• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,015 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

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Playdate and Set Up

Rainbow slowly awoke the next morning, her eyes feeling heavy as the rays of the sun shined in through the windows. After about a minute of laying in bed and finding more sleep denied to her, she gradually sat up, finding something was amiss. A second or two passed as Rainbow sat there in silence, feeling a soothing sensation wash over her. Something was heard making a thuck kind of sound, and upon waking up fully she opened her eyes, and stared down at her hoof which was promptly being suckled! She let out an eep, blushing as it took some willpower to take it out of her mouth. She wiped the drool off on her blanket before raising an eyebrow. “What the, so not cool!” Even with no one around to witness what had happened, she still felt her cheeks flare as she remained confused as to why she had done that. More importantly, why had it felt so...soothing? She shook her head swiftly climbing out of bed before moving to her bathroom.

As Rainbow Dash brushed her teeth, her only hope was that she could forget this ever happened, considering it to be just a fluke. While brushing she hummed a tune from her childhood, despite finding the memory silly. Her mane was quickly put into her usual athletic style and she looked in the mirror. She stuck her tongue out and started to make silly faces squashing and stretching her muscles. Most of them making her giggle. She jumped back a minute later confused about what she had been doing and why. Her eyes closed for a moment, before opening again and she shrugged moving along to go to work.

Thankfully, the rest of the morning passed without anymore oddities happening. Her memory of yesterday evening was still a bit of a blur, yet she could remember what had happened. She paid it little mind deciding it wasn't worth worrying about and resumed going about, putting clouds in place for the light rain for the evening. As she pushed on the fluffy clouds into place, she glanced over at Thunderlane and waved him over. “Hey, Thunderlane, how’s your brother?”

“Oh, Rumble? He’s great, just had his birthday last week.” Thunderlane replied.

Rainbow pushed a cloud into place wiping some sweat off her brow. “Oh, I bet Pinkie got him just what he wanted too.”

“That’s Pinkie for you,” Thunderlane laughed, as he pushed his cloud into place as well nodding. “Makes it kind of hard for his big brother to get points you know?”

Rainbow can’t help but chuckle. “Hey at least you’re lucky that you're not a middle child,” She wasn’t sure where that came from, but it was relevant. “Hard to get attention when you’re younger sis is adorable and your big sister is a nerd.” Rainbow blinked a few times as if nothing happened. She suddenly felt the overwhelming desire to play. “Are we almost done?”

Thunderlane glanced at the other pegasi going about their jobs. “Um seems like it, why?” The fact that the question had come from Rainbow is what made the inquiry strange.

“N-no reason, just wanting to know.” Rainbow replied, as she darted her eyes about before zipping off to finish her portion quickly! As she worked, she kept eying the park whenever she flew over it. The pegasus bit her lip, trying to focus on her work while also feeling as twitchy as a filly. She practically leaped for joy when the last cloud was put in place. She soared down to the playground beaming happily as if it was normal to do so. Fillies and colts looked at her as she did a few loops and turns before moving over to the swing set and sat down, starting to push herself. “Ah, finally, I can have some fun.” It all felt pretty normal to her as she pushed herself forward. Not that adults using a swing set was anything out of the ordinary, it was more Rainbow’s giggly and cheery demeanor that was different. In fact, swinging broughtsome happy memories to the forefront of Rainbow’s mind. She felt tranquil as she swung, thinking of her mom and dad taking her to the park. Although the park she remembered being in Cloudsdale, which meant there was no flowers or grass, but the feeling was the sort of the same. That memory prompted Rainbow to groan. “Great, now I'm home sick."

Her moment of contemplation was interrupted by a familiar voice calling to her. She saw Scootaloo zooming up to her in a dust cloud, her scooter stopping nearby. "Hey Rainbow Dash," She watched Rainbow push hard one last time before jumping off and using her wings to do a short flip before landing.

“Hey squirt, what's up?" Rainbow asked, for some reason, she still felt like a bundle of energy, as she shifted from one hoof to the other

"Not much, just finished my homework and saw you so here I am," Scootaloo replied. She tilted her head as she saw idol's smile and head bobbing. "You okay? you seem more…. um…. hyper today/"

"Pfff, yeah, of course Ii'm okay. I"m awesome, remember!" Rainbow answered. Before Scootaloo could react, Rainbow bopped her on the nose "Tag!" She shouted, and zipped off!

Scootaloo blinked at the sudden touch, but quickly tried to follow. "Oh, it is so on!" As she chased, she cold tell Rainbow was holding back just for her yet at the same time not making it easy. The older pegasus laughed as they played tag, letting Scootaloo tag her in return and give chase. Rainbow was impressed that the filly got on her scooter to even the odds. This only got the older pony heart’s pumping as she gave chase.

"Oh, now that evens the odd," Rainbow chuckled, as she galloped after the filly who was now much faster, but the pegasus was just as quick on hoof as Scootaloo's scooter, even though she could get quite the speed with those little wings. Needless to say, the chase was quite invigorating, the game only ending once they reached Sugarcube Corner. Both of them were panting, and occasionally laughing.

“That was awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she tagged Rainbow one last time. “Most of the time you’re too busy flying about to do things like this.”

Rainbow stretched her wings feeling more alive than ever. “Well, I just felt like playing instead of flying about, no biggy. Glad you enjoyed it, kiddo,” She ruffled the filly’s mane before following her into the shop. She smiled grew wider at the smell of sweet candy and sugar causing her to lick her lips. “Mmm, what do you say to milkshakes on me?”

“Cool!” Scootaloo fluttered her wings, soon taking a seat at the counter.

Rainbow Dash raced up to the front smiling as Pinkie came bouncing out. “Hey Rainbow, what can I get you?”

“Two milkshakes please,” Rainbow replied, then she blinked upon realizing her mistake. “Oh, I forgot my bit purse.”

“That’s alright, Rainbow, I’ll just put it on your tab,” Pinkie responded, she slid the two finished milkshakes over to her friend while being cheery as usual. “So, you up to anything, Rainbow?”

Rainbow slid the milkshake to Scotaloo and shrugged. “Not really. I finished up the work for the rain this evening, and now I’m just hanging around.”

Pinkie beamed. “Great, cause I could really use a hoof.”

“Oh, what do you need Pinkie? Need someone fast to pick something up for you, or I’m sure I could help bake or something.”

Pinkie shook her head. “No, no, I just need you to watch the twins for about half an hour. The Cakes are busy and I really need to do some deliveries, but can’t I leave those two unsupervised.”

Rainbow adjusted herself in the seat, rubbing her neck. “I don’t know, Pinkie, I don’t know how to do foal care or even diapers for that matter.”

“Oh don’t worry, about that I just changed them,” Pinkie smiled in response. “All you’ve got to do is play with them while I’m gone. Should be a piece of cake for half an hour.”

“Let’s hope they stay in one piece.” Rainbow jokedm causing Pinkie to giggle.

“Good one, Dashie,” Pinkie laughed. “So, you up to it?”

“Sure, no problem,” Rainbow nodded looking over at Scootaloo who was about halfway done with her milkshake. “Hey, kiddo. Play with you later, okay?” She asked, smiling.

“Yeah, no problem,” Scootaloo replied, continuing to drink her milkshake. “I think Apple Bloom had something fun planned for us anyway.”

Rainbow smiled. “Great, why don’t you go do that and I’ll meet up with you if I have time?” She answered, and followed Pinkie passed the counter and up the stairs, until they reached the twins nursery. The air, of course, smelt like foal powder and other such baby smells. Rainbow snout twitched, sniffing about idly. She watched Pinkie nuzzle the two foals as they looked up from their toys letting out adorable coos.

Rainbow moved over and leans down to them. “Hey, there.”

Pound’s little wings fluttered, and he had a big grin on his face. He stood on his hind legs, putting his forehooves to her muzzle. Needless to say, the sight was adorable and Rainbow couldn’t help but daww again and make a silly face at the foal, thus getting the twins to have a giggle fit.

Pinkie smiled. “Aww, you’re a natural, I’ll be back in about half an hour!” And with tha,t she left the room and headed out, leaving Rainbow to foalsit.

Rainbow sat there and watched as the twins quickly waddled to some blocks. Pound banged one of them on the floor, while Pumpkin seemed more entranced in trying to stack a few. The slow nature of such a task wasn’t bothering the pegasus oddly enough. While she normally liked zipping about, this seemed rather simple. She kept observing them as they play and moved over to Pumpkin. The filly looked up at her as Rainbow took a block. “Here, let me help you.” She put the block on top of the second one just slightly off-center. Her plan slowly began to come into play as Pumpkin clapped innocently and set one on top clumsy.

The four-stack tower swayed before tipping over. Pumpkin took the blocks and just giggled in response. Surprisingly enough, Rainbow also laughed along finding it amusing. “Again?” The pegasus asked, as she put the first block down beaming. The foal didn’t seem to mind and kept playing.

Of course, while playing, she kept an eye on Pound too hoping there were would be no flying surges. Even at her age, it could happen at random. Luckily for her, nothing happened throughout the playtime. Rainbow after shaking a rattle for a while to keep Pumpkin entertained moved over to the changing table to take a look. Something about it fascinated her. Her eyes closed as she sniffed in the smell of talcum. She sat down taking in the smell while at the same time listening to the foals playing. Her hooves subconsciously reached out and took one of the small diapers, feeling the texture of its plastic covering. Several moments went by before she opened her eyes, feeling one of the foals tugging on her tail. At the same time, she saw she had been rubbing the padding against her cheek.

With an eep, Rainbow dropped it and turned with a blush. The one who had been tugging on her tail was Pound Cake. “Uh, yes, Pound?” She looked down at the infant who in returned held up a plushie. Rainbow was thankful he didn’t need a change or was hungry. She took the plushie and hugged it. Meanwhile, part of her was wondering “Why was I feeling a diaper? I don’t need one.” Unfortunately, she hadn't a clue on how to respond to her internal question. Thus she went back to doing silly faces at the two to keep the momentum of playtime going. Needless to say by the time Pinkie came back the twins were certainly ready for a good nap.

Pinkie peeked in once she arrived and smiled seeing Dash cradling Pumpkin. “Aww, did you manage to wear them out already?” She bounced in and carefully picked up Pound cradling him as well.

Rainbow nodded proudly. “Yeah, was pretty fun actually,” Pumpkin yawned and began to suckle her hoof as the two watched. “Hey if you need help again, you can ask me,” Rainbow offered. “Well, might need to teach me that icky diaper changing stuff, but still.”

“It sure is fun, but it’s not easy either,” Pinkie chuckled, and laid the tiny colt into the crib moving aside, as Pumpkin was laid next to her brother.

Rainbow stayed quiet until the nursery door was closed. “Yeah I know, but still, was loads of fun, Pinkie,” She blinked in surprise when Pinkie brushed some powder off her rump with a duster. “Huh? H-how did that get there.”

“You probably just sat in it,” Pinkie replied nonchalantly. “Happens to me sometimes when some of it comes out of the diapers,” Then she snorted a bit. “Oh, you should have seen me when the lid came loose and covered me from head to tail in the stuff. Oh was that ever a mess.”

“Y-yeah that must be it.” Rainbow nervously laughed. “What is going on with me today? First, there was that hoof thing , than touching the diaper to my cheek. Get it together, Rainbow Dash. You’re not a foal, you’re a grown mare!” She thought.

The two friends chatted for a bit longer, until Rainbow noticed it was around seven o-clock. “Oh shoot, I got to pick up something from the store before it closes!” Rainbow realized. “Talk to you later okay, PInkie?” Pinkie nodded as the speedster took off out the window.

Rainbow was soon heading down a familiar street. She’d come here many times during the last month or so. All her busy work lately had, for whatever reason, messed with her sleep cycle and thus she had looked for a solution to her problem. The doctor had said it was just from her taking too many nap,s which only made her upset. She was many things but lazy was not one of them. She only took naps when work had drained her too much.

Regardless, the solution to her problem had soon been resolved when she had run into a mare with a particular skill with the music of all things. She’d been skeptical at first, but after the first tape had worked so well, she had been sold on the method of musical therapy. After all, they said music could sooth the savage beast.

With a soft thump, Rainbow landed in front of the mare’s household and knocked. It only took a few moments for a light brown coated pegasus mare to answer the door. “Hey Sweet Song,” She stared at the mare’s soft brown eyes. “You said to pick up some new tapes, right? I still don’t see why I need new ones though.” The tapes she’d been listening to had mostly been sounds of the ocean, or patter of rain on a roof. Mostly gentle filler noise to sooth the soul.

Sweet moved aside and gestured her inside. “Oh, you’d get too used to the same white noise after a while. Would you care to come in for some tea or some cookies?”

Mmm, cookies.” Rainbow thought, before she replied, “Sure I think there’s some time before the rain starts.” Rainbow trotted into the mare’s house, smelling the lavender scent that hung in the air. Her hooves clopped against the wooden floor, as she followed her to the kitchen just across from her living room. “Nice place you got here.” She complimented,

“Why thank you, Rainbow Dash,” Sweet smiled, as she floated out the plate of cookies, heat still radiating off of them, as the kitchen itself smelled of chocolate.

Rainbow ‘smouth began to water as she looked at the cookies and sat down. Another compulsion came over her as she made grabby hooves towards the plate. “Gimmie!” She shouted.

Sweet suppressed a smile as she moved the plate away. “No, you need to ask nicely.”

Rainbow was hardly thinking as she kept reaching for the delectable snack. “No, I want a cookie now!” She meeped as the mare lightly smack her hoof causing her to pull back “Oh!” The momentary pain snapped her out of it as she rubbed her hoof “Ouch! Hey, what was that for?!”

Sweet noticed the change and resumed her motherly smile. ‘Oh, sorry dear I thought I saw a bug on your hoof. My mistake” She held the plate out for Rainbow, watching the filly snatch a few quick as lighting, before scarfing them down. Chocolate ended up on her muzzle, although Dash didn’t notice her behavior at all.

Rainbow moved the bits around in her mouth tasting the warm gooey goodness. “Mmm thanks, can I have some milk?” She watched as the kind mare went to a cupboard pulling out a pink sippy cup. It sparkled in the light, due to having some glitter cover to it. This oddly enough drew Rainbow attention so much that she didn’t even comment about it being a foal glass. Her eyes never drew away from it as Sweet filled it with milk from the fridge and set it down in front of her. “Thank you.” Rainbow smiled.

“Such a polite mare you are,” Sweet said with a hint of motherly praise, the filly of course not noticing. Sweet then trotted out the room to get the tapes for Rainbow, while holding back a squee of delight. “It’s working.” She thought to herself.

Rainbow sipped from the cup, moving it around so she could catch the light as it reflected off the glitter. A giggle escaped her lips as she sipped, momentarily blushing. “It’s just glitter. why am I laughing?” She thought, a thought that quickly passed as Sweet came back into the room with the small satchel containing the new tapes. Quickly getting to her hooves, Rainbow took it from her. “O,h I forgot, do I have to pay you for this?” She asked, once again mentally facehoofing at forgetting her bits.

Sweet shook her head. “No no, it just like library books, just make sure to return the older tapes tomorrow or whenever it convenient.”

“Yeah, sure, no problem. And thanks again for the help.” Rainbow replied. Then she did something unexpected, as her hooves wrapped around the mare’s neck, hugging her for a moment. Rainbow pulled back, blushing “Uh..gotta go.” She raced out the door, heading for her home. “Okay, that’s now five things I can’t explain today. Ugh, get it together.” She mentally told herself.

The rain had just started to come down as Rainbow entered her house, giving Tank a light nuzzle. “Hey buddy, I’m home.” She hummed, feeding him his supper before flying up the stairs to her bedroom. She slid the satchel bag onto her side table and climbed into bed. She stretched, grabbing the latest Daring Do book and reading for a few hours. As the sun began to set she yawned and set her book aside, once she bookmarked where she left off. She got up and went to brush her teeth, making faces in the mirror again when she finished.

Once her nightly hygiene routine was done with, Rainbow headed to her bed and opened the satchelm blinking upon seeing something fluffy. She stared for a moment upon realizing what was in her hooves. It was a bulky white diaper with pink elasticm just her size too. She blinked a few times as she merely looked at it, her hoof occasionally compressing on it. Her mind wandered unable to focus, as she spotted the letter attached to the diaper itself. The words ‘Rainbow Dumpling’ stood out once again her eyes drooping a bit as she read the words. A moment after reading the letter she put it into her paper shredder.. “W-well she said it would help,” She told herself, as she unfolded the padding hesitantly at first but her resolve faded as she wiggled her tail into the back. “Man, this is noisy.” She realized, as she rested her rump on the seat and pulled it up ,somehow knowing how to get it in place snuggly against her rump. The pink elastic stopped at her belly button as she checked it. Satisfied, she can’t help blush at her slightly bowed posture due the stuff between her hind legs. She shifted some more, eventually getting comfy and sighed, pulling the covers over her body, and pulling out the newest tape from the bag. Slotting it into the cassette player, she put the headphone over her head and leaned back, pressing the play button. Soon the sounds of a gentle breeze blowing against the leaves of the trees could be heard. She began to relax as time went by, her eyes slowly closing and her body slumping into her mattress. Once more, once she had slipped into deep sleep, her hoof made it way into her mouth and was suckled. The soft wind continued to blow, occasionally interrupted by a short burst of whispers so soft they could be mistaken as silence.

Author's Note:

There we go, and we see who is actually behind this little scheme. What awaits Rainbow next will you'll have to wait for me to write that part :p Anyway onwards.