• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,142 Views, 14 Comments

Guardian Trinity - Solphestus

It was an average day for Maximus Garrison as he returned home from college, that is... until a strange old man showed up on his front porch. and it didnt take long after that for his entire world to be turned on his head!

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Chapter 0 - From thy past is thine future borne...

“Finally!” grumbled a young man in his early twenties as he arrived home from college, tossing his backpack which contained his laptop and textbooks onto his couch before making his way towards the kitchen. “You know, college isn’t as easy as I thought it would be…” He thought to himself as he opened the refrigerator to fix himself a snack, only to find it empty. “… Especially when you have to buy your own groceries.” He then sighed before closing the refrigerator and going back to the Living Room where he had tossed his backpack from which he retrieved his keys and wallet. And once he retrieved said objects he left his house for the second time that day, his destination: the local supermarket. Mostly because there weren’t any grocery stores within walking or biking distance and he didn’t own a car.

After about an hour’s walk the young man arrived at the town supermarket, where upon he entered the throng of fellow shoppers to go buy what he needed. It didn’t take long to find what he needed, eggs, flour, noodles, milk, etcetera… but after he had finished buying all the groceries he thought that he would supposedly need for the next month or so he left the market and started on his way back home. But when he arrived there he came to find himself an unexpected visitor.

“Excuse me, but can I help you?” He asked the stranger standing on his front porch.

The person on the front porch slowly turned to face the young man, seemingly surprised for some reason. “Oh, why hello there… Um, is this your house by any chance?” the stranger asked, his voice distinctly sounding both male and elderly, though it was hard to be certain due to the cloak that the stranger was wearing completely covering him from head to toe.

“It is… May I ask who you are?” The young man asked cautiously, feeling very suspicious.

“I’m… A friend… May I come in and sit? I have come a long way and wish to rest myself.” The stranger replied.

“A friend you say… Yet I don’t know you, so-“ The young man started to say before the stranger cut him off.

“Ah, but I know who you are, Maximus Garrison.” The stranger said, sounding quite smug now. “And I can prove it if simply knowing your full name isn’t enough…”

“Ok, then prove it. And while you’re at it explain to me why you're here and why I shouldn’t call the police on you.” Max said, getting tense due to the stranger knowing who he was but him not having a clue who the stranger was.

“Fine then,” The stranger said before recounting events from max’s past that he had told almost no one except for a few close friends and relatives as if he had been there himself. “And as for why I am here, can’t a relative pay you a visit?”

Max just stared at the stranger, absolutely dumbfounded causing the stranger to snicker as he pulled down the hood to his cloak, revealing the face of a well-aged old man. “Are you just going to stand there or are we going to go inside and relax?” He asked, causing max to snap back to his senses.

“Oh, um sure…” Max said before walking up to his front door and unlocking it as the old man stepped aside momentarily. He then opened the door and showed the old man inside before going to the kitchen and putting up his groceries. “So… you never did introduce yourself?” Max called out to the elderly man now currently sitting in the living room.

“I’m a relative, that’s all you need to know. And I won’t be here long so don’t worry, though I would like to leave some things with you.” The old man called back, making max both curious and more confused by the strange old man.

“Something you want to leave with me? Like what?” Max asked the old man as he walked back into the living room after putting up the groceries and fixing himself a sandwich which he was currently eating.

The old man merely chuckled as he pulled three items from his robes, a sword with a pair of yellow bull horns for the handguards as well as a large green gem set between them, a statuette of a knight and an almost circular chrome mask with a piece resembling an airplane fin on the top. “These… after all, they belong to you.” The old man said after presenting the items.

Max at first looked at the old man strangely as if he was speaking in riddles before simply shrugging it off and sitting down next to the old man on the couch. “So what are they? Some kind of fancy old collectables?” Max asked, vaguely recognizing the items as something from when he was little but he couldn’t quite remember what they were.

“Oh, there much more than that… go ahead and touch them.” The old man said.

Almost as If he was bewitched Max reached out and picked up the objects, and as he held them they suddenly began to glow. “What!?” Max shouted as the glow then gradually got brighter and brighter until it consumed his entire body.

“Good luck kiddo!” The old man said as Max vanished along with the strange light.

Max felt strange, almost as if his very being was being erased and then remade at the same time while he floated in an endless void made of pure light. But the feeling didn’t last for long, because almost moments later the light around him began to fade as he felt gravity seem to exert itself upon him from somewhere… and before he could find out where he passed out.

In a field just behind a rickety old orphanage a pair of young fillies watched as something fell from the sky while they were playing. Urged on by both their curiosity and something else which they couldn’t explain, the two fillies snuck off to find the strange object which fell from the sky.

Late in the afternoon a few days after the fillies observed the strange object fall from the sky they finally found it, but what they found wasn’t what they were expecting. There, in the middle of a small crater, were three unconscious beings of which the fillies had never seen before. And almost as if timed specifically to the fillies’ arrival the three beings began to awake...