• Published 25th Aug 2016
  • 1,108 Views, 40 Comments

A Pony a Day - OfTheIronwilled

Little ponies go through endless scenarios. And by "endless" I mean "one hundred".

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Hate (3/7/2017)

Six ponies stared at each other across the crystal table. All of them stood tense, silent, and solid against the thick blanket of anger smothering the room. Outside, a blistering cold barreled against window panes and buried the ground with pure white. Even through the closed door, Empress Twilight Sparkle could hear ethereal whinnies crashing through the sky like thunder.

She didn't care. Not much. After all, what did she really have to hope for?

Still, she cleared her throat. Might as well give it a shot.

"Look, none of us want to do this," she bit. Her coat was gray.

"You're right," Fluttershy sneered. Of course she did. "I don't."

"But we have to, for Equestria. Whether we want to or not."

Rainbow Dash only rolled her eyes with a scoff, tapping her hooves to the crystal table. Her wings, twitching and fluttering, nearly took her buzzing off the floor, but didn't. Twilight figured that the only reason she was still here is because she didn't want to get cold -- she'd rather mooch off of her and her free fireplace for a little while, then leave when the embers died.

"What? You scared?" Applejack snorted at her. "'Cause I ain't. Not one bit. I bet you I could take on ten of those Wendigos-- why, back when I was a filly, I... I watched my pa take on about five of 'em!"

Everypony ignored her. The filthy liar. Fluttershy didn't even bother mocking her.

Rainbow Dash whinnied again. "Why should we do this again? I mean, what has Equestria ever done for me?"

From across the room, Rarity, sparkling and bright, brought a glittering hoof to the crystal tabletop. With every movement the bangles layered across her forelegs jangled and clicked, the jewels glistening even in the dull light of the castle. She might have been pretty, beautiful even, if Twilight didn't know exactly how she got all that jewelry.

"She cleared her throat and said, "Yes, I don't see why we're bothering with all this, my--"

Rarity stopped, sent a bat of her eyelashes Twilight's way. Twilight only growled back.

"--darling, wondrous Empress, who I would serve without a single doubt. Why I could take on all the Wendigos myself, just for you! For... the right price of course." She giggled. "Or, better yet, don't bother at all! Surely without so many mouths to fill, the royal family -- and of course, their most trusted most loyal advisers -- would be rich!"

Pinkie Pie grumbled when Rarity was done, making them turn to her... but then nothing. She was just grumbling.

Empress Twilight Sparkle could only sigh, heavy and bitter.

Maybe, Rarity was right, but for the wrong reasons. There really wasn't any point to this was there? Trying to get ponies to help, trying to save Equestria? It was all pointless. They didn't have competence, or magical defense, or even any guards left. Not even Spike. No. All she had were these last five ponies, these last dwindling souls who weren't frostbitten or dead or run away. All Empress Twilight Sparkle had was this room of useless ponies that she used to know, once upon a time, that she had ordered to be here now.

All she had was a room full of ponies she hated.

With a sigh, she figured that she was probably better off with nothing.

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