• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 6,339 Views, 168 Comments

A Lost Crystal Gem - The Story of Sunset and how she became Spinel - ratedoni

She has been on Earth for a long time, she even died to save humans once. Rose Quartz gave her a second chance to live and now she is in the biggest adventure of her life; becoming a Crystal Gem helping raise Steven and mostly having fun.

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The more things change

“So,” the voice of the one girl Sunset respected the most from her group of friends began to say. It was quite fun the way in which the two had started their friendship. Although Sunset had met Pinkie first, well, more like Pinkie saw her and then gasped and ran away, it probably didn’t count as the first meeting Sunset had with the alumni of Canterlot High. The first student she had a real talk with was Rarity which in itself was quite entertaining. So far, most of Sunset’s knowledge of fashion came from television and videogames, and although it was clear that Sunset’s fashion sense was not bad, it just needed some tips from a professional.

The look on Rarity’s face when Sunset morphed her clothes to the dress from Rarity’s magazine she had gone beyond insane. She was sure people back at home heard the squeal that came out of Rarity’s mouth; she wouldn’t be surprised if Garnet asked her about that one day. Since that moment Sunset helped Rarity with new designs, becoming basically a living sketchbook, not that Sunset minded it per se; after all, she gained so many ideas of attires while doing that, that it was quite common to see Sunset with something new to wear every day inspired by Rarity’s great sense of fashion.

Sometimes the redhead was a trend setter when it came to clothes. Sunset went back in time in a sense with her clothes, just like the time she went all 60s and used her favorite mini skirt and tall boots that she had used those days at the height of rock and roll. It brought so many memories to Sunset, like the time she heard that quartet from Liverpool live on the Ed Sullivan show, sadly the screams didn’t let her hear the music. Thankfully she met the four British boys later on and had a blast playing and singing with them.

Next was Applejack; good, reliable, honest and caring. She represented everything good about humanity in Sunset’s opinion and she had seen many good and bad examples of the species. She knew that the blonde wasn’t perfect, but that’s what made her so amazing. Applejack was stubborn and didn’t know when to give up and ask for help from others, but even in those situations she was still a great friend to whom Sunset could spend time outside of school to simply talk and relax. It didn’t hurt that her grandmother was someone she could talk and reminiscence with, which would be funny if anyone could see the old woman and the teenage-looking gem hybrid. Who would think that the two were almost the same age?

Next were Rainbow and Fluttershy, and it was impossible to find one without the other those days when she enrolled on Canterlot High. They were opposite, even more back then, with Rainbow’s ego getting the best of her, thankfully, Fluttershy was always there to reel her in and make her realize when she let her ego get the best of her. Underneath all that bravado, Rainbow was clearly overcompensating for something, maybe insecurity? But why? Sunset wasn’t still very sure. Anyways, both were great friends and although spending time one on one with Rainbow sometimes tested her patience with her multiple times she tried to brag -sometimes she reminded Sunset of a guy trying to impress a girl- she was one of her precious friends. The same with Fluttershy, who although made her name justice, she had so much love and respect for everything in life that made Sunset feel proud to call herself a friend of the shy girl. Seeing her with animals of all kinds, even predators and their natural preys, playing together and sitting down around her, it made Sunset remember Rose and her lions.

Last, but not least, was none other than Pinkie Pie, a girl that got Steven and Amethyst beat in terms of craziness and hyper energy. The things the pinkette could do simply baffled her and made her take a second look at what the girl could do. If she didn’t know better she was sure that Pinkie had some kind of magical power or maybe she was a gem in disguise. But no, the girl was 100% human, or maybe 100% Pinkie Pie would be better.


“Is that one of yours?” Applejack said pointing at the weird salamander like creature playing with Fluttershy. The creature -that would be as big as the girls if it stood on its hind legs- was red and yellow that seemed more like lava than scales, with six stubby legs that moved fast for its size and weight. Its mouth was constantly salivating and its eyes were hidden amongst the dark scales of its head, almost as if it was protecting them from attacks. That creature, the same one that Sunset knew was a corrupted gem, was calmly running after the ball Fluttershy had thrown as if it were a normal doggie and it was having a nice relaxing day with its master.

How was Fluttershy capable of doing things like that? Sure, she knew that the timid girl was an ace with everything that was alive on the world, but apparently her gifts went beyond the planet and into other galaxies. Just how? But here she had the proof.


“What are we going to do with it? I mean, don’t ya and your family round these things up like rodeo cowgirls?” Applejack’s twang had a strange cadence every time she said one of her countryisms, but she was right, at least that’s how it went usually, maybe the corrupted gems had more of their original personalities that they thought.

“Let her keep it, they look cute together, besides, do you want to be the one to tell Fluttershy she can’t keep it?” Applejack immediately winced imagining the heart broken sweet girl and the kind of despair and tears that will simply break the heart of anyone on a one kilometer radius of it.

“Oh no, Ah know better than to do something like that,” The blonde’s reaction caused Sunset to guffaw before the redhead looked upwards and at her namesake. The sun was getting down and a quick check up on her phone, the one she always kept inside her jewel -the things were so convenient-, she noticed the day.

“Dammit! Girls, I need to go, my family is definitely gonna need me!”

“Whoa, wait, does that mean you are going on a mission?” Rainbow’s raspy voice alerted the redhead of the other one listening.

“Yeah, this is very important, it is a tower that the gems used as a place to talk and spend time together.”

“Cool, I call shotgun!”

“Wait, what?”

“Hold on a minute Rainbow, even Ah know that would be dangerous.”

“Thank you Applej-”

“That’s why Ah’m coming with ya” Sunset simply groaned knowing that this was a bad idea.

Author's Note:

Funny thing, Sunset was going to fight with the Embermander (that's the name I gave it) , but this ending was way funnier.