• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 1,495 Views, 39 Comments

A Blank Canvas - Bardsworth Brony

An artist arrives in Ponyville and discovers the magic of friendship... and more.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven: In Which Much Happens

"Well, neither one of us is going to win any dance competitions," Twilight said after their final session. "But I think we've learned enough to get by on. Applejack is really going to be surprised."

"I hope so," Sketch said, his stomach knotting as he recalled the previous evening. "Thanks again, Twilight. I couldn’t have done this without you."

"You’re very welcome. Now you better get over to Rarity’s and pick up your tux. Everypony’s meeting here at six o’clock to take the carriage to Canterlot."

"I’ll be here." With that Sketch trotted over to Rarity’s boutique. The poor unicorn was rushing around so much that she practically threw Sketch’s tux at him. With a quick thank you he made a hasty retreat, figuring it was best to stay out of her way.

"Hey Sketch!" a voice startled him before he was able to finish closing Rarity’s door. He turned to see Pinkie Pie. "Ooo, is that your outfit for tonight? I bet you’ll look super-duper handsome in that!"

"Uh, thanks, Pinkie Pie. Are you here to get your outfit?"

"Yuppers! I’m so excited about tonight, aren’t you? What kind of music do you think they'll have? Oh! Oh! What kind of food do you think they’ll have? I hope they have cupcakes! Oh, and little sandwiches! And punch!"

"I guess we’ll find out," Sketch said, politely trying to extricate himself from the conversation. "By the way, Rarity is pretty busy, so don’t-"

"Oh, she always makes time for me!" With that Pinkie burst through the front door. There was clatter and Rarity’s voice rose. Sketch didn’t stick around to hear any more.


It had been a long time since Sketch had worn a tux, but he could tell that Rarity had taken great care in crafting it. It fit him like a second skin and he had to admit that it looked great on him. Instead of a bow tie he had a neck clasp with an emerald that accented his purple hair. The tails of the tuxedo extended back along his flank, and the lapels were very sharp cut.

Sketch tied the wrapped-up painting that he was going to donate to the charity auction to his saddlebag. Ready at last, he emerged from his room and made his way down the stairs, where Apple Bloom was waiting impatiently. When she caught sight of him, she said, "Oooo-wee, big bro, you look handsome!"

"Thanks, little sis! Is Applejack done getting ready yet?"

"Nah, she’s still upstairs. Granny Smith is doin' up her hair."

Nervous, Sketch started pacing back and forth in the dining room. In his head he was going over the dance steps that he had learned with Twilight Sparkle. His lips were moving, forming the words "left", "right", and "turn" over and over again. He was so distracted with his thoughts that he lost track of time until a gentle cough brought him to his senses.

In the doorway stood Applejack, radiant in the outfit that Rarity had put together for her. It was a gown of browns and yellows, subtly mixing with the color of Applejack’s hair. As a fellow artist, Sketch found Rarity’s use of colors positively brilliant. But thoughts of Rarity quickly disappeared as he continued to stare at the pony in front of him. Her mane was done up in a braid that wrapped around the top of her head in a crown-like fashion. Dangling from her neck was a pendant that not only matched the color of her eyes, but the color of Sketch’s collar clasp. Briefly he wondered whether or not he’d ever be able to paint something as beautiful as what he was seeing at that moment.

"We just gonna stand here all night, or are you gonna escort a gal to the ball?" The way she said those words was playful, the way she used to talk to him not long ago. He looked into her eyes and saw that they were softer than they had been in recent weeks, and she was even smiling slightly.

"I’m… I’m sorry, I just… you look amazing, Applejack."

"You don’t look so bad yerself, sugar cube. Why, you even got a mane cut!"

"Yeah, Apple Bloom did it for me."

"You trusted that little devil with a pair of scissors?"

"Hey!" came an indignant cry from the next room.

"Apple Bloom, are you eavesdroppin'?" Applejack called, giving Sketch a wink.

"Nuh-uh!" sounded the response.

The two ponies laughed, and then gazed at each other, smiling, until Apple Bloom poked her head into the room. "Would you two just get goin’ already?"

Without further hesitation, and without taking their eyes off of each other, Sketch and Applejack walked out into the early evening air. It was chilly, and a light snow had dusted the ground, crunching under their hooves. The moon was full and reflected off the frozen white blanket, and Sketch couldn’t think of a more wonderful moment in his life.

"Sketch," Applejack said, and then fell silent. Sketch kept quiet, letting the pony gather her thoughts. When she did, her eyes were downcast. "Sketch, ah… ah’m sorry about the way ah’ve been actin’. It’s hard for me to say this, but… ah’ve been jealous."

"Jealous?" Sketch raised an eyebrow.

"You’ve been spendin’ an awful lot of time with Twilight Sparkle, and ah guess ah kind of felt left out. Ah mean, ah got so used to you bein’ around durin’ applebuckin’ season that ah… ah started to miss you. So ah started getting’ jealous of you bein’ with Twilight."

"Applejack, I’m… I’m really sorry. I guess I never stopped to think about that. I’m still new to the whole friendship thing, so I… I’m sorry." He paused, glancing over at the orange pony. "I promise I’ll spend all evening with you, okay?"

"Ah’d like that," Applejack responded in a soft voice and inched a little closer to Sketch.

They walked together in a comfortable silence, something that had been missing for too long. Sketch was almost sad when they reached the library. The two walked in and everypony greeted them cheerily. They were all dressed to the nines, in beautiful gowns and dresses, and Spike in a fashionable little tux.

"Oh my gosh, you two look so cuuuuuuute!" Pinkie Pie squealed, twirling in her poofy pink gown. Then she spotted the wrapped up painting on Sketch’s saddlebag and her eyes got wider, which seemed impossible. "I wanna see! I wanna see! I wanna see!"

"I’d like to see it, too, Sketch," Twilight said. "You’ve been keeping it a secret."

"Spike, can you give me some help?" Sketch asked the dragon, figuring he’d be quicker at untying and unwrapping the canvas.

"Sure thing!" Spike said. When he unveiled the painting, the ponies in the room fell silent.

Since the moment that the Princess had sent the extra invitation for Sketch, he was pretty sure of what he wanted to do. The painting had gone through two different versions before he ended up with one that he liked. It depicted a crowd scene with the buildings of Canterlot in the background. Walking through the crowd was Princess Celestia, her multi-colored mane trailing behind her and a smile of genuine adoration for her subjects on her face. In the bottom left corner of the painting was a close-up of a purple colt sporting a brown mane who had been hoisted up on somepony’s back, watching the Princess in awe.

Surprisingly, the first to speak up was Rainbow Dash. "I’m not one for art, but that’s pretty awesome, Sketch."

"It’s beautiful," Rarity breathed. "The colors are so subtle and calm, but it’s energetic at the same time."

"What she said," Spike added.

"Is that actually something that happened to you, Sketch?" Twilight asked.

Before Sketch could respond, there was a knock at the door. The carriage had arrived and Pinkie Pie went dashing through the door, shrieking happily all the way. Spike helped Sketch rewrap and tie up the painting and they followed everypony else to the awaiting carriage. They were all chattering away in excitement about the upcoming festivities, having forgotten all about Sketch’s painting and the story behind it.

"You can tell me about it later, sugar cube," Applejack whispered to Sketch as she passed by him to climb up into the carriage. He gave her a smile and climbed in behind her.


The palace at Canterlot was grander than Sketch remembered from his one and only visit. Of course, he had only seen the structure from afar, never as close as he now stood to it. The spires and bridges and waterfalls and fountains all joined together in such an amazing way that Sketch found himself stunned by it.

"You comin’ or what, slowpoke?" Rainbow Dash called, hovering not far from him. The others had already gone ahead, and Sketch galloped to catch up.

"It is something to see, isn’t it?" Twilight said, watching Sketch taking in all the sights.

"It’s an artist’s dream!" he replied in a hushed voice.

The group entered the grand gates of the palace. Just inside was a table with a sign that read, "Auction Items" and Sketch made his way over to drop off his painting.

A light-blue mare with horn-rimmed glasses took the painting and asked, "What is the item’s suggested value?"

"Oh, uh," Sketch stammered, caught off guard. "I don’t know, I… um… I guess one hundred-"

"Five hundred bits," Rarity said in a strong voice, appearing at Sketch’s side.

"Right, that’s what I meant," Sketch said and blushed. "Five hundred bits." He glanced at Rarity and she winked at him.

"Five hundred," the blue mare repeated, writing it down. "And what do you have, ma'am?"

Rarity handed over the gemstone-adorned white gown that she had slaved away at and gave it a value of fifteen hundred bits. Sketch had to admire the confidence in which she priced her creative work. He still felt that five hundred bits was far too much for his painting.

Sensing Sketch’s apprehension as they left the table, Rarity said, "Five hundred was far less than I think you should have valued it, but I thought you’d be more comfortable with that number."

"I don’t know… but I’ll trust you, Rarity. Thanks."

"You’re welcome, darling. Now let’s get you to the coat and bag check so you can lose that worn saddlebag. It’s covering up my wonderfully-made tux."


The beginning of the night was nothing more than mingling, something that Sketch had experienced too many times at his parents' behest. However, he felt more comfortable this time around. He wanted to chalk it up to the confidence that he had built up since leaving Whinnypeg, but it was probably more due to the fact that Applejack had remained at his side since they entered the ballroom. Her presence made him feel calmer and happier, and he found himself trading silent smiles with her throughout the course of the evening.

When they found their way to the food tables, they were unsurprised to find Pinkie Pie sampling everything she could get her hooves on. "Guys!" she yelled, spotting them. "You gotta try these little pink pastry thingies! They’re crazy yummy! Ooo! And the mini cupcakes with the sprinkles! I love sprinkles!" To appease the pink pony, both Sketch and Applejack took her advice and were pleasantly surprised to find out just how tasty the food was.

Leaving Pinkie Pie to do more damage to the food table, the two weaved through the crowd, pony-watching and listening to the soft music being played by a skilled quartet. Sketch had fallen under the spell of the ball and nearly jumped as a hoof tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see a familiar face, a face he hadn’t seen in a long time.

"Sketch, is that you, my boy?" the sharp-dressed pony in front of him asked with a touch of an exotic accent. The stallion smiled beneath a thin mustache.

"Hello, Topstitch," Sketch said with a smile of his own. "It’s a pleasure to see you again."

"And you as well, lad. I must say that this is the last place I’d have expected to see you."

"My life has become rather… interesting," Sketch said with a glance at Applejack. "Topstitch, this is my very good friend, Applejack. Applejack, this is Topstitch."

"A pleasure to meetcha, sir," Applejack said, bowing her head demurely.

"And you, lovely lady," Topstitch returned with a nod and a smile. "I see you keep much more pleasant looking company than when we last met, Sketch. No offense to the deceased, of course, just a friendly jibe at a contemporary who would have enjoyed it."

"He certainly would have," Sketch said with a wistful smile.

"Do you still have the coat?"

"I wear it all the time."

"Excellent. I like to know that it has a good home with someone who appreciates it."

A thought struck Sketch and he glanced around for a moment before catching sight of a shimmering purple and silver gown. "Topstitch, there’s somepony whom I know would love to meet you. She’s a friend of mine and she’s a very talented fashion designer."

"Upon your recommendation, I would be pleased to meet her."

"She’s right over there in the purple and silver gown," Sketch pointed a hoof. "Her name is Rarity."

"What a lovely gown indeed! I look forward to speaking with her. Take care, my boy."

"You, too."

The stallion wandered off in Rarity’s direction and Sketch watched long enough to catch the wide-eyed expression that came over the unicorn when Topstitch introduced himself. Applejack watched as well and laughed. "Ah think she might've had a heart attack."

The two wandered some more before an announcement was made about the start of the auction. Everypony began to file into the auction room, but Sketch stayed where he was. He looked at Applejack and said, "If you want to watch it, go ahead. I don’t think I can be in there, though."

"Why not?"

"I don’t want to know how much my painting goes for."

"What if it goes for a lot 'a money?"

"That’s what I’m afraid of."

Applejack screwed up her face in a confused expression and then shook her head. "Ah don’t think ah’ll ever understand artists. But ah’ll stick with you, sugar cube."

They wandered away from the festivities, down a long, deserted hallway. There was a large picture window that they stopped at and they gazed out on a snow-covered garden. After a few moments of silence Applejack spoke up. "Ah’m guessing you met Topstitch through Artsy, right?"


"So how’d you end up with the coat anyway?"

It was the question that Sketch had been dreading to hear anypony ask, but in the end he found himself glad it was Applejack who did. He had opened up a bit more about his mentor after Twilight had made her discovery, but he still hadn't talked about it at length. "Artsy commissioned the coat personally from Topstitch. He wore it with pride, and I found myself wishing I had one like it. I can't even tell you what it is about it that I liked so much. I mean, it's just a gray coat. Maybe it was because Artsy liked it so much and I tried to emulate him as much as I could. Or maybe I just had a genuine affection for the way it looked. I'm not really sure. In any case, Artsy caught on to my desire for it, and one day he just gave the coat to me. Of course I declined, but he was as stubborn as… well, as stubborn as you."

Applejack playfully hit Sketch in the shoulder. "Yer no easier to deal with sometimes, ya know."

"I know, I know. But in this instance Artsy’s hardheadedness won out over mine. He told me that if it was something I truly wanted, something I truly had to have, then it must have been intended for me all along and that it would be a crime for him to hold onto it. I was overjoyed and grateful, but at the same time I was wracked with guilt. I knew how much he liked the coat, and I knew how much it had cost. So I resolved to pay him back for it somehow. I wasn’t sure how, but I was determined."

He took another deep breath and his voice dropped a little. "A week later he was traveling in a carriage through the mountains on a way to meet with a gallery owner. They were on a very narrow mountain pass when one of the carriage wheels hit a large rock and the axel snapped. The carriage toppled over the side of the mountain."

Applejack gasped. "Oh mah… Sketch, ah didn’t know…"

"It wasn't widely publicized. Artsy was really only known in art circles. But I was devastated. Not only was he my friend and mentor, he had also been a father figure to me. My own father had practically disowned me, so after Artsy’s death I had nowhere else to go, and all I had left were my painting supplies and the coat he had given me. The coat that I was never able to repay him for."

There was a pause and Sketch continued, his eyes staring at the snow outside, but not seeing it. "I think… no, I’m sure that my need to find ways to pay people for their kindness is because I was never able to do that for Artsy. It’s a way to make up for it. But deep down I know I’ll never really be able to."

He stopped talking and slowly became aware that Applejack had pressed her head against his. He could feel tears soaking through his hair and onto his skin, warm and wet. It was the first time he had ever experienced Applejack crying. The two stayed that way, occasionally hearing the sound of the auctioneer’s voice and clapping far off in the palace.

Applejack gave an unladylike sniffle and said, "Ah think we need a happy story now."

Sketch laughed. "Well, how about I tell you about that painting?"

"Just so long as the story doesn’t have anypony dyin’."

"Not at all," he assured her. "The one time my parents brought me to Canterlot, the time that I met Artsy in fact, Princess Celestia took part in a parade. I don’t remember what the event was, but I remember how badly I wanted to get a glimpse of her. Unfortunately, the crowd was so thick that we couldn’t get up to the front, and being as small as I was at the time I couldn’t see very well. So I begged my father to boost me up onto his back so I could see over everyone. The expression on his face! You'd have thought I’d asked him to roll around in the mud for my amusement. He relented after a full minute of begging, though. I was stubborn even back then. So he hoisted me up just in time for me to see the Princess walking by. I was elated – she was so elegant, so regal. So beautiful. It was an image that stuck in my head, an image that’s been with me since then. At one point I’d swear she even made eye contact with me and smiled. But I’m pretty sure it was just my overactive imagination."

"It wasn’t your imagination at all, Sketch."

Both Sketch and Applejack jerked their heads around, smacking into each other in a slapstick fashion. When they were able to gather their wits they turned to see Princess Celestia in the hallway with them, flanked by a guard on either side of her. Instinctively, the two bowed down.

"I remember that day, too," the Princess said with a faraway smile. "It was a parade to celebrate the opening of a new boutique, by the way. The things a princess has to do sometimes… Anyway, I remember as I was walking through the crowd there was a purple colt raised above everypony else. It was his eyes that I remember the most. They were sad eyes that experienced a moment of joy when I glanced his way. I always wondered if I would ever meet that pony."

Sketch was floored. The memory that he had carried around in his head for years was a memory that he shared with the princess of Equestria! When he found his voice, he said, "I’m… I'm glad we could finally meet, Your Highness."

"As am I. And I’m glad that I now have a painting to remember that moment by."

"You… you bought the painting?" It took every ounce of willpower Sketch had not to let his knees buckle.

"I did. And imagine my surprise when my loyal pupil, Twilight Sparkle, told me that it was her new friend who had painted it. Sometimes things are meant to be. It's a lovely painting and I will treasure it always."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Sketch breathed. He was pretty sure he hadn't blinked once during the entire exchange.

"You're most welcome. Well, I must get going. A princess’s work is never done, especially at a social function as big as this. Thank you for the lovely painting, Sketch."

"You’re welcome," Sketch answered in a voice thick with emotion.

They watched the princess walk back down the hallway trailed by her guards. "Ah don’t even know what to say," Applejack spoke up after a moment.

"I think this is one of those times where the less said, the better."

"Ah’ll buy that."

"Speaking of buying… how much do you think she paid for the painting?"

Applejack smirked. "I thought you didn’t want to know that."

"That was before the princess of Equestria bought it!"

The two made their way back down the hall and noticed that the music had grown louder. When they entered the ballroom they saw ponies dancing in graceful patterns. This is it, thought Sketch with a twinge in his stomach. He cleared his throat and turned to his companion. "Applejack, would you care to dance?"

"Oh, ah can’t dance," Applejack shook her head. "The last time ah tried ah learned ah got four left hooves. Besides, ah don't know any of these fancy-shmancy dances. Best ah can do is square dancin'. Thank you for asking, though, sugar cube."

Sketch’s heart plummeted right through the floor. He couldn’t believe how stupid he had been! He had been so preoccupied with learning how to dance that he never considered the possibility that Applejack wouldn’t know how. So much for making her feel special.

Depressed at the turn of events, he sighed and followed Applejack as they went in search of their friends. They found Rarity and Fluttershy first. Poor Fluttershy was overwhelmed by the crowd, and it was nice of Rarity to stick close by her. When Sketch got closer, Rarity smiled at him and said, "I can’t believe you weren’t at the auction, darling! Princess Celestia bought your painting for-"

"I don’t want to know!" Sketch cried, sitting back on his haunches and covering his ears with his hooves, prompting a few nearby ponies to give him frowning glances. Applejack just shook her head and smirked. "Sorry," Sketch said. "I… I’m not comfortable with knowing what it went for. But I know the princess bought it. Did your dress fetch a good price?"

"Oh my, yes! It sold for…" she paused, studying Sketch, and then said, "For more than I expected. And Topstitch bought it for his sister!" She followed that up with a squeal more fit for Pinkie Pie, and once she realized it she cleared her throat and said, "Excuse me."

"Hey folks," Twilight Sparkle said, appearing from the crowd. "Everypony having fun?" They all nodded. Rarity caught Applejack’s attention and started asking her a question, so Twilight took the opportunity to sidle up to Sketch and whisper, "How come you aren’t out there dancing?"

"Because Applejack doesn’t know how to dance," Sketch responded in a glum tone.

It took a moment for that to register with Twilight and then her face fell. "Oh Sketch, I’m sorry! I can’t believe neither one of us thought of that!" Sketch just shrugged. They listened to the other ponies converse for a bit before Twilight said, "Well, we might as well put those lessons to good use. What do you say?"

Remembering Applejack’s confession from earlier, Sketch started to say, "I’m not so sure-"

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Let’s see if we get it right." With that Twilight pushed Sketch out onto the dance floor. Put on the spot, Sketch just sighed and began going through the motions as he had learned them. After a while, he was enjoying himself thoroughly, and the two laughed loudly when the other would forget a step or a movement. The more serious ponies around them obviously did not approve of such joviality and would fix them with glares, but they continued on unashamedly.

Nearly ten minutes later Sketch and Twilight returned to the group to find that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had caught up with them, but Applejack had disappeared. With a twisted stomach, Sketch asked where she had gone off to. "She said she needed some fresh air," Rainbow Dash replied, then continued on about the signed Wonderbolts poster she had almost won at the auction.

Applejack didn’t return until the group was nearly ready to leave. When asked, she replied that she hadn’t been feeling good. "Too much excitement, ah reckon," she said. "Ah’ll feel better after some sleep." It was painfully obvious to Sketch that she was unhappy, and she wouldn’t make eye contact with him nor stand too close to him.

The carriage ride home was torture. The other ponies laughed and talked while Applejack stared out the window and Sketch stared at her from the opposite seat. How could he fix this? What exactly was he fixing? Things had gone beyond mere jealousy, he could see that now. He would be the first to admit he wasn’t the brightest pony, but he was observant. It just wasn’t clear to him exactly what he was observing.

The stallions pulling the carriage agreed, at Twilight’s request, to take Applejack and Sketch back to Sweet Apple Acres, being under the impression that Applejack wasn’t feeling well. The ride was made in complete stillness, the only noises coming from the carriage as it rolled over the snow-covered road. Applejack still wouldn’t look at Sketch and he joined her in staring out the window until they reached the farm.

Once the carriage dropped them off and left, Applejack began walking towards the door, and Sketch couldn’t stand it any longer. "Applejack, what is going on?"

She stopped but didn’t turn around. "Ah wasn't aware that spendin’ the entire evening with me somehow included dancin’ with Twilight."

"It was only ten minutes! And I didn’t even want to dance with her, she forced me out there!"

"Did she force ya to paint her portrait, too?" The pony turned around, her green eyes as hard and as cold as the emerald in her pendant.

"What? No! Is that what this is about? Me painting her portrait?"

"Not just her, Sketch, but everypony else!"

"Not everypony else! I never did one of Rainbow Dash!"

"No, but you sketched her."

"How did you…she told…? Well I… I didn’t paint or sketch Pinkie Pie!"

Applejack snorted. "She don't count. You couldn’t get her to sit still long enough. Anyway, you also didn’t paint 'r sketch me. But that’s not what this is about."

"Then what is it about? I need you to tell me, Applejack! If I can count on anypony to be completely honest with me it’s you!"

The orange pony opened her mouth and then shut it. Her eyes wavered as moisture filled them. Again her mouth opened and she managed to say, "Ah… ah…" Then she clamped her mouth shut again and galloped into the farmhouse, slamming the door behind her.

"You what?" Sketch called after her, but was too late.

"She’s in love with you, ya big ninny!" Apple Bloom shouted, appearing from behind some snow-covered bushes.

"Apple Bloom? Were you spying on… wait, she what?!"

"She’s in love with you," the filly repeated, approaching Sketch with a frustrated look on her face. "Ah can’t believe you didn’t know."

"But I… she… we…" Sketch was at a loss, the weight of the statement crashing down on him like a rockslide. "She’s in love me?"

"Ain’t you in love with her? Ya sure act like it often enough."

"I do? I… I don’t know. I don't know if I am."

Apple Bloom blinked a few times before her expression softened. "You better figure it out, big bro. She ain’t gonna wait forever." With that, the filly went into the farmhouse, leaving Sketch standing in the cold. A light snow started falling around him at that moment, covering him with a thin layer that he didn't feel at all.

"Am I in love with her?" he whispered, his breath turning into steam and disappearing into the quiet night.