• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 465 Views, 22 Comments

Monsters in the Dark - CrustyKing

When new threat appears, a new, unexpected and unlikely ally offers his help. After all, he is the only known specialist on fear magic.

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01: This was not a smart decision.

Canterlot, the city of royalty, the city that never sleeps, etc. I always liked this place. Almost two-thirds of the city has second life, far apart from their humble official persona. Ponies who normally are showering the poverty with bits might be kingpins of the criminal underworld; shy, antisocial ones might be going to clubs at night. I blend in here pretty well, i guess: on the surface, grey unicorn without any distinctive features or traits (mainly because of illusion spells, but it's still nothing compared to make up of some mares here), while under all of that, I am the great tyrant king who feeds his magic on fear. Well, you know what they say, the looks might be misleading. And what exactly am I doing here? Well, I am going to meet my natural enemies for calm, peaceful, civil talk about dangerous creatures that might destroy ponykind. I am sure it will go well. And who knows, maybe their dungeons are made out of chocolate. Same chance.


Guarding the door to the palace is a boring job, but the guard didn't have anything to say about that. Or about anything at all. If anypony caught him slacking, the sergeant would know. He always knows. And once he knows, hell begins.

Suddenly, as if summoned by thoughts of the guard, the sergeant appeared, furious as never before.


Well, that was easy. Quick nightmare spell and he's too occupied with his fears. Also, really? The thing he fears the most is his sergeant? Frozen Wastes, this is kinda pathetic. Now that I am in, I should conceal my presence and try to find the Royal Sisters. Well, lock me for thousand years if this is not a pretentious title. Not that I, King Sombra (shadow, get it? Frozen Wastes, this joke was stupid even during first 100 years of my rule), Great Tyrant of Crystal Empire have anything to say about that. Well, the most important thing was the fear around it. You see, when using black magic, you got to power it somehow. And unlike the goody-good light magic, it doesn't work on friendship, love and vomi... i mean, other good emotions. And while it works fine powered by wrath, it's so much better when it's powered by fear towards the caster. During my good days, I was able to fight both of the Princesses at the same time. They kicked my ass nonetheless, but I was able to fight! I even trapped the younger one in a nightmare! Oh, look, pair of doors! A pretty big pair of doors at that. And two powerful beings behind them. Jackpot. Now, let's gather some information. And by that, I mean eavesdropping, of course.

"...Reports of nightmares, reports about missing ponies, it's all the same bad news! Luna, did the EIA send anything useful?"

"Dragons are migrating, Griphons are closing borders and changeling double agents were given orders to get back to the hive. It's like everyone knows something, but nothing specific. The only safe zone for now is Crystal Empire, But Cadance says it's starting even there. Whatever is the source, it's something dangerous. Something is spreading fear all over Equestria. Your student is investigating too, but she knows nothing new as well."

"Twilight is brilliant, but too young and näive. I don't really think she will discover anything about this. Even the Friendship Map is not showing anything! Are you sure it's not Tantabus again?"

"We talked about this, sister. And I am still sorry for that."
Celestia sighed.

"Sorry, Luna, but this situation is just so... frustrating! We don't know the source, we don't know how to stop it and not a single, pony, dragon, changeling or gryphon will tell us any useful information!"

Well, if this is not a straight line, i don't know what is!


Suddenly, the double doors to the throne room opened, and a gray unicorn stepped through them.

"Ladies, I think I have the answers you are looking for!"


Really heavy silence.



Golden ray of magic appeared at Celestia's horn and aimed for the uninvited guest's head. But, just milimeters from his face, it changed its course by several degrees and burnt the right wing of the door to ashes.

"Oy, this was dangerous! If I didn't know better, I would think you tried to kill me on the spot!"

"And what makes you think i did not want to do that, King Sombra?"

Luna just watched the battle of wits and magic with open mouth and no clue what's going on. "King Sombra? Weren't he more... shadowy? I mean, this unicorn looks so plain. There is no way he could be..." she tought, but then she noticed the green gleam in his eyes.

"I did not come here to fight!" he said, as he summoned a shield bubble around himself.

"Then you should not come here at all!" Celestia answered as she shoot more magic at him. Arrows made out of light disappeared when they contacted the shield.

"Oh come on, I am here to exchange some informations and all I get are death threats and lasers! I tought you are supposed to be civil, noble and peaceful Princess of Equestria! I personally swear on my magic that I shall not actively try to harm you or your subjects for the time of negotiations, should they occur, and a week after that!"

Now both Princesses opened their eyes wide. Breaking an oath placed on ones magic made it ultimately impossible to use it for time being, sometimes even forever. Even this vile tyrant would think twice before breaking it. Celestia sighed and said:

"... I suppose we have to agree. After all, you risked everything to talk to us, so it might be important. But remember, King Sombra, should it be a trick, you will end up with a fate much worse than some inhabitants of Tartarus."

"The threats again... Eh, I guess I have to work with what i get."

His slight smile did not change for a whole time of a fight.


Frozen Wastes, I hope my poker face held straight, or I might as well pack my belongings for a visit in Tartarus. She is even more scary than 1000 years ago! What did even happen during the temporal banishment of the Crystal Empire? Or during the time of my revival? I even heard they burnt out magic out of Tirek! I shall never ever again do something as stupid as just walking into a room with several immortal beings powered by insane magic, while being armed only with a smug smile myself. Peaceful, civil, noble Princess my ass! Good thing Luna was too dumbfounded by my stupidity and her sister's quick wits, or there wouldn't be a need for a coffin. Just a broom and a jar. Well, now that I gave an oath on my magic (leaving some escape space in it for myself, should I have to run away really fast and not care about ponies in the way. It's not ACTIVELY try, which means that if someone dies during my daring escape, well, not my fault! Tee-hee-hee, I am so evil), things got pretty civil, but I am not going to relax yet. After all, the fight was the easy part. The hardest part of the negotiations is still before me.