• Published 5th Aug 2016
  • 5,079 Views, 164 Comments

Online Infatuations - flaminkomage

‘Daring Dash’ and ‘Sky High’ meet each other on an online forum, instantly becoming smitten with each other. What they don’t know though, is that they’re actually best friends in real life, Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies.

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Chapter 4

Online Infatuations
Chapter Four

When Rainbow Dash came back from the bathroom, it was a miracle as to why Soarin wasn't still shaking in his seat. She shot him a confused smile at his pained look, and quickly took back her seat, taking out her phone and typing something.

Soarin's phone vibrated as Daring Dash sent him a message.

[Daring Dash: well we had our own pop quiz and i'm pretty sure i failed]

Soarin looked over to Rainbow Dash. It wasn't completely fair that he knew who she was and she didn't know that Sky High was sitting right besides her.

He'd have to help her out on that.

[Sky High: Lol well our quiz was on cows and stuff soooo]

Soarin nodded to himself. That sounded okay.

He eyed Rainbow Dash carefully as he lips parted slightly upon reading her latest message. Her eyebrows raised slowly as she slowly typed something back.

[Daring Dash: that's funny. mine was 2]

Soarin snickered to himself. This was going to be fun.

[Sky High: see, we're just so meant to be]

He snorted as Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. Her eyebrows returned to their normal state before narrowing.

[Daring Dash: yea rite, u wish]

[Sky High: You know u want tooooooo]

[Daring Dash: sure sure, gtg]

Soarin looked up at Rainbow Dash to find her eyes fixed on him with a curious glare. Soarin gulped, holding out his hand in defense for something he wasn't entirely sure of.

"Uh... something wrong, Dashie?" he asked. Rainbow Dash only shook her head, looking back to the front of the class where the teacher was currently. Dash's eyes narrowed as she began thinking about something, but she didn't say anything further.

On the way home from school, Soarin had opted to take the bus instead of walking like he normally did with Rainbow Dash. It gave him an opportunity to think about what was going on between him and Dash.

His mind then wandered to their 'conversation' from before lunch the previous afternoon.

He was... he had been talking to Rainbow Dash, while texting her... without knowing it was just her?

Heck, he had confessed to liking her without even knowing it!

He had even asked for advice from her... about herself!

The thought only made Soarin more embarrased than he already was. Would Rainbow Dash even want to know who Sky High was? Would she be disappointed?

No... she was his best friend. She could never be disappointed... could she?

Soarin had screwed up a lot around her. It was like a second nature to him.

His phone buzzed from his pocket, as he pulled it out quickly.

It was a message from Daring- Rainbow Dash.

[Daring Dash: just got home. weird. the guy i was telling u about didn't wanna walk home w/ me]

Soarin grimaced. Was his decision wrong?

[Sky High: I'm sure there's nothing 2 worry about. he probs just needs sum time 2 think]

Soarin would make sure Dash knew it was him without him outright telling her. That way, it would be much more entertaining, plus Dash could have her own time to think about it.

[Daring Dash: maybe... hey how do u know]

[Sky High: Uh.. lucky guess]

[Daring Dash: good enough]

Upon arriving home, Soarin instantly opened up his laptop and went back to the Wonderbolt Fan Forum he and Daring Dash had met on. He scrolled through his friends, arriving at her name. He quickly looked into her profile, finding a random post.

'eyyy drama queen'

He posted his comment, waiting eagerly for a reply. Was it a little too straight forward? He hoped Rainbow Dash hadn't already figured it out... that would take away all the fun.

He didn't have to wait long, because mere minutes later, he got a notification.

'wait what the heck'

Soarin snickered, knowing why she was confused. Honestly, it might have startled her a little. His phone buzzed from his back pocket, displaying a new message from Daring Dash.

[Daring Dash: sky what's with that random comment]

Soarin shrugged to himself. He was expecting something like that.

[Sky High: Dashie, am i not allowed to comment on a friend's post?]

Soarin knew calling her that was a big step, since it was a nickname that only his regular self called her.

[Daring Dash: ... uh... wat]

[Sky High: What?]

[Daring Dash: y r u calling me all these weird nicknames]

[Sky High: You like them]

[Sky high: I know you do]

Soarin snickered as Dash's 'typing' notification kept disappearing and reappearing every few seconds. She was at loss for words. That was good.

[Daring Dash: i dunno, they kinda sound like names ppl irl call me]

She just slammed him with the perfect opportunity.

[Sky High: Oh? like this //mystery// guy who u apparently have a crush on?]

Oh this was just getting good.

[Daring Dash: i have no idea whom u'r referring 2]

Soarin shook his head and let out a low chuckle.

[Sky High: you're quite adorable when ur flustered, u know that right?]

[Daring Dash: and how would /you/ know that?]

[Sky High: in more ways than one, little Dashie]

Rainbow Dash stared at her screen blankly. What. What was going on with Sky? He never spoke to her like that... and the nicknames! God, the nicknames!

Come to think of it, Sky was right. They did sound awfully like Soarin's nicknames for her.

And how did he know about the nicknames in the first place?

Coincidence. Of course. It was all just one big misunderstood coincidence. No biggie.

Dash stopped she she received another message, but this time from someone else on the forum.

[Arithern: So you and Sky High huh?]

Arithern was one of the first friends other than Sky, Dash had made when she first started out on the forum. She rolled her eyes before typing back a message.

[Daring Dash: i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about]

Rainbow Dash leaned back in her bed seat, watching as the typing signal emerged.

[Arithern: Oh I think you do. What was with that adorable nickname he gave you on your third post?]

[Daring Dash: i dunno. probs he felt a little scandalous or somethin]

[Arithern: Or, maybe he likes you. Everyone's liked you at some point. And you know it.]

[Daring Dash: meh. he likes some girl in his real life]

[Arithern: Awww... did he tell you?]

[Daring Dash: of course he did duffer. even i'm not some majorly weird stalker]

[Arithern: It never hurts to check, am I right? XD]

[Daring Dash: whatev. talk to you later?]

[Arithern: Sure.]

Rainbow Dash sighed as she exited the chat with Arithern. She was always a little goofy, and her ships were out of control. She was still a great friend to Dash, especially when her and Sky got into a rift.

Speaking of Sky...

[Sky High: you okay? You kinda disappeared on me]

Rainbow Dash facepalmed. She forgot about his message.

[Daring Dash: oops. sorry~ was talking to arithern]

[Sky High: i am offended you forgot about me so easily.]

[Daring Dash: o pls. just suck it up dumbo]

[Sky High: so now I'm an overly high elephant? Take my offendedness and multiply that be three gazillion]

[Daring Dash: u'r not funny. so stop trying]

[Sky High: Welp]

[Daring Dash: what did u want again]

Rainbow Dash snorted.

[Sky High: oh right. I was wondering what happened after you were late to that drama class]


Soarin cringed at his words. Was that a little too straight forward? He knew for a fact Sky High knew nothing about a drama class, but only about her being late to the class.

[Daring Dash: drama class? how did u know about my drama class?]

He already used the 'lucky guess' excuse, now what?

[Sky High: i'm a lot closer than you think, dashie]

Something inside Rainbow Dash broke.

Soarin bit his lip.


The moment of truth.

[Daring Dash: soarin?!]

Soarin let out a sigh of relief, waiting a few minutes before replying.

[Sky High: Rainbow dash.]

The next day, Soarin walked to school with his hands in his pockets and head down. Rainbow Dash hadn't replied to the text stating her real name. He wondered if he had scared her off.

"You're a troll, you know," someone said from behind him. "A bloody troll."

Soarin whipped around to face the girl he hoped to see.

Rainbow Dash was standing there, her wavy hair suggesting she had a rough night's sleep. She eyed him closely, taking his whole figure in as Soarin gulped from beneath her gaze.

"... Dashie..." he murmured softly. Rainbow Dash shot up her hand and pointed her index finger at him.

"Nope, nuh uh. You have absolutely no right to call me that, Mister," she stated. Soarin's eyes drooped as she continued. "How long have you known?"

Dash's soft voice at the end made him do a double-take.

"I found out just yesterday... during the biology quiz... your phone rang from your seat with a message... from me."

Rainbow Dash quickly looked away.

"Why didn't you say anything the minute you found out? Why play that horrid game with me?" she asked slowly. Soarin cleared his throat, trying to but as much time as possible.

"Uh... well the truth is... it was honestly... kind of funny," he said in the quietest voice he could muster. Rainbow Dash heard him anyway, as she glared at him and pounced onto his shoulders.

"You goof. You filthy, sneaky, goof."

"But I'm your goof."

Rainbow Dash suddenly looked into his deep emerald eyes, still holding up in his embrace tightly.

"Did you mean what you said?" she asked. Soarin quirked an eyebrow at her.

"I say a lot of things. Care to clarify?" he asked, humor dripping in his voice. Dash laughed, before her face resumed its serious expression.

"About... liking me?"

Soarin stopped, glancing around before looking back at the girl in his arms. He coughed once, before slowly nodding.

"Of course I did... and now that I've found out my best friend is also the girl who I've put my upmost trust in online... that's kinda awesome. And it makes me like you even more."

Rainbow Dash smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing herself closer to him till they were only one nose apart.

"Kiss me."

And he did.

Author's Note:

Can we all just take a moment to praise the new cover art by our incredibly talented NorthernLights8?

Okay if anyone gets what I referenced to when i wrote,

Something inside Rainbow Dash broke.

- I will love you forever.


This story is officially over! And what a ride it was.

I really enjoyed writing this one. It was hilarious to see these two adorkable muffins handle such intense irony. XDD :rainbowlaugh:

I hope you liked it too! Thanks for reading!