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Comments ( 60 )

The story was alright I mean I'm not offended I read worse fetish stories so to me this story is pretty vanilla but the thing that I m trying to figure out is how did this whole concept get created in the first place and why are people so afraid to come out and admit they like it I mean is this whole Fall of Equestria thing so bad it can ruin someone's reputation?

7504956 As for why it was created? Well like most fanfics, or fanworks someone thought it up and decide to have it, or get it made. And as for the answer to the latter question... well look I can tell you right now that is a long and complicated one. So to make a long story short, FoE is basically the MLP equivalent to Twilight/50 Shards of Gray.

ZAKARI #3 · Aug 23rd, 2016 · · 4 ·

A FoE story downvoted into oblivion because of its content and not because of its quality? But that can't be! This is Fimfiction! The people on this site would never do something so uptight and arrogant!:rainbowkiss:

Seriously though, dear author, your story was pretty good. Don't let the downvotes discourage you. People have a frighteningly huge stick up their ass about FoE and are infamous, not just in Fimfiction.net, for letting others know their displeasure on the subject.

I enjoyed this story.

There, I said it.

Now I'm gonna sit back with a smug grin on my face and wait for the dislikes to the story and this comment to roll in because the people that don't like FoE are childishly vindictive about disliking something. I mean, why bother?

This story gets my like and fav.

Also, just some constructive criticism, but your punctuation could do to be fixed in a few places.

Mmmm... 'k.

One guy with too much time and money on his hands.

Thats literally it. He commissioned a ton of art first (namely smudge proof and his weird style and poprocks) , then he asked/Commissioned a tons of writers based on the art, and now he has enough to be "big" with his littles OCs.
"A requested story" you bet.

As always, I'm not against the fetishes, even upvoting the fic, just sad that people cater to this guy and his shitty setting for some reason. I rejoin 7505120 on this, and I AM glad that people having second thoughts on it.

Please please Please do NOT even compare FoE to 50 shades of grey, who is much more tame and more in depth (yes I went there) than this "universe". There's plenty of other fics on this site that could fill that spot.

THIS is MLP's Gor. Nothing else.


I mean is this whole Fall of Equestria thing so bad it can ruin someone's reputation?

There are at least people who seem to think that, which surprised me. But in a way FoE is in a bad spot. I mean, only five minutes after posting it I had my first two dislikes. And I'm quite sure those who disliked it didn't read it through in five minutes.


I thank you for your support! :yay:


Thanks! Also for the honest critique. I probably should really try to find Editors for my stories, instead of always procrastinating it. :twilightsheepish:


You are making some good points. It is not the first time I'm hearing about FoE being riddled with plot holes. I honestly can't really argue all that much, since I never took the time to dive into it that deeply, though I must say I'm surprised if the crystal heart really is no magical artifact. It just seems like one considering how it took Sombra apart and protects the empire from cold and snow.

I still admit that I find the idea of it interesting. I mean, if I'm honest with myself always had an interest in stories where Equestria was either turned in a sexual direction or was sexual all along. A world of sex is an interesting concept in my opinion, so that I automatically became fascinated with Fall of Equestria. I'm also a fan of corruption, so turning mares into sex-addicts also is one of the things that fascinates me about it. Honestly, I'm less interested about any form of pain that occurs in that universe, but other than that it holds my interest. I guess there are many that might think alike.

I guess it probably might be a clopfest with many plot holes like you say, but then again, I'm not all too versed to judge about that. I'm only here because the main concept, the structure of it fascinates me in a way. :pinkiesmile:

The heart was definitely not just a symbol even back in season three. It's explicitly stated that the crystal ponies literally power the heart, they talk about activating it, and we see their happiness energy actually flow into the heart before the heart creates a shockwave.


It just seems like one considering how it took Sombra apart and protects the empire from cold

It is just not as one that can turn everyone into sex addicted person. Personally if you ask me it a poor man Master Emerald from the Sonic series.

I still admit that I find the idea of it interesting. I mean, if I'm honest with myself always had an interest in stories where Equestria was either turned in a sexual direction or was sexual all along. A world of sex is an interesting concept in my opinion, so that I automatically became fascinated with Fall of Equestria. I'm also a fan of corruption, so turning mares into sex-addicts also is one of the things that fascinates me about it.

And there's nothing wrong with that. Hell those are also my kinks.

7505120 The beginning and end of your comment are polar opposite in comparison.

You say you're not vindictive, yet condemn FoE for being a Gary Stu fuck-fest.

...And yet there is a wider audience that legitimately enjoys the genre for its themes and 'verse, and that's not to say enjoying something like this reflects on one's character.

I enjoy a well-rounded, well written story. This story fit the bill.


Honestly, I find the whole "FoE is just crap writing for people who want to touch themselves" argument incredibly shallow. Yeah, a bit of what is supposed to be canon in that universe isn't the most fleshed out, but it's what authors can make with it that determines whether a story is good or not. Just like how MLP can take the cliché, generic "uber-friendly tiny horses that go around spreading friendship" into something actually worth watching, a good author can turn FoE into stories worth telling.

Whether or not FoE makes good stories is not dependent on the setting itself, necessarily, and is instead more dependent on the author making the story.

I simply can't enjoy FoE fics. I'm not however going to needlessly flame you, the fic, or genre. FoE simply isn't for me and I've only ever read two Foe fics I like. But I hope this won't be a regular thing for you.

I liked this. I think using Rainbow as the mare that succumbs to lust was probably not the best choice, at least in the FoE setting, but that didn't take anything away either. After seeing this version of Rainbow from your other stories, I rather like it.

a good author can turn FoE into stories worth telling.
Whether or not FoE makes good stories is not dependent on the setting itself, necessarily, and is instead more dependent on the author making the story.

Except the last time this actually happened, one of the best story of the setting was removed from the group because the so called "MAIN GUY" threw a bitchfit at the ending, even though the rest of the story is high quality material he would never be able to write himself.

For a lot of the most vocal critics, it can only be either/or. Saying "It has problems, but it's not as bad as you make it out to be" is to them like you insulted their mother. And they're incredibly stubborn about making you see that. To the point where you never actually see all those other people who supposedly claim FoE is a masterpiece, only the same guys screaming and shouting and complaining about them over and over and then turning around to say how they don't actually care about FoE itself. B-baka!

Pretty much this.

Again, that people compare it to freaking 50 shades of grey or twilight, who while far from amazing is still much more thought out than this, is kinda baffling.
Look below, buddy.

Gol D Colt has been an outspoken critic of FoE for years now. You're aware of that, yes? Because I don't think he meant what he said as a compliment.

Color me inpressed, this is the second time you've managed to not make me hate a FOE story thanks to the quality of the story itself.

Everyone knows my undying hate for FOE, but that doesn't mean I'm going to instantly hate FOE related material if the actual fucking content is well done like in this case. I can't fave it, ever, but I can like it to the point of saying you did a good job!

Fetishes and kinks are abundant, writing a fic around a certain fetish isn't bad (my personal fetish is kissing). I may hate everything FOE stands for, the whole concept of the caribou (and Dainn) and the ideology behind it, but there are worse and far more darker fetishes out there and there are stories created around those fetishes.

Personally I can only shake my head at this, if people really have to fear to write or request one of their fetishes because people like to rant about it. If you don't like it, don't read it, don't dislike it (since you haven't read it technically you have no right to dislike it), and don't comment on it. That's pretty much all I wish for. Just accept other peoples fetishes and move on. I don't need a dispute, and I'm not actively seeking it. The only thing I want to do is to write what I want, and that's what I'm going to do. I thank you all for your understanding.

I agree with you 100%.

I don't, since I don't really follow FoE drama aside from a few fics.
Ha, I see your point but still, you could make the same points for many stories like even Harry potter if you dig it up enough.
To be honest, I feel Twilight and Harry potter are books for Teens written by adults.
Wherehas most FoE stories seems like the reverse: Stories for adult written by teens.

Of course, as I said, the perfect comparison to FoE is Gor, but not many young lads know of that series. Goreans are also a real thing and they are as well respected in the SF world as FoE is on this website.

7505523 TBH I only made that comparison is mainly because barely know anything about Gor other than Women are treated like s:yay:t, which really isn't saying much since most Fantasy setting are like that.

Personally I can only shake my head at this, if people really have to fear to write or request one of their fetishes because people like to rant about it.

Ok, you surprised me. Like, really.

Let's be honest here, FoE is a mysoginistic male mass-rape fantasy, with torture, abuse and more torture. This is not a mild kink for bondage, or "eventual consent" rape (ugh), or even Mind Control fantasy. This is straight-up gore, humiliation and torture. As the basis of the whole side-universe.

Now if you happen to have this as a fetish, you have every right to have it, and enjoy it in the solitude of your mother's basement, in as long as you know that it's just a fantasy and is actually not a good idea in the normal life, but honestly, it is utterly normal for people to be... somewhat wary of somebody who actually likes this sort of stuff.

Moreover, on the site dedicated to our common interest in a show and characters, yes, it is reasonable for people to dislike stories that are explicitly centered about humiliation, degradation and abuse of said characters. And it's even more reasonable to express said dislike in form of downvotes, since that's essentially what they're for.

In short, you have every right to whatever fetish your sould desires, but others have full right to judge you on it.


In short, you have every right to whatever fetish your sould desires, but others have full right to judge you on it.

Outright and vocally judging someone because they have a kink you find strange, absurd, or deplorable is an asshole thing to do unless they're blatantly obnoxious about it.

Otherwise leave them be and keep your judgments silently to yourself.

Well... yes. But that's how internet (and freedom of speech in general) works. Everyone gets to be asshole to everyone else.

7505838 This is fine and all until someone posts those kinks on a public forum. This isn't a safe space. If you lay out your fetishes in a public environment, expect to be criticized by some people.

I didn't hate this fic at all. I think the 'good' FoE fics all have one thing in common: They glaze over the true reality of the universe. Once you start really getting into the mutilation and death aspects it becomes less palatable. This fic succeeds because it focuses on the 'fun' BDSM aspects of it.

I'd be really curious to see a FoE non-anthro fic where you'd actually see what happens to the female foals/fillys, and see how that got received. It's a fantasy world, obviously, but sometimes the effects of having such a society get overlooked.

7505858 I feel an obligation to point out that's not how free speech works. If you are an asshole to someone at say, your workplace, free speech does not protect you from being fired.

Well, freedom of speech indeed does not protect the right to cry "fire" in a filled theater, but this hardly applies.


it's so weird seeing FOE being used as initials and realize that it's not about Fallout: Equestria

Okay. let me preface this by saying that I did not down vote this story, as I haven't read it and don't plan on. I've long since stopped giving fuck about FoE. Let people have their fetishes. Yeah, the story makes no sense, but so what? It's fetish fuel, it doesn't have to make sense. If it weren't for people bringing up the drama, I'd have forgotten it exists. That's the only reason I am here: someone brought up the drama in the comments, and I wanted to perhaps inject a bit of understanding to both sides.

That all said, I have two theories as to why people down vote these stories so vehemently. The first is that people like these characters. One of the side-effects of having well nuanced, fleshed-out characters is people start to identify with them, or associating them with people they know. I, myself, very much associate Rainbow Dash with my sister, as they share many of the same traits. When you like a character like that, you don't want to see them get hurt, or at least have them come back from being hurt to win the day. I'm a bit guilty of this, as I tend to not like stories with "bad ends." SO when people see a FoE story, they know what will happen to characters they know and love, and down vote accordingly. Is that valid? Maybe, maybe not, but there it is.

The other reason is that all these things—rape, torture, forced mutilation, slavery, violence, and extreme misogyny... actually happen, in the real world. Like, as we speak. In certain areas of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa—hell, according to some, even places in the developed world, as well—these things that happen in FoE are actually happening to real young women, and even young girls. They are kept in cages, or living in the dozens in rooms built for two. They have their genitals mutilated far after birth, so they feel and remember the pain. Women and girls are passed around like toys, a lot like Rainbow Dash is in this story(I assume, going by the synopsis). So, it's kind of, like, you're fetishizing someone else's suffering. It'd be like jacking off to the thought of a military amputee; to you, it may seem like some taboo fetish, but that soldier got blown the fuck up and his life is forever changed.

Now again, I am not kink shaming. I gives a fuck, you do you. I'm just saying this might be how some people see it, so maybe you can understand why they don't want this kind of thing associated with FIMFiction. It does suck that an author can actually put effort into these kinds of stories only to have them shat upon out of spite, but humans aren't always the most logical creatures, are we?

Well, you have a right to be as insulting about your point as you like. Just as I have the option of blocking you, since you just proved what kind of person you are.

So, win-win!


Glad you enjoyed it! :yay:


I'm fully aware of it. Everyone has a right to be a jerk, but what I tried to say with this message wasn't: You are not allowed to be a jerk! I was more trying to say: You have the right to be a jerk, but that doesn't mean you have to be one.

Now I'm wondering if I phrased the Author's Note badly, since I thought everyone would understand it like I planned. :twilightsheepish:


I didn't hate this fic at all. I think the 'good' FoE fics all have one thing in common: They glaze over the true reality of the universe. Once you start really getting into the mutilation and death aspects it becomes less palatable. This fic succeeds because it focuses on the 'fun' BDSM aspects of it.

I can agree with that in a way, considering I'm not really going into the abusive aspect of Fall of Equestria. I personally like the more tame side of such a setting. :pinkiesmile:

I also myself wondered about a non-anthro FoE too. It would allow the use of the CMC and might be interesting for a fic! :rainbowkiss:


I tend to not like stories with "bad ends."

I'd all really depends what you view as a bad ending. I for one finished a collab with Sterlit "Girly, Girly Rainbow Dash", which was viewed by some people as rather dark story. In this story a potion corrupts Rainbow Dash to be a sex-hungry bimbo. Rainbow Dash in the end is happy with the change and the pleasure it brings her, which for me is a good ending, while others view it as complete destruction of her character and therefor as a bad ending.

Women and girls are passed around like toys, a lot like Rainbow Dash is in this story(I assume, going by the synopsis). So, it's kind of, like, you're fetishizing someone else's suffering. It'd be like jacking off to the thought of a military amputee; to you, it may seem like some taboo fetish, but that soldier got blown the fuck up and his life is forever changed.

Actually, Rainbow Dash in this story falls in love with the warbeasts in a way. They fuck her hard, but also treat her gently with nuzzles and small shows of affections. Sure, she in the end gets fucked by a lot of warbeasts, but I was trying to emphasize the point that she is being their mate and not a simple tool or toy. I'm honestly not sure how well I got that, but I hope I still made the point clear enough. It was honestly a bit of an experiment. But I still can't deny that females being passed around like a toy is one of my fetishes. I of course judge it hard in real life, but love to read it as a story, a mere fantasy where no harm is done. As a side note, I'm not into any fetishes related to pain, abuse or mutilation. I personally am more on the tame side of things when it comes to Fall of Equestria stories. If a female is not enjoying the act in a way, it is hard for me to enjoy it.

Now again, I am not kink shaming. I gives a fuck, you do you. I'm just saying this might be how some people see it, so maybe you can understand why they don't want this kind of thing associated with FIMFiction. It does suck that an author can actually put effort into these kinds of stories only to have them shat upon out of spite, but humans aren't always the most logical creatures, are we?

I'm glad you see it that way. But I still think everyone has their own kinks, and as long as no harm is done by it, there should be no problem. Sure, I understand people that strongly dislike FoE, even though I don't understand why people still have to voice their dislike like that. I mean, sure, you explained it rather well, but I can't really seem to get the point, as it seems like people are actively trying to destroy it in their own way: Discouraging others by disliking it and sometimes even posting rude comments. I guess it is strange to explain, because I understand why people do it, but honestly don't find their logic sound, regardless of their motives.

I guess this is just how things are. No amount of what anyone has to say could change peoples behavior. That's why I'm trying to adjust to it. For example: I'm satisfied with a FoE story, if it reaches 50% likes, since it shows me that I did the job well enough. :pinkiesmile:

Fimfiction votes aren't that good an indicator regarding story quality anyway. Anthro Spike Harem stories are very nearly an auto-feature unless you mangle the English language into something hideous. Stories starring Flash Sentry have about three to four times the dislikes they usually deserve simply because Flash Sentry. When I published my own story, I decided to take anything better than an equal number of downvotes and upvotes as a success, partly because my writing is rather flawed, partly because it's "triggering".

Sure, I understand people that strongly dislike FoE, even though I don't understand why people still have to voice their dislike like that.
For me, its just the creative starvation that's frustrating.
Like, again, I liked this story, lots of my fetishes in it (loved the bimbo dash one too), and we barely hear about the caribous.

Caribous are OCs. They are not only OCs, but Gary Stu OCs without any depth at all except "they rape everyone", with the use of contrived/somehow perfectly fitting toys and the added permanent mutilation.
If it was a shipping fic, it'd be a red and black pony that somehow seduce everyone without any logic, with random authors here and there writing more stories about that OC seducing more mares. It'd be absolutely hated, but here they get a pass just because of the fetishes (and the fact that the guy spent a tons of money and time requesting people left and right), despite the fact that we have plenty enough content from the show to have those fetish without them.

Here, this is a good bestliality fic, it reminds me of the ones with timberwolves, but you could've put any existing species of the show or even a black market pony gang who captured Dash some time ago and it could've worked almost as well.

Like, one of my all time fantasy for a fic (but I'll never bother people on this site to push it) would be one where all the neighbourhing races of equestria allied themselves to conquer the ponies, and thus you'd have the aftermath with the mane 6 each being used as breeding stock by the various races in somewhat relation to the show, with each their own twists to the rapes and treatment. Like, Dash could be griffons, Rarity Diamond dogs orgies, Fluttershy minotaurs, Pinkie Yaks, etc

Now, at a time, this could've existed, as the diamond dog for example were more used. But now? Nope, has to be the caribous. And if it's the caribous, then it also has the wing and horn mutilation, and the stupid collars, and the forced dialogue. No exception, it's "that guy's" rules. Oh, and you can't even CONSIDER a good or hopeful ending, the OCs have to win no matter what, or its off to that other group and fuck all of your stories even if they are great, as we saw last month.

So yeah, I just see it as a huge waste to have writers bend over to stupid rules like that almost like the ponies to his OC. Again, not judging you or your fic, just explaining my point of view to the setting in general.

7506082 Outstandingly said, my friend.

Only issue I saw was the Caribou who owbed Fluttershy spoke. I thought he was a mute.

7505222 Celestia explicitly warned Twilight of the danger of Sombra using the Crystal heart, so I'd say it had some power

I *LOVE* your writing stories! However you should include more sex scenes of mobs in this story. and ...Please don't omit on the way for further orgy by WarBeasts! =9


Scootadopt are usually well liked as well


Here, this is a good bestliality fic, it reminds me of the ones with timberwolves, but you could've put any existing species of the show or even a black market pony gang who captured Dash some time ago and it could've worked almost as well.

I'm glad you see it like that. This was my first try at bestiality. I wanted to write such a fic for a while, and then got the request for this story, so I thought I might as well take the request and try my hand on bestiality! :pinkiesmile:

Like, one of my all time fantasy for a fic (but I'll never bother people on this site to push it) would be one where all the neighbourhing races of equestria allied themselves to conquer the ponies, and thus you'd have the aftermath with the mane 6 each being used as breeding stock by the various races in somewhat relation to the show, with each their own twists to the rapes and treatment. Like, Dash could be griffons, Rarity Diamond dogs orgies, Fluttershy minotaurs, Pinkie Yaks, etc

That's a rather neat idea you got there! Ooh! Maybe Twilight with the changelings? Only one left out would be Applejack then. Or...what about Trouble Shoes? He is not a pony, right? And there are horse nations like Saddle Arabia, if I got that right. Or...wait, even better! Zebras! Applejack had quite a lot of hostility for Zecora after all! It would fit perfectly! Anyway, love your idea! :rainbowkiss:

Now, at a time, this could've existed, as the diamond dog for example were more used. But now? Nope, has to be the caribous. And if it's the caribous, then it also has the wing and horn mutilation, and the stupid collars, and the forced dialogue. No exception, it's "that guy's" rules. Oh, and you can't even CONSIDER a good or hopeful ending, the OCs have to win no matter what, or its off to that other group and fuck all of your stories even if they are great, as we saw last month.

Yeah, I heard once that the second group exists because NCN doesn't like the caribous losing. It seems a bit too strict in my opinion, if I'm honest.

So yeah, I just see it as a huge waste to have writers bend over to stupid rules like that almost like the ponies to his OC. Again, not judging you or your fic, just explaining my point of view to the setting in general.

I guess, you are making a point. I can understand that the creator wants to have some control over his setting, but then again from the few things I have heard he seems to be too strict about it. I think it can't harm if he would give people more room for their writing.


If he is mute, then my Requester forgot to mention that, otherwise I would have found a way to work with it. But I guess what's done is done. He doesn't really have that much lines considering this is a small clopshot, so it shouldn't be too important.


Glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: And yeah, maybe I really should have tried to make it longer. I thought of it more to be as a short Epilogue to be honest. But it probably would have been nice to see a longer scene with these two friends being railed senseless. :twilightsheepish:


Actually, Rainbow Dash in this story falls in love with the warbeasts in a way. They fuck her hard, but also treat her gently with nuzzles and small shows of affections. Sure, she in the end gets fucked by a lot of warbeasts, but I was trying to emphasize the point that she is being their mate and not a simple tool or toy.

See, that kind of emphasizes the horror of the situation, in a way. Like, these mindless beasts have shown her more affection than she has seen in likely years. So of course she finds comfort in it. In a world where she is nothing but a tool for others pleasure, She'll take solace where she can get it. On that note...

Rainbow Dash in the end is happy with the change and the pleasure it brings her, which for me is a good ending, while others view it as complete destruction of her character and therefor as a bad ending.

Well, yeah she enjoys it... because she's been brainwashed(again, assuming based on your words, as I have not read it). The real Rainbow Dash would not be in that situation. That's the entire tragedy of the character Harley Quinn from Batman, The Animated Series. The Joker is abusive, hurtful, and obviously cares nothing for her except what he can get from her. And Harley is okay with this, because she has extreme Stockholm Syndrome. (As an aside, that was a major failing of the Suicide Squad movie. They romanticized their relationship, when that was not the original creator's intent.) So, if a character is only in a situation because of some form of mind control, is it really a happy ending?

But I still can't deny that females being passed around like a toy is one of my fetishes. I of course judge it hard in real life, but love to read it as a story, a mere fantasy where no harm is done. As a side note, I'm not into any fetishes related to pain, abuse or mutilation.

That's because of what 7505969 said; you're glossing over the realities of the world, which most FoE fics I have seen do, as well. That's why I don't begrudge people who like these stories. They say they are into this kind of stuff... but they're really not. They're into the romanticized version of it. The world where the girls end up going "aheago" or whatever, and enjoying it. I don't know of any FoE stories that portray rape like it actually is. The world is so over the top and silly, that it's hard to take seriously.

You know, I've actually toyed with writing an FoE fic that fully embraces what the world would actually be like. My idea was, "The Mare They Couldn't Break," wherein Rainbow Dash or Applejack, maybe even Rarity, refuses to make a sound as she is raped in public. The scene would degrade lower and lower into torture and abuse as the Caribou try to get a reaction out of her: beating, cutting, breaking bones, etc, and ending with her dying with a smile on her face, knowing that they couldn't break her. This is what the kind of world FoE presents would actually be like, were it not romanticized. But I don't want to, as that would be too antagonistic of me.

That said, though, I have to admit part of me likes the world created here, for nothing else than it's a good starting point for a revolution fic, which I love. I mean, I'm American, I love a good revolution. It's sad that all the Anti-FoE fics use the exact same tropes of the story itself: Mary Sue OCs, incompetent foes(Ponies in the actual verse, the Caribou in the anti-verse) and a complete run-over of an entire military/country with little to no opposition or loses on their side. I've had an idea for one, but sadly, I've lost my writing mojo as of late.

if it reaches 50% likes, since it shows me that I did the job well enough.

Heh, which works, since that's about the rating of 95% of these stories. :derpytongue2: It sucks, since I'm sure some of them might actually be good stories, but eh, what are ya gonna do?


See, that kind of emphasizes the horror of the situation, in a way. Like, these mindless beasts have shown her more affection than she has seen in likely years. So of course she finds comfort in it. In a world where she is nothing but a tool for others pleasure, She'll take solace where she can get it. On that note...

That was my arguing too. I found the FoE universe perfect for Rainbow to fall in love with the warbeasts, since the caribou and stallions are treating her badly, while the warbeasts treatment is a lot more affectionate.

But yeah, now that I think about it, this might also underline the horror or FoE. :twilightsheepish:

So, if a character is only in a situation because of some form of mind control, is it really a happy ending?

Mind control or altering was technically the "Girly, Girly Rainbow Dash" story. In this fic I didn't use it. But besides that, I personally view a depraved ending like that, where a female gives in to the pleasure as a good ending. I know it is just a fantasy, and the fantasy of a female character spending the rest of her life as a happy cumdumpster is appealing to me. So, happy ending is really something subjective and not something objective in my opinion. :pinkiesmile:

That's because of what >> Togashi said; you're glossing over the realities of the world, which most FoE fics I have seen do, as well. That's why I don't begrudge people who like these stories. They say they are into this kind of stuff... but they're really not. They're into the romanticized version of it. The world where the girls end up going "aheago" or whatever, and enjoying it. I don't know of any FoE stories that portray rape like it actually is. The world is so over the top and silly, that it's hard to take seriously.

Yup, guilty as charged in that case. I really am romanticizing it since I only really have an interest in 'Eventual Consensual Rape'. I often mentioned that I mostly only enjoy a clopfic if the mare that is in the center of it enjoys it as well at some point. :twilightsheepish:

You know, I've actually toyed with writing an FoE fic that fully embraces what the world would actually be like. My idea was, "The Mare They Couldn't Break," wherein Rainbow Dash or Applejack, maybe even Rarity, refuses to make a sound as she is raped in public. The scene would degrade lower and lower into torture and abuse as the Caribou try to get a reaction out of her: beating, cutting, breaking bones, etc, and ending with her dying with a smile on her face, knowing that they couldn't break her. This is what the kind of world FoE presents would actually be like, were it not romanticized. But I don't want to, as that would be too antagonistic of me.

That sounds like an interesting and fitting idea for this universe. Of course it would be too dark for me. My heart is too soft for that. But I guess this really just proves the point of different authors romanticizing FoE.

That said, though, I have to admit part of me likes the world created here, for nothing else than it's a good starting point for a revolution fic, which I love. I mean, I'm American, I love a good revolution. It's sad that all the Anti-FoE fics use the exact same tropes of the story itself: Mary Sue OCs, incompetent foes(Ponies in the actual verse, the Caribou in the anti-verse) and a complete run-over of an entire military/country with little to no opposition or loses on their side. I've had an idea for one, but sadly, I've lost my writing mojo as of late.

True enough. A struggle really keeps a story interesting. It is really hard to write an overpowered character and still keep the story good. I don't know many stories like that. That one anime maybe Overlord seemed interesting enough. But other than that it probably is easier to go with the struggle route to keep a story under suspense and interesting for the reader...Something I probably should try with my zebra story 'The Spreading Mare'. It is still missing any conflict. :twilightsheepish:

Well, feel free to use it if you have a spark of creation. :rainbowlaugh: AJ could be a timberwolves pack used by the diamond dogs for bestiality.

Point is, it wouldn't need much more than a chapter to make a situation close to this setting, and you could add much more stuff to the rapes without caribous, like hornplay, or for exemple a focus on Rarity being horrified and slowly breaking at her dirtyness during the orgy instead of being already instabroken. You don't see many fic using Dirt Torture!

But I've made my piece. Fic is gud, you're a gud writer, so do whatever keeps you going! :derpytongue2:


Well, feel free to use it if you have a spark of creation. :rainbowlaugh: AJ could be a timberwolves pack used by the diamond dogs for bestiality.

I think zebras might fit better, really. So each of the tribes that helped conquer Equestria could have their very own Element Bearer to play with/corrupt. It is a nice corruption idea, but alas, I have to concentrate on my other corruption series first (Fluttershy's Stocks, Apple Orchards), so I probably won't come around to writing such a story. But you know, this idea might be good enough to maybe create a very own setting one day. :rainbowkiss: Well, if it gets fleshed out further. :twilightsheepish:

Point is, it wouldn't need much more than a chapter to make a situation close to this setting, and you could add much more stuff to the rapes without caribous, like for exemple a focus on Rarity being horrified and slowly breaking at the dirtyness of the orgy instead of being already instabroken. You don't see many fic using Dirt Torture!

Yup. Dirt Torture for Rarity sounds appropriate in a way. It certainly is an interesting idea. :pinkiesmile:

Edit: Ooh! And Spike is going to Ember! I mean, Ember could also join it to either protect Spike, or claim him as her mate! Some kind of twisted romance maybe? :rainbowkiss:


Like, one of my all time fantasy for a fic (but I'll never bother people on this site to push it) would be one where all the neighbourhing races of equestria allied themselves to conquer the ponies, and thus you'd have the aftermath with the mane 6 each being used as breeding stock by the various races in somewhat relation to the show, with each their own twists to the rapes and treatment. Like, Dash could be griffons, Rarity Diamond dogs orgies, Fluttershy minotaurs, Pinkie Yaks, etc

That's a rather neat idea you got there! Ooh! Maybe Twilight with the changelings? Only one left out would be Applejack then. Or...what about Trouble Shoes? He is not a pony, right? And there are horse nations like Saddle Arabia, if I got that right. Or...wait, even better! Zebras! Applejack had quite a lot of hostility for Zecora after all! It would fit perfectly! Anyway, love your idea! :rainbowkiss:

Heh. You know, for a while, I had an RP going with a friend that was kinda the opposite of this—Equestria had suddenly decided to expand and enslave all the other species inside their ever-growing territory, with the exception of some who become normal citizens instead and often help with conquering the rest. With the added twist that nearly all beings who spend a certain amount of time (possibly several months) inside the official Equestrian borders become okay with the system. Ponies think it's natural that Griffons should be slaves, and the birds of Griffonstone (which lies inside Equestria) also think it's natural that Griffons should be slaves to ponies. And some ponies themselves also decide to become slaves because they think it's fun.

So, for example, our good friend Thorax would love for his pony friends to expand into the Badlands, where the rest of his Hive lives. He'd probably stay a citizen or become a slave to Spike (if he's attracted to him :raritywink:), while the other Changelings fall to whatever effect permeates Equestria, one by one, flying out to Equestrian outposts to be registered, collared, caged, and happy.

And if the whole setting sounds totally messed up... that's because it is.:pinkiecrazy:

Well, bloody now what?
Genuine question, but with more and more of the world adjusting, we're gonna need a new factor to create more stories.
Could just be me, but with this and Fall of Resistance, i get the sense FoE is actually going somewhere. Could just be my imagination though.

wow A F.O.E I like... I don't know how to feel about that.


What? You expected to not like it? :rainbowwild:

But back to being serious. I'm more on the tame side of things, so my Fall of Equestria stories are not on the extreme scale of it. I don't like pain all too much in stories, but love the female enjoyment that the setting sometimes provides, so that's what I write! :yay:

Also glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

7512970 well I normally kind of hate FOE fics. so i am glad i gave this a try.

I was actually hoping rainbow would throw an insult or two at soar in you know show that the warbeast was better lover and such. But then again since soarin liked resistance he made not gotten rid of her if she had.

Okay this is pretty good. And honestly I think you're the only person that can write FoE and not make it so fucking... Grimdark smut for the lack of a better phrase.

Edit: I just realized I already left a comment on this a while back. Well I guess I retract that previous comment on this. THough I'm not sure if I'll care much for your third FoE but I'll give it a chance.


Yup. I think my third FoE story and first I have written might be too dark for your taste in comparison to my other two. :twilightsheepish:

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