• Published 10th Sep 2016
  • 3,952 Views, 119 Comments

Reaction - SC_Orion

Twilight Sparkle deals with the aftermath of saving Ponyville from disaster.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Twilight idly gazed out the window at the moon, watching it slowly make its ascent into the sky. Rainbow slowly ran her hoof lightly along Twilight's side. The princess had long since lost count of how many times Rainbow's hoof had brushed across her, but each time was just as calming and relaxing as the last. She nestled back into Rainbow's body and sighed happily, Rainbow's warmth emanated into her back and relaxed her to her core, and the pegasus's soft fur never ceased to caress her own body. Rainbow's left arm was wrapped under her neck and pinning Twilight's arms to her chest, and the pegasus' legs were crossed over Twilight's legs, holding them against her body. Rainbow's right wing lay draped across Twilight's body, holding her and wrapping her in warmth. Twilight welcome it all, even if they had been asleep under the blankets in the hottest desert in the middle of the day with the scorching sun overhead, she wouldn't have it any other way.

The room was starting to grow cold, unfortunately. The thin mountain air didn't trap and hold the heat of the day as well as the thicker air did at Ponyville, which she had grown accustomed to. The chill only served to make her enjoy Rainbow's presence and warmth all that much more. Twilight tentatively nudged her muzzle up and glanced at Rainbow. She had noticed that her friend's breathing had calmed down since they had started laying there, but she couldn't tell if the mare was asleep; her heartbeat was slower, but it didn't feel as slow as when she was sleeping.

Rainbow smiled at Twilight and nudged her ear. Twilight pushed her head back and rubbed it against Rainbow's neck. "Why do you like it when I hold you like this so much?" Rainbow asked in a soft voice, one which didn't betray the stillness of the night.

"I just... it feels right," Twilight answered. "You're so warm and soft and comfortable..." she trailed off, smiling. "I feel safe and protected when you hold me," she added.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You feel safe and protected because I'm holding you and preventing you from moving?" she asked, tightening her grip on Twilight.

"W-well..." Twilight stuttered and looked away, blushing. "Y-yes..." she admitted. "I like it... it just feels right."

Rainbow took a deep breath and pulled her right arm around Twilight and folded it over her other hoof. "Well, I like this too," she said.

Twilight smiled again and nestled back against Rainbow. Rainbow pulled Twilight up equal to her and then reaffirmed her grip. Twilight lifted her head up and looked at Rainbow, her lip quivering as she pouted from being moved. Rainbow promptly nuzzled her neck, banishing the quivering lip and replacing it with a gentle smile. Rainbow shifted her weight and rolled over halfway onto her back, then repositioned Twilight so she was lying facing her.

Rainbow found herself looking over Twilight's chest and body, the soft moonlight complimented her perfectly. She wasn't one who understood romance, but she was starting to understand why ponies thought of the moon as romantic. Twilight pushed herself back down, then wrapped her arms around Rainbow's body and laid her muzzle against her side and over her chest. Rainbow wrapped her left arm around Twilight and supported the princess's head with it. Twilight smiled softly and closed her eyes. "This really means a lot to you, doesn't it?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight opened her eyes and glanced up at Rainbow, then she slid her muzzle across Rainbow's chest to look up at her. "It... does," she said. She slid her muzzle back down Rainbow's chest and looked down her body. "And I haven't even tried to repay you for this..." She sighed heavily.

Rainbow took a deep breath, then pulled Twilight up onto her body. "Hey," she said, drawing the alicorn's perplexed gaze back up to her. "Friends do things for friends without expecting things in return," she said.

Twilight closed her eyes, smiled and snorted, then buried her muzzle in Rainbow's chest. She stayed with her nose pressed against Rainbow's chest for several seconds, then she took a deep breath and lifted her head back up. She looked at Rainbow fondly and nodded to herself. "Thank you for reminding me of that," she said.

Rainbow smiled. "You're welcome."

"I still feel like I need to make it up to you somehow, though..." Twilight added with an apologetic smile.

Rainbow groaned and pressed her head back into the pillow as far as she could. She took a deep breath and laid her arms around Twilight's withers and stared up at the ceiling. 'Why do you keep doing this?' she asked herself. She thought about it for several seconds, then she looked out the window at the moon. "Alright," she said. She pulled her head up, then pushed herself up into a sitting position. Twilight tentatively scooted back and sat up facing her. "You want to make it up to me?" she asked with a smirk. Twilight nodded, slowly and cautiously. "Let's go for a flight."

Twilight frowned. "But it's night and-"

"Trust me, you'll enjoy it," Rainbow replied as she hopped off the bed and glided over to the door.

Twilight watched Rainbow, then unfurled her wings and glided over to her. "Okay," she said softly.

Rainbow fidgeted with the lock, then opened the door and turned to Twilight. She fell into a little bow and lowered her head to hide a smirk, then motioned Twilight outside with a wave from her hoof.

Twilight shifted her weight and ruffled her wings. She stepped forward, then paused and glanced back at the nightstand. She bit her lip and bobbed her head, then turned and rushed over to it. She retrieved her regalia and quickly fastened it around her neck with her wings. By the time she made it back to the door, Rainbow was waiting for her with her expression directed at her regalia. "It looks good on you," she said.

Twilight smiled as she walked on outside passed Rainbow. "It looks better on you..." she said quietly.

Rainbow didn't seem to notice and pulled the door shut, then she spread her wings out and hovered a short jump off the ground. There was a gentle breeze, but it didn't affect her flight any. The only downside of the breeze was that it held an uncomfortable chill to it, although she didn't mind it too much, but it did briefly remind her of the hospital when her gaze passed over Twilight's forehead. She grimaced at the memory. As much as she tried to shake it off, it lingered.

Twilight unfurled her wings and looked at each one in turn. It still surprised her that they were in such good condition, although not using them to fly a whole lot definitely helped that. However, she knew she would need to take care of them again sometime, preferably before it would take a considerable amount of time. She looked up at Rainbow and wondered if Rainbow would be willing to take care of her wings again. She knew Rainbow was going to teach her how to preen without magic, but she also suspected Rainbow would be willing to preen her again.

By the time Twilight was hovering in the air beside Rainbow, the pegasus could see a subtle difference in her demeanor. It wasn't quite as calm, although it was still relaxed. Twilight didn't look stressed out, she just seemed a little more eager. Rainbow turned around in the air, then started ascending as a leisurely pace, one which Twilight was able to easily keep up with. As they flew up higher, the skyline gradually opened up, letting them see all around Equestria, and the vast, open night sky.

Rainbow glanced at Twilight. Even though the night sky was filled with thousands of subtly twinkling stars, the alicorn princess was looking at Rainbow. Rainbow turned back and scanned the sky for any clouds. Once again, she was disgruntled by the lack of pegasi attention in Canterlot, but after some searching, she found a cloud that looked big enough for the both of them, although she would have settled for a cloud that was smaller if there wasn't a larger cloud. She didn't think Twilight would mind either.

Rainbow beat her wings a little harder and propelled herself into a short verticle loop, leaving a faint polychromatic trail in her wake. Her mane and tail billowed about in the gentle breeze as the air currents rushed passed her. Twilight watched her closely. It was hard to tell from the distance and limited light, but Rainbow knew Twilight was smiling. She flew back beside Twilight. "You should let go and try something like that," she said.

Twilight's smile faded. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Oh come on! You won't know until you try it," Rainbow coaxed.

Twilight bit her lip. "I'm not as good of a flier as you are," she replied.

"Yeah, and I said I was going to fix that," Rainbow countered dryly. She flew around in front of Twilight and skillfully propelled herself backward to prevent herself from colliding with the princess. "Come on, you'll enjoy it. I promise I'll catch you if anything bad happens."

"It might be pushing myself too hard," Twilight countered. "I'd rather not be hospitalized again," she added guardedly.

Rainbow's expression wavered at that. She hadn't considered that, but she was determined to get Twilight to let loose and have a little fun. "You've not been having any problems since we got here, and you really haven't had a whole lot of problems for a while anyway. If you do get sick again, I'll stay with you the whole time, I promise."

"I wouldn't ask you to do that," Twilight said softly, though her brow was creased downward in strain.

"I'm not going to leave you alone like that again," Rainbow replied soberly. "I shouldn't have done that in the first place, and I'm sorry."

Twilight wished that they were on the ground so she could hug Rainbow right then, but unfortunately, it would have to wait. She took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. Each second that passed made her heart grow heavier and beat harder until her heart was pounding. The prospect of trying to do a loop like Rainbow terrified her. "Well... I'll give it a shot," she said. Rainbow's wide smile boldly displayed her joy at hearing that, and it made up for Twilight's fear, at leat a little.

"You can do it, Twi!" Rainbow cheered as she flew out of Twilight's way.

Twilight watched Rainbow out of the corner of her eye. If asked, she would have sworn Rainbow flew further away than necessary and that she was faking her faith in her. She grimaced and took another deep breath to try and calm her nerves, only to meet limited success. She swallowed and licked her lips.

Twilight pictured in her mind what Rainbow did, a simple loop. Slow and graceful. 'Okay... just... fly forward, then up and back, then let gravity take over...' She pictured herself doing it in her mind, causing her heart to beat faster. Unease welled up inside her at the simple thought of herself doing a loop. 'We're far enough up that I'll have plenty of time to correct if I mess up... If I mess up... but... if I mess up too much, I might not be able to correct... at this height, I'll reach terminal velocity before I hit the ground, and without my horn or magic...' She shivered.

"I can't do this!" Twilight shouted.

Rainbow quickly flew back over to her. "Okay, you don't have to..." she backtracked, a little disappointed. She looked around for the cloud she had spotted earlier. It was in about the same place as before. She glanced back at Twilight, then broke off and headed over to the cloud. Twilight watched her and followed close behind her, still terrified. Rainbow landed and sat down, folding her wings against her side. As she expected, Twilight landed beside her, then stepped close enough for their coats to touch and sat down beside her. Rainbow promptly extended her wing and wrapped it around Twilight. "Sorry," she apologized. "I... should have realized you wouldn't be ready to try something like that. I just wanted you to let loose and have a little fun."

Twilight leaned against Rainbow. "It's okay," she said. She closed her eyes and nuzzled Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow held Twilight tighter in her wing, then slowly shifted her weight to her right. Rainbow started to fall over, and because she was holding Twilight, the alicorn toppled over onto her. Before Twilight could say anything, Rainbow wrapped her limbs around Twilight and pulled her into her chest. She was willing to forgive Canterlot for not having many pegasi since she could do this without having to worry about being seen.

Twilight looked up at Rainbow, then folded her ears back and closed her eyes. She pressed her head up against Rainbow's muzzled, then laid her muzzle on Rainbow's neck.

"I just about think you like this too much," Rainbow chuckled.

Twilight rubbed her nose against Rainbow's jaw. "You said you enjoyed it too," Twilight said softly.

"I do," Rainbow answered. "It just seems like... I don't know, you're just really affectionate."

Twilight sighed and pulled back. "If it bothers you-"

"No!" Rainbow almost shouted. Twilight looked at her quizzically. "I mean uh... No. It's fine, I like it," she corrected. She ignored the subtle warmth rising in her cheeks and ran her hooves up Twilight's back, then pulled her back against her.

Twilight giggled and sighed happily into Rainbow's coat. Twilight unfurled her free wing and laid it over Rainbow, then she fidgeted her wing out from beneath her and slid it under Rainbow. Rainbow pushed her wing down against the cloud and caught Twilight's wing, then pinned it to her side with her wing. Twilight pulled away from Rainbow and looked up at her. Rainbow smiled down at Twilight's surprised look. Rainbow unfolded her wing and slid it under Twilight's wing, then wrapped it around her back.

Twilight smiled and pressed her forehead into Rainbow's chest again. She closed her eyes and cuddled against Rainbow, slowly sliding her muzzle beside Rainbow's neck, looking down at their bodies. She glanced down at her neck and chest and frowned. She pulled her hooves back from Rainbow, then lifted her head up and reached behind her neck and unfastened her regalia, then she laid back down and looked up at Rainbow. Rainbow looked at her seemingly hesitant. Twilight looked at Rainbow's chest, then leaned away from her and laid her regalia on her, then fastened it around her neck. She closed her eyes and slid back against Rainbow, wrapping her arms around her barrel.

Rainbow shifted her weight onto her back and let Twilight lay on the cloud while keeping Twilight's head resting on her chest. For a few seconds, she watched Twilight's head rise and fall as she breathed. "Why do you do that?" she eventually asked.

"It feels right," Twilight answered without looking up at her, gaze still lingering on the regalia.

"But it's yours," Rainbow replied with a frown.

"And I'm giving it to you," Twilight said simply. "Besides, it looks better on you than me."

Rainbow laid her head back and looked up at the sky. She gently ran her hoof over Twilight's side, then laid it over her chest. "It's still yours," she said.

Twilight sighed and rubbed her cheek against Rainbow in long, slow strokes, making sure that both of them felt every motion of the affectionate action. Both of them smiled, and when she finished, Twilight joined Rainbow in looking up at the night sky. Thousands of stars adorned the night sky like jewels, yet to Twilight, the night sky's beauty still didn't compare to the pegasus laying beside her. "Thanks for making me do this," she said.

Rainbow bobbed her head about. "I had actually planned to fly for a lot longer since flying at night is nice, but this is nice too."

"I guess I owe you a flight sometime, then, don't I?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry about it," Rainbow replied. She looked down from the sky and watched Twilight. In an action that surprised both of them, Rainbow leaned down and touched her lips to the side of Twilight's head, kissing her.

Rainbow's mind went blank when she realized what she was doing, then fear battered her. She hadn't thought about it, instead, like normal, she had just acted. She was afraid she would regret kissing Twilight, she was afraid that it was the wrong thing to do, that she didn't love her. She knew she could have just crushed Twilight's heart, and she knew that damage would have been permanent. Still, Twilight's soft coat felt nice against her lips. The more of her attention she devoted to the kiss and Twilight, the more her fear dwindled. She knew it was a light kiss, barely touching Twilight, but she could already feel Twilight slipping into a panic attack, and she knew that if she screwed up this time, there wasn't going to be a next time. 'It's now or never...' she realized. She wasn't quite as afraid as Twilight was, but she was still very much afraid. Romance and love weren't her things, but she would make an exception for Twilight. She had made an exception for her. She tightened her grip on Twilight, trying to reassure her, then pulled back.

Twilight froze as Rainbow's lips touched her fur, and as soon as she pulled back, she looked up at Rainbow with wide eyes. Rainbow smiled softly down at her. Twilight had never felt so afraid before in her life. Facing down Nightmare Moon was easier than this. Asking Rainbow on a date had even been easier. She felt so very cold, and Rainbow felt so warm beside her. Rainbow's smile slowly alleviated her fear, and banished the icy grip of cold, although some still remained, brought on by the chilly air. Rainbow held onto Twilight and pushed herself into a sitting position. "D-does th-that mean-"

"Yes," Rainbow said. "I love you."

Twilight smiled contently and closed her eyes, her fear, concern, and anxiety all melting away. She leaned forward and pressed her head against Rainbow. Rainbow laid her head down on top of Twilight's head and wrapped her wings around Twilight's back. Rainbow felt content with what she had said, and holding Twilight felt different, it felt new and it held so much more meaning to her now. To Twilight, Rainbow felt stronger and more comforting than she thought possible. Her coat seemed to welcome her, and she wrapped her arms around Rainbow and squeezed her as hard as she could. Needless to say, it was a good thing she was left physically weak from being exposed to radiation, as it was, Twilight's strength surprised Rainbow and made it harder for her to breathe.

"You know..." Rainbow trailed off. "You still haven't said that-"

Twilight pulled back and lifted her head up to her full height and looked down at Rainbow. "I love you," she said eagerly. Her lips curled up into a smile, which ended up being lopsided and reminded Rainbow of the old days back before Twilight was an alicorn.

Rainbow smiled, then flared out her wings as Twilight leaned forward and pushed her over, causing both of them to fall down again. Twilight giggled and Rainbow snorted. Rainbow shook her head and let her body relax, leaving her limbs spread out over the cloud. "I kissed you, are you going to kiss me now?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight's smile widened. She leaned down and quickly pecked Rainbow on the neck, then pulled back up and looked down at Rainbow fondly.

Rainbow rolled over and pulled Twilight over with her, then she rolled over onto Twilight. She quickly unfastened the regalia around her neck and put it on Twilight, then stuck her tongue out at her. Twilight looked at her with feigned indignance then shifted her weight and rolled over and both of them fell off the cloud.

Both of them reacted quickly, flaring out their wings and catching themselves. Twilight smiled nervously at Rainbow. Rainbow snickered and shook her head. "Maybe a cloud isn't the best place for aggressive cuddling."

Twilight giggled. "Aggressive cuddling?"

"You have a better idea?" Rainbow asked with a frown.

"Well... I'm kind of getting cold," Twilight said.

Rainbow frowned. "Really? I mean, yeah it's kind of chilly, but I don't think it's that bad, and you're an alicorn. I thought you were supposed to be like... immune to the cold or something."

Twilight nodded slowly. "That's not entirely accurate, but close enough..." she shook her head. "It's probably because I haven't completely recovered yet, and I kinda... well, I wasn't eating like I should have been..." she trailed off with a wry look.

"Meat?" Rainbow said in a low voice. Twilight grimaced and nodded. Rainbow frowned. "Does that... does it really bother you that much?"

"It's... it does," Twilight admitted. "I don't like the fact that I have to do that, but it is something that I have to do." She paused and winced while she debated adding something else. She wasn't sure she should, but she trusted Rainbow. "I mean... it's not that it doesn't... taste good... but it's the thought that I'm eating something that was alive and..." she trailed off shaking her head.

"Well... it's just fish," Rainbow replied. "I'm pretty sure I've seen Fluttershy feed fish to... beavers or something," she said coolly.

"Yeah..." Twilight said somewhat dejectedly.

"Well... you ready to head back?" Rainbow asked, hearing her discomfort. Twilight looked over at her and nodded.

"Why do you always get the door for me?" Twilight asked as she walked in passed Rainbow. "And..." she trailed off.

Rainbow stepped inside, then shut the door. "Uh... I don't know, I just do it," she answered. She squinted at the door as she fidgeted with it and locked the door, then she turned around and looked at Twilight. "Why do you ask?"

"I just..." Twilight trailed off and looked away from Rainbow. "Nevermind," she said. She made her way across the room, heading toward the bed, then she hopped up on the bed and sat down.

Rainbow flew over beside her and landed beside Twilight. She folded her right wing and pulled on Twilight with her left wing. Twilight laid her head on Rainbow's shoulder and leaned against her. "So... we're definitely together now," Rainbow said.

Twilight smiled and nuzzled Rainbow's neck affectionately. She wanted to say something, but she wasn't sure what to say. Nothing sounded right, even simply telling Rainbow that she loved her didn't sound right, it didn't sound like enough.

Rainbow returned Twilight's nuzzle with a short one of her own. She wasn't sure if it was because of how things had changed, or if it was because she gave it more thought now, but she enjoyed the action a lot more than she had in the past. It was more comforting, Twilight felt a little warmer and softer than before. "That was the first time you actually said that you love me," she continued. "I knew for a while, but... that was the first time you actually said so."

Twilight paused her nuzzle. "I love you," she repeated softly, then she resumed nuzzling her friend's warm, soft neck.

Rainbow smiled. She pulled away from Twilight, much to the mare's displeasure, then faced her and laid down, pulling her down with her. Twilight wrapped her arms around Rainbow, then pulled her against her with her arms and legs. Rainbow mimicked Twilight's action and returned her embrace and wrapping her wings around the alicorn.

Twilight subtly shifted her weight, then pulled her regalia off. She missed having her magic since she wanted her regalia to be out of the way. She grimaced and tossed it across the bed, then wrapped her arm back around Rainbow. She scooted her hooves up to Rainbow's neck and ran the edges slowly through Rainbow's mane. She pressed her muzzle into Rainbow's chest and inhaled.

Rainbow rolled over onto her back with Twilight, then she glanced at the covers of the bed. She unwrapped herself from Twilight, then struggled with the covers until she kicked then out from under her, something made even harder by Twilight's weight. She temporarily unwrapped her wings from Twilight, much to the chilly mare's displeasure, and pulled the covers over them, then she wrapped herself back around Twilight.

Twilight sighed and snuggled against Rainbow. With the covers and Rainbow's wings trapping in their body heart, it wasn't long before Twilight started warming up. She was content with their current arrangement, she had slept on Rainbow's chest before, and since Rainbow was so comfortable, she didn't mind doing it again. Plus Rainbow's body was warm, and she was still cold.

Rainbow watched Twilight lay on her chest. She looked so calm, and so content. She was peaceful. Seconds faded into minutes and her gaze still lingered on her. She reluctantly pulled one of her hooves away from Twilight's back, then brushed her mane out of her face. Twilight moved her muzzle and looked up at her, her eyes were dulled from exhaustion and her eyelids were sagging. "Goodnight, Twi," she whispered, then leaned in and pecked Twilight's forehead where her horn used to be, the same spot that the alicorn said was sensitive. When she pulled back, Twilight's eyes were closed and there was a small, gentle smile on her lips. She laid her head back down on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

In truth, she wasn't tired, but there was no way she was going to just leave Twilight there in bed by herself. Eventually, she closed her eyes.

Rainbow wasn't entirely sure what had happened. One minute, she had been asleep, and the next, she was awake, and felt wide awake, completely refreshed and reenergized, ready to take the day head on. Sunlight streamed in through the large window and the rays gently fell on Twilight. The alicorn was still asleep on her, cuddled against her and resting her head on Rainbow's chest. Although Rainbow couldn't see much more of Twilight than her head, she could feel her body laying on top of her. She could feel Twilight's legs laid on her abdomen, and her arms were laid on her chest. Twilight's weight was comforting.

Rainbow smiled and looked up at the ceiling, methodically going over the past few weeks. Eventually, her thoughts caught up to last night. Kissing Twilight had been an accident, it wasn't something she had thought about, it just happened. She was glad she did it. She was glad she said that she loved Twilight. Before saying it, she didn't know if she had loved her or not, and she had been afraid that she didn't. She had wanted to love her, but she didn't think she did. Saying that she loved her made it real.

She took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, sighing. She looked back down at Twilight. While her mane was messy, it wasn't as messy as it would have been if she had slept with her head on a pillow. Rainbow contemplated Twilight's slightly frazzled mane for several seconds, then she brushed the princess' mane to the side and glanced at her forehead. Even though she knew Twilight was asleep and wouldn't know about it, she leaned down and lightly touched her lips against Twilight's forehead. She held her lips against Twilight's soft coat for several seconds, then pulled back and laid down. Unbeknownst to her, Twilight smiled at the contact.

Rainbow ran her wings down Twilight's sides, feeling her soft body, made even softer from having been asleep for the past several hours. She took pleasure feeling Twilight's soft coat against her wings as she ran them down Twilight's sides, then back up to Twilight's wings. She held Twilight closer with her wings and wrapped her arms around her withers. She cautiously rolled over onto her side, then pulled Twilight up equal with herself and laid her head on her neck.

'This is awesome,' Rainbow thought to herself with a smile. She lightly nuzzled Twilight's neck, then watched the blankets rise and fall with Twilight's breathing.

Twilight sighed contently, the air blew across Rainbow's mane. After a few seconds, she started twitching as her breathing caused Rainbow's mane to tickle her nose. She tried to correct the issue with one of her hooves, only to find it trapped. A few seconds later, she leaned forward and pressed her muzzle against Rainbow's mane, fixing the issue of her hairs tickling her nose. She took a deep breath and a smile pulled at her lips, then she nuzzled into Rainbow's warm softness before cracking an eye open. Rainbow's disarrayed multicolored mane greeted her. She closed her eye, then pressed into Rainbow's mane and inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled and pulled back from her.

"Finally wake up?" Rainbow asked as she picked her head up from Twilight's neck, then laid it on the pillow, facing her, muzzle to muzzle. Twilight's breathing slowed as she looked at Rainbow. She lost herself in Rainbow's eyes, but eventually, Rainbow's muzzle drew her attention away from her eyes.

Twilight lifted her head up from the pillow, then laid her head down on Rainbow's neck and yawned. "How long have you been awake?" she asked idly.

"A couple minutes, maybe," Rainbow answered. "Sorry if I woke you up," she said.

"It's fine," Twilight said as she closed her eyes and rubbed her neck against Rainbow's neck. "I always enjoy waking up next to you... waking up with you."

"I do too," Rainbow replied. She looked out the window, then at the clock. She grimaced. 'That's not good...' And what was worse was that she had no way of preventing Twilight from seeing it without raising suspicion. Once Twilight looked at the clock, there was no doubt in her mind that Twilight would be unhappy. "You want to uh... just lay here for a while?" she asked, hoping it would distract Twilight.

Twilight lifted her head from Rainbow and smiled. "I'd like that," she said. She shifted her weight, prompting Rainbow to relax her grip on her, then rolled over, facing away from Rainbow. She scooted her back against Rainbow's chest and stomach as the pegasus pinned her arms and legs to her body. Twilight murmured softly and nestled back against Rainbow. For several seconds, she laid there, content to stay like that for as long as she could.

"So what happens now?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight frowned. She had given a lot of thought to asking Rainbow out on a date, and how that would go. She also knew it wouldn't happen. As much as she wanted and hoped it would happen, she knew it wouldn't happen. She knew Rainbow would say no, which she did, and it hurt, but then, weeks later, Rainbow offered to go out on a date with her. Her mind drew a blank. "I... I don't know," she replied.

"You don't know?" Rainbow asked, surprised. "I thought that-"

"I... don't know," Twilight admitted. "I'm not experienced with this sort of thing either... All I know is that I want to be with you... I want to be close to you," she said.

Her answer brought a smile to Rainbow's lips. "I think I can live with that," she said. Twilight giggled. She held Twilight a little firmer. "Does this mean you'll finally relax and stop worrying?" she asked.

"I doubt it..." Twilight trailed off sadly. Seeing her princess' discomfort, Rainbow nuzzled her neck. Twilight's smile quickly returned. "But it does help," she quickly added.

"Good," Rainbow said.

"I'm still sick and recovering, though," Twilight quickly replied. She sighed unhappily.

"Well, I promised I'd help you, didn't I?" Rainbow asked, nudging Twilight's shoulder with her muzzle.

Twilight giggled and nodded. After a few seconds, her giggle faded, but her smile lingered. "Thank you for helping me and staying with me, Rainbow. It... it means a lot to me, more than I could ever tell you... I... I still feel like I need to make it up to you for how... hard... I've made things for you..." she trailed off.

"Hey, Twilight, you're my best friend. You don't have to make up for anything. I love you," Rainbow replied.

Twilight smiled and blushed. She shifted her head and turned back to Rainbow. "I-" she glanced at the clock. Her eyes widened and her head shot over towards the clock. "Rainbow!" she groaned. "It's nine in the morning, why didn't you tell me?"

"Even though you still can't relax..." Rainbow mumbled under her breath. "I didn't want you to worry about it," she said.

"But we should have been up an hour ago!" Twilight complained.

Rainbow sighed and closed her eyes, then she pressed her head into her alicorn's mane. "Twilight, I think you can sleep in and cuddle with me for once. I mean, it's not like there's anything either of us actually have to do. We're on vacation, and it won't stay that way forever."

Twilight opened her mouth to argue further but stopped herself. She sighed, then leaned back into Rainbow's embrace. "You're right. I'm supposed to be relaxing... this trip was to get away from things." She closed her eyes and tried to relax. She subtly shifted her weight so that she could feel more of Rainbow against her back, allowing more of the mare's heat to soak up into her body. "I love you," Twilight said happily.

"I love you too, Princess," Rainbow replied with a smirk.

Twilight exhaled heavily and opened her eyes. "Rainbow, please, don't... I'm just a pony like you-"

Rainbow lightly kissed her cheek again, silencing her. Twilight looked up at her, though kept her muzzle pointed at the wall. "I know that," Rainbow said. "But... I mean, it's pretty awesome if you think about it. You're a princess, you're an alicorn. You worked hard for that, Twilight. I don't know anypony more deserving of it than you."

Twilight smiled, Rainbow's words warming her heart. "Thank you, Rainbow... that means a lot coming from you."

"Well it's true," Rainbow replied.

Several minutes passed between them in silence. During the lull, both of them enjoyed each others' company, their warmth, their soft bodies, their steady heartbeat, and their gentle breathing. Both of them enjoyed every second of it. Eventually, Twilight broke the silence, "I had wanted to meet Celestia and Luna for breakfast. But... I guess that's not going to happen now."

"Lunch? Dinner?" Rainbow asked in quick succession.

"I don't know about you, but if we have breakfast, I think I'll skip lunch... or have something light. Having dinner with them would be nice, though," Twilight said thoughtfully.

Rainbow thought for a few seconds before replying. "Maybe you should uh... have some more meat." Twilight grimaced and shifted her weight. Rainbow tentatively loosened her grip and lifted her right arm and leg up, letting Twilight go. Twilight rolled over to face her. "You said you're still recovering," Rainbow replied preemptively. "Maybe it would help you recover faster or get feeling better?"

"I feel fine... mostly," Twilight replied. "But... that's probably because I haven't been pushing myself too hard." She looked up and met Rainbow's gaze for a few seconds, then she slid her head closer to Rainbow's neck. "It would help me to recover but... I can't completely recover," she sighed.

Rainbow laid her leg back over Twilight, then stroked her mane with her hoof, parting the strands of her hair with the edge. "Why not? Princess Celestia said your horn might grow back!"

"Which means it might not," Twilight mumbled into Rainbow's body. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then pressed her forehead into her friend. "Besides, that's not even..." she trailed off, not wanting to continue. "What I meant," she concluded, hoping Rainbow wouldn't press it.

"What then? What's wrong?" Rainbow asked, worried for Twilight. She didn't know a lot about radiation, but she did see what it had done to Twilight, leaving her hospitalized, and she hated that.

Twilight pulled away from Rainbow's neck, taking a deep breath in the process, then looked up at her. "I... I really don't want to talk about it."

Rainbow paused stroking Twilight's mane. "You'll feel better if you get it out, Twi," she replied with a gentle smile.

"I..." Twilight shook her head, then laid it on top Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow hesitated for a few seconds, then started running her hoof through Twilight's mane again in long, slow strokes. Twilight closed her eyes as the calm, gentle sensation returned. "Alright... Just... if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you, okay?"

Twilight nodded, then nuzzled Rainbow. She opened her eyes and stared down at Rainbow's sky-blue coat. She glanced up at Rainbow, who was staring out the window. She watched her for a few seconds, then cast her gaze back down on Rainbow's neck. She subtly shifted her muzzle, then tentatively stuck her tongue out and lightly touched Rainbow's coat with it. Rainbow didn't notice it. She licked her again, this time, running the tip of her tongue over her neck with a little more pressure. She paused and glanced at Rainbow, who was lost in thought.

Twilight turned her attention back to Rainbow's neck, then extended her tongue out further and ran it over Rainbow's neck, then pulled her tongue back into her mouth. After a few seconds, she started running her tongue over Rainbow's neck again, with each lick growing in length and firmness. Eventually, Rainbow's coat was slicked back by her actions.

Rainbow blinked a couple of times at the unfamiliar feeling emanating from her neck. She stopped stroking Twilight's mane and frowned, then glanced down at the princess. Twilight continued running her tongue across Rainbow's neck, blissfully unaware that Rainbow was watching her. Rainbow frowned, but the frown quickly faded. Twilight shifted her weight and pulled herself up a little, getting into a better position. "What... are you doing?" Rainbow asked cautiously.

Twilight froze, her tongue still out against Rainbow's coat, paused midlick. She tentatively looked up at Rainbow and tensed up, then brought her tongue back into her mouth and swallowed. "S-sorry!" she said quickly. "I-I just..."

"It's okay," Rainbow said calmly, scrutinizing Twilight's expression. She didn't like seeing the fear in her eyes, it looked wrong, it was anathema to the normal curiousness which her beautiful purple eyes held. As of late, however, those eyes hadn't had the same gleam. And Twilight's tensed body felt wrong, it wasn't as pleasant as when she was relaxed. She sighed. Twilight looked away from her, laying her head facing away from Rainbow. Rainbow averted her gaze from Twilight and glanced down at her neck. While it was hard to see, it was clearly evident that her fur was slicked back from Twilight's tongue. It wasn't a large patch, but it wasn't a small patch either. She wasn't sure what to think of it. She grimaced and ran her hoof up and down Twilight's back several times.

"We should probably get up and going," Twilight said quickly. She moved to pull away, only for Rainbow to stop her. She sighed. "Tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Rainbow responded, frowning.

"Can we do this tomorrow instead of today," Twilight clarified.

"You really don't want to stay here?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight bit her lip. "I... I just... I do, but I probably made you uncomfortable..."

"I didn't say you had to stop," Rainbow replied calmly.

Twilight slowly slid her forehead up against the crook of Rainbow's neck and laid her muzzle over Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow wasn't sure whether Twilight would start licking her neck again, but after a few seconds, it was apparent Twilight had no intention of licking her anymore. "Are you doing okay?" she asked, changing the subject.

Twilight thought about it for a few seconds before answering. "Yes... I think so. I slept well. What about you?"

Rainbow smirked. "First time we've slept together after saying we love each other..." She trailed off taking a deep breath, then rolled over onto her back, pulling Twilight back up on her. Twilight smiled and pulled her head up, then looked down at Rainbow softly. "It was pretty nice," Rainbow added. "Obviously we both enjoyed it since we slept so long," she chuckled.

"I... guess waking up so late isn't such a bad thing..." Twilight said tentatively. "But we really should get up and going..." she added.

Rainbow shook her head and brushed Twilight's mane away from her face. "Hey, why don't we just spend the whole morning here in bed. How's that sound? Because I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy that."

"I would... like that," Twilight said. She turned her head and glanced at the clock. "But it's already so late in the day," she said as she looked back down at Rainbow with a mournful expression.

"So what?" Rainbow asked. "Just take the morning to relax and enjoy yourself, you deserve it."

Twilight bit her lip. Rainbow wrapped her hoof around the back of Twilight's head and tentatively pulled her down, bringing their muzzles close. Twilight's heart beat a little faster as she stared into Rainbow's vibrant magenta eyes. Rainbow's eyes quickly darted back and forth across Twilight. Twilight looked down at Rainbow's muzzle, so near to her own, and swallowed, then looked back at Rainbow. "Just relax," the pegasus said in a laidback manner.

Twilight took a deep breath, then exhaled. "Okay," she said. She closed her eyes, then laid her head down on Rainbow. She shifted her weight and laid on Rainbow's side, freeing her hooves from in between them. She folded her hooves over Rainbow's chest, then sighed and snuggled up to Rainbow.

Rainbow quickly leaned over and briefly kissed Twilight on the cheek. Twilight cracked open an eye, then nuzzled Rainbow and kissed her neck.

A knocking sound came from the door. Rainbow sighed into Twilight's neck, then unwrapped herself from around the alicorn and groaned. Twilight looked over at her apologetically, disappointed by the knock on the door at least as much as Rainbow was, if not more, after all, she had just agreed to stay there with Rainbow for a little while longer, and she had just made herself comfortable. "We could just ignore it," Rainbow suggested with a hopeful smile.

Twilight frowned at her. "What if it's-"

"Alright, alright..." Rainbow shook her head and rolled away from Twilight, leaving the mare to fall onto the bed. Twilight quickly recovered but grimaced as Rainbow slid out of the bed. Rainbow stretched out once she was out of bed, her back popped multiple times, and the simple act of stretching out was so relaxing made her want to lay back down in bed and go back to sleep. The impatient knocking, however, was enough to ruin any enjoyment she would have found from returning to bed with Twilight.

She stood back up and shook herself a little, then jerked her head to the left, flipping her mane and hoping to mask some of the morning's disarray. She groaned as the impatient knocking came again, then she flapped her wings and flew over to the door. Whoever it was, she was simply going to ask them to go away and come back later. It would be simple if a little rude. Twilight was on vacation, however. Although, in the back of her mind, she entertained the idea that it could be Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, in which case Twilight would, undoubtedly, rush over to the door and apologize profusely for being a mess.

Rainbow nudged the lock, then opened the door. "You know that-"

"Rainbow Dash!" a prissy, white unicorn with a styled purple mane greeted. The unicorn's horn was surrounded in a light blue aura, and she held two bags beside her, one on each side of her body, in her magic. The unicorn's face distorted in disgust at the sight of Rainbow's unkempt mane. "And you just woke up, didn't you? I hope that's the case... if you really aren't going to take care of your mane better..." Rarity trailed off grimly.

"Uh... h-hi Rarity," Rainbow greeted with unmasked surprise. She glanced back at Twilight and grimaced. Twilight looked at her expectantly, as if waiting for her to invite Rarity in. She forced a smile and looked back at Rarity.

"Well, is Twilight busy? I was hoping I could talk to her, maybe cheer her up or something," Rarity said.

"W-well... uh... she kinda just woke up," Rainbow replied. "We uh... neither of us have been up very long."

"Oh. Well... In all honesty, that surprises me. I would have expected Twilight to be up at the brink of dawn, already dragging you across Canterlot." Rarity smiled, then took a deep breath and sighed happily. "Such a beautiful city..."

"Yeah, well... she's on vacation. You know, trying to relax and such," Rainbow answered. She shifted her weight.

Rarity grimaced and shifted her weight. "Yes, well... she deserves that." She paused, then looked behind Rainbow. "May I come in? It's impolite to keep a lady waiting, after all."

Rainbow shifted her weight then tentatively stepped to the side, granting Rarity entrance. Rarity smiled her thanks, then happily trotted inside, her eyes trailing across the tower's interior. Rainbow squinted and scanned the outside before shutting the door and locking it. Rarity's ears perked up at the sound of the door locking, but she said nothing. Upon further examination of the room, she smiled at Twilight, who was sitting up in bed. "Twilight, darling! I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time, but I just couldn't wait to see you."

Twilight smiled at Rarity, although it wasn't quite as warm or as wide as with Rainbow. "It's fine..." she trailed off, somewhat dissatisfied.

Rarity frowned as she made her way over to the bed, slowing as she neared it. "What's wrong, darling? You're not feeling sick again, are you?" she asked in a concerned voice, worried for her friend's well-being.

Twilight shook her head. "No," she answered. She glanced at Rainbow, prompting the pegasus to fly back over and land near the bed, though she kept her distance. It didn't surprise her that Rainbow kept her distance. It didn't surprise her that she didn't even land on the bed. As much as she wished Rainbow would have landed beside her and wrapped her wing around her back, holding her close and letting her lean against her, she knew Rainbow would have been uncomfortable with that around other ponies, especially when that other pony was Rarity. Rarity would never let Rainbow live that down. Twilight wasn't sure she wanted to endure that either, and she knew she wasn't ready to talk to her friends about being with Rainbow.

It still hurt her, and it showed, even with her attempt to mask it. Rarity frowned and followed Twilight gaze back to Rainbow, then she looked back at Twilight. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

Twilight shook her head but bit her lip. She pursed her lips, then looked at the lone pegasus in the room. "I'm... a little upset that... I woke up so... late," she said at length, watching Rainbow.

Rarity frowned. "Yes... you are normally somepony who is up rather early," she agreed. She tilted her head to the side and smiled apologetically at Twilight. "But... with your... shall we say, accident... it's... understandable," she said grimly.

"Yeah," Twilight said shortly, looking down at the bed.

Rarity bit her lip and glanced at Rainbow, then she looked back at the alicorn. "Uh... darling, perhaps we should move the conversation along to a... less uncomfortable... subject?"

Twilight glanced at Rarity and took a deep breath. "Yeah," she agreed. She glanced at the two bags Rarity was holding. Knowing the mare, it undoubtedly would be something expensive. "What's in the bags?"

Rarity's face lit up at the question, and the atmosphere in the room lightened. "Oh yes, yes, I'm so glad you asked!" she said quickly. She set the bags down and then turned to the one on her right and reached into it with her magic. Rainbow tilted her head to get a better look, then walked closer over to the bed so she could see in the bag. Rarity gracefully levitated a dress out from the bag, then levitated it over to Twilight and smiled warmly. "I thought you might appreciate it. I wasn't entirely convinced on the color, but it looked like it would compliment you well. What do you think?"

Twilight eyed the dress closely, studying it and taking it in. It was elegant, yet not over the top. The dress was a deep, bright blue. It was similar to the gala dress Rarity had made for her early in their friendship, yet it somehow managed to look regal, like something Princess Celestia could be seen wearing- if it was in a different color and bigger. The hem was a deep purple shade, and the dress flowed gracefully down the back and would cover her flanks and hind legs, yet it wouldn't drag on the floor. "It's beautiful, Rarity..." Twilight replied, eyes still trailing over each simple yet intricate curve in the dress.

Rarity's smile widened. "I'm glad you like it. I was hoping it would cheer you up."

Twilight smiled and nodded, then looked at Rarity. "Thank you," she said happily.

"Oh, but I'm not done yet, darling," Rarity chirped. She used her magic to straighten out the bedsheets, then carefully laid the dress down and pulled the other bag around. She levitated out another dress, one almost identical to the first, except it was a light, crystal blue color. The second dress seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, upon further inspection, Twilight could see small gems embedded in the fabric.

"That... they must have cost a lot to make," Twilight shifted her weight on the bed. She had to force herself not to grimace.

Rarity stuck her muzzle up in the air and turned away from Twilight. "Think nothing of it, dear. I simply wanted to show you my appreciation and do something nice for you," she said with a hint of chastising. She shook it off, then looked back at Twilight warmly. "I had intended to ask if you two would like to accompany me to brunch, but I suppose since you both just woke up I should be on my way."

"Thanks again, Rarity," Twilight replied.

Rarity carefully laid the second dress down on the bed beside the first, careful not to wrinkle it. "I'll be in Canterlot for the rest of the week. If you'd like to stop by, we could have some tea, or maybe go out and have dinner sometime."

"I might take you up on that offer, but I think we're going to try to meet with Celestia and Luna for dinner for the duration of our stay," Twilight replied with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, how insensitive of me. Of course, of course, darling. You should enjoy dinner with the princesses," Rarity chirped.

"Thanks for understanding," Twilight replied.

Rarity smiled, then looked around again and turned away from the bed, then walked over to Rainbow. "You're taking good care of her, I hope," she said.

"Uh, yeah," Rainbow answered lamely.

"She's helped me a lot," Twilight said fondly. Rarity glanced back at her and squinted. Twilight grimaced and looked down at her hooves. "I... I don't know what I'd do without her," she said gravely. She cautiously looked up to see Rainbow Dash watching her closely. She could see something in her eyes, but she couldn't tell what it was. Her mouth was pressed into a thin line, and she looked anxious, with her wings held tightly at her sides.

Rarity's expression fell. "Ah... yes, well..." she trailed off uncomfortably. "I... we've all just been so busy, Twilight..."

Twilight looked at Rarity. She smiled, though it was strained, and nodded. "I... know." 'I miss the old days...' she sighed at the thought.

Rarity bit her lip. "I'm... sure that things will lighten up and that we'll be able to spend more time together... eh... soon," she said, trying to cheer up the princess. Twilight nodded absently, clearly not believing it. Rarity sighed and walked back over to her, then pulled her into a hug. She stifled a grimace, knowing that Twilight hadn't had a shower yet. Twilight needed it though. The young alicorn slowly wrapped her hooves around Rarity's back, prompting Rarity to squeeze her. Rainbow hovered over to the pair, then landed and joined the hug. After a short while, Twilight pulled back, prompting to hug to fall apart. Twilight looked a little happier, which more than made up for any discomfort Rarity endured. Rarity tilted her head to the side and smiled gently at Twilight. "Better?" she asked.

Twilight hesitated, then glanced at Rainbow and nodded, then she looked back at Rarity and answered, "Yes. I think so."

"If you ever need anything, Twilight... just ask. I'll... try... to be there," Rarity said tentatively. Twilight nodded reluctantly. Rarity glanced at Rainbow, then turned and headed towards the door. She glanced back at Twilight and Rainbow, "Well... I really must be going, have a good day and take care you two!" she called.

"Thanks," Twilight replied.

Rarity continued along to the door, then paused midstride, a smile tugging at her lips. She turned back around and scrutinized Twilight. The mare was disarrayed, she had been laying in bed before her arrival. She looked at Rainbow. The pegasus had the same unkempt look as always, although it was significantly worse than normal. Rainbow had answered the door, and Twilight had been looking at Rainbow, almost as if she was in pain. Now that the two were side by side, the look of pain gone, and barely any traces of it remained, although those could be explained away by having woken up recently, or what she had been through. Twilight also looked much, much more relaxed beside Rainbow than when she wasn't beside her, her breathing wasn't as rigid, and her body wasn't as tense. Rainbow for her part looked more anxious, almost as if she couldn't wait for Rarity to leave.

Rarity tilted her head to the side and squinted at Twilight, then turned back around to face them. She looked between them, then glanced at the bed. The depression in the bedsheets, along with the area that was messy from being used, looked a little too large for Twilight, even if she was an alicorn. On top of that, Twilight's regalia was laying on the bed as if it had been discarded there. She looked back at Twilight. The princess shifted her weight under the mare's scrutiny. It was a subtle, barely noticeable movement, one which was toward Rainbow. She scrutinized Rainbow closer, looking her over. One area on her neck was a little darker and more matted than the rest of her coat, almost like it had been slicked back.

Rarity gracefully tilted her head to the side, then casually sauntered over to them in a calm, unassuming manner, humming to herself lightly, as if trying to seem innocent, while smiling overly warmly. "Are you two, by any chance... mmm... together?"

Rainbow stuttered out something undecipherable, her cheeks taking on a slightly rosy tone. Twilight's relaxed breathing went rigid again, and her eyes darted between Rarity and Rainbow. She shifted her weight and pulled her wings tightly against her sides. It was a much more straightforward answer than Rarity had hoped for. "You are, aren't you?" she accused, her smile widening. "Oh! This is simply marvelous! You must tell-"

"R-Rarity..." Twilight stuttered, looking down at the floor, avoiding her gaze, her body tensing up further.

Rainbow grimaced as she looked between Twilight and Rarity. She shifted her weight and leaned away from Twilight. Leaning away from her made it feel like she betrayed her. She gritted her teeth and glared at Rarity as she laid her wing over Twilight's back. Twilight tensed up at the contact, then relaxed, immediately recognizing Rainbow's feathers. Twilight quickly glanced at Rainbow and bit her lip, then stepped closer to the pegasus, pressing her side against Rainbow's side.

Rarity cooed at the sight.

Rainbow closed her eyes. "Don't say anything to anypony..." she groaned. "Please..."

Rarity took a deep breath and then sighed. "Alright," she said.

"Thank you," Twilight replied, closing her eyes in relief.

"On one condition," Rarity added with a sly smile. Both Twilight and Rainbow opened their eyes, the former uncomfortable, and the latter fearful. "Tell me everything." Twilight and Rainbow winced. "When you're ready, that is," she said lightly. Twilight and Rainbow sighed in relief. "Oh, I'm so happy for you two," Rarity said. She completely disregarded etiquette and rushed over to them and pulled both of them into a big, warm hug, completely ignoring her early distress caused by their disorganized state. "I hope it works out for you."

"Uh... thanks?" Rainbow asked, confused about why Rarity wasn't hounding them about every single detail.

Rarity pulled back and smiled at Rainbow. "If you ever need some advice..." she trailed off, smirking and glancing at Twilight. "I'd be happy to help," she said, looking back at Rainbow.

"Wait... you mean you're not going to try dressing me up in froufrou dresses and stuff like that?" Rainbow asked cautiously. "Or make a big deal about me being with Twilight?"

Rarity smiled menacingly. "Oh, I never said I wouldn't, darling..." Rainbow visibly winced. "So, miss awesome finally gave romance a shot? Why, Rainbow, I thought that it was too uncool and," Rarity's face distorted in disgust, "mushy," her face returned to normal, "for you."

Rainbow pulled Twilight closer then, despite her heart beating a mile a minute, nuzzled Twilight's neck, eliciting a giggle from the alicorn. She wanted to say something, it was something simple, but as much as she wanted to say it, she was afraid to. The outcome of it could mean more heat from Rarity. She mustered her courage and took a deep breath. "I'm not afraid to say that I like it..." she said tentatively. "At least with Twilight," she said with a sideways glance at the princess. Twilight smiled warmly at her, then closed her eyes and leaned her head against her. "I love her," Rainbow said.

Twilight sighed happily and nuzzled Rainbow's neck. "I love you, Rainbow."

Rarity cooed again, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

Twilight sighed as she leaned against Rainbow. Sunlight flickered through the leaves of the oak tree casting a shadow over them. Rainbow gently ran her wing over Twilight's back and side in long, slow strokes. Twilight opened her eyes and nuzzled Rainbow. "I like it here," she said.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, it's nice. I still think Fluttershy would like it here. It's... peaceful."

Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement, nuzzling Rainbow with her nod, bringing a smile to Rainbow's face. "Yeah... but... it's ours," she said.

Rainbow bobbed her head. "Eh, it could be better."

Twilight leaned away from Rainbow and looked at her quizzically. "What? Don't you like it here?"

Rainbow looked over at Twilight and smiled. "Well, I do, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here with you."

Twilight lifted and eyebrow. "But..?" she asked.

Rainbow flashed her an apologetic smile. "But it's just so boring..." she sighed. "I'm not used to just... sitting here, doing nothing. I mean, I enjoy it, but only because you're here... but there's like... nothing to do here."

Twilight giggled and leaned back on Rainbow. "I thought you liked cuddling?"

"I do!" Rainbow retorted. "But... I just think I'm starting to get stir crazy." She tilted her head away from Twilight. "You know, I'm looking forward to getting back to Ponyville and getting back into my Wonderbolt routine. It's not that I don't enjoy this, but it's so slow."

"Oh," Twilight said idly. She swallowed. "Well..." she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Rainbow looked over at Twilight and smiled. She pulled her arm out from between them and laid it around Twilight. "Hey, relax, alright? I'm not going to leave you, I'll still be around, I just... I don't think Spitfire would approve if she found out that we're together."

Twilight grimaced. "You... may be right," she agreed. "It shouldn't matter, but... I guess she might think that you're just trying to get out of your Wonderbolt duties."

"I could try to convince her to let me stay with you or something," Rainbow suggested.

Twilight shook her head. "No... You wanted to be a Wonderbolt. You wanted to fly, it's your dream. I'm not going to ask you to give that up. It's part of who you are."

Rainbow looked on edge about it. She hesitated for several seconds before looking away from Twilight. "It is, but I still want to be with you."

Twilight smiled. "Besides, I don't... I can take care of myself enough that I don't need somepony watching me all the time."

Rainbow looked at her and smiled enthusiastically. "See! You're getting better, and you can do this!"

Twilight bobbed her head. "I guess..." she agreed, though her heart wasn't in it. "I still will never fully recover," she said, casting her gaze downward. She sighed unhappily.

Rainbow held Twilight against her a little closer. "So what? You're still an alicorn. You're still a princess. You just can't use magic. You can still fly, it's not like you lost your wings. Besides, you have ponies who love you and care about you."

Twilight smiled up at Rainbow softly, but the smile quickly faded. "My special talent is magic, though... I... Not being able to use magic again... it's... it's insurmountable. I don't... I don't know if I can handle it."

"Hey, I'll be there with you. We all will," Rainbow assured.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then sighed. Her mind rebelled against her, reminding her of a simple fact that struck home and hurt her more than she could handle. Seeing Twilight's growing pain and weakness, Rainbow shifted her weight and faced her, then held her against her chest and nuzzled her. "It'll be alright..."

Twilight clung to Rainbow's assurance, holding firm to it despite the storm raging in her mind. It helped.

Author's Note:

I swear, this chapter is just fluff. That's not really a bad thing, though. This was slow to write, which... maybe it's not surprising. You don't just sit down and write 4,000 words of fluff in a single hour. You (or at least I) have to pause after writing a section, reread and examine it, picture it in my mind, then modify/edit it and move on, then reread it again to make sure it seems right. I'm not complaining... but I am looking forward to taking a break from working on this. Please don't hate me, writing 15,000 word long chapters is not at all a good idea, plus, for a while at least, I was getting them out biweekly.

It was at the scene with Rarity showing Twilight a dress when I realized, "I have no clue how to write fashion..."

I didn't really get a chance to go over this chapter before publishing it, nor did I get it preread. If you catch any mistakes or anything, please tell me. I may go back through this and heavily edit it. If I do, I'll post a blog about it so you know I've substantially edited it.

Since this is the final chapter, I guess I'll say "Until next time." Keep the story tracked or whatever, cause I do have plans for a sequel, it just might be a couple months down the road. I'll post a blog post with information about the sequel sometime in the next few months, too, but for now, I'll leave you with this:

I have two main ideas for the sequel, and one is much, much heavier than the other idea, but unfortunately, I don't know how to turn the other idea into a story unless I weave it into another story at the same time. I'm heavily leaning toward the heavier story, which will be dark, but I could change my mind. Regardless of which idea I choose for the sequel, I will not end it on a sad note. It may be bittersweet, but it will not be tragic.

Comments ( 25 )

7953771 how badly i want to smack rainbow thinking she is too cool for love

Well, I'm glad you enjoy it enough to spend so much time reading it! :twilightsmile: I kind of worry that I made a mistake by doing it how I did, with Meltdown being a single chapter story which serves as a starting point for this story, rather than combining the two or something, but originally Meltdown was a oneshot...

It was the interaction between them and Rarity that kinda confused me. From the way you described Twilight and Rainbow, it was like (for me) they didn't like seeing their own good friend. Maybe it was because they wanted to cuddle and she was interrupting them? I love the story, I just found that part of the scene confusing?

Sorry, maybe I should have been more straightforward with that. It's a combination of them wanting to cuddle, not being enthusiastic about being disturbed, and not really wanting to deal with the potential of Rarity going overboard about them being together.

7961792 Ah, okay. Got it!

Fixed "the Fluttershy's." Needle in a needle stack was intended for humor... might have fallen short.

I... may have completely forgotten about that. I haven't seen that episode in... a very long time. :twilightsheepish:

I don't know what was going through my mind when doing that. My first thought was, "You didn't count Starlight Glimmer," but then I wrote down their names and counted them out and found only five. I'm not sure who I counted twice... Thanks for pointing that out.

The alicorn nestled under Rainbow's jaw and slid her muzzle against the Dash's neck
Twilight: "You know, I'm curious. Why are you called The Bird The Dash?" :twilightsmile:
The Bird The Dash: "So that there's no confusion" :rainbowderp:
Twilight: "I- Ugh..... K" :facehoof:
(Scootertrix the Abridged Episode 11 reference)

:rainbowlaugh: Fixed. I seem to be obsessed with specifying that it is the character, even though I don't intend to. Thanks for pointing out all these issues so that I could fix them. I hope that you're enjoying the story, despite my occasional failure to catch every problem.

Comment posted by Vupsi deleted Mar 4th, 2017

"Uh... h-hi Rarity," Rainbow greeted with unmasked surprise.

Rainbow's thoughts:


Rarity continued along to the door, then paused midstride, a smile tugging at her lips.

Rarity: "My shipping sense is tingling" :raritystarry:

I love the scene with Rarity. It is hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

Author's Note comments:

It was at the scene with Rarity showing Twilight a dress when I realized, "I have no clue how to write fashion...

It was at that moment, SC_Orion knew, he fucked up :rainbowlaugh:

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish this ended on a cliffhanger. Yes, cliffhangers can be really annoying, but they help keeping you interested in how the story will continue. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this story, and I look forward to reading the sequel when it comes out, but I feel like this ending was missing something. Something impactful to keep the reader's interest, and make them wonder how in the world the story would continue from there. But maybe that's just me. :twilightsmile:

May the TwiDash be with you.. :rainbowkiss::heart::twilightsmile:

Perhaps a cliffhanger would have been better- but alas, at the time, I neither thought about it nor believed it would be a good addition to the story. I wanted a solid ending- and honestly, I wasn't entirely sure how to end it, but I tried to give it a solid ending. Perhaps you will enjoy the sequel more...

There's at least two Chekov's guns in this story. One is significantly better hidden than the other.

I was worried to read this story due to the sad start but really enjoyed the fluffy bits later on :)

In my writing, I've generally used "arm" for their front legs/forelegs, it's always sounded better to me. Just a personal preference, since saying foreleg sounds out of place to me for some reason. Sorry if that bothers you! :twilightsheepish:
I do know that one of my prereaders pointed out that they were picturing things wrong because I used "arm" instead of foreleg, so maybe I should go through and edit all instances of arm to foreleg... No idea when I will get around to doing that, though.


That's the face I make when I find an unfinished story I had read ages ago completed as I accidentally come across it again... It's a glorious feeling, a glorious one indeed.

8178542 Well, In two weeks I'm publishing the in-progress sequel, that's a good thing, right? I hope you enjoyed this story!


Well, In two weeks I'm publishing the in-progress sequel, that's a good thing, right?


161,000 + words and it’s 2am....
You guys hate me... don’t you?

Did you binge it?

Nope, chapter 1 to 11 straight through the night. Plus, it’s not like I had a choice. :derpytongue2:

So you had a marathon of reading it? Does that mean you liked it? I'm assuming yes if you say you had no choice... :rainbowdetermined2:

Of course! You egghead..(I say it like Rainbow Dash so it’s more of a compliment)

Wow, I haven’t even favorited it, guess I was that tired. Fixed that!

I'm all for Twidash (its not my #1, but I like it), but this is a horrible thing to do to anyone, and you should feel horrible for it.

Plus Equestria would never be this stupid to make these kinds of things.

I don't feel bad about this... something worse happens in Critical Mass, but there's reason to it.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "these things" although I assume you mean nuclear reactors.

Yeah. The reactors. I'd believe it more if this had the AU tag applied to it.

(Shrug) I admit I regret how I started this series out. Originally I had no plans to turn this into a series... and so it leaves me feeling awkward and pretty much wanting to ignore the fact that Meltdown exists and such.

oh ok well when i asked that i thought sense Twilight is having headaches i thought u were leading up to her having magic build up or something.

One of the far better fluff chapters I've read. I'm glad to be picking this story back up.

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