• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,143 Views, 14 Comments

Guardian Trinity - Solphestus

It was an average day for Maximus Garrison as he returned home from college, that is... until a strange old man showed up on his front porch. and it didnt take long after that for his entire world to be turned on his head!

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Chapter 2 - The journy begins

“W-what are you three?” Celestia asked nervously as Axonn carried her and Luna through the forest, his two counterparts on either side of him.

“That, is a long and complicated story.” Axonn said as he smiled gently down at Celestia and Luna, the latter of which was currently fast asleep.

“And from what we can tell you girls are probably hungry…” Magna stated, his point only being proven by the fillies’ growling stomachs which caused Celestia to blush. “And you two most certainly need a bath.”

“WHAT!?” Celestia shouted, her face now as red as a tomato from a mixture of embarrassment and fury. If she thought it would have done any good she would have blasted Magna in the face with her magic, but suspecting that it would only glance off his armor decided to merely pout in defiance.

Knightmon snickered at Magna and Celestia’s antics as he kept an eye on their surroundings, both watching for any possible danger and anything that would be suitable to feed the two strange fillies. Letting his curiosity get the better of him though, he decided to ask a question… “By the way, what prey tell are the two of you?”

“Were Ponies, or to be more specific… I’m a unicorn and Luna here’s a thestral.” Celestia told Knightmon as she started to ignore Magna in childish defiance. Though the reaction from the three she got wasn’t exactly what Celestia expected.

“Ok, this situation was already impossible as it was, but now… I’m not even going to bother.” Magna sighed as Knightmon and Axonn grumbled in agreement.

“What are you talking about?” Celestia asked curiously.

“Its… even more complicated than the story about what we are, and we don’t want you to suffer an existential crisis.” Axonn explained as they finally reached the edge of the forest… only to find a large river and even more forest on the other side of it.

“Well, at least we have someplace to bathe the two of them for now.” Magna snickered, causing Celestia to struggle in Axonn’s grasp in an attempt to get free and buck Magna in the leg.

“You do remember that that is no way to speak to a lady right?” Knightmon asked.

“I hate to contradict myself, but she’s a little girl, not a lady.” Axonn interjected as he handed Luna to Magna. “Be careful with the pony toddler ok?”

“Did you really need to ask?” Magna quipped, causing Axonn to merely smirk as he handed the struggling Celestia to Knightmon.

“I believe he did it for the sake of making Celestia not worry.” Knightmon interjected as he carried Celestia over towards the river.

“That, and I’m too large to wash them properly so I’m leaving it to you two to get it done.” Axonn added. Magna shrugged in response, seeing the logic in what his two counterparts had said before gently waking the sleeping filly so that he could bathe her.

“I can bathe myself!” Celestia whined, not letting Knightmon bathe her.

“Well how else are you going to get all that dirt and grime out of your fur then?” Knightmon asked her.

“I’ll just use my magic to scrub myself with a brush!” Celestia said defiantly.

“And you have a brush with you?”


“Exactly, now let me help you unless you want to walk around covered in mud.”

“… Fine…”

Axonn chuckled as he watched the little fight between the unicorn and his counterpart, glad that the fillies were recuperating after nearly being turned into someone’s lunch. Though he knew that both he and his two counterparts were going to need some time to get accustomed to their situation…

“So where’s your parents? We should probably get you back home to them.” Magna said offhandedly as he cleaned Luna’s mane for her.

“Our pawents?” Luna asked, tilting her head a bit as she looked up at magna with a confused expression.

“Yeah, you know, your mommy and daddy?” Magna said, a bad feeling building in his gut.

“Were orphans.” Celestia explained sadly, having overheard Magna’s question.

“O-oh…” magna stuttered, feeling bad for the two fillies.

“Well, that was, unexpected…” Knightmon commented, staring down at Celestia sadly.

“Is there anything we could do for you? We can’t just leave you to fend for yourselves out here after all.” Axonn said to them, not knowing what to do.

“Umm, w-well, you c-could probably take us b-back to the orphanage?” Celestia said, though there was a definite edge of sadness and bitterness in her tone of voice.

“Sounds like you don’t like the place, any reason why?”

“The ponies there are mean!” Luna replied for Celestia, causing everyone to look at her in surprise as Celestia merely groaned.

“I see, so you would rather be anywhere else other than that orphanage then?” Knightmon asked politely, and getting a nod in response from the two fillies. “Well, what if someone adopted you then?”

“What’s adoption?” The fillies asked in surprising unison.

“Well, it’s where someone takes someone who doesn’t have a family and makes them part of their own?” magna replied, giving his best explanation of what he thought adoption was.

Having finished getting cleaned By Magna and Knightmon, Celestia and Luna got into a huddle and silently started discussing something between themselves, peeking over their shoulders at the three beings on occasion as they talked before coming to some sort of decision. “Um, would you adopt us?” The fillies asked, pulling out the puppy dog eyes out in full force as they cuddled up to one another and pouted while shivering from the cold river water evaporating from their fur… it didn’t help that the way they were sitting also made them look like a pair of abandoned kittens that were left in a box on the side of the road.

“Gah! The cuteness levels! There too strong!” Magna said dramatically, holding a hand to his chest and reaching for the sky with the other as he fell to his knees.

“9999” Knightmon said in agreement as he clutched both his hands to his chest and fell backwards, pretending that he was a videogame boss who had just been hit with an instant KO attack.

“… Looks like the answer to your question will be a yes then.” Axonn groaned, covering his mask with one hand in an attempt to stave off giving a reaction similar to his counterparts.

“Yay!” The fillies cheered as the instantly dropped the cute act and jumped on Axonn, resulting in them merely clinging to his legs due to how large he was.

“The coincidences just keep piling up don’t they?” Magna chuckled as he and Knightmon got back up, having finished overreacting to the weaponized cuteness.

“Indeed, Not only are our bodies those of guardian class characters, but were also now the guardians of these two children.” Axonn said, chuckling as well as he peeled the two fillies off his legs and set them back on the ground.

“Guys, I think we need to have a quick chat about how were going to handle this.” Knightmon said, causing Axonn and Magna to nod before the three of them got into a huddle, causing Celestia and Lina to look at them curiously. “How should we have them refer to us since we technically just agreed to be their legal guardians so to speak?”

“Well, first of all, lets not have them refer to us as their fathers… Being married to yourself would get very awkward very fast, especially since were all guys.” Magna pointed out, Axonn and Knightmon nodded in agreement.

“Then let’s have them refer to us as their uncles?” Axonn suggested, causing the other two to look at each other before shrugging.

“Ok, now that that is settled, we should probably find that orphanage to make this official shouldn’t we?”

“Indeed we should, and then we can figure out what to do from there.” Knightmon stated, bringing the huddle to a close.

“Ok! Celestia, do you remember where the orphanage you left is, no were not taking you back so don’t worry we just want to see if there are any papers or anything we have to fill out for adopting you.” Axonn said with the most comforting smile he could manage between his mask and robotic face which the mask was part of.

“Umm… I don’t remember?” Celestia said sheepishly.

“Whelp, there goes that part of the plan. So shall we simply try and find our way out of this forest for now then?” Magna said.

“Might as well.” Knightmon responded with a shrug. He then walked over and lifted Celestia onto his shoulder causing her to squeak in surprise. Magna then walked over to Luna and scooped her up into his arms as Axonn reached behind him and pulled out his character’s signature Ax and hefted it over his shoulder.

“Then were off.” Axon stated, taking the lead so that should any trouble arise he could act as the first line of defense as Knightmon and Magna followed while carrying the fillies… Though it wasn’t long until they were reminded of how hungry their charges were causing them to chuckle and keep an eye out for an apple tree or anything edible for ponies while they walked, following the river next to them downstream as they searched for a way out of the forest.

Comments ( 10 )

Warning! Lethal cuteness levels detected! Read at your own risk!

Welp... You've had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.... Activating tracking beacon!

7609989 Thanks, hope you enjoy the shenanigans that ensue! :pinkiecrazy:

You need a title pic.

7663421 Working on getting one.

Alright, looks good so far. I eagerly await your next chapter.

It doesn't look good... it's awesome I can't wait for ur next chapter

Hope this hasn't died because this is good. Can't wait for more.

I can neither confirm nor deny this, mainly as I currently do not have the time to be writing fanfictions for the forseeable future but I might pick it back up one day. As things currently are though I cant till my personal life is more stable.

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