• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 1,495 Views, 39 Comments

A Blank Canvas - Bardsworth Brony

An artist arrives in Ponyville and discovers the magic of friendship... and more.

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Chapter Two: In Which Our Protagonist Seeks Employment

The following morning Sketch awoke from an hour-long stretch of actual sleep. Being exhausted and hungry, he felt like manure. "I can't go on like this," he muttered to himself, standing and stretching his cramped legs. "Not if I'm going to start a new life here." Then he followed up with something he didn't want to hear himself say: "I'm going to have to get a job."

Ultimately, Sketch's plan had been to arrive in Ponyville and sell his artwork for money. But, as the previous evening had proved, inspiration didn't seem forthcoming and he couldn't sit around and wait for it to arrive. He didn't want to go from starving artist to starved-to-death artist. So he shook the dust from his coat and tried to smooth out his shaggy mane, hoping he looked somewhat presentable, and resolved to return to the shack that evening an employed pony.

Unsure of who might be hiring or in need of help, Sketch stopped by the library to see Twilight Sparkle. She had been nice enough and seemed pretty knowledgeable. Spike answered the door in mid-yawn. "Hey, Sketch! You missed a fun party last night!"

With a forced smile, Sketch shrugged and then asked, "Is Twilight Sparkle around?"

"As long as there are still books in here, she's around." The dragon turned and called into the library, "Hey Twilight, it's Sketch."

"Hi, Sketch!" Twilight said, in the exact same place she had been the day before, only now it was a different book she was reading.

"Hi. I was, uh, wondering if you could help me with something."

"Sure! What is it?"

"Well, I sort of need a job. Do you know if anypony in town might be hiring?"

"Oh," the mare rolled her eyes upward in thought and rubbed her chin. "The saddlebag store was looking for someone, but I think they just filled that position. Hmm…" Her face lit up. "I know! You can ask Applejack! It's nearly applebucking season and I'm sure she could use the help."

"Applebucking?" Sketch asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You kick the tree to get all the apples down," Spike interjected.

"Ah." Manual labor wasn't quite the route Sketch had wanted to go, but if it was the only thing available he couldn't afford to be choosy. Without it he couldn't afford anything.

At that moment, Sketch's stomach made a very audible gurgle and the pony flinched. "Oh my goodness," Twilight said, leaping down from her chair. "Are you all right? What have you eaten today?"

"Er, nothing," Sketch said, looking away embarrassedly.

"Spike, go get that cupcake that was left over from last night."

"Awww, I was saving that…" the dragon grumbled and shuffled out of the room.

"Please, no, I'm fine," Sketch insisted.

"You are not fine," Twilight insisted in a firm tone of voice. "If I can hear your stomach rumbling from across the room there's something wrong."

She didn't seem as if she was the type of pony to back down, so Sketch lowered his head and mumbled, "I'll pay you back, I promise."

"What? You don't have to pay me back. You're not buying the cupcake from me; I'm giving it to you."

"I know, it's just… I'll pay you back." Twilight seemed about to argue some more, but Spike reappeared at that moment with a large cupcake that had a mountain of frosting on it.

In response to the sight of the sugary confection, Sketch's stomach made another loud gurgle, and Spike's eyes went wide. "Okay, I take it back - you definitely need this more than I do." Sketch thanked the little dragon and took the cupcake with his hoof, looking at Twilight. It seemed that she was determined to make sure he ate it, so, feeling self-conscious, he did. It was one of the most delicious things he had ever eaten. The icing was sweet, but not cloying, and the cake, even though it was a day old, was still moist.

When he finished, he licked his lips and said, "Thank you, Twilight. I'll-"

"Pay me back, I know," she said with a smirk and a roll of her eyes. "But I wish you'd stop saying that. It's just a cupcake."

"Not just for the cupcake, but for helping me find a job. And, you know, for being so nice." He cocked his head to the side as he had a thought. "Hey, I know. Would you like a portrait of yourself?"

"A portrait?" Twilight said, her eyebrows raising. "Sure! That would look great in here! But I still don't think you need to pay me for anything."

"A portrait it is then," Sketch said, relieved. "Just let me know when might be a good day to stop by and do it."

"Probably sometime next week."

"Got it. Well, I better go find… Applejack was it?"

"Yep, Applejack. She's over at Sweet Apple Acres. I can't guarantee that she'll hire you, but tell her I sent you. You never know." She gave Sketch directions to get there from the library.

"Thanks again, Twilight. I'm really grateful."

"You're welcome." There was a pause and she asked, "Sketch, where are you from? I'm getting the impression that you're not used to people being… friendly."


"Oh dear, that explains it." The mare gave Sketch a sad smile. "When I was in Canterlot I heard stories about Whinnypeg. It sounded like a place I wouldn’t want to visit on a vacation."

"You don't. You're so nice they'd think you're crazy and run you out of town."

Twilight laughed. "Well, you seemed to have turned out all right."

Sketch looked away. "Yeah, well, it wasn't without my share of problems."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No, no, it's okay." He gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm not the norm in Whinnypeg, so I'm sure you can imagine how fun it was to grow up there." Twilight just nodded. "Well, I'll be going now. Thanks again, and I'll see you next week."


It was a beautiful day out, and Sketch enjoyed the feel of the sun on his head as he made his way down the road leading away from the Ponyville proper. He felt a lot better after eating the cupcake, and was glad that he had thought of a way to repay Twilight for her kindness. Being in debt was not something he wanted to make a habit of in his new home.

Out of nowhere came a blast of wind and a rainbow trail of colors overheard. Sketch's hair was blown out of his eyes and his coat flapped in the sudden rush of air. He turned his head and looked behind him. What on Equestria was that?

Just as quickly a blur headed back his way, and Sketch ducked low to the ground with his hooves over his head. Another burst of wind hit him, and then a voice above him said, "Hey, sweet coat!"

Sketch risked a glance upwards and saw a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and matching tail hovering overhead. "Uh, thanks," he responded, raising his head back up. "Most ponies don't even notice it."

"Yeah, well, I know cool when I see it."

At a loss for a response, Sketch said, "I, uh, like your mane."

"It is pretty awesome, isn't it?" the pegasus said with a not-so-modest smile. She landed next to Sketch and walked around him, studying his coat. "So where'd you get it?"

"Someone gave it to me."

"Must've been someone pretty cool."

"Yeah, he was…" Sketch said in a low voice, but the pegasus missed it.

"You new around here?" Sketch nodded. "I'm Rainbow Dash. Maybe you've heard of me?" She stood proudly with head held high, a confident look on her face.

"Uh, sorry, can't say I have. But don't take it personally; I never really got out much."

"Well, I'll be the first to tell you that I'm kind of a big deal. I'm training to be in the Wonderbolts."

"Oh. Wow." Sketch had indeed heard of the Wonderbolts. They had been doing an air show the one time he had visited Canterlot. He had begged his parents to take him the show, but they couldn't justify spending the money on something that frivolous. "I'd love to see some of your tricks sometime."

"How about right now?"

She seemed so excited to perform for Sketch that he felt bad saying, "I'm sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry. I'm trying to get to Sweet Apple Acres." He quickly added, "But I promise I'll watch you sometime soon."

"Aw, all right," Rainbow Dash replied, crestfallen. "Well, you're almost there. It's just over the hill. You can't miss the trees."

"Thanks," Sketch said, and then because he felt bad about disappointing her, he added, "I meant what I said, by the way. I really like your mane. I've never seen one that colorful."

That perked up the pegasus, and she beamed. "Hey, thanks… uh, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet ya', Sketch. You've made my list of cool ponies."

"I'm, uh, honored. Well, I guess I'll see you around."

"Okay. Don't forget your promise!" With that Rainbow Dash flew out of there, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Sketch shook his head and smiled as he continued trotting up the path. He was certainly meeting some interesting ponies. It was the complete opposite of what he was used to. Stallions and mares of the same dull colors, same dull clothing, and same dull personalities. He was going to love living in Ponyville… provided he could make some money to keep himself alive long enough to enjoy it.

Rainbow Dash had been right; as soon as Sketch crested the hill he saw hundreds of apple trees budding with new fruit. He stood on the top of the hill just letting his eyes roam over the trees. It was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever witnessed. "If this doesn't inspire, I'm not sure what will," he breathed.

As he trotted down the path towards the farm he ran across a large stallion with bright red hair. He wore a wooden yoke around his neck, and was chewing on a sprig of wheat. It looked as if he was busy fixing up a wagon with a broken wheel.

"Hi, excuse me," Sketch said softly, getting the pony's attention.

"Eeyup?" the red pony replied, sleepily glancing Sketch's way.

"I'm, uh, looking for Applejack. Is she around?"


There was a pause and Sketch added, "Um, where can I find her?" The big pony pointed a hoof back towards the big farmhouse. "Thanks."

"Eeyup," came the response, and the big pony went back to work.

In front of the farmhouse was a pony with orange hair and a long, yellow mane tied into a ponytail that spilled out from under a large-brimmed hat. She was busy fiddling with a large basket when Sketch approached, and a dog that had been sleeping near her sprang to life, barking.

"What is it, Winona? Oh, howdy!" Like all ponies, this one's eyes studied Sketch, taking in his odd appearance. But when her green eyes met his own, a shiver ran down Sketch's spine. There was something about her eyes, something beyond the eyes, that made him speechless for a moment.

When he finally caught a hold of his voice, he said, "Uh, howdy. I mean, hello. Hi." He felt a blush warming his cheeks, but thankfully because of the darkness of his hair his blushes were nearly impossible to see. "I'm, uh, Sketch."

"Pleased to meetcha, Sketch. Mah name's Applejack. What can ah do for ya?" She had a country accent that Sketch found himself enjoying.

"Well, I… see, I'm new and… well, I'm looking for work, and… um…" He cleared his throat and stood a little taller, shaking his shaggy mane out of his face. "I'm new to Ponyville and I'm looking for work. Twilight Sparkle said you might be able to help."

"Lookin' for work, huh?" Applejack said, sitting back on her haunches. She lifted her hat and scratched her head with her other hoof. "Don't normally hire folks to work here. This here's a family-run farm."

"Oh," Sketch's head drooped a bit. "Twilight didn't mention that."

"And ah gotta be honest, Sketch, ya don't look like much of an applebucker."

"I'm probably not. But," he added quickly, "I'm a hard worker. And I always make good on my promises. And I promise to work my absolute hardest if you hire me."

"Well ah admire that," Applejack responded with a smile. When she smiled, Sketch noticed, her eyes sparkled like gemstones. "Tell ya what. We still got a couple'a weeks before applebuckin' season officially starts. You show up every mornin' for trainin', and ah'll get ya ready for some real applebuckin'. Ah'll even pay ya some for the trainin'. It won't be much, but-"

"It doesn't need to be," Sketch interrupted eagerly, smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you so much! I'll even start today. Right now!"

"Whoa, Nelly," Applejack raised a hoof. "There's more. Now, if ah don't think yer cut out for applebuckin', ah'm gonna have to let you go, okay?"

"That's fair," Sketch nodded. Even if he was just going to get paid for the training, that was something to start with.

"All right. Now, no need to go gettin' worked up for trainin' today. Ah'd like to get to know the pony ah might be hirin'. Think of it like an orientation."

"Oh, right. Sure."

"Why don't ya grab that basket over there and lend me a hoof. Ah'm makin' sure these here baskets are all sound for holdin' the apples that we buck. Ah'll show ya what to do, and we can talk at the same time, okay?"

"Okay," Sketch said with a smile, fetching the large wooden basket that Applejack had indicated. He noticed one of the boards was loose. Applejack gave Sketch some directions on how to fix it, and then said, "So where ya from, Sketch?"


"Hmm, never heard of it. Where's that?"

"Up north."

"Gotcha. Never been too far north mahself. Is it worth visitin'?"

"Not in the least."

Applejack must have caught the tone in Sketch's voice because she gave him an understanding smile and nodded. "Where you livin' now?"

"Uh," Sketch paused for a moment and didn't meet Applejack's eyes. "A little place outside the town limits."

There was silence from Applejack, and Sketch was sure that she knew he was hiding something. But she didn't pry any farther and he relaxed when she changed the subject. "So ya met Twilight, huh?"

"Yeah. She's really nice."

"She is. Took her a bit to get used to things 'round here when she moved in, but she settled in nicely. She's one of us now."

"She's not from Ponyville?" Sketch looked up, surprised.

"Nuh-uh. She came in from Canterlot."

"Oh, right! She mentioned studying with Princess Celestia, but I didn't put two and two together." Sketch suddenly felt a stronger connection to Twilight now that he knew she was an outsider who had settled in Ponyville as well. And it proved that someone from a different upbringing could indeed mesh into the community.

For the rest of the day Sketch chatted with Applejack while fixing several baskets. He didn't talk too much about himself, just a few tidbits here and there. Applejack seemed to sense his desire to keep away from his past, so she just asked him about his likes and dislikes, and what he wanted to do in Ponyville. She reciprocated, telling him stories about herself and the farm, and some of the adventures that she and her friends had gone on. Sketch was entranced; he had never heard anyone tell stories involving dragons, or hydras, or even the infamous Nightmare Moon. It was incredible, and he was amazed he got any work done at all. But he did, and at the end of the day Applejack thanked him and told him to be at the farm the following morning.

Sketch's trot back home was a happy one, and he was bursting with inspiration. His mind swirled with images and ideas, and he was ready to grab his paintbrush and get started. Unfortunately, his head was so in the clouds that he didn't realize how late it was until he was nearing his shack. The sun was so far down that the trees blocked the remaining sunlight, leaving him in darkness. There was no way he'd be able to see the canvas clearly in order to paint.

"Candles," he said to himself, followed by a huge sigh. "I need to buy some candles."

When he was able to catch an hour or two of sleep throughout the night, he dreamt of dragons and apple trees and pretty green eyes.