• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 465 Views, 22 Comments

Monsters in the Dark - CrustyKing

When new threat appears, a new, unexpected and unlikely ally offers his help. After all, he is the only known specialist on fear magic.

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03: New angle

While I walked out of the Palace, the first place I went to was clothing shop. While i can just use a spell to store the money, most ponies think it looks suspicious when somepony opens a void and pulls something out of it. Like that, I acquired a short, black coat (why black? Because i like it, duh! Yeah, I know, cliché. At least it's not a trenchcoat) and enchanted it's pockets so i could store almost anything inside them. If I tried to buy pre-enchanted one, I would have to spend a small fortune. It sure feels good to be a talented unicorn.

Anyway, now, properly dressed and with a way to store the gold, I began walking through the city, marveling again at the two-faced nature of it's inhabitants. If i had conquered the Equestria as I planned to, I would probably leave Canterlot as it is, just for the amusement. Oh, I can only imagine the backstabbing and machinations, conflicts of interests and clashes of gangs, all of that under a guise of the most civilised city of ponykind. But all of it had to be ruined by a baby dragon and dead tired alicorn thrown by her crippled husband. And to think I didn't believe that weird zebra fortune teller when he warned me about it thousand years ago. Ehh, I guess I just have to behave for now and wait for a chance to make a new empire. This time I will not be that stupid to leave a dangerous shield relic still intact to study it's power and just forge another one that only i can use.


After a while of walking, I got to the entertainment part of the city. Oooooh boy. This is some major tier stuff. Drug dealers, that new "electronic" music, whatever the Tartarus that means, clubs, drunk ponies... You name it, it's here. But, thank Harmony, there are also normal pubs here. Okay, so I guess i will start looking over there in, let me look at the name... ah right, in the "Crooked Horseshoe". Such an entertaining name. I trotted through the door and immedietally felt slight dark aura inside. Jackpot! I sat at the bar, ordering some beer from a really shady looking bartender, released some of my magic from behind my disguise and watched the customers of this cozy, welcoming place.

There you are, my little friend! Now, don't look around, you won't find me anyway. Just like you, i have hiden the source of the energy. But, unlike you, I have years of experience with using it, young drone. Now, let's sip a bit more energy out... Oh wow, he's becoming rather scared himself. How does it feel to become a prey, little hunter? Wow, this beer is good. I guess having a keg on your ass really makes you a brewmaster, dear bartender. Anyway, i just felt an energy spike, so let's look at our little guy over there... Hmm, nice disguise, but a bit flashy. Oh, wait a minute, new energy frequency, let me look at the new customers... Frozen Wastes, are they all disguising as the decoys or what? Every single one of them is so colourful it hurts my eyes! Ooooh, now, those are professionals. It seems this guy over there is just a scout. Those are the ones that get the job done. They hide their energy almost perfectly, but they've got too much of it to hide all of it... at least if you didn't have 150 years to study the stealth spells. Ah, they spotted an unkown energy pattern. But they are not looking around like idiots, they are going straight to their little friend. Pros, huh? This will be fun!


Therendix didn't have a nice evening. He was a scout of the hive, one of the victim spotters. Yet, lately, those stupid ponies became paranoid. While it's a good thing for the hive itself, as they were becoming more powerful the more fear was in the air, it was a royal pain for spotters like him. Hard to make a pony come alone to some secluded place when they are too scared to do that. But, hey, at least he was not a worker in the hive itself. Something was really wrong there. The Queen was not as she used to be. Mimics (as they called themselves) were supposed to be stealthier than their cousins changelings. Instead of kidnapping, they used more psychological means of inducing fear. Lately though, all of her speeches were full of phrases like "world domination" and "getting back what's rightfully ours".

But now, all these problems were becoming trivial. All he could feel was fear, because of that weird essence he felt. It didn't feel all powerful, but it was subtle and he had a feeling that the source had much, much more of it. Where is it coming from? Therendix looked around the pub, but he couldn't find anything suspicious... well, anything more suspicious than usual customers. But he also felt that something was making him not see the source and that terrified him to the core. Mimics were supposed to be resistant to mind magic, yet, he clearly felt that something was wrong. It was time to send a call for help. With a spell that was disguised as normal telekinesis, mimic sent a short signal, which alarmed all other mimics nearby. Yes! Someone answered! Oooooh. Oh shit. It's the soldiers.

Soldiers were the sword and shield of the hive. They did the hard job like kidnapping powerful unicorns or even killing the resistance. They were also a military police in the hive. This was going to cost him dearly. But, hey, at least he will live, right?

As the squad of soldiers entered the bar, they clearly felt the energy as well. Yet, they didn't look around like he did, they went straight to Therendix.

"What is the meaning of this?"-their leader asked.

"Code 206-A"-Therendix answered.

This was a codename of the signal. It meant: Danger to the personnel, need backup. Using it was prohibited unless something really dangerous happened, because it could blow the disguises of every mimic involved.

"Did you acquire sights of the danger?"

"It's somewhere here in the pub. Also, It uses the MCM capable of getting through our resistance."

MCM. Mind control magic. Now the squad looked unnerved as well.


"Try looking around."

One of the soldiers on the back tried, a confused look on his face became a really frightened one.

"He's right, captain. We should go. We must report this"

"Okay then. SD-1427, you will come with us."
SD-1427. His codename. SD meant scouting drone, while 1427 meant he was a 1427th drone born in the hive.


Therendix grabed his saddlebags, downed his beer and said.

"Ready to go."


Oh, going already? Damn, and I really wanted to drink some more of this delicious brew. I thanked the bartender and he raised an eyebrow. Seems like being well mannered in places like this is strange. Well, let's tail this party of bugs. I casted a tracking spell, with a hiding spell immediately after it. Now they shouldn't be able to feel either my energy or the spell i just casted on them. Let's see where you will bring me to, hmm? Oh, nice, a stealth spell! Too bad that I am tracking you right now! I guess I will stay fully visible. If they notice me following them, they might run home even faster.


Therendix followed the Soldiers out of the pub. Everything seemed normal, except he still could feel the presence of something much, much more dangerous than anything he ever met, well, maybe besides the Queen herself. Probably. His stronger brothers clearly felt it as well, as they immediately fastened the pace, heading to downtown. Many secluded alleys and dark places made it a perfect place for escape or even ambush if the enemy follows them. Shit, he just wanted to go back to hive and hide for few days. He clearly done enough lately.

As they entered the downtown, he felt the malicious presence even harder then before. There, he pissed himself on a spot. Shit, this is embarassing. Soldiers just looked at him, not even disgusted, but with stares full of pity and understanding. They were not going to laugh at him. Not when they were feeling it too. If they survive this, they sure will become best brothers in hive. Heh, drone can dream, right?

"See that alley? We called backup. Whatever is tailing us, it's going to meet two full squads of Soldiers."- the captain said-"We are not alone, little one"

Therendix was not sure if captain tried to convince him or rather himself.


Hah! This guy pissed himself right when i just threw a little bit of my magic at them. This shit is priceless!

Yeah, ehm, anyway, it seems they are going to ambush me. Good luck with that. What? Do i sense more targets? Yes, yes I do! Now, how to hide the evidence so Celestia doesn't hang me by balls... Meh, just go with the flow, I guess. I will worry about cleaning when it's done. Time for some prime time fun. With extra gore.

Now, let's see. One, two, three, four, five... wow, that's nice. Another ten of pros. So about twenty fighters, as I doubt the watersports scout will be much of a fighter. They clearly tried to not underestimate me. At least they tried. Too bad this is far from enough. Now, I guess i will kill the commander and the scout drone last, because they might know something about this sticky situation. Heh, sticky, get it? Because they are bugs! Hah. Good one.


As i left the slightly burned alley, now cleaned from the blood of the "mimics", i started recollecting the news i just got from my dearest little informant, Therendix (he will be missed by everyone, I bet). The hive queen going bonkers. Change of strategy. Fear gathering and fear spreading. Someone is doing a hell of a job and he even convinced a freakin hive queen of mimics to help him. Damn, that's hell of a work. If I ever meet that guy, I am going to give him a pat on the back. With a knife, if possible, but still. Now i bet the Little Miss Sunshine and the Moon Moon want to hear that as well. And who knows, maybe I will have some laugh at the Miss Best Student. I think she should be here by now...


THE FUCK WAS THAT? Wait, is that a sonic rainboom? Okay, nice way of calling me, but we have to talk about the meaning of SUBTLE, Celestia! This is by far the least subtle thing you have done besides nearly burning me to death with a laser this afternoon... several times... Okay, i think i am beginning to see a pattern here.

At least i know they are indeed ready for the news. And i hope no one noticed the smell of burning bugs. It was hard enough to clean all that ichor from the walls.

Author's Note:

I suck, i suck so freaking much and i am sorry for that. Had moved out, my PC had been all but dead for 2 months and i recently broke my tablet which was my last connection to the outside world. The work has not been helping either as i had little time to work on this. I hope i will regain some of my momentum in nearby future, but right now, i just hope you will like this.
Stay Crusty my friends.
EDIT: some slight changes to keep it canon