• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I'm a proud brony who reads stuff for a living. I also write darkfics & family-friendly stuff every-so-often. All I can say is, if you plan to read any of my content, happy horrors ;)

Comments ( 43 )

Well that was interesting,It's strange,the cookies had no effect at first,but after the joke is over,everything just goes to hell.Confusing,to say the least

So Rainbow Dash is alive? Oh nvm

One question tho, Rainbow and Spikes sells mix,
But when you mix someone’s blood cells
Those things don’t happen so I don’t think Rainbow Dash would turn into a dragon, also why is she
Thirsty for blood? Just confusing things- pls answer

It's called science fiction. It's not made to make sense, just build up a fear of what happened in the 28 days after the outbreak

Its not dead. I'm just struggling to update it, while managing other projects I need to get done

Well I thank you for answering and clearing it up. I appreciate it, and hope that things clear up for you. :twilightsmile:

I got to enjoy a Superbowl win and to read the final chapters.

And the final curtain draws to an end, this magnificent story finally reaching a good close. I enjoyed reading it, even with the few mysteries still in place. Thank you for the ride. :twilightsmile:

I intended to keep the mysteries open. What RD exactly became, where she is in the end, who created the virus and why, the fact that Twilight died and yet, she was found alive as a monstrosity, and the fear that if she is never found, Equestria could be entering a plague of hellspawn, are all things I wanted to keep open for a good sense of fear.

I'm happy you enjoyed the conclusion :twilightsmile:

Well, to be honest. If I was in this story, I would be already dead at the first stage

I'm very confused by this part: how did the population of Ponyville died off so quickly?

Can Rainbow Dash still fly? I was guessing she would go to her idols first and infect them with the virus one by one or even go to a nearby town or infect those who are passing by near Ponyville.

Comment posted by SlipSpeed deleted May 15th, 2019

I kinda skipped to the end of 28 Pranks Later: The Aftermath (have mixed feelings about it in general), but, If Twilight committed suicide at the end of The Aftermath, then why was she alive here, up until she got killed? It feels like a continuity error.
Also: Oh. So the cookies don't turn ponies into zombie ponies... they turn them into monster ponies.

That is a continuity error on my part, but it never specified how exactly she was killed, so it is and isn't at the same time.

I see.
And as for the cookies turning ponies into monsters, I give you props for originality. Seriously, zombies created by diseases are so played out.
Now, If I can actually read this whole story, I'll be sure to post another comment here about what I think about it. Although, I can say I have mixed feelings about it, so far.

These are Twilight's recordings of her before she committed suicide.

:facehoof: I'm so stupid. I could've read this instead of wait two weeks to hear the audio version. But hey! I was on the live chat (Rainbow Dash is Best Pony. You know, the one who wouldn't SHUT UP DURING THE ENTIRE THING)!

But then it wouldn't have been as fun ;)
Yes I do remember you lol

Yeah. The readings on YouTube are always so much better than the actually thing. The sound effects, emotion, background sound, etc.

Haha :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Was just about to let you know this story had a youtuber reading, but then I remembered you read it XD

So Twilight was mutating in a similar way to RD?

Did she inject herself too?

SoMe ThInGs


Hybrid dragon rainbow dash could be its own creepypasta

Wait...so she says she can't kill Rainbow, but she has no problem killing Spike?

She didn't kill him. Read further.

Don't you dare get my hopes up; I remember what I read in the first story!

This virus reminds me of an SCP virus that I once read about.

Loving this so much!

Some real life diseases and viruses can lay dormant within you for up to days on end. Also, Twilight did say Exposure is Key. So it could also depend on how much each pony was exposed to at a time.

My theory is she attempted to commit suicide but wasn't fully dead and the virus kept her alive and if the virus is anything like the 28 Days Later virus then it's tough to kill those infected with the virus without being infected yourself because they have a high amount of endurance pain tolerance so I wouldn't be surprised if she failed at committing suicide because her body just resisted it long enough for the virus to keep her alive

I reread the last part that was kind of confusing in the birth story before the sequel

A noise in the distance erupts among the quiet town, the sound of numerous bones shattering, and blood leaking from open wounds.

I think I figured out what the Creator meant to do here a noise erupts from the distance could easily be a number of things that could have killed her since it said that she had to be terminated at least in the transmission story so theoretically speaking she could have been shot with a gun she could have been killed with spells with her body crashing into a wall which is why we're hearing a cracking sound of Bones and blood leaking from open wounds again could be caused from injuries he received while they were attempting to terminate her they succeed

She was shot to death after becoming a hostile threat to the team who had eventually come to her aid.

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