• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 2,706 Views, 222 Comments

Art is a Blast! - lolcatsmanseven

Naruto Crossover. Deidara is sent to Equestria. Will the artist get along with the ponies?

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Chapter 1

The howling wind made his long blonde hair sweep wildly around his head as he rode his clay bird above a winding gorge. Deidara glanced back over his shoulder at the pursuing figures deep below him, hoping from tree to tree in a futile attempt to reach him. He had intentionally antagonized them, but hadn't expected to get such a base reaction. They were trying to kill him. Despite the severity of his situation, he took a second to idly think out loud.

“The boy has calmed down. I wonder what’s he planning now, yeah?”

Surprisingly, he actually preffered having the younger ninja enraged so as to make him sloppy and predictable. It was under this reasoning that Deidara had antagonized him, all to maintain his advantage. It had been a good plan, but with Kakashi to keep Naruto in check, it wasn't likely to work anytime soon.

Regardless of what they planned to do, Deidara was confident. The boy was a mere berserker, and Kakashi couldn't cover for him forever. He had the advantage of a being a distance fighter, and being able to maintain his distance. A smirk formed on Deidara’s face, which quickly grew into a grin.

“I’ll simply separate them, yeah?” As he said this, Deidara reached his remaining hand into his clay pouch. The mouth on his palm opened and greedily began chewing some of his clay as his fingers closed around it. His hand mouth allowed him to create explosive clay sculptures, and when he infused them with some of his explosive nature chakra they ‘came to life.’ If anyone worthy was around, he would have loudly professed the sheer artistry of his technique, but he wasn't about to deliver a sermon to an audience that couldn't understand. Never cast your pearls before swine, after all.

But instead of using his technique, his smile fell, and he said, “Tsk. Not enough clay left. I’ll have to think of something else.” He opened his fist to allow his hand mouth to spit out the wad of clay it had been chewing. He recognized that he would need to conserve his stores of clay, for now.

Below Deidara, running beneath him in the gorge, Naruto turned to his sensei and asked, “Kakashi, aren't you ready yet?”

Naruto was getting impatient in his pursuit. Deidara had hurt his beloved Gaara, and he wasn't going to let him get away with it. The moment he had made the mistake of hurting one of Naruto’s precious people was the moment his fate had been sealed. Naruto took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down. Even in his extremely agitated state he recognized he couldn't win if he lost control.

Kakashi kept his gaze locked firmly on his opponent as he answered, “I told you to calm down.” He paused, and then added, “I don’t have as much chakra as you. This sort of thing takes time to prepare.” As he jumped alongside his student, he formed the ‘tiger’ hand seal. He closed his eyes as he focused completely on channeling his energy. He needed to concentrate, and Naruto’s constant interruptions were not helping him do so.

Naruto let out a breath of air he’d been holding, and then refocused forwards on the fleeing form of Deidara. I won’t let you get away with this! He mentally raged as he repeatedly clenched and unclenched his fists. Memories of Gaara flashed through his mind. He would not let his murderer escape. No! Not his murderer! Gaara can’t be dead. Not him.

He again turned back towards his teacher, and asked again, “Kakashi, are you ready yet?”

“Just about.”

A few seconds later Kakashi opened his eyes, and again locked them on Deidara. His left eye had a strange black and red design on it. Unlike his other eye, the pupil was blood red with a strange black pinwheel shape on it.

Naruto looked at Kakashi’s strange eye, and asked, “ Is that what you were telling me about?”

“Right. My new Sharingan Eye. Let’s go Naruto!”

They both increased their speed in order to catch up to Deidara. Kakashi’s Sharingan eye was a valuable asset, the expert use of which had given him the nickname Sharingan Kakashi. It had many abilities, chief among them the ability to copy another’s techniques; it also dramatically increased one’s reaction times. Once a Sharingan user has reached a certain level of strength, they gain access to a unique Mangekyou Sharingan, the abilities of which differ from user to user. Kakashi had already explained all of this to Naruto.

As Naruto and Kakashi jumped through the trees, Kakashi noticed Naruto was staring at him. He glanced over an asked, “What is it?”

Naruto paused a second, then replied, “Kakashi, don’t worry if this doesn’t work.” He then looked up at Deidara and growled, “I’ll make sure to finish him.”

“Yeah. If it comes to that.”


Deidara glanced backwards again. “They’re still following me, yeah?” He looked down at the tiny figures of Kakashi and Naruto, and chuckled. The confident smirk never left his face, despite the pain he must have been feeling from the loss of his arm.

Kakashi said, “Let’s do it. Naruto, time to back off a bit.”

His student nodded. “Got it.”

Kakashi looked up at Deidara, and took a deep breath. “Mangekyou Sharingan!”

Deidara looked wildly around. Something was wrong with his vision. The air around him seemed distorted, and wavering. Suddenly he realized that the air itself looked like it was swirling around him. Almost like the fabric of reality itself was twisting. His confident smirk vanished as the gravity of the situation dawned on him.

He gasped, and quickly had his clay bird perform evasive maneuvers, yet he could not escape the bending of reality. Deidara felt as if every single part of him was being sucked into one point, and worse still was that the one point was in the center of his chest. His bird swerved wildly as Deidara's chakra surged and trembled, but still the focus of the singularity was on Deidara’s chest.

Everything was swaying and moving, as if it was water caught in the grasp of a whirlpool. Suddenly, Deidara felt like he was collapsing in on himself. He let out a pained yell as he was fully sucked into a singularity.

Far below, his pursuers stopped in their tracks, their job done. Naruto asked, “Kakashi sensei? What exactly does your Mangekyou Sharingan do?”

Between deep, panting breaths, Kakashi answered, “It sucks my target into a pocket dimension. Don’t worry, Gaara’s killer is dead.”

"Nnngaah, I feel like Leader threw me through several walls, yeah."

Deidara was so far out of it that he wasn't sure whether he said that out loud or merely thought it, but he also didn't really care. He could feel that he was laying on something rather soft, but that was the absolute limit of his sensory capabilities at the moment. His head felt completely empty, and it awkwardly lolled around on his shoulders. He tried to open his eyes, and after a moment was able to. He was surprised, to say the least.

He could tell that he was laying on his back on a bed, which was odd considering his last memories were of aerial combat above a forest. As he glanced around the room, he was surprised to see that everything was white or soft shades of blue. Suddenly his eyes widened, as he realized that his scope was gone, as was his clothes. The only thing covering him was a shit so thin it was nearly translucent. Was I captured by the Leaf-ninja? he thought, but then realized that if he was captured they would be quite a bit rougher on him. Not to mention there would be quite a bit of security.

He sat up, which was more difficult than normal thanks to his missing left arm (which he noticed had been bandaged), and the action of moving his good arm made him realize that he had wires sticking out of it. He ripped them out while barely giving a grunt of discomfort, and traced them to a small machine next to his bed. He realized it was a heart monitor a second after it disconnected from him, and was rewarded with a high pitched beeping noise.

Deidara laid back down and thought, Well, I guess I'm in a hospital, yeah. So I wonder, did a civilian find me and take me to a hospital? His revelry was interrupted by his door opening, and he looked expectantly at it to see his host.

He was more than a little surprised to see a large black gorilla in a lab coat and glasses pawing through a clipboard. The gorilla looked up at him and smiled. "Hello my friend. I am Doctor Björn." He held out his arm as if he wanted to shake hands, but Deidara did not return the gesture. This didn't seem to faze the doctor, who merely chuckled, and asked, "So my friend, I trust that your stay here has been pleasant?"

Doctor Björn's attempt at humor did little to improve Deidara's mood. He lowered his eyes in irritation. Yeah, so whoever saved me doesn't even think I'm important enough to greet in person, he just sends his summon. He thought to himself.So how about I go show my 'host' what I think of that, yeah?

Deidara, intent on finding the human behind the monkey, flipped the sheet off of him and swung his legs over the side of the bed. With a start, he remembered that his clothes were gone. He snarled and shouted at the gorilla, "Where the hell are my clothes, yeah?"

With a calming smile, Doctor Björn explained, "Those rags you were covered in when you were brought here? I believe they are at the laundry as we speak." He shook his head and chuckled as he continued, "My friend, do you have any idea how dirty they were? Why, they were covered in so much mud and blood that we didn't even realize it had a cloud pattern on at first."

As Deidara huffed in irritation, the doctor continued, "But if you would like some clothes, we have some gowns for visitors such as yourself. Tell you what, in just a moment I'll call for a nurse to bring you one." He paused, and with a long arm pulled a chair from against the wall over to Deidara's bed. "Now my friend, why don't you tell me just what you are? I must admit, when you were first brought in to me I thought you were simply a gorilla with a terrible case of mange. Well, a gorilla with mange who is also missing a limb and has sever blood loss and dehydration. Well, I think you're missing a limb. Your species isn't asymmetrical, and has only one arm with the other shoulder continuously bleeding, right?" He stopped talking, and it took Deidara a moment to realize that he was expecting a answer.

Meanwhile, Deidara's mind was reeling. The way he's talking it's as if he's never seen a human before? But how could that be, yeah? If someone summoned him to be a doctor, then this monkey had to have seen a person before. Have I somehow landed in the middle of a tribe of monkeys who have never seen the outside world? He shook his head. No, that's impossible, not to mention stupid. As far as I know, there's no place in the Elemental Nations to have talking monkeys that have simultaneously never seen a human, yeah. This rules out the possibility of this monkey being a summon, as well as me being in the Elemental Nations.

Turning his body so he faced the doctor completely, Deidara demanded, "Where the hell am I, yeah?"

After a moment as he processed what the strange creature in front of him asked, Doctor Björn again laughed as he said, "That was funny my friend, but how about we leave the jokes to me?" As Deidara continued to stare at him angrily, he realized that he was serious. After a moment, he answered, "You are in the Fossvogur Hospital, in Hæð Tré City. Is that answer sufficient for you?"

Deidara mulled over the new information, before deciding it was insufficient, and asking, "What country, yeah?"

"You are in the beautiful country of Ioðinn Fólkheim. We are to the West of Equestria, to the North of the Zebrican Hegemony, and to the South of the Griffon Badlands." Doctor Björn waited to see if his patient would accept his answer, and when he didn't interrupt he assumed he had. "Well, now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way, where are you from, my friend?"

Author's Note:

Hello my friends. In case anyone is wondering, I listened to this the entire time I wrote this http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=hnL-XglIhD0. As I write this the repeat counter is at 78. I think I may be going crazy.