• Published 13th Aug 2016
  • 5,759 Views, 74 Comments

Equestria’s Super Android - DryvernX

Super 17 after his defeat, lands in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 3

Super 17 was flying in the air, with incredible speed. He thought about back, back when he battled the colorful ponies, back in the empty landmarks. He has easily beaten them down, without even using 1% of his full power, and not fighting seriously. They tried to defeat him with some special accessories, but he absorbed the blast. Although it only made him slightly stronger, it was nice to absorb some energy anyway. But he also felt a little weird on the inside after he absorbed the blast, like he could feel, that the things he has done today, the things he had done to the Z fighters back on earth, the thing about killing Android 18's short and bald husband, was wrong. He remembered the Android 17 from the past, before he got mind controlled, by the two mad scientists, Dr. Gero, and Dr. Myuu, who was also his creators, his past self was never like this. He may have been stubborn, prideful, and playful, but he at least cared about Android 18. He even had a family, but he can't remember what happened to them. But now, his thoughts were focusing on something else.

"Why am i still alive?" He thought to himself, back when Goku defeated him with his Kamehameha wave, he was completely vaporized, he should have been sent to hell, or if he was lucky, in heaven. But somehow, before that could happen, he had been sent to a mysterious land, filled with peaceful life, and ponies. "How childish. That may have been for someone who was like 6 years old." He thought to himself again. He then stopped in midair, trying to think a little more about, something strange about himself.

"When i attacked them, why didn't i finish them off? Why are their such emotions in me?" Super 17 thought to himself, when he was created from the original Android 17, and hell Android 17, he was supposed to be programmed, to a pure killing machine like hell 17, following orders from Dr. Myuu, like he was his puppet. But even through he has felt some emotions from his inside, he knew that it really doesn't matter now. Or do they? He could have destroyed the planet in an instant if he wanted, but chose not to, since he has somehow felt, that it was all pointless.

"Maybe i should give this planet a chance." He thought to himself. "Who knows? Maybe there are some funny challenges, around this world, to prove my superiority on." He grinned. "Even if i destroy this place, i don't know if there are any near planets around." He thought to himself, deciding to stay on the planet for now. Then he took flight again.

Meanwhile, the princesses, and the Mane 6, have returned to Canterlot, very tired from their latest battle. All of them have been thinking a lot of what has happened today, in Equestria. They have just fought an extremely powerful being, who has not only easily defeated the two princesses, but also absorbed a blast from the Elements of Harmony. They were now at the hall, talking about what to do next.

"What should we do Princess Celestia?!" Twilight asked, while almost yelling at her teacher. "Equestria is currently being roamed, by what may be currently one of the most powerful beings in Equestria!" Twilight yelled. She nearly lost her breath. Applejack walked over to Twilight, to calm her down.

"Twilight, sugarcube, take deep breaths." Applejack said to Twilight. Twilight slowly took some deep breaths, and calmed down a little.

"Thanks Applejack. I needed that." Twilight said. She then looked over to Princess Celestia. "Princess Celestia? What should we do?" Twilight asked her. Princess Celestia looked over at Luna, who was getting a few bandages. She then turned back to Twilight.

"For the first time Twilight, i'm actually not sure." Celestia said, while shaking her head. The others sighed. "It's unwise to send guards out to search for Super 17. He's much too powerful." Celestia said, before Rainbow dash butted in the conversation.

"Seriously princess! We need to find this guy now! We still gotta lot of questions to ask this guy. Wow i sounded a lot like Twilight for a moment." Rainbow dash said. Princess Celestia however shook her head to Rainbow dash.

"Rainbow dash, we don't know what he's fully capable of. We should only search for him, when the time's right." Celestia said. The Mane 6 looked at each other. All of them then looked at their rulers. Princess Luna, with a few bandages on her arrived.

"Thou would be wise, to return to Ponyvile, my little ponies." Princess Luna said, with seriousness, in her voice. "We will call you, when we find a way to find this Super 17." Princess Luna said. Then Applejack walked over to Princess Luna.

"And what if we find that varmint first?" Applejack asked. The other Mane 5 nodded, as Applejack had a point, what if they met Super 17 first.

"Then you will contact us. And we will see what we can do." Celestia said. "Maybe we can talk it over with him." Celestia now said. That made some of them a little uneasy. And Rainbow dash, was not the one who knew the words "Peaceful talk" right now.

"Talk, peacefully with that guy?!" Rainbow dash yelled. "Haven't you forgotten that he easily kicked your flanks, in barely 5 minutes?!". Fluttershy however was quiet, like she has saw something inside the super android.

"I don't know about you. But i think this Super 17, actually have some good hidden in his heart." Fluttershy said. When the Mane 5 heard Fluttershy said that, they had faces, that was a combination of surprised, confused, and a little disgust over the android.

"GOOD HIDDEN IN THAT GUY?!" Rainbow yelled at Fluttershy. "Haven't we forgotten who it was, that attacked us today." Rainbow said to her.

"That's true, but..." Fluttershy said, before Applejack butted in.

"Sugarcube, how many rocks have ya eaten today?!" Applejack said, she was as confused as Rainbow dash right now. "That tough critter, knocked us out, like a cow, hitting the mice." Applejack said.

"I know Applejack, but..." Fluttershy said, before Rarity butted in.

"How can this ruffian have good inside of him?! Have you seen his outfit? That horrid outfit is so 1997!" Rarity said, she clearly doesn't like Super 17's attire.

"But..." Fluttershy said, before Pinkie pie butted in this time.

"This big meanie pants, shooted his magic beams at us." Pinkie pie said,

"I know, but..." Fluttershy said, before Twilight sparkle butted in.

"Fluttershy, he is clearly an enemy trying to conquer Equestria. We must find a way to subdue him!" Twilight said. Then Fluttershy's patients from her friends outburst about Super 17 wore off.

"WOULD YOU LET ME FINISH!" Fluttershy shouted, the others stopped, very surprised that Fluttershy shouted so loud, that it rivaled Princess Luna's royal Canterlot voice.

"I know he hurt us, but who was it that insulted his name?" Fluttershy said, glancing over at Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie, who was whistling innocently.

"Who was it, that charged at him?" Fluttershy said, glancing over at Rainbow dash again.

"And who was it, that bucked him, just because he defended himself from Rainbow dash?" Fluttershy said, glancing over at Applejack, who also whistled innocently now.

"But more importantly, why didn't he finish us off? He could have done it. But why?" Fluttershy now said, the other Mane 5 now began to see Fluttershy's point. They were the ones who started the conflict, not Super 17.

"You're right Fluttershy, we may have been a little too quick to judge him." Applejack said, the others nodded in agreement.

"But if he's truly a bad guy, i'm going to give him a Sonic Rainboom!" Rainbow dash said, while the others, except the princesses rolled their eyes.

"That was very wise said Fluttershy." Celestia said to the shy pegasus. "I'm very impressed, that behind your shyness, there is full of wisdom in you." Celestia commented Fluttershy, who blushed. Her face then turned serious again. "But we still need to find him, and find out more about him." Celestia said. They all nodded in agreement, but then a magic green fire arrived beside Princess Celestia. It turned into a letter.

"A letter?" Celestia said. She opened the letter, and when she finished it, she was a little shocked.

"What is it Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked. Celestia handed over the letter, and Twilight read it out.

Twilight! Please come back to Ponyvile immediately!!!

Why? I don't know. Come and see yourself!!!


All of the Mane 6 and princesses were shocked. Especially the word, Changelings.

"I'll send all of us to Ponyvile immediately!" Celestia said, she engulfed all of them, including herself and Luna, in a glowing light, disappearing from the hall.

The Mane 6 and the Princesses returned to Ponyvile, and to their shock, Ponyvile was different. Almost all the ponies were acting very strange, their eyes were blue, dizzy. They almost acted like they were zombies. They then looked at the Mane 6, and the princesses, they then began to follow them.

"Quick, to the library!" Twilight yelled out. All of them ran to the library as fast as they could. When they were inside the library, they closed all the doors and windows. Spike then appeared from his hiding spot, under a couple of books, fallen down the bookshelves.

"Twilight! Boy am i glad to see you." Spike said, happy to see the Mane 6. "Where were you? We really needed your help, to find out about why the ponies are acting weird today." Spike said. Then he saw the princesses were here too. "Oh hey Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. Are you here to help us too?" Spike asked Celestia.

"Yes Spike, me and Luna we're here to help." Celestia said. Twilight then realizes something familiar, to the ponies acting bizarre.

"Wait... this... this is too familiar. Everyone acting strange? Acting like they've verb replaced?!" Twilight said, realizing now who is behind it all. The others gasped, they saw Twilight's point. Except Rainbow dash.

"You lost me." Rainbow dash said, not exactly getting Twilight's point.

"Of course! The royal wedding! Princess Cadence was replaced by a changeling!" Rarity said, seeing the point.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's kick buck some bugs!" Rainbow said. The others face-hoofed. Because the full assault plan was way too reckless. Then Princess Luna came up with a strategy.

"But before we can take back Ponyvile, we need to find out, where the Changelings are hiding the originals." Princess Luna said. Celestia nods in agreement.

"Luna is right. We can't just go on a full assault, Rainbow. They might hurt the hostages." Celestia said. Rainbow sighed in disappointment. Then Pinkie came up with an idea.

"Okay Girls Princesses... and dragon... We are going to blend in. We are going to sneak behind enemy lines!" Pinkie said with seriousness. "First, i want you to clear your mind." Pinkie said, while her eyes are beginning to become like a zombie. "Then i want you to walk like a zombie!" Pinkie said, while trying to act like a zombie. "Then... I want you to... to... Um... Smile? No... Wait. Don't smile." Pinkie said, trying to act even more like a zombie. The Mane 5, and even the Princesses face-hoofed.

Later, they actually did follow Pinkie's advice, much to their dismay. The zombie pony disguised Changelings fell for it. They even saw Derpy becoming a victim. The Changeling beside the Changeling disguised as Derpy, looking a little closely to the Changeling. It then hit it's comrade on it's head, the Changeling's eyes became derpy, as a result. They looked over to the 8 ponies and dragon, walking somewhat around like the others. Fortunately, they fell for it, much to their relief.

"Okay, Pinkie's plan worked. Now where are the hostages?" Celestia asked her sister and the Mane 6. Spike saw something.

"Uh... Do you think where they would be is big and pulsing and has an eerie green glow?" Spike asked. They all turned around, they saw a green light, coming from the town hall.

"Well... Uh... I guess that's where they are." Twilight said. Then all of them bursted inside the town hall. Where they saw many cocoons around the area. Many Changelings came out of the cocoons. Seriously. Many Changelings! They all turned into Pinkie pie.

"Watch out! They're taking our form to confuse us!" Twilight said, to warn them.

"Well this is..." Rarity said.

"Nightmarish." Applejack said, finishing Rarity's sentence.

"Oh! This would be the best party ever if we weren't all about to be turned into pod ponies!" Pinkie said, much to Twilight's annoyance. Twilight then shooted a magic beam out of her horn. Rarity, Celestia, and Luna did the same. Rainbow dash karate kicked some Pinkie pie clones. Applejack used her hat as a weapon. Fluttershy tried to stay out of the fight. And Spike was being chased by a Changeling. When Fluttershy saw Rainbow dash got punched by a Changeling, Fluttershy used her most powerful weapon, The Stare, that immediately made the Changeling run away in fear. Rarity then changed Pinkie pie's hair, to look like her's, so they could tell apart. And then, Pinkie took out her party cannon. She shot out lots of pink sticky cake cream. Glueing the remaining Changelings to the ground.

Later, all the hostages were free. But the Mane 6 saw somepony missing. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo. Pinkie eventually inflated her hair back to normal. Spike then threw out a green orb.

"Huh... I don't remember eating that." Spike said confused.

"What... What is it? An egg?" Fluttershy said.

"I don't think it's a gem." Rarity said. They then heard a very familiar laugh from the green orb. And saw a familiar face they hated.

"Mwa ha ha ha! My, my... You didn't have any trouble seeing through my minions at all did you Twilight? Clever girl." The voice said, revealing to be Queen Chrysalis. Her face was in the orb. "I'm sure you're all cleve enough to see who's missing from your little village." Chrysalis said. The Mane 6, Spike, and the princesses clearly knew, who she referred to.

"Where's my sister you..." Applejack said.

"...Ill-groomed..." Rarity continued.

"...Swiss cheese..." Applejack said.

"...Mule!" Rarity continued again. "Hey!" A Mule said in the background.

"Temper, temper ladies! Tsk tsk." Chrysalis taunted the two mares.

"I believe this is what you're looking for?" Chrysalis said, pointing the view, to the held captive Cmc.

"How do we know that that's them? The real them?" Rarity said, not convinced.

"Maybe this will help us get our cutie marks?" Apple bloom said.

"In what? Being fillynapped? Scootaloo said.

Sweetie belle just sighed, at her two friends.

"That's them." Applejack said, now fully convinced it's the real Cmc.

"Where are you holding them hostage Chrysalis?" Celestia asked the Queen Changeling.

"I have them here... In my kingdom. You may want to come collect them quickly... Because i don't know how long i can put up with this." Chrysalis said annoyed, because she is listening to the Cmc's endless talking about cutie marks.

"How about three days? Otherwise something bad might happen to your little friends... something like..." Chrysalis said... Before her sentence was cut by Scootaloo.

"Hey! She's about to start monologuing! I bet she reveals her entire twisted plan!" Scootaloo said, much to Chrysalis annoyance again.

"Ugh. Goodbye." Chrysalis said, before the green orb disappeared. Celestia looked at the Mane 6.

"We need to come up with a plan. One of us should go back to Canterlot, and protect it. And one of us need to protect Ponyvile from anymore unwanted guests. And we need somepony to save those three fillies." Celestia said. They nodded in agreement.

Then the plan was made. Celestia will go back to Canterlot, from any Changelings. Princess Luna will stay in Ponyvile for protection. And the Mane 6 will travel to Chrysalis's kingdom, to save the Cmc.

"Wow, we really have a tough today huh?" Pinkie said to the others.

"I know Pinkie, but sometimes things just happens." Applejack said to her pink friend. The 6 ponies were now beginning their journey, to Chrysalis's kingdom.

Meanwhile, Super 17 was still flying around. He flew around to investigate the new planet he was in. He saw many things, like a rainbow waterfall, a large gorge, a town in the wild west, a large city, and many volcanoes with lizard like beings living there. He haven't found very much interest in the things he has seen so far.

"You know, this beginning to get boring." Super 17 thought to himself. "I could really use a tough opponent now." Super 17 thought to himself again, there are however no real tough opponents he has seen or felt yet, but he liked to toy with them. But then, he felt a powerful energy, a power who was very close, to one of the princesses he met. He felt it come from a direction a little while from where he was floating.

"Let's see if there is something interesting over there." Super 17 thought to himself. Before he flew to the direction, where he felt a powerful energy.

In Chrysalis's kingdom, the three fillies Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo, were held hostage, in a cocoon. And they still talked a lot about cutie marks, much to Chrysalis's annoyance.

"Maybe it's an opportunity to get cutie marks by being hostages." Apple bloom told her friends.

"I don't think such a cutie mark exist Apple bloom." Sweetie belle said.

"Oh really? Then what about the time a mare once found out her cutie mark was..." Scootaloo said, before Chrysalis cut her sentence, clearly had enough of the three fillies endless talk about cutie marks.

"SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" Chrysalis shouted at the three fillies. "Cutie mark this, cutie mark that. Can't you three fillies talk about anything but that?!" Chrysalis yelled at them.

"Well, we can talk about the time, when we made news at the Foal Free Press, or the time we met a Cockatrice, or what about the time, when we heard our sisters talk about how they got their cutie marks, or we can talk about..." Sweetie belle said, while continuing her new endless talk, Chrysalis in respond sighed in annoyance.

"Ugh, these fillies are driving me crazy! I hope those 6 mares are coming soon to surrender." Chrysalis said.

Deeper in the kingdom, Changelings were patrolling the kingdom. They flew around the place, to make sure that nopony breaked in or out. But little do they know, that something will happen very soon.

"KAPROOOOWWWW!" It said. That sound alerted the Changelings. They flew over to the source of the sound, and they saw a very tall man, who has just blasted a hole in the wall. It was none other than Super 17.

"Hhmm, so this is where the source of power i felt were coming from." He said, he looked around, he saw some big creatures, who looked like a cross between a pony, and an insect. Super 17 thought that they reminded him of Cell once. One of the pony insect creature known as a Changeling walked over to him.

"Who are you? Answer us right now!" It said. More Changelings appeared, there were more than a dozen of them right now.

"Who me? I'm Super 17. And my only business here is the source of a powerful energy i have just felt." Super 17 answered the Changeling's question. The Changelings looked at each other. They eventually thought that he wanted the Queen, and that's over their dead bodies.

"Are you referring to the Queen? Then you can get lost! Or else we will use our might to take you down." The Changeling threatened. The other Changelings took their fighting poses.

"So you wanna fight huh?" Super 17 said. His answer was answered once the Changelings charged at him. Super 17 however smirked at them.

Meanwhile, the Queen was thinking of a plan to delay the Mane 6. She then had the idea to break them up, by making them think that they talked badly to each other. But before she could make the choice, an explosion came from the room.

"KAPROOOOWWWW!" It said. Queen Chrysalis turned around, and was surprised when she saw a tall man walk through the hole, he holded a Changeling in his hand. Chrysalis gritted her teeth, and activated her horn. While the Cmc were fascinated about the newcomer.

"Who is this?" Scootaloo asked her friends.

"How should i know?" Apple bloom said.

"Let's hear them out." Sweetie belle suggested, the two others nodded in agreement, and saw the conversation between the Changeling queen, and the newcomer.

"How dare you attack the mighty Changelings, stranger!" Chrysalis shouted at the newcomer. "And why exactly are you attacking us, we've done nothing wrong to you... yet." Chrysalis also said.

"I was just seeing, where the energy came from." The newcomer said. "I defeated these mere weaklings, so the source of the energy may come from you, correct?" The newcomer said to Chrysalis. Chrysalis smirked to the newcomer.

"That's right. I am the mighty Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changelings, and the slayer of anypony getting in my way!" Chrysalis shouted, while introducing herself. The newcomer however barely looked impressed.

"Oh, so that's your name? Queen Chrysalis? How pathetic." He simply said. The Changeling Queen quickly became angered by his remark.

"You dare say that to me? Queen Chrysalis. Haven't you heard of me?" Chrysalis shouted at him.

"No, and i don't care either. But anyway, i'm Super 17, the ultimate android." Super 17 said. Chrysalis was confused, because she don't know what an android is. But it doesn't matter right now, for the newcomer was more important.

"Ok, but now i'm asking. Why are you attacking us?" Chrysalis asked Super 17.

"As i said, i was just here to see where the powerful energy came from." Super 17 said. Chrysalis looked at herself with pride. She thought that the newcomer was here to join her army against the ponies.

"Aahh, i see. You wanted to join my army. Why didn't you just ask? You can become bodyguard, or maybe my general." Chrysalis said, but Super 17 was not interested at all.

"Join you? I never join forces with weaklings like you." Super 17 simply said, that ended Chrysalis's smile at once. She gritted her teeth. This newcomer must pay, for insulting the queen.

"How dare you! I will make you eat those words." Chrysalis shouted, and shouted a powerful beam at Super 17. He however threw the Changeling he holed aside, and jumped over the beam. The Cmc looked very impressed at Super 17's reflexes.

"He is good." Sweetie belle said.

"Yeah, he is alright, but still not as good, or cool, as Rainbow dash." Scootaloo said.

"Go stranger!" Apple bloom cheered on Super 17, he in respond heard the voice, and looked at the three fillies held captive.

"Why are you holding these three captive? Are they your dinner or something?" Super 17 asked.

"Oh no, they are my prisoners, and bait for my victory of conquering Equestria!" Chrysalis shouted at him. Super 17 glared at her.

"Holding a few fillies hostage, to conquer an entire land?" Super 17 said to Chrysalis. "What a cowardly and pathetic strategy, i must say." Super 17 insulted her, she easily fell for his insult.

"THAT'S IT! YOU ARE GOING DOWN!" Chrysalis shouted at him, she charged at him right away, but as soon as she was close to him, he merely kicked her away. Chrysalis felt a lot of pain.

"Argh. You are stronger than i thought, i will give you that." Chrysalis commented him. "But you're not as strong as me. Taste my power!" Chrysalis shouted, now shooting lots of green fire balls at Super 17, he however just knocked the fire balls away, with one hand.

"How pathetic. I thought you were even stronger than the two princesses i thought." Super 17 said. Chrysalis was quiet for a moment, as she just heard, that he has fought the two princesses, Celestia and Luna.

"You... You have thought Princess Celestia?" Chrysalis shouted at him. Super 17 smirked in respond.

"Correct, i fought and beat her." He simply said. The Changeling queen's face turned more serious and angry.

"You... You are bluffing! Nopony except me is strong enough to beat her!" Chrysalis shouted, she charged at him again. Then Super 17 took his hand off, to her surprise, and pointed his handless arm in front of her. It then shooted out some energy bullets at her. Chrysalis tried to dodge it, but failed. She was hit by many of them. She was eventually damaged a lot. Super 17 walked closer, but behind Super 17, were a Changeling, ready to strike him in the back. Chrysalis signaled the Changeling to wait for her signal.

"You... Are much stronger than i thought." She said. Super 17 smirked.

"Thanks for the compliment." He said. "I however have to say, you are much weaker than i thought." Super 17 taunted her. The Cmc cheered while still in their cocoon. Then Sweetie belle noticed the Changeling, ready to stab him from the back.

"Watch out stranger!" Sweetie belle called out. But Super 17 barely listened to her.

"NOW!" Chrysalis shouted, the Changeling from the back, was about to attack Super 17 from the back. But just as it was about to hit. He kneed the Changeling right in the gut, knocking it out cold. Chrysalis was very shocked.

"By the way, i knew that bug was already behind me." Super 17 said, indicating that he knew the Changeling was ready to attack him from behind.

"How... How did you know that? Do you have eyes in the back?" Chrysalis asked, getting even more and more worried. Super 17 grinned at her.

"I didn't even bother to look. I felt his energy attack me from behind." Super 17 merely said. Chrysalis then flew out of the room, out of fear. Super 17 was about to follow, until he heard a voice from behind.

"Hey stranger! Stranger!" The voice said, he turned around, and saw the three same fillies from before, still trapped in the cocoon.

"Can you let us out. Please." Sweetie belle yelled out to him. While doing her puppy eyes, the same did the two others. Super 17 would normally have ignored it, and blew them away with his Flash Bomber, but then he felt the feelings from before again, like it's saying that he needs to free those three. He thought for a moment, and then walked over to their cocoon.

"Was that a yes?" Apple bloom asked him. Then Super 17 bought out his hand, preparing a fist. The Cmc got a little worried, and closed their eyes in fear, ready to get hit by his fist. But right when he was about to hit them, it reveals that he was actually taking the cocoon shell, and pulled it all out, thus freeing the Cmc.

"Hurray! We are free!" Scootaloo cheered. The three fillies cheered together. "We are free! We are free! We are free!" They shouted. Even Super 17 have to admit, that they yelled really loud. When they were finally done cheering, Sweetie belle walked over to Super 17.

"Thanks for helping us mister. The Cutie Mark Crusaders at your service!" She yelled out to him, while the three fillies are doing their Cmc poses. Super 17 looked at them, in both confusion, and annoyance.

"Cutie mark crusaders? What kind of name is that?" He thought to himself. Then he heard a swarm of wings flying over to him. It was Queen Chrysalis, who has just gotten her backup. A few hundred more Changelings.

"YOU HAVE BEATEN THE MIGHTY CHRYSALIS! NOW SEE IF YOU CAN BEAT THE WHOLE NEST!!!" She shouted at him. The three fillies were shocked, and took cover behind Super 17.

"Uuhh... May i suggest we run away now." Said a worried Apple bloom.

"Oh i wish Rainbow dash was here, she would totally kick your flanks." Scootaloo yelled out to the Changelings.

"Comeon mister, let's get out of here!" Sweetie belle yelled out to Super 17, who was just standing there still.

"Sorry. But i have a little fight to finish." He told Sweetie belle. The three fillies got even more shocked, at his bravery.

"Are you crazy?!" Scootaloo yelled out to him. "There is hundreds of them, and only four of us! We can't beat them." Scootaloo still yelling out to him. Super 17 however smiled.

"You should know that numbers aren't everything in a fight." Super 17 simply said, not worried at all. Chrysalis smirked, she thought that she could totally beat him now.

"THEN FACE OUR WRATH! CHANGELINGS ATTACK!!!" She yelled out. The Cmc was about to run away. But then Super 17 raised his hands up.

"You should know, that it's too late to surrender!" Chrysalis shouted over to him. But then he lowered his hands, and pointed at them.

"What's he doing?" Apple bloom asked her friends.

"I think we're about to find out." Sweetie belle said. Then Super 17 yelled out something very familiar.

"FLASH BOMBER!" He yelled out, while his fingers were about to fire something.

Meanwhile, the Mane 6 has finally arrived to Chrysalis's kingdom. They had to go through many things on their way. Like walking through a mirror like labyrinth, a swamp, and even met some ogre like creatures.

"Phew, finally. We made it." Pinkie said, while gasping.

"Now we can go in and save our sisters." Applejack said.

"Yeah, let's go through the gate, kick some Changeling flanks, and save our sisters!" Rainbow dash said. While making some punching and kicking imaginations when fighting some Changelings.

"Although i'm not much into fighting myself, but if it's involving my sweet little Sweetie belle, BRING IT ON!" Rarity yelled out. Going into a fighting stance.

"Let's not get too over ourselves. It could be dangerous." fluttershy said.

"I agree with Fluttershy. We can't just storm in. There can be guards everywhere." Twilight said. Rainbow sighed at that.

"Oh come on Twilight, we've just arrived to this bug's kingdom. And now we have to make a plan? I'm seriously getting impatient here guys." Rainbow said, impatiently. They've had a long journey, and Rainbow dash has really gotten impatient, she has really waited for the part where they kick some Changeling flank.

"Yes Rainbow dash, that's the best way to get in, without something bad happening." Twilight simply said. Rainbow sighed. "Fine whatever." Rainbow said. All of them then formed a circle, while planning a plan.

"Okay here is what we do. First Rainbow, you will see if there are any exits around here, then Applejack will..." Twilight planned, before it was cut off, by an explosion coming right from the gate.

"KAPROOOOWWWW!" It said(Again). The gate has been blown to pieces. And many Changelings flew out unconscious, the Mane 6 deformed their circle.

"Okay, what the hay just happened here?" Applejack said. They then saw Queen Chrysalis flew out of the gate.

"Queen Chrysalis!" Rainbow yelled out to her. She was slowly regaining her consciousness.

"Alright spit out." Rainbow said, while holding Chrysalis's face. "Where have you hidden Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and especially Scootaloo?" Rainbow yelled out to her. Then Chrysalis finally regains her consciousness, and stood up, the Mane 6 took fighting stances. But to their surprise, she didn't look angry, or vengeful when she saw them, she was actually kinda glad that she saw them. Then she ran behind Fluttershy.

"Oh it's good you came! Help me! Hide me! Hide me away from that monster!" Chrysalis yelled out in fear. The Mane 6 looked confused.

"What monster?" Twilight asked her. "Who was it, that blew you out of the kingdom?" Twilight asked. Her answer was soon to be answered when they heard a voice, they have heard before.

"That would be me." The voice said, while they saw something walking out of the gate. The Mane 6 then saw the Cmc walking out of the gate, much to Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow dash's relief. That relief ended when they saw, the one has just fought Queen Chrysalis. He walked out of the shadow, and stood beside the freed Cmc.

"Super 17?!" They yelled out.

Author's Note:

This chapter, will be based on the Mlp comic The Return Of Queen Chrysalis. But it has a few differences.
Chrysalis just got her flank kicked by Super 17.
And now, Super 17, is not intending to harm the ponies... For now :pinkiehappy:
Find out more next time.