hummed with electrical magic, before waves of electricity rippled down the star pattern I'd carved. The entire circle alighted and surged upwards in a magically contained electrical explosion. Celestia's grim expression disappeared in a flash of light.

The lightning surged into the sky, clouds swirling around it, before they thickened and then started to pour down on us. I panted hard, the magic fading from me. A large pillar of smoke was drifting from the center of the circle, where Celestia had been standing. A sudden wind swept over the small valley, revealing a slightly burnt and very serious looking white alicorn.

"You want to see of what I'm capable, Azure, so be it," she said as she lifted into the sky. Her wings spread open wide as she rose above me. The sunlight burst through the clouds, the rain clearing abruptly. Celestia's horn began glowing when it reached the center of the sun. Magic began pouring from the heavens into a large magical sphere, which was connected with her horn.

"That's more like it!" I shouted to her. I took a deep breath, and then dipped into the deep pool of magic from the universe. My eyes turned white, and then the elemental gems lit upon my collar. I rose into the air, flames pushing me upwards. I focused all my energy into my hooves, causing them to crackle with flames and lightning, prepared to make my final charge. I looked up at the massive ball of celestial magic, which had changed to purple with my augmented vision, held by a blazing figure of blue fury.

"I'll show you, Celestia, I'll show you all what I can do, what I'm made of—no matter what," I roared at her.

Celestia's magic wavered, a flood of different tones passing through her magical aura. Then she released the sun's magic, which returned to the sky in a stream of orange. She lowered her head, and then started to descend.

I floated in the air, shocked by her actions, before a fresh surge of rage boiled inside me.

"What! No! Your not allowed to do that!" I shouted at her, furious and pleading at the same time. " I. Wont. Let. You."

I pulled for more magic around me, my head pounding fiercely. I sped down towards her, electricity, flames and wind wrapping around me. About midway through my charge, I cough hard, and then again, but harder. Then I crashed into the ground with a large thud. I tried to stand up, and instead spat out rainbow colored blood. I looked up at Celestia in rage, only to have her pitying gaze pierce into my soul.

"Don't you dare look at me like that, you damned horn head, I'm not done with you!" I screamed at her.

I started to get up, before hearing a ftang against the side of my head, and then I hit the ground—the world going black.


I walked into the grand hall, my blue and black tuxedo managing to make me both confident and nervous. I walked to the center of the hall, and then stood there, waiting for her. All the main lights were extinguished, before a ray of silver shot down through the glass ceiling. It fell upon Princess Luna, who was wearing a stunning blue dress—which was accented perfectly with lines of silver.

"It hast been many moons, since thou fell into my realm, Azure," Luna said softly, descending the stairs towards me.

"The nature of magic is very complex, and probably hast complicated thine attempts to meet me," I said, before gesturing to small jewel around me neck. "This most likely removed that problem."

Princess Luna smiled at me, before offering her hoof to me—her sign to me that I may lead. I placed my right hoof into hers, and then my left on her shoulder. We exchanged melancholy smiles before moving around the hall. I looked to the side, to see a band walk out of the shadows, ponies and instruments accompanying them.

Fuzzy Beets, the owner of that smoothie shop, stepped forward to lead us in song.

He pulled a microphone in close, tapped out a rhythm with his hoof, and then took off like a stampede.

"A tattered swing on the northern wing
Of our castle it did lay
Where time would fly singing lullabies
Through the night and day."

We spun around each other, moving across the hall in fluid, energized movements, while we pretended to smile—postponing the unavoidable.

"Now it stands there all alone
Not a soul upon it's chains
Like the kinship we once shared
No, nothing now remains"

We came back together, after having swung our way around the dance floor. Luna looked at me, her smile slowly ebbing.

"Twas very foolish, Azure, to challenge our sister in the manner thou hast," she said softly, carefully not meeting my gaze.

"I knew that, even before I had made my decision, dear Luna," I responded, finding my own piece of tile at which to stare.

Luna then jerked her head to look at me, her mane rushing back and forth like a storm. "Why then, Azure, thou might hast brought great self-harm because of thine foalishness. Thou let pride and arrogance cloud thine judgement, and many hast suffered in return," Luna bellowed at me.

I looked up at Luna, her voice might have been loud, but her eyes were watering and she was wearing a hurt expression. I took a deep breath, and then exhaled before speaking, "Ye know the reason, mine dearest Luna, for ye knowest the pain of being named inferior or lesser than another. I shalt not allow any to speaketh down to me, as if I was a foal," I said, giving her a expectant look.

"Indeed, We knowest of thine pain, but We also remember the strife that We caused, after lashing out in our grief," she said softly.

I stopped arguing the point, knowing that she was the foremost authority on this subject. "I stalt try to become a pony worthy of you, dearest Luna, still, I thankest ye for thine concern and friendship. I shalt also apologize to thine sister, shouldst I happen upon the chance to do so," I said, before taking her hoof again in mine, and kissing it gently.

"Farewell, mine dearest friend, Azure, shalt we meet again, in thine dreams to come," Luna said, waving at me as my vision began to fade. The image of the grand hall pushing itself forward beyond my view.


I came to with a start, my eyes darting around to asses my immediate situation. When no apparent danger loomed about me, I tried to get up. The cushions underneath me shifted while doing so, before my knees buckled and I felt back down with a thump.

"Don't even think of trying to get up, you silly pony you," said a high pitched feminine voice, which I didn't recognize.

"I wouldn't dream of it," I said, relaxing as I recognized my brother's living room.

"Oh, you were definitely dreaming of doing something fun," the hyper voice called out, before I heard an assortment of sounds from the kitchen. "You were walking in place, with your arm around a pillow, and all you could talk about was Princess Luna."

I face-hoofed, my cheeks heating up slightly. I shifted myself around, trying to situate my body more comfortably.

"Breakfast will be done annnnny second now, Mr. Twilight's Uncle, so I hope you're hungry," the mare rambled, speaking from across the house.

Right on queue, of course, my stomach began to rumble. I was reminded of how long it had been since I'd eaten, which had been with Twilight yesterday, before we had visited the castle.

In a leaping spiral of pink hair and confetti, a perky pink pony appeared in front of me with a platter of pancake.

"Here you are, silly billy, a pancake that was made by you, for you!" she said, practically oozing with enthusiasm.

"What? I didn't make anything"—I stopped when I saw the Azure shaped pancake centered perfectly in front of me. The detail was remarkable, and somewhat creepy. "How did you make this Ms."— I looked up at her, expecting her to give me her name, when instead she simply held up a frying pan. A frying pan that had a familiar shape indented upon it.

The side of my head suddenly throbbed, causing my brain to unleash flashes of memory. My fight with Celestia, all the things I had said, her refusal to continue, and then something knocking me out. I touched the side of my face gently with a hoof, it was a little tender, but nothing seemed to be broken.

"Twilight asked me to stay and take care of you, while she went ahead to Ponyville to prepare for a trip. We'll go meet up with her, once you're strong enough to walk," the pink pony pipped.

I nodded to her, still rather trapped in thought. I had made a complete fool of myself, all while taking my rage out on Princess Celestia. I bent my neck down, and then nibbled on my face, it tasted like shame and guilt—though that was probably just the magical poisoning talking.

Still, I smiled at my chef, and then said, "Thank you for breakfast, I'm sorry I'm in such a sour mood." The mare simply twirled around, giving me a half bow, and then jumped over to land next to me—something making a squeaking sound as she landed.

"Twilight told me that you don't seem very comfortable around strangers, so since we're going to Ponyville"—the mare pulled a book from her mane—"I thought it would help to get to know them before-hoof."

I chuckled, which made my ribs hurt a bit, and then gave her a nod of approval. I might as well, it's not like I'm going anywhere for a bit.

"Welllllll," She said, opening the book—which turned out to be a photo album. She flipped though the pages, seeming to pick pictures out at random. "This one is a chemist," She said, pointing a zebra mare standing near a cauldron, "her name is Zecora."

She flipped the pages again, stopping to point at a blonde earth pony mare, who was bucking an apple tree. "This one's a friend of mine, her name is Applejack."

"Hmmm," I said, through a mouthful of Azure Pancake. I was doing my best to pay attention, despite the occasional head throb.

The pink pony then pointed at a stunning white unicorn, who was in the process of sewing gems onto a dress. "This is Rarity, she can be quiet an actress sometimes!" she exclaimed.

I remembered that name from somewhere, but I couldn't place it in my current condition. She flipped another page and then pointed a picture of a candy shop, where a pink pony was standing above a cake, carefully icing its seventh layer.

"This one's named Pinkie Pie!" She almost exploded, shoving the book closer to me. I almost choked on my pancake in surprise. After coughing (and an assisted smack from behind) I regained my capacity for breathing. I took a close look at the picture, to see the same mare who was currently holding me hostage.

I looked at her, and then smiled, before gesturing that she continue.

Pinkie Pie flipped a page over, and then pointed at a butter yellow pegasi, who was wrestling with a bear. "This is Fluttershy. She's the kindest pony I know," she claimed. The picture would be evidence to the contrary, but I decided not to argue.

"This is Rainbow Dash," she said, pointing at a rainbow colored mare, who was in the middle of an aerial dive. "She can really fly, you'll get to meet her later."

I looked at Pinkie Pie questioningly, but she just kept on going.

"Ooh, this one is my favorite," she said, passing the book to me, so I could see the picture closely. It showed six ponies gathered together for a hug. four of them were the ones she had mentioned, while the other two were herself and Twilight.

"That's an adorable photo, Pinkie," I said, after finishing the last of my face.

Pinkie Pie turned to the last picture in the book, revealing a blue unicorn wearing a star adorned cap and hat. "This one is Great and Powerful, her name is Trixie, but since she travels a lot, you probably wont see her."

I nodded to her as she closed the book. I slowly stood up, having to use Pinkie as a prop to keep from falling over (again there was a strange squeaking sound).

"So, tell me Pinkie, how exactly did you manage to knock me out yesterday?" I asked her.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony, I'm gonna apologize here in case the references were too much. I really enjoyed this chapter for a variety of reasons, but mostly for Pinkie Pie at the end. I would enjoy it if some one commented if they spot my reference there, but if not, oh well.

The lyrics I used were from Fritzy Beat's Luna's swing, used with permission of course.

Like always, Let me know if you have questions or spot any errors I missed, I love you all!