• Published 25th Aug 2016
  • 1,108 Views, 40 Comments

A Pony a Day - OfTheIronwilled

Little ponies go through endless scenarios. And by "endless" I mean "one hundred".

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Date (8/26/2016)

It took Applejack weeks to realize she had a crush on her friend Fluttershy. She learned slowly, over the course of an entire friendship, and it didn't all come at once. It was something gradual. Almost crawling. She knew despite all of Fluttershy's anxieties, there wasn't anything that would keep that pony from trying to be a dependable, loyal friend -- every time AJ asked her for help with an infestation on the farm she would be there, and every time something attacked Equestria, there she was. She was kind and loving. She tried harder than anything to get herself out that door every morning, and had been learning every day how to better stand up for herself. She was confident, and passionate and open with Applejack the more she came out of her shell; her eyes would light up with life every time AJ brought up conversations about animals, and she trusted Applejack enough to cry on her shoulder one night, when Angel had found her crying alone in front of her mirror. And so much more than that.

Fluttershy was kind, and dependable, and beautiful, and persistent, and every now and then she knew how to tell Applejack when she was being foolhardy.

It took her weeks to start feeling butterflies every time Fluttershy got close.

It took Applejack months before she brought up the courage to finally ask her. Months of ducking away from Fluttershy lest she slip up and give her secret away, of watching Fluttershy walk off the farm without ever having asked her what she invited her over that day for. Months of hiding and lying to herself, of Granny shaking her head at the way she was acting and telling her to mare up. But there AJ was now, finally picking her head up and standing at her door.

Fluttershy's cottage was as quiet as usual; that is to say, mostly quiet if not for all them critters squeaking and chirping from inside the door. It was warm, humid, and the world sang with the birth of wild flowers, of the pollen drifting from place to place in its harmonious dance. The edge of spring, the cusp of summer, where everypony was becoming anew again. Times for change, and times for action.

If only Applejack could get herself to stop mumbling about nature and actually knock on the door. Now, Applejack wasn't no coward, and if you dared call her one she'd set you straight faster than Rainbow Dash could fly. She was just... nervous. Hadn't, uh, had a marefriend or anything for... well, for a great while. So! So she had to, um-- prepare! She couldn't just go askin' one of her friends to go romantic with her without some sort of explanation, could she? No, really -- could she? Was that okay, or would Fluttershy get too nervous about that? Wouldn't want to spook the filly.

Oh, Applejack could feel her face go red. How in tarnation was she supposed to tell the prettiest pegasus in all of Equestria that... well, that she was the prettiest pegasus in all of Equestria?

Fluttershy opened her door ten minutes later, a watering can in her teeth, to find Applejack hopping up and down on her welcome mat and looking like a racehorse in need of an outhouse.


"Oh, hello, Applejack! It's been a while, hasn't it? Is, um... is everything okay? You seem a little tense. And red."


"Goodness, you're not overheated are you? It's so hot for the spring, Applejack; you just mustn't overwork yourself. Um, oh-- here!" Fluttershy gasped. Her pretty eyes narrowed in concern. She dropped her watering can and lifted up a wing to quickly fan Applejack's red sweaty face.

Well, this was a disaster. She had already gone and made Fluttershy worry for her, because she was too nervous to speak her mind. Applejack sighed, and then breathed in deep through her nose. Nope, she couldn't keep doing' this to herself, and she certainly keep doing this to 'Shy. Already this week Applejack had been avoiding her and making up excuses for not facing her fears. No, she had to own up and deal with this, for both their sakes.

"Actually, Fluttershy, I'm fine. I was just wondering if I could ask you a question before I went on back to the farm," AJ said.

Some animals hopped to Fluttershy's hooves, and she gave all of them a friendly pat before she grinned up at Applejack again. The pegasus lowered her wing with a blush, scooted her watering can to her side, and nodded.

"Oh, of course, Applejack. I suppose it --hee-- was silly of me to jump to conclusions. What was it that you needed?" She smiled, but then gasped again. "It's not Rupert again, is it? I told that beaver that he was being rude, but he still seemed... well, a little rowdy."

Applejack gulped, hard in her throat. Her hooves and face tingled. "Nope, it ain't. Ain't had a lick of trouble from that critter since you talked some sense into them. I was just..."

Applejack paused, too long; Fluttershy tilted her head, and the bunnies at her hooves wiggled their noses.

Come on there, Applejack, she's the kindest filly you know, and she ain't gonna make fun of you or nothin'. Left that behind years ago, when you were still a foal. Just be honest.

"Fluttershy, Sugarcube, I was wondering if you would go out on a date with me, and give me the honor of being your special somepony."

Applejack's heart was beating out of her chest, pounding in her cheeks. She stared and watched Fluttershy's face so blank, and the animals all around her cottage fitfully stir. Fluttershy's smile fell, replaced by a contemplative nothingness -- and replaced by a blush. She sat there, her hooves beginning to tremble and her wings fluffing cutely at her sides, until Angel Bunny hopped up. AJ watched with her pulse in her throat as that darn bunny sized her up, up and down her frame... and then gave Fluttershy's legs a little smack with his ears.

Fluttershy gasped, but then the two were silent again. The pegasus mare blinked a million miles a minute, until everything seemed to go calm again. Fluttershy looked at her with red cheeks and a growing nervous smile.

"Oh... Oh, Applejack!" She said, finally. It broke the dam to Applejack's lungs, if nothing else. "Goodness, I had no idea you felt that way. Is... o-oh my, is, um, is this why you've been avoiding me lately?"

Applejack didn't lie: "Yup. And I can't say I'm too proud of it either, Sugarcube."

"Oh no!" Fluttershy preened. "It's no trouble at all. I thought maybe you were busy that's all! And Applejack, I... oh..." Her face turned rosy, and she ducked her snout to her chin. "I... oh my... Applejack, you-- you really are wonderful. And-- a-and about your, um, question..."

Applejack perked up. A thrill of something shot up her spine.

"You're such a dependable friend, and you're oh so patient with me," Fluttershy muttered. "I don't know what I would have done a lot of times, if you weren't there to stand beside me; like with that dragon's mountain, and all those adventures we went on. You're so honest and loyal and so very, very kind and beautiful, Applejack! Any mare or stallion would be lucky to have you! And, I-- you asked me if I would be your special somepony, and, like I said, you're wonderful."

AJ couldn't believe her ears. Fluttershy was complimenting her! Fluttershy, the pretty mare she had her eyes set on for all this time -- she was talking her up like nopony's business! She finally asked Fluttershy to be her somepony, and here Fluttershy was blushing and chatting up a storm. Applejack could dance she was so happy; she had a chance!

Applejack smiled wide, wider than everything, while Fluttershy blushed and hoofed at the ground. She ducked her red face behind her waterfall of pink mane. The critters at her hooves fell into an explosive fervor, until the cottage itself shook with the force; Fluttershy paid them no heed, and instead set those turquoise eyes so heavily into Applejack's own. Then Fluttershy opened her mouth:

"But, um........ No."

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