• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 2,706 Views, 222 Comments

Art is a Blast! - lolcatsmanseven

Naruto Crossover. Deidara is sent to Equestria. Will the artist get along with the ponies?

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Chapter 2

A short while later Deidara had been returned his personal items, such as his scouter, clay pouch, and his clothes. The biggest difference with his clothes was that now they had somehow lost all of their bloodstains and other stains.

Deidara finished securing his clay pouch to his body (which took longer than normal due to his new disability) before turning to Doctor Björn and saying, "Thanks for returning my possesions in such a nice state. Now, how would you like to see my art?"

Doctor Björn leaned forward in his chair. So far Deidara had not at all been willing to answer his questions, yet here he was now offering information. He said, "So my friend, you are an artist, yes? Tell me, what medium do you work with? Oils? Music? The written word?"

With a grin Deidara reached his hand into his clay pouch. As he rummaged around inside it, he said, " Some artists use the brush, while others work in wood. I on the other hand work in the purest medium: in life. Out of meaningless clay, I create life, yeah. Observe." With his last statement he withdrew his hand in the shape of a closed fist from his clay pouch.

Upon seeing this Doctor Björn was confused, and wondered if his patient planned on sculpting something from such a small amount of clay. He leaned back in his chair, as he knew it would take a while. He wasn't bothered by Deidara's short speech on art, and the inherent arrogance in his statements, as he spent his fair share of time in Hæð Tré's art district. In his opinion, it was necessary for artists to have egos the size of their aspirations.

In the time it took for Doctor Björn to finish his introspection, Deidara was already finished. He opened his hand, and sitting in his palm was a small, delicate bird. The only sign it was not alive was it's lack of movement, and pure white color. Doctor Björn was impressed, to say the least. But when he opened his mouth to tell Deidara of that, the artist threw his creation straight at him.

If Doctor Björn's focus wasn't solely on the clay creation sailing through the air towards him, he would have noticed his patient make a strange symbol with his hand, before the bird suddenly started moving! It moved its wings up and down so fast that they became a mere blur, and it used its wings to stop itself mere inches from the doctor. It began flitting around the room as if possessed by a desire to escape it, before Deidara made a slight gesture, and it hovered between the two.

His mouth was open, but no wards came from Doctor Björn.

Deidara relished to look of amazement on his face, before continuing in his description of art, both in general and his specifically. "It's beautiful, isn't it? While it starts off as simple clay, using the mouth on my palm I am able to mold it into whatever I desire, and by infusing my chakra into it, I bring it to life, yeah. But that's not all, to really appreciate true art you have to feel it."

Doctor Björn was confused, but he decided to humor Deidara, so he reached out to touch the bird. As he did so, Deidara gained a manic grin, and made a hand-seal.

An explosion rocked the hospital, so strong that it shattered glass for blocks around the building. As gorillas around the building looked up in horror at the smoking hole in the wall of the hospital, they saw a thin figure leap out. Deidara hit the ground and rolled, laughing manically the whole way. He had gone too long without making art, and hadn't been able to stand it anymore.

He again reached his hand into his clay pouch to create a bird, but this time he was interrupted. Glancing left, then right, he saw that he was surrounded by at least ten gorillas, all in security uniforms. They were warily, but quickly, approaching him carrying small black clubs. Deidara laughed to himself at the idea of them being able to take him.

When he opened his hand this time, he was holding several birds, that quickly flew towards his aggressors. With a cry of "Katsu!" and his hand seal, they exploded, throwing up large clouds of dirt and sending the gorillas flying. With a slightly dampened expression, Deidara murmured, "They seem to be more durable than humans, yeah." But after just a moment his expression brightened as he added, "So I guess I'll just have to use a little more chakra!"

So smirking, he left behind the unconcious forms of the security team as he walked away from the hospital, which by this point was on fire. He heard sirens, and realizing that his clay supply was still very limited, decided to avoid the authorities by ducking into an nearby alley. He was the most dangerous thing here, after all.

As he was in a completely foreign land populated by monkeys, Deidara was surprised to see that the alleyways here were just as dirty as the one's back home in the Hidden Stone Village. He slowly shook his head as he passed by a torn up couch surrounded by empty needles that used to be filled with what he could only assume were a mind altering substance and said, "Pitiful. To imagine that some people are so weak as to need help just to exist, yeah."

Suddenly Deidara spun around, his hand already in his clay pouch. He had heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and was ready to demonstrate the nature of his art. When he saw that he was facing a rather large gorilla wearing a trench coat, black beret and sunglasses, he paused. The gorilla said, "Hello there my friend. Some associates and I were so lucky to witness your display at the hospital. And I must say I'm impressed with your abilities. Now I am part of a very special group, a group that could use someone with talents such as yours."

Deidara withdrew his hand from his pouch, before stuffing it into the pocket on his cloak. He was used to being approached like this, and as long as the money was right then this would be a welcome distraction from his situation. After all, the other Akatsuki members weren't there to ruin his fun. But first he had to set some ground rules. "Alright, my rate is a lot of money, and I don't bomb orphanages. Everything else is fine, yeah."

The gorilla chuckled, before replying, "Don't worry my friend, we both know that blowing up something as small scale as an orphanage would be a waste of your talents. No, there's something much more important we need you for. You see, my associates and I are in the shipping business, and we have a lot of ponies in Equestria who need our product. Unfortunately, their Captain of the Guard has instituted a crackdown on businesses such as ours, so we need you to-"

He was cut off when by Deidara, who said, "Look, I'm not going to smuggle drugs for you. I'm not going to waste my time just so some rich guy can chase some angels, yeah. I have much better things to do, such as perfecting my art."

"No, I can assure you that is not what we have in mind. Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush here, we need you to kill the Captain of the Guard."

After pretending to think about it for a moment, Deidara smirked and said, "Deal. But remember what I said about my fee."

The gorilla laughed and said, "Don't worry about it my friend, if you'll follow me to my place of business, we can discuss this job, and its fee, at length."

Following behind the gorilla, Deidara smiled. He had only been in this world for a day, and he already was in a position to share his art with as many people as possible.