• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,223 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

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Chapter 8(Unedited.)

Author's Note:

Thank you all so much for all the likes and favorites I'm glad you guys and gals are enjoying the bit I have been able to type up. I will try my best to work on this story when I have free time though it will still be a good amount of time in between chapters. Still hunting down a job having not much luck at the moment being. This story might go on the back burner while I think up ideas for where it's going, also just wondering would you guys want me to post my next story since I have the first chapter done or would you rather wait till I have a few chapters built up? (Also might need to go find another editor since my old one has life taking a toll on him at the time being.)

The sun was setting over the plains the only shadow seen now were the many large tents that dotted a certain camp for the buffaloes. With the sun soon disappearing from behind the horizon a good many of the buffalo were either dropping off the materials they had gathered to the few that stayed up to watch over the camp for the night time. Of course, our main character Aron was now deposited with in the ores and metals tent luck would have it he was the last thing dumped in so he was not buried in the piles of ores.

Aron had waited listening to the small talk and hooves continuously moving around the outside of the tent having woken up when he was tossed onto the pile of ore. The pile which he would consider pathetic, he took up about ten percent of the pile even knowing how small he was. He had slowly moved over towards the flap of the tent, looking through it there wasn't much light left in the plains most was coming from the few fires lit in the buffaloes camp.

There seemed to be few to none of the buffaloes moving around there being some snoring already breaking the silence of the night. This was most likely one of his best chance to sneak out of the camp. The only problem was he was not in a position that could tell him which direction the town was. So the question was does he want to test his luck and hope he chose the right direction or should he search for a map of some kind.

That was before he almost felt the urge to his head against something hard, all he had to do was look for the large collection of apple trees that can be seen from miles away cause it's an Arceus damned plains. All he had to do was make it toward the edges of the camp as silently as he could and not get caught,

The main problem he had was how much he stood out in the dark luckily his shine was a bit dull since he had no way to polish his body. After he peeked out of the tent seeing there was next to no buffalo were nearby he slipped out and made his way along the side of the tent. His steps were mostly silent as he crouched down lightly saying to himself, "Sneak, sneak stop roll up," he soon made his way near the edge of the tents curled up in the shadows.

A small patrol of buffalo had made their way by his hiding spot most of them staying silent as they had continued looking around. Aron's luck holding up that their steps cover up the small dots his own feet made in the ground. He had almost forgot that having his weight combined with the small size of his feet easily pushed through the loose and hard dirt alike. After a moment when they had passed by and soon walked out of view around the edges of the camp he had uncurled and made his way back over looking out over the plains.

He let out a groan as the first thing he notice was small or well small in a relative terms mountains, he must have been on the wrong side of the camp and having to get through the camp again would be pushing his luck. He really rather not do that so the best he could think about is stay in the shadows of the camp and make his way around the edge. It didn't help with as small as he was and all the precautions he was trying to take the moon was already nearing the middle of the sky.

He continued slipping from shadow to shadow though they were becoming thinner and small as the moon's light was now directly above him. With a silent groan he started rolling a bit faster along the edges of the camp trying his best to keep on watch for any more patrols hoping to Arceus that his luck held out just this once. He quickly grind to a halt before he shoot into the new shadows as a small patrol had just came around the corner. He held his breath waiting to see if they heard his quick stop waiting for them to walk past him to continue their routine then life chose that he had enough luck. They stood at the entrance to the tent he just happen to be hiding next to making him almost want to curse out the heavens if it wouldn't had got him caught.

He looked around starting to slip by behind the tent they were guarding making his way a bit deep into the camp just to go around their field of vision. He finally had made his way out of the sea of tents seeing out across the plain was the large amount of trees and few buildings he was looking for. With a sigh of relief he started off by using Rollout rolling across the plain the flat land making it easy for him to gain up speed. Though he didn't think of what it would look like to the buffalo when they notice a large ball of metal had just vanished mostly not really care too much.

He was starting to running out of steam as he made his way closer and closer the town it seems his move being constantly used for such distances was cause him to tire out faster than expected. Though almost before he notice he had suddenly unrolled falling down onto his stomach panting. "Note to self, don't use rollout for hour long travels unless lots of food or you will feel like someone has repeatedly hit you in the head with a hammer." Aron said to himself while face down in the grass. He was still about a mile away from the town though was not sure he would have enough energy to make it there before morning time.

After an unknown amount of time later

"Why did they have to live so far from town I mean, come on, they both herbivorous races could they be right next to each other!" Aron screeched out in his normal speech between panting. Not long before he face planted on the edge of the frontier town the moon was just being to hide behind the mountains in the distance. He fell face first into the ground some how sweating, having no idea how he was made of metal where was the water coming from!

His eye started twitching a bit when he saw there was already ponies moving around starting up the day, if there was one thing he wasn't it was a morning person. He tends to be a night owl staying up as late of early morning before sleeping till midday. Though with no habit of sleeping formed cause of so long going off and on of resting his mind in the egg. While mostly thinking over to himself one of the ponies that was going about their morning routine had noticed him mostly face down in the ground.

"Hey sheriff, isn't that the golem thing that the entertainer unicorn was looking for last night?" a brown unicorn with a hourglass cute mark had remarked. The sheriff stopped and looked over rubbing the back of his head. "Well I'll be darned it must be I don't know any other critter that looks to be metal, well if you don't mind mister Time Turner would you mind take the critter to her?" the sheriff making Time Turner blink a bit surprised.

"Sure, sir but did you want me to help calibrate your new town clock first?" Time Turner respond which the sheriff's reply was. "Ah the tower clock ain't going any where plus it will only be a few minutes to carry this critter to the owner. I'll go run an errand or two meet you back at tower clock," the sheriff waves his hoof before galloping off to start the errands.

Time Turner had walked over to Aron looking over the small creature having a small shrug before he tried to lift him letting out a large grunt. "Dang little guy what have you been eating I know your made of metal but you might want to lay off the Iron!" Time had comment what Aron thought to himself.

"You try being made of steel or iron and see how heavy you are!" Aron grumbled back at the now laughing pony. His reply was after he finished laughing, "If I was made of steel I am sure I won't need to be carried." This made Aron stop his jaw falling open and just staring at this pony, Time Turner, who just understood his screeches since he hadn't used mimic to talk in their tongue at the moment being.

Time Turner noticed the creatures silence though paid no mind now lightly smiling as he trotted with Aron on his back toward the parked wagon. Aron thought that voice sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, though it was most likely best if he stayed silent for the moment being as they were heading toward Trixie's mobile home.

As soon as Time Turner went to knock on the door the door burst open knocking him down making him drop Aron. Now piled on Time was Shining Armor looking like he had just been thrown out of bed. "That is what you get for telling Trixie to shut up and let you sleep rather than waking up when you were told!" Trixie had exclaimed as she walked out seeing she had accidentally knocked over a visitor.

"Trixie is sorry about that sir Trixie's guest was being-" Trixie stopping mid-sentence when she saw Aron who was cautiously waving at her with his little metal leg with a nervous smile. Instantly Trixie forgot he was made of steel and tried hitting him on the back of the head with her hooves.

He had shakes his head as Trixie was now shaking her front hooves nearly looking like she was about to yell. While Time and Shining were doing their best not to laugh at Trixie's mistake though a quick glare at the two made them shut up.

"Okay, now you Trixie's little metal friend are going to have to sit with the fillies and colts so you don't wonder off again!" Trixie had almost yelled out Aron, who just sat there with as innocent look as he could muster thinking if he was just a bit better a small halo would appear over his head.

He knew he would have gotten in a bit of trouble but it was nothing he couldn't fix he knew things could have been worse. Such as having been melted down for his metal though he was not even sure himself if he was metal all they way through and would rather not know. Time Turner had finally gotten back on his hooves, "Well it seems that my job here is done I now must be off that clock won't set itself or I at least really hope it doesn't." Time Turner said, mumbling the last part to himself, as he went of toward the town's tower clock.