• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 6,339 Views, 168 Comments

A Lost Crystal Gem - The Story of Sunset and how she became Spinel - ratedoni

She has been on Earth for a long time, she even died to save humans once. Rose Quartz gave her a second chance to live and now she is in the biggest adventure of her life; becoming a Crystal Gem helping raise Steven and mostly having fun.

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Onto Bigger Things

Dancing seemed to have been injected into her DNA now with the amount of happiness and peace that the action gave to Sunset. The amount of times Sunset lost herself to the music and let her body move on its own accord, simply following the rhythm inside her heart was very well known around Canterlot High. Pinkie simply loved when Sunset ‘owned’ the dance floor, at least according to the cotton candy haired girl. Even Rainbow Dash was left on the dust time and time again on their weekly ‘dance offs’ and that was one of the most athletic gifted girls on the city. Rainbow simply didn’t know when to give up, although Sunset had to give it to her; she looked less like a chicken doing a weird mating call every time they danced together. Sunset wanted to see how far she could push the girl into accepting to do Tango with her; she just wanted to see how long Rainbow could dance with her before quitting due to embarrassment.

Sunset began to check her own little attire change still amazed every time she did it. The difference in the way the material -or what could be called as material since it was made out of hard light- was clinging to her skin becoming a second layer of protection. It was eye catching, upfront and right in your face, just like Sunset when she was accepted by Rose Quartz and the rest of the family. It felt good to show her Crystal Gem battle mode once again.

The look on Steven’s face told her everything she needed to know; that she had entertained her little brother immensely and that he was a moment away from jumping up and down. It was a sight she had missed, especially after missions and chores. Although, now that she thought about it, Pearl was all ready to send her into another Gem Hunt so maybe she would have to shake some rust since she haven’t had to fight anyone seriously for some time. Having to show Gilda who was boss barely counted considering Sunset was used to fight monsters several times bigger than her.

“So, what do you think?”

“You changed your clothes!” Princess Twilight Sparkle said truly impressed by what Sunset had just done “I’m still quite surprised all the abilities this ‘humans’ can display.”

“Oh no princess, I haven’t been a human in a long time.” Sunset said remembering well the last few moments as a human she had spent and how much that hurt in the end, no matter all the benefits she got from dying that time.

“The jacket and the design is new” Steven said looking at the new jacket as he was wearing Sunset’s old leather jacket, looking both ridiculous and adorable at the same time in Sunset’s opinion.

“Yeah, I was ready for a change; you should have seen how those three looked before they changed their own forms.”


“Yeah, wow, were they all fashion disasters! Especially Amethyst, and don’t let me start with Pearl, do you know she has been using those shorts for decades?!” Just thinking about that made Sunset imagine Rarity fainting at the mere notion of wearing those things. If the teenager ever found her way into beach City she was sure the fashion battle would be one the Crystal gems had no hope of winning.

“How did you do it? I mean, I’m sure those are true clothes but the way you summoned them still eludes me. I saw the other… gems?” Twilight asked referring to the other girls back at the temple and Sunset nodded indicating that she was correct “I saw them get their weapons through the light of the gems lodged on different body parts. But how does it exactly work with you?”

“Oh boy, that’s a rather long story Princess and most of that story you wouldn’t even believe it.” The redhead said feeling quite comfortable in her battle leotard, she then decided to keep the change instead of returning to her school clothes. She wondered how much of an impact she would create appearing like that on school. The possible aneurysm she would give to parents and other adults would be quite entertaining.

“Is she a princess? So that means you are her knight?”

“Oh boy, isn’t that also a rather hard to answer question.” She said in response to Steven’s comment. She loved the boy but the way he looked at the world as if it were a big adventure book simply surprised her every time “tell you what kiddo, I’ll tell you what kind of things I have been doing in Canterlot City today and later on I’ll explain more about my original dimension, okay?”

“I’ll take that deal for now Miss Shimmer.” He said with his eyes closed and chest pumped almost like a businessman closing a deal. In response Sunset messed his head with a hand while grinning at the boy.

“You little rascal, have you been watching Lil’ Butler?”

“Not really, dad and Amethyst like to watch the show together so I don’t want to bother them.” Steven said as the two began to walk in the direction of the temple at the beach, leaving the pony turned human behind.

“What about Pearl and Greg?” She asked her only source of completely trustful answers in Beach City.

“They… are still working on their relationship; at least they started talking to each other.” The redhead knew that it was a huge step considering how bitter Pearl was for years after Rose and the human began to date and ultimately marry each other. Sunset had tried to help both in their recovery after losing such an important part of their lives but it was so hard sometimes.

“That’s nice, I just wish Pearl would finally get past her jealousy, is not healthy. Also, Princess, you can stop looking at my flank” Sunset said receiving only a squeak of embarrassment from the other girl. The redhead grinned from ear to ear knowing exactly the kind of effect she had in others, especially using such tight battle leotard.

Of course, things weren’t perfect as Sunset should have remembered, knowing that a perfect day was impossible back home as the three watched a huge centipede -or better said Centipeetle- erupt form the sand and began climbing the face of the mountain temple.

“I should have known” Sunset simply said watching the trio of Crystal Gems jump out of the house and prepare themselves to fight the Centipeetle. But just as they began to dodge the acid vomit of the huge monster, it turned its head in Sunset and Twilight’s direction. At least the redhead was thankful that Steven had listened to her and ran inside the house. He may have realized what it took to summon gem weapons but he was not ready yet for a fight like this “well, this isn’t good, look out princess!” Sunset could only say to the young girl as an acid torrent was poured in their direction. It seems that the girl was so focused on writing about the encounter that she hasn’t left Sunset’s side so the redhead had to take her on her arms before kneeling on the sand, dragging a scared looking teenager with her.

Instead of turning into a puddle on the sand, a section of her left boot detached as a small light began to create a complete circle in front of them. When the acid shot crashed against the circle Twilight quickly understood that Sunset had created a light shield in front of them.

“Well, nothing like an actual battle to remove all the rust from my system. Eat this you overgrown bug!” Sunset screamed as she began to do a middle kick with her right leg, just at that moment another section of the boot separated as a long chain made out of red metal shot out and with the momentum of the kick it impacted against the Centipeetle’s head stunning it for a second.

“Quick, now that Spinel gave us a chance!” Garnet said as the four Crystal Gems jumped and in a second the huge Centipeetle ceased to exist leaving only a small gem in its place. All in all, a very normal day in Beach City.