• Member Since 20th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Uncle Smiles

Been getting a weird vibe lately. Disease, dispair and distrust. A sinister cloud of looming uncertainty.

Comments ( 35 )

7506259 Depending how well this goes for next twenty or more hours, I might continue it if people like it.

This is interesting, I don't see many Dishonored stories on here.

Hopefully this will keep going and not flop. So keep going m8 caz it's pretty chill.

You good sir, have my attention.

The Real question is: Can you keep it?

I look forward to more....

Your story has my full attention now keep up the good work update more soon :twilightsmile:

7506420 *Read Title* So, they are displaced as Corvo. I'll read later.

Woah woah woah. Are you stating that he is currently living in the Void?!

Unless he is a Void Dweller, which are Either Displaced that gained enough power that they collapsed their universe around them and then essentially absorbed it, or a Sentient Concept, like Middy's Essence, which are born in the Void, he should not be able to exist in the Void for less than a nanosecond.

Please revise this, as he is essentially smacking the Lore in the face

7508531 I think your referring to the Displaced Void's lore (Which I do not follow anymore). I'm usint the Void from Dishonored.

7508610 If it's a Displaced, it has to follow the Lore. Anything that isn't a Void Dweller can't survive in the Void. The moment he entered the Void, he should have been wiped from existence.
Fic or not, a Displaced must follow the Rules. Rule numbero uno? Stick with the Lore.
Until this is fixed, it isn't accepted as actual Displaced canon, and will be put into the "Denied" folder

7508634 I don't care, I really don't. I'm free to write to my heart's contempt.

7508634 You're talking about different voids.
You meant these, right? Those are part of the universe of your own story, and completely fine.

7508642 I did not notice the edit where you stated that this was the Dishonored Void realm/thing. I am sorry for this misunderstanding. However, I will be keeping tabs to ensure that you do not break any rules or disregard the Lore. If you do, then you already know what will happen.
Though repeated violation will result in a ban. Know this now.
Also, it might be a good idea to specify which Void

7508785 that whole conversation idk why but it was funny to me

wow this is good so far, btw i was a bit confused, are they all pony's, anthro pony, or all human?

7589565 thanks, keep it up :)
heck at this rate you might get the REAL outsiders attention.:pinkiecrazy:

So from what I understood is that corvo and Faust hooked up had celestia and Luna he did something and celestia killed him and then in the flashback I saw a hint of attraction in celestia to corvo

7669991 Celestia didn't kill Corvo. She banished him into the Void using runes given to them by the Outsider.

Somthing bad is going to happen....I just know it

hes gonna wake up with sharpie all over his face

Great chapter keep up the good work update soon :twilightsmile:

Nice. I love Dishonored. One of my fave stealth games.

i am intrigued by this story i hope it gets updated soon

Good chapter, but those pictures pulled me right out of the story.

8005371 I'll admit that using images aren't the best thing to do but I was in a hurry to finish it and didn't bother to try to describe them. That and I can't describe anything for shit, I actually have an editor (Really great guy) that helps with describing images so I wouldn't have to put them into the chapter.

In short, sorry if the images bother you and I will update it to have at least one image (if I'm lucky then no images at all.) But thanks for stating you thoughts.

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