• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I'm a proud brony who reads stuff for a living. I also write darkfics & family-friendly stuff every-so-often. All I can say is, if you plan to read any of my content, happy horrors ;)


Comments ( 29 )

scary as shit i liked this

7514609 Audio reading of it is coming soon :raritywink:

7517216 Link to the reading is in the description of the story :twilightsmile:

Good story it would be cool if there was another chapter or story with one the other mane six as the one giving the survey

7519505 I'm thinking about doing it, or letting others get inspiration. I'd love to see how other writer's would write out the rest of the Mane Six giving their victim the survey.

Hell of a story bro


Do you mind if I make a sequel to this? :trixieshiftright:

7559587 Go ahead, I'd love to see where others can go with this story :twilightsmile:

How do you get certain parts to be red?! :derpyderp2:

7610832 I don't understand what you mean

7612645 Every time I try to get one paragraph a certain color, it makes the whole thing that color.

7613076 Oh, it's the little icon that looks like the Wheel of Fortune, click on that, select red, and it will appear like this. [/RED]Insert text you want red[/RED] Make sure the text you want is between that selection only, and when it's in view mode, it should appear the selected color.

Hey. Key Stix and I did a riff on this story for Discord's Funtastic Theater 3000. If you don't know what riffing is, it's MST3K but with fanfics. Thanks to Sparrow9642 for letting us do this story. It was a lot of fun.

The Survey riffed by Key Stix and Rixizu

Wow I loved this, it was one of those stories where I have to know what happens next. :pinkiehappy:

I wrote a sequel. It's called "The Box" and it's longer and more focused on the entire idea behind the Survey

how'd he write the story if he broke his computer and was killed...

Whew, that was good. Who needs sleep?

Since I'm assuming that the survey in the story doesn't exist (a non-cursed veesion of it, I mean), Imma gonna do it here!

QUESTION 1: How old are you?

Answer 1: 21

QUESTION 2: Who is your favorite pony?

Answer 2: Trixie (last name unknown to me)

QUESTION 3: Why is Trixie your favorite pony?

Answer 3: During her first appearance in Ponyville, she was just doing her job/special talent by putting on what was presumably a free show for the entire town, and she was heckled by Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity, three ponies who should know that, in certain businesses, image is EVERYTHING. Then, later that same day, she was almost killed when two idiotic foals led an Ursa Minor to her wagon, and she risked her life trying to make sure that the two foals wouldn't be hurt.
Dammit. I would have to actually have the actual survey, which wouldn't be that hard to code, seeing as how there is actually an entire website devoted to choose your own adventure stories online, and those work...GODDAMMIT man.

Good story, but...

I didn't need to even think twice about the question. I was ruthlessly bullied before by an arrogant asshole, all because I was a brony. There was one point in my life where I nearly committed suicide because of the bullying, and wished I could kill the asshole.

The pertinent part of this comic dub is at 2 minutes and 26 seconds into the comic. Just replace Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Lover with "this person, who's supposedly 18, was a BRONY while in ELEMENTARY school?" The show wasn't even around that long ago, let alone the fandom! Er...excuse me, what I meant to say was THIS generation of the show wasn't even around that long ago, and neither was Netflix, or the fandom for that matter! It wouldn't have even been possible for the main character in this story to BE a Brony while he was in Elementary school! Besides which, for a child to have thoughts of killing another child is pretty :yay:ed up, and I would know, because I had those thoughts, and I'm pretty :yay:ed up! So...suspension of disbelief check was not only failed here, but it was also purposely sabotaged in the story itself! Not by the stuff that made it a grimdark, but by the little details. It's important to get that stuff right.

QUESTION 4: Explain why Trixie is attractive to you

All right. I'm back. So, if in my previous Answer #3 I had added that Trixie was the most attractive pony that I had seen on the show, here is what my Answer #4 would've been (for the record, she is, but not in the way that you probably think.):
Answer #4: Well, when I said that she was attractive, I meant her personality. I have always found myself drawn to the handicapped members of society, whetherthat handicap is mental, physical, or emotional. We can quite clearly see thatTrixie, despite not letting anything get her down during her first appearance in Ponyville (including an attack by a GIANT SPACE BEAR, which would have had anyone else cowering in fear), has went through HELL ever since not being able to perform on stage for anypony because of said attack by GIANT SPACE BEAR, and Twilight Bitchface saying that the two foals who led the dangerous wild animal into the town hadn't done anything wrong and instead laying all the blame for the incident on Trixie.

QUESTION 5: Time for some fun. Trixie has received your submissions, and has a present for you

Answer 5:

Just replace the word chocolate with the words fun and present.

What the hell? This wasn't even a question, and what did it mean by "fun?" I didn't want to know the answer, as I heard my fax machine start to erupt. I had a feeling that this was the "present" the survey had mentioned. I checked my fax machine, only to discover a picture of one of Twilight's socks, and instructions at the bottom.

Aw...couldn't another tab open up on the computer instead, with the tab being my E-Mail, and there being a new message in my inbox? I wouldn't technically be closing out of the survey, I'd just be going to a different tab that it had opened up! Also, what the :yay: is a fax machine?

so I re-opened my Skype

Eh...for the purposes of this assholes (meaning, of course, my) commentary, Skype will not be necessary here.

I was scared shitless, and could only blame myself, seeing I had made the choice of clicking the link. As much as I regretted it now, there was no turning back, so I re-opened my Skype, and called back my latest contact, Magicfreak42. The call didn't take less than a split second to answer, revealing Trixie on webcam once more, still dressed in her same outfit

The outfit being that awesome cape and hat that she had on during her first appearance in Ponyville, and which is probably the only thing that she has left of her parents.

"Question one, what elementary school did you attend?" she asked.

Answer #1: Pullen Elementary School, and Ganiard Elementary School. I threw a desk at my kindergarten teacher because I wanted to go back to preschool, dammit!

"Question two, were you ever picked on or bullied during your years of attendance?" she asked.

Answer #2: Yes I was, ut just like you Trixie I didn't let that :yay:er get away with it. He was in Fourth Grade, and I was in First. I kicked his :yay: for bullying me, though.

"Question three, what was their name?" she asked.

Answer #3: I dunno. They stopped being important to me after I kicked their :yay:.

"Question four, did you ever have any thoughts of killing this individual?" she asked.

Answer #4: I dunno. Refer to the answer that I just gave you.

"Final question, am I really your favorite?" she asked.

Final Answer: But Trixie! We haven't even talked about you yet! Why you gotta do me like this, L.o.m.L? (Think she-who-will-not-be-named acronym for her brother. You know, B.B.B.F.F.?) Also, yes. Yes you are my favorite pony. You will always BE my favorite pony, no matter how much Anti-Trixie propaganda Hasbro tries to sell.

QUESTION 6: Did you enjoy Trixie's game?

Answer #6: What game? There was no game there! Games have a plot, a goal, a purpose! That was just more survey questions! What, do you think that I lied or something?! I would NEVER lie to Trixie, dammit! I owe her my life, and have given her my very SOUL.

QUESTION 7: Are you enjoying this survey?

Answer #7: Yes, but I want it to be a real survey, as it wouldn't be that hard to code...

QUESTION 8: How would you rate this survey?

Surprisingly enough, my answer #8 is the same as the answer given in the story, for the reason that I have been putting in these comments every chance I got:

"I would rate this as a big FUCK YOU/10! How bout that asshole!"

it would not be that hardfor someone to actually code this survey, dammit!

QUESTION 9: Trixie would like to ask you a question.

Trixie: "I thought I was your favorite? Do you hate me now?"

Answer #9: Why in the world would I hate you? Is this because of that "Why you gotta do me like this, L.o.m.L?" thing I said to you earlier? Because if it is, what I meant when I said that was "why you gotta do me like this, Love of my Life?" Hell, I would willingly track down and kill ANYONE who has ever hurt you, Trixie, if you weren't so forgiving, and therefore would hate me for doing that! (Please note: The Real McCoy is an internet personality and the thoughts expressed by The Real McCoy are not always endorsed by the person who is typing the words. Reader discretion of The Real McCoy's comments is advised.)

QUESTION 10: Download the file below, and watch the video located in the file.

Aw...but what do I get for following the rules of the survey each and every time? Ooh! I vote that I am that mystical someone who got to take the survey, and get a reward of my choosing. That reward? Learn how to code this survey into an actual webpage, and then forward the link to everyone who has ever liked and favorited this story. Do it as soon as possible, please.

The best comedy horror story I have read in quite awhile, what the hell is with the god damn tube socks!? I don't understand how this can be anything but a dark comedy at best, but damn did I enjoy reading this story

Kind of reminds me of the scott-watson test, except pony edition.

Hey everypony! Dim here ^-^
This was an interesting one- I've read very few stories where the format was different. I liked it more than I should have, and now I shall read the sequel. There's not that much to talk about... But, this intrigues me and now I wish for more!

*cocks gun*
Time to kill Twilight tonight.

This is still one of my favorite stories! I love it!:heart::twilightsmile:

Twilight turned to Kenny with her horn pointed directly at him, and charged up a large amount of magic. With no hesitation, she fired the mass of magic directly at Kenny, immediately killing him. Out of the blast, Kenny's body was scorched, and multiple bones stuck out of his joints, due to him being stuck to a chair. A massive puddle of blood formed around the body, as Twilight teleported Kenny's body back to wherever it came from originally.

Oh my god, she killed Kenny!

OMG the south park referance :twilightangry2:

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