• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,000 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

  • ...

Good Little Foal

An odd warmth greeted Rainbow as she awoke from her two hour nap. She shifted about, the padding between her legs feeling spongy. Upon realization of what happened, she blushed gently rubbing her eyes before eying the mobile that hung above the crib. “Mmmm.” The pacifier had fallen out due to her snoring now hanging around her neck. The pegasus mumbled incoherently as she woke up more, eventually rolling over and getting to her hooves. Her eyes glanced at the clock seeing it was 12:30. Her stomach rumbling right on cue.

For whatever reason, the instinct to just fly over the light blue wooden bars didn’t immediately cross her mind. Instead she took the bars in her hooves and rattled them around. “Mmmm, come on! How do you open this dumb thing?!” Her cheeks continue to burn as the situation sunk in more. The oddest part wasn’t that fact she wasn’t trying to fly to get out, but that she felt almost safe in the process. She couldn't possibly like this kind of stuff, she was way too cool for it. Not to mention, way over aged for a foal. There had to be something going on and she was sure Sweet was responable. Why else would she have a large nursery on standby? Before she could question things further, Sweet Song walked in through the door turning the lights back on with a flick of the light switch.

“Aww, did Rainbow have a nice nap?” She mothered, cooing at the filly. She was clearly aware of the accident Rainbow had suffered in her sleep, but she wasn’t saying anything about it, and neither was Rainbow fussing about it.

Rainbow lowered her hooves, her tail trying and failing to cover the padding. “Y-yeah slept like a foal,” She replied and looked at the crib. “I guess literally in this case.”

Sweet Song giggled and soon hears the rumbling tummy .”Aww, somepony’s hungry,” She trotted over and opened the gate pretty easily. “Good foal for not flying out of your crib.”

Rainbow felt happy at the condescending praise and climbed out, her diaper sagging. “Yeah, starving.” She was quieted by the pacifier once more as Sweet set it back in and took her hoof, leading her back the kitchen and to a highchair just her size which wasn’t there before, or perhaps, she hadn’t noticed. Dash sank her feet into the floor upon seeing it. “W-what?! A highchair?! No way!” she backpedaled a bit.

“Rainbow, you don’t want to be a bad filly do you?” Sweet Song frowned.

The words tugged at Rainbow’s emotions as she felt bad all of a sudden. “N-no Ma’am, I just don’t want to sit in the highchair that for foals.”

Sweet Song took a step towards Rainbow giving yet another motherly smile. “Rainbow, if you sit and eat what Nanny gives you, I’ll let you have some of the cookies for dessert.”

Rainbow’s ears shot up at the prospect of those mouth watering cookies and rushed to the pastel chair, fluttering into the seat! Sweet snickered softly sliding the tray into place over the foal’s lap. “Cookies!” Rainbow clapped happily, distracted by the childish bribe.

“You need to eat everything on your plate, or else no dessert,” Sweet explained, as she trotted to a cupboard across the kitchen, pulling out a few jars that were unmistakably foal food. She came back to the chair, watching Rainbow squirm in her wet padding. “Eat up quickly so we change you.” she cooed.

The first jar wa popped open and Rainbow Dash smelled it. “W-wait foal food? But I’m not-” She was cut off as a spoonful of mushy carrots was plonked into her mouth. With a light gulp, she pushed it down and stuck her tongue out “Gah, that’s so bland! Why would-” She was again cut off as another glob went in.

“That’s a good little foal, eat it all up little one. You want your cookies right?” Sweet cooed scooping up more of the soft carrots into Rainbow open mouth, as she gasped. The sight was awfully cute as a bit dropped onto the bib.

Rainbow, of course, whined as she swallowed each blob, only because it meant she get cookies by the end. “But it’s so bland,” she kicked her hind legs much like any fussy filly. “I want to feed myself.” Upon trying to reach for the spoon, her hoof was slapped causing her to recoil! Her ears fell to her sides as Sweet scolded her while calling her a bad filly. The stern tone alone made Rainbow stop trying to grab it and open up, resigning to her embarrassing fate. She was just glad no one could see this.

As if the universe had been listening to her plea, a few swift knocks were heard at the door. The filly meeped as Sweet Song set the spoon down and went to answer it. Once the mare was out of sight, Rainbow practically dove for the tiny spoon and began to shovel the mush into her mouth just wanting it to be over with. However, in her rush to eat, a bunch of its contents ended up on the bib or the side of her mouth. This realization came too late as she felt a light swat on her padding and a familiar voice laughing.

“Aww such a messy filly.” Trixie commented while looking right at Rainbow’s predicament in all it foalish glory.

Sweet Song snatched the spoon away again. “Rainbow, bad filly, look at the mess you made!”

Several questions ran through Rainbow mind as she stared down at her bib and licked off the bit of mush she could with her tongue. “W-what are you doing here, Trixie?” she squeaked, her cheeks practically on fire.

Trixie stood there proud, a grin upon her smug muzzle. “Trixie just came to see if everything was going well,” she replied. “Plus my sister does make great chocolate chip cookies.”

Rainbow blinked and resumed shifting about when Sweet wiped off her face, the mare still frowning about the bad behavior. “Sister?! What?! You teamed up with her to...to do this to me?!”

“That is correct. Trixie will admit however that it was Sweet Song’s Idea, I just helped out with a few things near the end,” Trixie boasted. “You looked like you needed to relax, but Trixie knew you wouldn’t agree willingly. So let’s just say she planted a teny tiny little idea in your head.”

Another jar was set in front of Rainbow, Sweet spooning it up to Rainbow’s mouth. Rainbow opened up and swallowed once again. “You’re the reason I like this stuff! You must have used some funky magic or something.” She chalked up her hoof suckling and diaper messing to Trixie as well. There was just no natural way she’d started doing that. Being cared for wasn’t bad but the rest of the foalish stuff was so embarrassing, and it left her feeling conflicted.

Trixie smiled nonchalantly. “Nothing fancy, but where’s the fun in revealing the magic behind the trick? You’re a smart pony, you figure out how I did it.” She teased before taking a seat to watch as Rainbow is fed the squash.

“Trixie is my little sister,” Sweet explained. “I didn’t move to Ponyville until last year so I wasn't really here for her um episodes.” A quick glance at Trixie revealed her to be blushing while holding a hoof to her face.

“So do you still want the stuff you wanted,” Rainbow pointed to the bag by the counter. “Or was that just a trick to get me here?”

“Of course not. Nopony made you come here Rainbow,” Sweet Song cooed.. “You came because I simply asked you to in the letter.”

"Trixie is thankful you got her things she needed though." Trixie added.

Rainbow’s tail twitched as she watched the mare bring out some cookies for her. “Oh yeah, you’re right. But that still doesn’t explain the nursery that just happened to have stuff in my size,” Her mouth watered, her attention shrinking and forgetting what she had been talking about, her glance locked onto the morsels within reach. “Mmm, gimme!” She flailed her hooves about to try and reach, but it was no use as the tray kept her sitting firmly in the highchair. Rainbow really wanted her cookies, not caring how she was acting. She kept whining as they were kept just out of reach.

Sweet Song waited for half a minute before speaking, never raising her voice, “Rainbow, remember to ask nicely!” she scolded.

Rainbow scrunched her face up and whined “No, gimmie! Gimmie now!” She wined banging on the tray. The usual strong airhead was too caught up in her emotions to really notice her tantrum behavior. She helped make them for crying out loud, it wasn’t fair!

Sweet’s brow narrowed as she stood firm. “No, bad filly! Don’t make me put you in time out!”

The pinch of being called “bad filly” gave Rainbow cause for concern, but Dash simply was too worked up letting out all her frustration at that very moment. Some of it not even being related to current events. “No, you stupid! Gimmie now!” She kicked about much like any foal would.

Trixie covered her ears. “Gah! Should we spank the little foal?” she asked as Dash let out a scream like a toddler.

Sweet Song hesitated for a moment. She was not really a fan of spanking, but if it needed to be done she would do it. “Rainbow Dash stop it right now or no des-” She winced when one pf the flailing hooves hit her in the cheek. “Ow!”

Rainbow immediately stopped her whining and gasped pulling her hooves back quick as lighting. “N-no, I’m sorry!” She felt the tray being slid off, Sweet’s frown cut into her like a knife. Her panic only grew as her ear was grabbed, and she was tugged over the mare’s lap. “No, no, please!” She begged. She didn’t notice Trixie shocked expression, who seemed to be surprised her sister was going to spank a grown pony in diapers.

“No, bad foals get punished!” Sweet declared, pulling the padding off. She managed to hold Rainbow as she squirmed to get off, wings fluttering about to get her away from danger. However, Sweet’s grip held her foreleg, holding her down as the other was raised.

“No I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please!” Rainbow plea was followed by a yelp as the spanks began, the sound heard across the room. The filly jump at each firm smack against her rump, the angle getting both cheeks. “Ah, ah, ah!” She cried out as she counted in her head. About fifteen spanks later the punishment ended leaving Dash sniffling and blushing. The pain had snapped her out of her trance again, her tantrum replaced with sheer embarrassment. She sniffled, groaning as she sat up on her now sore rear “Ouch, n-not cool.” she rubbed her cutie mark, cheeks flared as cherries.

Sweet Song let the blue mare climb off her lap, hovering in the air and still smelling like pee. “Now, Rainbow, you were a bad filly. I was just doing my part. Do you think it wasn’t deserved?”

“No,” Rainbow stumbled over her words, “Maybe.” She clopped her hooves together blushing. “Why am I hesitating. Spanking is so not cool but I was kind of fussy.” She though. She shook her head again and meeped as Sweet had fluttered up and had taken her hoof, fescorting her towards the nursery, Trixie following behind. “H-hey, let go!” Rainbow whined.

“I need to clean you off, Rainbow Dumpling, do behave.” Sweet cooed leading her in.

Rainbow stopped tugging and let herself be lead in, feeling compliant. “Why are you doing this?”

Sweet Song nudged Rainbow’s rump pushing her up onto the table before patting the mares’ head. “I’m just being a good mother to a sweet little filly,” she cooed, pulling out the wipes. “Lift your rear for me, Rainbow.”

Rainbow Dash so wanted to just run out of the mare’s house and away from this craziness, but having been told to behave she was compelled to listen and raised up her rear. “A-am I a good filly?” She couldn’t help but ask, still blushing. She was confused as to why she had asked such a thing. It just felt so right in a way she couldn’t explain.

“Yes, Rainbow Dumpling, you're a very cooperative foal,” Sweet replied. The thankfully warmed wipes clean away the accident from the filly’s fur, with the precision of one who had done plenty of changes in the past. Trixie stood nearby watching before moving to the closet to peek. Sweet noticed where Trixie was as a thick light pink diaper was slid under Rainbow rump. “Oh, do you want to dress up my filly?”

“Just cause Trixie is the youngest sister, doesn’t mean you can talk to me like I’m a child,” Trixie rolled her eyes. “And yes, Trixie thinks this would look lovely on her.” Held in the magician's magic was an eggshell white onesie with tiny five point stars littered about. The edges of the hatch had pink frills.

Rainbow blushed, squirming as she was sprinkled with powder. She glanced at the suggested attire groaning. “W-what? No way, I don’t want to wear that!” But she didn’t resist as the padding was secured around her waist, although nothing was stopping her from protesting verbally. That was, however, until the same pacifier from earlier was set back into her mouth. The foalified pegasus’ ears perked up as she suckled on it rhythmically, paying less attention as Trixie’s magic lifted up her hooves and the onesie was pulled over her head. “Wait I shouldn’t be here! Why this feel so soft? Mmm, pretty colours.” She thought. She slumped her shoulders as the hatch was buttoned up.

Sweet Song dawwed once again and give her filly a hug. “Now, Rainbow Dumpling, tell me if you have anything to do this evening.”

“Well, other than picking Tank up from Fluttershy’s, no,” Rainbow replied, before resuming the sooth suckling.

Sweet blinked. ‘Oh, well would you like me to pick him up and bring him here for you? We can have a sleep over.”

Rainbow smiled and nodded. “S-sure, no way I’m going out dressed like this, way too uncool.” Her voice was heavily lispy thanks to the pacifier, not that the mare minded.

The mare chuckled at Rainbow response. “Oh don’t be silly, I wouldn’t dream of ruining your reputation. I mean I wouldn't be able to keep this up if anyone found out what I do..”

Huh, yeah I can tell my friends about this. But...do I want to spoil it? Wait, what am I thinking?!” She thought in horror. Her padding was noisy as she rose to her hooves. “What is stopping me from telling?” She frowned, seeing Sweet wasn’t even flinching.

“Why would you, little Rainbow?” Sweet replied, as she patted the pegasus’ head and watching Trixie move for the door. “Trixie, aren’t you going to stay and play?”

“Trixie would love to stay to play with the foal, but she must get back to Twilight,” Trixie explained. “There’s something I need to find out.”

“Ah, very well,” Sweet moved the door with her and looked back at Rainbow. “Be a good foal and stay in the nursery, okay? I shouldn’t be long.”

Rainbow plonked into the foam mat with a poof of air. “Okay, Sweet Song,” she replied cutely, the sound of her suckling could beheard in the quiet air.

“Good foal, feel free to play there are plenty of toys.” Sweet sang while heading down the hall.

Rainbow Dash listened carefully, soon hearing the soft thump of the front door closing followed by the click of the lock. She got up and looked around. “What so great about foal toys?” She thought. She waddled over to wagon painted toy chest and nudged it open, peering inside. There were various plushies of all kinds of animals, rattles, and a few blocks inside but what caught the filly’s eye most was the Daring Do plushie that sat in the corner of the chest. She gasped and snatched it into a hug nuzzling it against her face. “Hehe, hello Daring Do,” she cooed, some drool running down her chin from her constant suckling, hardly noticing it. She felt it in her hooves and flapped her wings flying in small circles making the doll do flips and tricks. Her imagination ran away with her as she set the plush on the crib and quickly dashed to her chest, pulling out a dragon. Coming back to the crib she raised it up and laughed shaking the dragon about. “Haha, I have you now Daring Do.”

Rainbow grabbed on the rattle, shaking it while having the dragon hold it. She took her free hoof moving the Daring plush around. “No you fool, the rattle of power is not for you! You can’t handle it awesomeness!” The rattle was bonked on the pegasus plush head. “Haha, of course, I’m awesome enough, I’m a dragon, grr!” she shook the rattle listening to the beads jingle about inside.

The rhythm of shaking it distracted her for a few moments causing her to once more laugh even going as far as to bang it on the floor. The filly bounced on her diapered rump as she shook to for who knows how long before realizing she had gotten side tracked. “Hehe, oh right,” She took Daring out of the crib. “Come on Daring, we can stop that evil dragon!” She fluttered into the air and gasped. “Oh no the monster has turned the floor into lava, watch out!” Fluttering quickly into the air she perched herself on the toy chest, looking down at the bubbling floor. The Daring Do plushie pointed to the dragon on the far side of the room sitting on the top shelfof the bookshelf. “There he is, but we can’t risk flying we must jump!”

Rainbow loved a challenge and accepted, arching her legs before springing herself onto the change table. She didn’t notice she had knocked over a stack of diapers, as she held onto Daring Do. “You’re going down, dragon!” She laughed joyfully looking for where to jump next. “Ah, the crib, of course.” She thought, as Sse bent her legs and leaped just missing before landing on the mattress. Using her wings to clamber up on the backboard, she stared eagerly at the bookshelf and the evil dragon. “There she is,” She declared. “Hold on, Daring!” Once more Rainbow bent and jumped for it, latching onto the shelf, a few books falling off the top shelf as she clung on. Rainbow was too caught up in her own fun to notice the danger ass he climbed up the shelves. She beamed with joy when she got to the dragon using the Daring plush to swipe it off from the spot, falling to the floor.

“Haha, take that!” The bookshelf began to tilt forward causing the foal to eep. ‘Uh oh!” She flapped, frantically backpedaling as the bookshelf came down with a mighty crash, books scattered everywhere as the loud thunk echoed. Rainbow stared at the mess for a moment but was interrupted by a loud gasp and her pet tortoise bonking her in the head.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow rubbed her head and blushed. “Uh..hehe, oops.”

Author's Note:

SuperPink edited