• Published 23rd Aug 2016
  • 4,376 Views, 29 Comments

Wandering - BombShelter

A lone wander meets someone who could change his entire outlook on life. If only he knew what he was getting into.

  • ...


*3 Months Later*

"There you go Applejack." You say with a smile and a huff as you wipe the sweat off your brow, the hammer in your hand hitting the side of your leg as you lower your arm. You admire your handiwork on the boards you just spent the last hour fixing, proud to actually be doing something productive that didn't only have something in it for yourself.

"Why thank ya partner. I could have never reached those old boards on my own. I'll go get yer pay." The orange pony says as she walks towards her house. You stare at the side of the barn you just fixed, kind of saddened that you were finished. It had been 3 months since you had taken up that deal with Rainbow, and boy was it... different, than you had first expected.

She had introduced you to her friends first, all of which were just as happy to meet you as she was. You were weary at first, sure, only being comfortable being around Rainbow, but after the first week, you started to warm up to her friends as well as some of the other locals in the town.

You had taken residence at the farm after Applejack had cleared out a space in the barn. She offered a room in her house, but you didn't want to intrude on any family privacy. Besides, you'd take a barn over a cold park bench any day.

You did odd jobs around the town, such as helping Applejack, to bring in some kind of income. Before you technically moved to this town, you'd have to beg or hope you found a bit on the ground just to get a drink other than water. Thankfully, you had enough now to buy the essentials and still be comfortable enough to splurge every now and then.

Applejack soon returned from the house with a small sack containing your pay for the labor. She drops it into your hand, and you quickly stuff it into your back pocket, smiling at the pony as you do so.

"Thanks Applejack." You say with a nod, placing your hands in your pockets. You start walking away, probably to wander around town when Applejack stops you in your tracks.

"Wait up partner!" She says, causing you to turn around. "I almost forgot this." She pulls out a letter from under her hat (Why she chose to keep it there is beyond you) and hands you the envelope. You turn it around in your hands, seeing no address or name anywhere on it.

"What's this?" You ask curiously, raising a brow at the farm pony.

"Rainbow Dash dropped that off while y'all were working."

"What? Why didn't she just give it to me directly?" You ask, starting to open the letter.

"Beats me. Welp, you have a nice day now, ya hear?" Applejack says with a smile, tipping her hat as she turns around and begins to walk away. You walk in the opposite direction, heading towards town while opening the letter.

Once you break the seal, you pull out a small note, and unfold it to begin reading.

"Guy, meet me at the hill in the park when you finish working. -RD"

You look at the note confused, not really sure what Rainbow would want to see you for. You'd been hanging out with her almost every day, becoming near best friends very quickly. But she had never sent you a note before on where to meet her. She would usually just find you and pull you away from whatever you were doing to hang out.

You shrug it off and begin changing directions to the park. You have to squint your eyes as the sun begins to set, shining brightly into your eyes. A cool breeze blows by, cooling you off from the past hour in the sun. You breathe in and sigh with a smile, actually enjoying yourself for once. These moments of relaxation became more and more common with each passing day in this town, and it amazed you.

As you approach the park, you notice almost nobody around, which is odd considering the park is usually packed until nightfall. Regardless, you make your way to the west side of the park where the large hill was that overlooked the town.

Passing by the pond, you spot a familiar wooden bench where you had slept on your first night in town. You actually smile at the memory, despite it not being a very good one. Other than Rainbow providing the quilt and whatnot, that wasn't the most eventful night in your light, but you appreciated it none the less.

As you approach the hill, you spot a single pony sitting with their back towards you. You smile and quicken your pace, climbing the hill at a steady pace until you reach the top. When you reach the peak, your breath is taken away by the view. The hill overlooks the entire town with the sun setting over the horizon. It has to be one of the most amazing, breathtaking sights you've seen in a while.

"Whoa." You say out loud, causing the pony to jump. She turns around with a somewhat startled look before smiling at you.

"Took you long enough." Rainbow says with a smile. You look down to see her sitting on a checkered picnic blanket, and she scoots over to the side to make room for you. With a smile, you sit down next to her, pulling your legs up to your chest. You rest your chin on your knees, staring at the town in front of you.

"Why'd you want to meet me here?" You say after an awkward moment of silence. You look over at Rainbow you keeps staring ahead of her.

"It was 3 months ago today that we met. Did you know that?" She says, finally turning her head to look at you.

"Really? It's already been 3 months... where did the time go?" You say with a chuckle.

"I know how you feel. It feels like we met yesterday, doesn't it?" She says in a quiet voice.

"I know, we met in a bar and now we're best friends. Its incredible how life works sometimes."

"I couldn't agree more."

You both sit together, starting at the sunset. As you do, you think back on the past few months. You'd had so little, and now you had so much, and it was all because of this one pony sitting beside you. You did still miss your family and friends more than anything, and nothing could ever fill that void, but all the friends you'd gained in this one town sure did help. All of the thoughts and memories start to flood your mind, and that mixed with the amazing sight before you causes your eyes to water up.

You sniff and wipe your eyes with the back of you hand, but more tears take their place as fast as you can wipe them away.

"S-Sorry, I'm just having a moment." You say, trying to chuckle through the tears. Rainbow gives you a sympathetic look, scooting a little closer to you. "I just... still miss everything I lost."

"I wish I could fix it... I'm so sorry about everything you've been through." She says with a saddened tone.

"It's not your fault." You say, placing your hand on her hoof without even thinking about it. Her leg twitches from the touch, but she doesn't move from that spot. You don't even notice as she blushes a bit.

"I just want to make you feel at home. I wouldn't want my best friend to be so upset when I know there's something I can do about it."

"You've definitely helped more than anyone else ever has, that's for damn sure." You say, wiping away a few stray tears rolling down your cheeks.

"I know I can't get you back home, and most likely never will, but... I really want to make you feel at home here. I-I don't want you to leave."

"Well, you won the bet I think. Looks like you're gonna have to try harder to get rid of me." You say with a hint of a smile, feeling the wind whip your hair around. "I'm really glad we met."

"You are?"

"Well duh, you completely changed my outlook on life. I thought for sure I had lost everything forever, but then I met you and you showed me that there were still things worth living for, and I could never repay you for that. For the first time in what feels like a lifetime... I feel at home. I truly feel like I'm home again, somewhere I belong... And it's all thanks to you."

You look over and make eye contact with Rainbow, only to see her eyes watering up.

"Ah, c'mon, not you too." You say with a chuckle, wiping the tears beginning to collect under her eyes. She huffs out a single laugh, smiling a bit.

"So you're not going to leave anytime soon? You could always try to find a way back home." Rainbow says, nudging her body up against the side of your arm. She leans her head on the top of your shoulder, looking back out at the town. You also turn your head back towards the sunset, resting the side of your head on top of her's.

"I don't need to. Thanks to you, I'm already home."

Comments ( 13 )

Awww! That's so sweet!:yay: *Insert quote from Steven Magnet here*
As Guy was hammering away I could emagine him hitting his hand and saying "DOH!"

That Was Really Good I Always Love Your Stories :pinkiesmile:

As soon as I finished reading this all I could hear in my mind was hopes and dreams theme from you guessed it Undertale

Well, I can say that the next chapter is where Rainbow begins falling in love with Guy.

Though I do wish to read on how Rainbow's friends react to meeting Guy, otherwise, you still have my attention.

7513686 Well, Ive already set this story complete because... It is. But I could always make a seqeul. ;)

7513694 Well, can you be able too? I want the plot to continue, Please.

EDIT: Please don't hate me, but I might have to take this off of my favorites until the second story comes out. I'm sorry dude. But I'm still keeping the thumbs up I gave on there.

I third that guy not me too :pinkiesad2:

I really liked the end! So adorable!

I though this was gonna end with a kiss or something romantic.

I need a sequel. Please?

very nice story, I'm waiting for more similar, good job:yay:

That was great :heart:

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