• Published 13th Aug 2016
  • 5,759 Views, 74 Comments

Equestria’s Super Android - DryvernX

Super 17 after his defeat, lands in Equestria

  • ...

Memories part 2: Z fighters

The ponies appeared back in the same lab past Super 17 and Android 18 were sealed in. Everything was dark, aside from the machines that lights a bit around the place.

Rainbow Dash looked around. "Hey, we are back in the lab."

"Then this must mean that something shall soon happen again." Princess Celestia speculated.

"Yes... The question is just, what's gonna happen?" Princess Luna asked. Then the lights flashed the laboratory, revealing Dr. Gero. They angrily looked at the evil scientist, until they noticed something about him. He looked different than before. His white eyebrows are missing, his clothing is different, his brain is even visible much to Rarity's disgust. But what surprised the ponies most, was his right hand... Which was not only missing, but also sprouting out broken metal parts. On his left hand he held a familiar remote.

"Dear Celestia... What happened to his right hoof?" Rarity asked.

Applejack looked at Rarity. "Ay ain't thinking we should call it a hoof Rarity. But ah see ya'r point, he lacks his claw like thing."

"Talk about creepy."

"I know Pinkie Pie." Twilight said. "Strange, there appears to be sprouting metal instead of organs out of his arm. This may mean that he must have turned himself into an Android."

"A very good theory my student." Celestia nudged her student, while Twilight blushed a little, they then turned serious again. Next they watched Dr. Gero walking over to Android 17's pod.

"I had hoped to avoid activating them again so soon, but it seems the time to put my androids to the test has come. I no longer have a choice" He said, while leaning to the pod.

"So he has finally decided to release them? He must be after that Goku guy now." Rainbow Dash said. They then saw Dr. Gero pushing a button on his remote, slowly opening 17's pod. All of them saw Android 17 step out of his pod.

"Ah yes, Android 17." Dr Gero said. Android 17 turned over to Dr. Gero. Applejack noticed 17 taking a good glimpse of his remote.

Android 17 smiled at his creator. "Dr. Gero. How are you today?"

"WHAT?! He simply greets him after being turned into a robotic thingy?" Rainbow Dash shouts in shock. Dr. Gero looked surprised at 17.

"Good good. You remember me."

"Of course. You gave me life doctor."

"I can't believe that 17's sanity is gone. After what Gero has done to him, he is happy being a slave to him?"

"Rainbow Dash shush." Applejack shushed her.

"Yes. It appears 17's functions properly." Gero thought. "And now for 18." He pushed the button on Android 18's pod, slowly opening as well. Without Gero noticing, the ponies saw 17 giving his creator a cold look. Android 18 stepped out, noticing her brother giving her some kind of signal with his eyes. She turned to Gero, noticing his remote.

Android 18 smiled just like her brother did. "Hello doctor how have we been?"

"Good, so you remember me too 18."

"How can i forget?" Gero smiled in delight, thinking that his creations have become completely obedient. The ponies looked sadly at the two androids.

"Why can't 17 and 18 just give Dr. Gero a good flank kicking right now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Haven't you seen what Gero is holding Rainbow? It's the remote, he threatened them with. One push, and they are good as goners." Twilight explained to her.

"I see that you have chosen to be an Android." Android 18 stated. The ponies gasped in surprise at Android 18's words.

"So Dr. Gero has indeed become an Android like 17 and 18." Twilight muttered in surprise.

"Yes, now I have eternal life like you." Gero said, as his face began to turn more serious.

"But we have pressing matters at hand. In the past, the two of you have displayed an unacceptable tendency to disobey my orders. I blame myself for this and the way I programmed you. I have since modified your programming however and I will no longer tolerate insubordination." Gero explained.

"Programmed them? Gero has tried to reprogram them into mindless slaves?" Twilight exclaimed.

"Programmed? Reprogrammed? Please translate it from egghead to equestrian." Rainbow Dash said.

"Programming is the meaning of building something on the inside of a magical or technological object, like giving a orb life, while the creator stands for how it should feel. Reprogramming on the other hand changes the inside of one who already has a program." Twilight explained.

"Still too egghead. But better." Rainbow replied.

"How horrible of that ruffian. Trying to turn the two of them into mindless slaves." Rarity muttered.

They then turned back to Dr. Gero, who now started to give his two androids orders. "Now then, listen closely. Several of Goku's friends are presently outside our door. You are to destroy them immediately."

"Yes." Android 18 nodded.

"We understand." Android 17 also nodded. The ponies was even more shocked at the androids surprised loyalty to the doctor.

"So that's it? They completely gave in to Gero's mind control?" Rainbow Dash said with a few tears in her eyes. The other ponies felt just like Rainbow Dash. Sadness and grief for the two human turned androids. Celestia has never known any living being could be as heartless and cruel like Dr. Gero. Before they could grieve more about the androids sad fate, the laboratory started to crumble a bit.

"What... what's happening?" Fluttershy said surprised, despite not feeling the ground rumble due to it being a memory. They watched the iron door close to them, which was getting bumped plenty of times. They heard the numerous sounds of the door getting banged into, as if someone is trying to break in.

"Wait. Didn't Gero say something about... Goku's friends are here?" Applejack asked. That stopped the ponies tears from dropping further, and started to feel slightly more hope for them.

"And they are against Gero at the moment. They must be here to stop him for good." Princess Luna said. They watched, as Dr. Gero turned to the iron door.

"Here they are. The fools still do not realize what awaits them. But they will. Ohh they will." Gero said confidently. While Gero's back was turned, Android 17 and 18 gave a cold glare to the mad doctor, while glancing each other's eyes for a moment.

"Now go out there and face them." Gero chuckled wickedly. But then little did he know, that Android 17 quickly sneaked up behind him. And then to both Dr. Gero, and the ponies surprise, he quickly snatched the remote from Gero's hand.

"Huh? Android 17? What are you doing?" Dr. Gero asked, shocked at his sudden disobedience.

Android 17 smirked toward his forced creator. "This is the controller you used to deactivate us last time? Isn't it Dr. Gero? I think I better hold on to it."

The ponies, especially Rainbow Dash couldn't consider if they felt surprised or happy at Android 17's sudden rebellious act. But they mostly felt the ladder, due to now knowing that neither Android 17, nor his sister have never really been loyal to him from the start of their activation.

"Now I get it. They just pretended to be loyal to that insane man. Awesome." Rainbow Dash muttered in happiness.

"What? You disagree? Then lets try another idea." Android 17 smirked, as he started slowly squeeze the remote with his hand, until it was completely broken and completely unusable. The ponies watched the remains of the remote, falling to pieces.

"Now Gero can't threaten to turn them off anymore." Princess Luna thought to herself with a satisfying smile.

Dr. Gero gritted his teeth angrily toward Android 17. "What? What have you done?! You dare to defy me? I created you!"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry at Dr. Gero. "Nuh uh Gero. They were just ordinary people. You just reconfigured them you meanie pants." Pinkie Pie taunted him, despite that he could not hear it.

Android 17 was unfazed by Dr. Gero's outburst, and simply grinned to him. "You are not going to seal us again old man."

"You tell him 17." Rainbow Dash cheered.

Dr. Gero angrily muttered at his warning, knowing full well what they both are capable of. Yet despite his warning, Dr. Gero started to argue with the two rebellious androids. But before the argument could continue, Dr. Gero turned to the iron door, which started to ignite with blue light and bust open. In a matter of seconds, the iron door was completely busted open. As the smoke cleared, out from the broken iron door, stood a tall green goblin like humanoid. Next to him was a purple haired man looking just like the androids, except probably not made of metal, along with wielding a sword on his back. Then a middle short man with long spiky hair stood with an angry expression. Then there was a very tall humanoid like man wearing green clothes, but to the ponies surprise, also a third eye on his forehead. Lastly, there was a short bold man wearing orange.

"Who... are they?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Yes. Who is the man with three eyes?" Rarity asked.

"They must be... Goku's friends." Celestia thought.

The middle short man chuckled arrogantly at the sight of Gero and the androids. "Well well. What have we here that has you all so nervous? A boy with long hair and a scarf around his neck. And a beautiful young girl. I take that these are the scary androids, that we've heard so much about."

"That's them." The purple haired man said with a nod.

Twilight along with her friends were surprised at the recent words Goku's friends just spilled. "They've heard of the androids?"

"Ooh, ooh, maybe they sent some kind of spy robots to spy on Dr. Gero." Pinkie Pie wildly guessed.

"I'm not sure that's the reason Pinkie. You heard the middle sized creature ask the purple haired one if they're the androids." Rainbow Dash said.

The ponies took a glance at the purple haired man. He appeared to take Android 17 and 18 the most serious out of the group.

"They're androids? They look just like humans to me." The smallest one said with a confused look.

"Don't be fooled by the way they look. They're both deadly. And they're stronger than all of us." The purple haired man informed with a serious look. The two androids simply replied with a smirk toward the group.

"Wow. Android 17 and 18 are really powerful if they're taken so seriously." Rarity said.

"Well..." Dr. Gero grunted. "... Goku's friends are very determined to stop us. But they will not. We will destroy them, just as they destroyed Android 19."

"Android 19? Who the hay is that?" Applejack speculated while scratching her forehead, beneath her hat.

"Android 19?" Android 17 asked. "So you build him after all?

"Yes." Dr. Gero replied.

Android 17 turned toward the evil doctor. "I see. But he was a different design than 18 or myself. He was an energy absorbing model. Was he not?"

"Energy absorption?" Princess Celestia said, as she grunted at the mention of such an ability.

Twilight looked concerned at her princess and mentor. "Is something wrong Princess Celestia?"

"No it's alright Twilight." Celestia said, sounding assured that she was fine. In truth, she weren't that fine, the mention of the word 'absorption' reminded her of an old enemy she fought thousands of years ago.

"Yes he was." Dr. Gero replied.

"How very interesting." Android 18 sarcastically smiled. "And you chose that same design for yourself? You thought that an energy absorbing model like 19 would be easier to control?

"Yes." Dr. Gero replied with the same answer he replied to most of the two androids questions.

"And now he's been destroyed." She continued. Dr. Gero could only growl in anger, indicating that 18 she was indeed correct.

The smallest one started to look more nervous at their conversation. "What are they up to?"

"That is enough questions for now! I order you to destroy these intruders!"

"Be quiet old man." Android 17 replied with cold yet effective comeback.

"Yes be quiet old man." Rainbow Dash said, as she blew a raspberry toward the mad scientist. Pinkie Pie couldn't stop, but join Rainbow Dash in blowing her own raspberry toward him.

"It's good to hear that 17 still has some of his sense left." Twilight sighed in relief, thinking that they have no intention of fighting the group.

Twilight's thoughts ended however once 17's next words spoke up. "We will deal with them when they're ready."

Gero growled even further in anger toward his two rebellious androids. "What did you say?!"

"What?! They're still intending to fight Goku's friends?" Fluttershy exclaimed. For a moment, she thought that they now just wanted freedom and peace. But her thoughts were dead wrong.

"But Gero has no control of them anymore. Why do they still want to fight?" Twilight asked.

Celestia growled toward the doctor. "I guess it must be due to Gero's work. He must have twisted their minds while they were unconscious."

The ponies watched further during the memories. As Android 17 simply smirked toward the angry doctor, who looked down at the destroyed remote. "I really wished that you had not smashed my controller!"

Android 18 walked further to the lab, stepping on the remains of the remote in the process. "Yes, that's too bad, isn't it?" She then stood in front of a third pod. This one was the largest, and had the number '16' written on the center. "Planning to use it for spare parts?" She asked, as Gero looked at 18 watching the pod closely. Gero's face was soon covered in slight fear at the sight of the pod number 16.

"Another pod? Is there another android?" Fluttershy asked.

"He's kinda lacking, and the looks departed. Isn't it?" Android 18 asked, as Dr. Gero started to sweat more in fear.

"I'd like to see what other modifications you've made to him doctor."

"YOU STAY AWAY FROM THERE! You do not open that chamber!" Gero exclaimed. "I order you to stay away from Android 16." He ordered.

"Android 16? 17 never mentioned him." Rainbow Dash thought.

"Go on. I think it is time to awake our sleeping friend."

"Right." 18 replied with a smile, as she started to look at the buttons on the pod.

"No! Do not listen to him! I have not completed his programming yet."

"What?" The green man said.

"Something's not right in there." The small one mumbled, as he stepped back in fear.

Android 16, nervous of the situation, decided once more to make his androids reconsider their decision. "16 is just a prototype. If you activate it, it may malfunction."

"Wow, Gero must be really afraid, that 16 is activated." Twilight said.

Android 17 however merely chuckled at Gero's plead. "Lets find out."

17 signaled 18 to activate the pod, while Gero started to look even more worried. "No 18!" Gero ran, and grabbed 18's arm. But 18 was unfazed by her creator's strength, and lifted her arm.

"I think it's time to send you to the scrapheap."

18's arm then swung back, and Gero was send back in respond. "Now where was I?"

"If 16 is a prototype, I wonder why you kept it for so long." 18 mumbled, as she got closer to the on switch on the pod. "You destroyed all the other up to 15."

"There's more androids? And Gero destroyed them?" Fluttershy gasped, as she felt more anger at the mad scientist.

"I was planning to repair him someday. Listen, I made you, and i'm telling you that if you activate 16 YOU WILL REGRET IT!"

"We will regret it? I doubt that old man. According to this date, I am much stronger than this module."

"Makes no DIFFERENCE!" Gero exclaimed.

"18, go ahead and activate him now." 17 calmly ordered his sister.

"I am your creator! You will do what I tell you to do! Stop meddling with Android 16 now! Or I will force you to stop!" Gero threatened.

"Creator or not. You forcefully made them your slaves." Luna yelled, as she glared at the doctor.

"Your controller is broken." Android 17 pointed out.

"Ooohhhh." Rainbow Dash let out in respond.

"Then I will make another!"

18 then pushed the switch on the pod, and started to activate him.

"For the last time! DO NOT RELEASE HIM!" Gero yelled. But then to everypony's surprise, along with the rest of the Z Fighters from the memories. Gero was pierced in the chest by a hand, by none other than Android 17.

"What have you done?! How dare you?!" Gero muttered while in pain and shock. 17 then removed his arm from Gero's pierced hole in his chest. "Don't you know, that I gave you life? And I can take it away."

Before Gero could react, his head was suddenly knocked off completely, by a mere kick from Android 17. His head landed near the broken gate, where the Z Fighters stood near.

"That does it. Now I am mad!" Gero angrily muttered, while he sounded more metallic in his voice. But then more to everypony's shock, 17 flew near Gero's fallen head, and stomped it directly, smashing Gero's head to pieces.

"Wow, 17 really outdid his extreme personality." Applejack muttered in shock.

"Well Dr. Gero deserved it. That's what he gets, for ruining 17 and his sister's lives." Rainbow Dash said, pointing out her opinion about Gero's fate.

"I agree that he should be punished. But 17 did take his revenge a bit too far." Celestia muttered. She was shocked about 17's murder on his own creator. While Gero did deserve punishment, she knew more peaceful ways of doing so. But knowing 17, she doubted that he would ever give Gero such a chance.

Android 17 then signaled the small bald man to come near him, despite being reluctant of doing so. After a few minutes of witnessing it, 17 walked off back to 17.

"Okay, that was a bit... weird." Twilight thought.

"Open the chamber." 17 ordered to his sister.

"IF THEY SET THAT ANDROID FREE, IT'LL BE THE END OF ALL OF US!" The lavender haired young man exclaimed, as his hair started turning yellow, much to the ponies surprise. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"How did his hair change all of that sudden?!"

"I don't know. But his hairstyle's quite impressive." Rarity complimented.

"Not only has his hairstyle changed. But also his power. I feel massive power from him." Luna exclaimed, surprising the ponies more. The man then fired a beam of energy toward the androids. The result of the blast created a massive and powerful explosion in respond. The rest of the Z Fighters retreated out of the laboratory. The ponies were blinded by the massive light, as the laboratory was blown to pieces.

"What... what was that power?! Was it magic?" Twilight asked, out of pure shock, in respond to the incredible power the lavender haired boy displayed.

"Who cares if it's magic. Where's 17 and 18?" Rainbow Dash asked in worry, as she looked around the wreckage of the laboratory, despite everything being a memory.

"Hey girls! Over there!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, as she pointed to a mountain cliffside, where both Android 17 and 18 stood completely unharmed, along with 18 having saved Android 16's pod in her hand.

"They escaped! That's a relief." Rainbow Dash sighed in relief, that her best friend from the past survived.

"Don't make me wait all day 18." Android 17 said, as he watched the sky out of boredom. "Are you going to open it up, or not?"

Android 18 soon placed the pod down immediately. "Lets meet our new friend."

She pushed the button, which started to slowly open the pod. 18 then impatiently kicked the pod's hatch open. The ponies took a look inside the pod. Inside, there was a huge man, who has icy blue eyes, a red/orange mohawk, and gold hoop earrings. His clothing consists of a dark undersuit, with a lime green vest, green boots, and green handcuffs. The ponies watched the android in interest, as he climbed out.

"This must be... Android 16." Fluttershy muttered, as she started to feel afraid of the large android. Android 16 slowly opened his eyes, as he starts pulling himself out of the pod. Once he fully climbed out, the ponies witnessed his massive height. He was almost twice as tall as 17 and 18, possibly even taller than Super 17.

"He sure looks like a tough fellar. I give ya that." Applejack awed in amazement.

"Well good morning. It must be good to get up from that coffin." 17 greeted the awakened android 16. "How long have you been cooked up in that container for anyway?"

Android 16 didn't respond to 17's question. "Come on speak. Did Gero not give you a voice box? He tried to tell us it was dangerous to activate you."

"Why would the doctor say such a thing? Do you know?" Android 18 asked. Android 16 said nothing, as he only moved his white pupils to the right. "Do you have something to say?"

"Hello. Anybody home in there? The strong-silent type huh?" Android 16 still said nothing, as 17 growled in slight annoyance. "Come on, lets go."

"Where to?" Android 18 asked, as the ponies watched in anticipation.

"That's it! They're soon off to live they're freedom once more." Twilight smiled in anticipation. But her happiness ended in seconds, once 17 continued with his next speech.

"To complete our mission. Are you with me 18?"

That took the ponies by surprise, at 17's sentence. "Mission? They just gained their freedom, yet they're still following their mission to kill?!" Rainbow exclaimed in shock.

"Gero's program must've messed up their minds." Celestia realized, as she gritted her teeth in anger.

"16, Dr. Gero programmed you for the mission to destroy Goku, isn't that right?" Android 17 asked the large android once more.

This time, 16 broke his silence, and spoke for the first time. "That's right."

"I'll be. So the big guy can speak after all?" Android 17 mumbled in amazement of Android 16's not so much 'strong-silent' type.

"Dr. Gero must've programmed him, to react to only commands that relate to his main objective." Android 18 speculated.

"I didn't think the doctor was that smart, but lets see if 16 can carry out his objective, to find Goku and destroy him." Android 17 said, as 18 nodded in agreement.

"Lets get out of here." Android 17 said, as he flew up in the air, with 16 and 18 following him. All three of them soon took off, flying at high speed.

The ponies then felt their bodies starting to float. "Huh? Why are we floating?" Applejack asked.

They then witnessed their bodies started to take flight, following the androids. "The memory seems to be far from over, so the memory really wants us to follow." Celestia said.

"Alright! Off we go!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, as they all flew alongside the androids, despite everything just being a memory.

"This is gonna be so awesome. Can't wait to see what happens next." Rainbow Dash thought.

Author's Note:

That's the second part. Sorry it took so long, but writing such a chapter is easier said than done.
