• Member Since 29th Dec, 2016
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Comments ( 63 )

at first..i thouth it was a knight paladin.. but the gauntlet threw me off..i need to study more

Knight Errant my friend, Thermal Cannon and Thunderstrike Gauntlet

ahh.. now I see it, imperial knights are so cool anyway

loved it, kinda want a sequel, just to see pony reactions to after the fact devastation

I can't promise anything but it the idea has occured to me. It would take place about a day (or a few hours) after Twilight blacks out. It would focus specifically on the devastation created by the battle and the effects of the Behemoths magic. So far the most I can do is say there will probably be an Epilogue. But even that won't happen till I'm done with my current Fanfic "The Knight".

well well well i have a new story to read o3o

Dont get too excited, its NOTHING like this one. I actually made this Fanfic to test myself on how well I wrote Gore, Action, and Fighting. I decided about halfway through that adding large amounts of gore (or even a tiny bit more than it has now) to "The Knight" would be a terrible idea lol

The fight kinda reminds me of pacific rim. And there's no way i'm leaving without screaming

Honestly thats a huge compliment, I looooved Pacific Rim fights, and I'm really glad I managed to make it even a smidgen similar to the movie.

It looks like this is not a one-shot so hope you update the story soon

Close, I am actually working on an Epilogue at the moment, however due to limitations on my how I spend my time it might be a bit. In saying that I have toyed with the idea of an actual story, buuuut again time constraints would seriously hamper me, plus I've got my other story going at the moment.

S-scout White S-scar Reporting. l see what you did there.Whats next silver skulls, storm wings, red talons, sky sentinels, imperial fist?

Rarity found a Lameners relic:trollestia:

Ah have one question...
Why couldn't celestia turn rarity to stone? It would a. Keep her from dying b. She could unpetrify rarity heal like her punctured lung and then petrify her again in order to prepare for the next healing session or even better transport her back to a fricking horde of medics to heal her.

I am unfamiliar with anything past season 1, but has Celestia ever turned someone to stone without the Elements? Even then I would imagine turning someone to stone would be incredibly difficult, requiring one to not only turn flesh and blood to a different material, but also do it all at once, without accidentally botching it along the way.
In this fanfic Celestia's power is akin to a sledgehammer, powerful and lacking precision, hence why she couldn't just heal Rarity instantly, healing is complicated and requires surgeon like control.

What of the statues in the garden?
Plus I am certain that in a spell book in those archive is a spell called the cockatrice eye, curse of the cockatrice or cockatrice spell.
Also turning something to stone isn't that delicate as some think, the common misbelief is that the elements are capable of turning beings to stone.., this is not true.
Discord is the exception as when he is turned to stone it is referred to as his prison as this is practically all the elements could do to the literal embodiment of chaos and disharmony. What about the other statues in the garden though... where did they come from? They weren't carved. Ah will let y'all put the pieces together.

you need to read Watchers of the Throne before you describe throne room but i will help you on this one

The Companions parted. For a moment, I saw the Last Door ahead of me. Its surface was black and pitted, fused together from old ceramite. In the centre, where the two doors met, an ebon face had been carved. It was a human face, austere, mournful, encircled with a halo of fire.

Then the image split in two, and the doors swung inwards. I saw what lay beyond – ranks of pillars, marching into a mist-thick distance. I saw the energy-feeders, each one the size of a Titan, hanging from the stalactites of the unseen roof. I saw the power lines, ribbed and massive, coiled across every surface like engorged serpents. The air was golden, thick as milk, spilling out of the doorway like a tarnished sunrise.

Through the haze, the swimming motes of power, I laid eyes on the nexus itself. It was hard to gauge size in there – everything shook in a heat-tremor of psychic intensity. I saw impossibly old panels, fluted like organ pipes, rising up and up through the mist, webbed with patina and repeatedly repaired. I saw arcs of lightning snap and twist, and blood-cyclers wheezing, and smelt a pervasive stench as sweet as rotting meat.

And somewhere in the heart of that titanic construction, somewhere in the midst of the stacked terraces and the baroque platforms and the gantries and the forests of cabling, lost like a pearl in the heart of some obscene mechanical clamshell, I glimpsed just a slip of flesh, a shred of hairless grey, perhaps a scalp, perhaps the fragment of a face, buried under it all, slaved to it, dominating it, dominating everything.

I really need to the read the books period lol

the fact that twiggles survived even a second in the warp unprotected proves she's a badass.
another chapter my good sir.

so, basicly they are on the entity emeperor's warp controled space?

Aaaay congrats, first person to realize that

"She shall show you what your kind shall encounter beyond your stars, and why I have need of your powerful... 'Magic'..."

Bhahaha, that must be awkward to the emperor to admit that magic exist when he has killed millions and banned its use in nikea. And that he lied to Vulcan that one time.

‘Then are you a sorcerer?’ Vulkan asked. ‘Was it magic?’

The Emperor’s mood darkened, but fractionally, so that only someone who was particularly astute would notice. Vulkan slightly raised his eyebrow.

‘Not a sorcerer,’ said the Emperor. ‘Magic… is not real, it is merely science yet to be understood. Show a primitive culture fire for the first time and they call it magic

This looks good! I am eager to read the next part, but take the time you need.

You'll be pleasantly surprised my friend, I am already 4,000 words in on the next chapter, so you won't have to wait another 2 years lol

Is it just me or they are planning to have Twilight inherit the Imperial Knight?

Impossible, it would require a surgery by cybernetica sou she could use throne mechanicum. But they would not do that because only humans are allowed and because there are none.
Then she would have to survive that encounter to bond with machine spirit. And lets just say that machine spirits don't particularly like thous of not cult mechanicus.
And of course throne is made for humans, not xenos.

she was only vaguely familiar with the Mechanicus's version of the Imperial Cult.

How is that possible? All knight pilots are part of cult mechanicus, they know their religion because its part of their also. They pray for omnissiah and to the emperor same amount. All knight houses have bond of alliance with mechanicus, for their services mechanicus provides them with knights and their repair. She would know binary because her interface uses it and she would have more respect to mechanicus because Thous of mechanicus can command thous houses for battle when they ask it, because as far ranks go. Princeps are most highest ranking, then barons whom will call upon their knightly vassals.

Impossible seems not to be in fimfiction's dictionary. I have seen a fanfic in which Twilight gets to seat in that. And another where she becomes an inquisitorial Acolyte and gets her own team to command.

nevertheless, 40k:s lore wise impossible.

This is what fanfics are for.

Then it is not warhammer but reimagining what would make that warhammer tag a lie. Sou i will my knowledge from 40k books to correct thous lies.

You're thinking of Mechanicus specific Houses. Houses are not always aligned directly with the Mechanicus, but typically swear oaths of servitude or aid in return for the services the Mechanicus offers. They are relatively close to the Mechanicus compared to other factions in the Imperium, but they are still not technically a part of it. Habe you read the Imperial Knight books?

Also you're attempting to fit Warhammer lore in to a fic about Ponies. "That's not possible" you say, and you're right, but neither is a flying pony who can cast mind powers.

Ahh but you forget that all ho operate imperial machines are part of cult mechanicus, baneblades as a example. Their operators venerate both omnissiah and the emperor separately. Paragonians as a example pray to omnissiah and the emperor and are closely associated with mechanicus even thou they are not part of mechanicus. Same with other tanks.
Sou knights know cult mechanicus of their close tides to thous ho fix, operate and build their machines.
They must know prayers to machine spirit, how to operate their vehicles and how they work. Sou houses have oaths of fealty to thous ho support them.
In a book "titan death" it shows this when mechnicum makes a deal with knight house what had knight what operated with steam. Sou their king made a tournament where a houses would compete and victor would have mechanicums secrets and support.
And yes i have read "becoming, defiant, apex predator, mechanicum, titan death, imperator." Which has knights.

Those Knights work closer to the Mechanicus compared to those houses that work with Titans. The Knight series I'm talking about, Kingsblade and Knightsblade, is about knights specifically, and how they operate by themselves. Different Houses have different traditions and different views, they have an entire Cast dedicated to knowing everything there is to know about the Knight for maintenance, Holy Rites, sacred oils, etc etc, known as the Sacristans. They exclusively take care of most House's Knights. It all depends on the House, and this House, which doesn't actually exist, just happens to be rather distant from its Sacristans.

Sacristans do work for mechanicus, one of them them most famous one is iron brotherhood ho work for house raven ho in turn work for metallica forge world. they are oath bound to their forges ho in turn supply them. Sacristans are doctornated to cult mechanicum, sou they do take influence from them. House Cadmus is a good example of this, where nobles ho support more independence and sacristans ho support allying with mechanicus sou sacristans can have more political power.

Yes, Sacristans work for the Mechanicus, but not the Noble's themselves. House Cadmus is a former Mechanicus House, of course they would have incredibly close ties with the Mechanicus, which invalidates them as an example.

Exactly, sacristans are de facto tech priest. They are part of cult mechanicus, and mechanicus is only one that can provide them. Making that house more dependent of mechanicus. Giving machanicus more of a grip of that house.

Thats exactly what I said... The original argument is about if pilots and their Houses are close to the Mechanicus (like the Sacristans are). Noble's are the one who pilot the Knights, not Sacristans

I did not say sacristans are pilots, they are just something that makes nobles more reliant at forge worlds, even some imperialis houses are reliant to forge worlds just like house Agaron. Its just where you said that knights are overlooked by actual tech priest, then it implies that your house is extremely close with mechanicus. Because mechanicus never gives something for free, there was a funny example in Ciaphas Cain book "greater good" where a forge world had barely any defenses but it was sou important to the sector that they relied upon numerous imperial guard regiments which relied upon this forge world. Whom would rush to its defense if it was in danger, sou mechanicus saves a lot of resources to security.

But that doesn't mean the Pilots are part of the Mechanicus itself, only the Sacristans. The Pilots can be close to the Mechanicus without knowing anything except "Yeah without these guys our Knights wouldnt work"

Its a religion rather than been part of mechanicus, one can be of both imperial religions. Belisarius Cawl is a good example, i remember him saying god emperor and omnissiah in it. Then there is shadowsword book where i believe it was a driver ho had a aquila and a cog necklace.
And i remember in Apex predator book that knights believed in machines spirits and one point omnissiah was mentioned.
Its not automatically make one part of mechanicus, but pilots do know importance of its religions dogma.

Why is the Emperor fleshy and moving? What happened to unskeletonize him and free him from the golden throne? I don't think it's 30k since there's tyranids and you say it's a 40k crossover and that he's been defending the galaxy for 10 thousand years.

A good Question, heres some more: Why is the Palace seemingly never ending and only guarded by 2 Custodes? Why are they Custodes thought to be dead/disappeared? Where is the Emperor's sword? Why is the Cicatrix Maledictum there? Questions upon Questions Upon Questions

Another question, are you still planning to continue this fanfic?

Eventually yes. I've been busy and when I'm not busy I'm lazy lol

Well I'm hooked. I'm a sucker for 40k crossovers, and while I don't normally like pony death, especially in the mane 6, this is extremely interesting and I'm excited to see where it goes.

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