• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,223 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

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Chapter 6: The Training Begins. (Edited)

Author's Note:

I am really sorry it took so long everyone I would have got it done sooner it is just I kept getting distracted along with my vehicle crying for attention by have just about everything on it messing up one after the other. I really hope that it doesn't take this long for the next one, (Also note to self: Start writing a good amount of next story before thinking of publishing it.) If you see any mistakes just tell me and I will do my best to fix them when I get up in the morning.

The Training Begins

Not long after Trixie had made her way out of town with the little Aron sound asleep in his chair, the only way she could tell the creature was male was because of his voice. She was still was thinking over the idea that he proposed still not completely sure she could trust the pile of scrap. He would be a nice attraction if she used him for her show. She let out a sigh as she was heading toward one of the newer settlements. If she remembered correctly, it was called Apple Loosa.

"Having to start from the bottom again the Great and Powerful Trixie feels insulted. But if Trixie rises higher again, she will no longer need to lower herself to children's parties!" she was saying to herself as she was walking with her mobile home along the rail tracks for the train. The sun was starting to set below the trees, and with a sigh she found a spot near the forest where she hitched the trailer to a tree.

Trixie had started setting up small wards to warn her if there are any intruders, when she let out a long yawn before trudging into the trailer to make her way into her room before collapsing on the bed. She was soon sound asleep.

Unknown to the new partners, there were three bandits that had followed Trixie into the forest. One of them was a large unicorn that was around the size of Big Mac, along with two Griffins - one of them being almost twice the size of Gilda while the other one was a foot or two taller than Gilda.

"Okay, boys, first thing we need to do is dismantle that ward spell before we try getting too close. Best for us to wait an hour or two so that mare doesn't notice. If we're lucky she is traveling alone and will be an easy target," the large unicorn had said his voice being rough sounding - as if he hadn't had anything to drink in a long time.

"Couldn't we just bust in there boss? It's not like there are many travelers that carry weapons on them?" the smaller of the two Griffins asked while pounding one claw into the other.

"We could, young one, but if we are discovered or leave evidence, we could have the guards coming after us, which would make it impossible to sell anything we found." the larger Griffin said shaking his head. The young ones hot-blooded ways annoyed him.

The unicorn had moved in a bit closer to the trailer and started working on undoing the wards without triggering them. He signaled the two griffins to move in. Aron was finally getting back up from his close encounter with the Ursa, thinking "Why could it not be the size of a Ursaring, but NO they have to have bears that make would Groudon jealous about their height," he said. He was stretching some, though he stopped for a minute when he heard what sounded like metal scraping against metal from the door.

He two thoughts - the first being that Morphy must really hate him at this point or be getting jealous about how much trouble he was getting in, and secondly he was praying it was just the wind or at least something that was not strong enough to hurt iron.

He slipped under the chair he was sleeping on guessing it would be best for him to. He could then determine if he was strong enough to deal with anything that may happen, as he was still a little sore from his last attempt at charging in head first without thinking.

The small Griffin gave a satisfied smile when it heard the click of the lock on the trailer, giving a nod to the larger Griffin who was now silently opening the door. The two griffins moved carefully into the trailer. Aron saw the two Griffins enter, thinking over the best way he could fight them without destroying the trailer in the process. He could use rollout - it was a rock type move and was good against flying. The problem was that only the larger of the two would be caught by surprise. He needed to think of a way to stall the other one.

An idea suddenly hit him, "I should be on a high enough level by now? I might be able to use headbutt which could stun the larger one," he thought. It was a risky choice, but it was better than going straight into rollout from the start.

He was thinking over the plan in his head as the larger griffin lightly whispered to the other. "Okay, now we need to grab anything valuable while the boss keeps the ward out of our way," he said softly. As the larger griffin started moving toward the chair, it noticed Aron although he thought it was nothing more than a piece of metal to sell. As the griffin bent down to reach it he was surprised and let out a loud squeak as the large piece of metal smashed against his head knocking him backwards.

Aron had then quickly used rollout as soon as the large one was knocked down, speeding toward the small one who turned just in time to see that a metal sphere had knocked down her comrade.

She had quickly shouted out as she quickly rolled out of the way of the metal sphere which was doing its best to turn and aim for her. "Boss, we have a problem in here there is some kind of metal sphere trying to beat the living feathers out of us. It already got a strong hit on our other comrade!"

When the unicorn heard this he was surprised thinking there was no way that this travelling unicorn could possibly have a golem. They give off a large amount of magic energy and he barely sensed any in this area. "Well if you're able to catch the thing, pin it down. If it is what I am guessing it is, it should have a large rune somewhere on it."

The small Griffin let out a loud squeak as the small metal creature smashed into her side surprised by the weight put behind the attack. "Celestia, damn it, why does this thing feel like I am being punched by a boulder!"

Trixie was finally starting to stir on account of the screaming. As the unicorn of the group noticed the new pulse of magic, he quickly said. "Just get out, comrade, we need to retreat! The owner is waking - drag him out if you need to, but we need to go now!"

The little griffin had quickly run over help the larger one, who was only just recovering from the headbutt, as they ran out to the unicorn and back into the forest. Trixie had exited her room just in time to see Aron chasing the Griffins out of the Trailer.

"Trixie demands to know what is going on here Aron!" she had almost shouted at Aron, as he was closing the door.

"Well it seems I just had finished dealing with some bandits that might have been about to rob you blind if I hadn't woken up, so you might want to stop trying to yell off my non-existent ears," Aron replied. This seemed to have mostly taken the steam out of Trixie as she started mulling over the new information just presented to her. "Okay, so I recommend we try and go back to sleep since it seems to almost midnight, and I would much rather we get into the forest tomorrow morning," Aron said calmly to which Trixie's only response was a yawn and a nod, as she went back into her room after closing and bolt locking the door this time.

Aron gave an almost audible sigh as he knew what was going to happen the second he went to sleep. He was going to have another Arceus. The damn woman was going to try and yell him to death. Except this one made a Loudron seem quiet which he never thought was possible. He sighed as he jumped up onto the groaning chair and closed his eyes and slowly slipped into sleep.

Just as he had predicted before he could even get comfortable in his nice quiet room the large dark pony burst in with cap locks on. "HOW DARE THEE LEAVETH THE PONIES WE HADST LEFT IN CHARGETH OF THEE!" Luna had yelled so loud that Aron swore he saw the room shaking, unless that was just the effect on his brain from the uproar. He did the first thing that came to his mind that he knew would shut her the hell up, he took a deep breath before letting out a loud Screech. The effect was almost instantaneous - she fell nearly head first onto the floor the steam taken right out of her just as it had the first time she had appeared in his room.

"Well if you are now done acting like a spoiled brat who just got their favorite toy taken away, you can stand up and talk like a grown person or I will start spanking your ass if you are a child," Aron said with venom in his word, making Luna flinched a bit. He seemed to be nearing the end of his fuse for her. Just as Luna was about to open her mouth to make a rebuttal, she felt her nose smacked by a cold metal foot, making her quickly shut her mouth Aron said "No, I am going to talk now you are not going to enter my dreams again. I am going to go exploring and training. If you or your sister try and find me to drag me back, I will destroy sections of your railroad that no one will notice until the train hits it. Now that I have made myself clear, get your ass out of my dream area."

When Luna had vanished from his dream after his empty threat, he let out a sigh of relief. "I hope to Arceus that keeps them away long enough for me to get some distance," he said to himself. He couldn't really follow through on his threats, he didn't have a heart of stone. Though he might have a heart of gold literally. Or did he even have a heart?

Questions for another time he guessed. Walking over and falling down on his back, he really needed something to help with his stress. Maybe once they're on their way he could go into the forest to see if there were any creatures that he could train with, since it was going to be a long path until he was really effective. Now that he thought about it how was he going to learn dig if there were no TM's in this world? He could try and get something from the person who brought him here, but he still had no idea where the fuck the mix-up was. He thought it might be best to wake up, in case that Luna character either did something such as try and track him or chose to call his bluff.

As his eyes started to open, he looked around seeing that Trixie seemed to still be asleep. He stretched some as he walked around before noticing something. He was too short to open the door to get outside.

"Son of a fucking bitch, I forgot I am not even half a meter tall," he silently cursed to himself as he hit his head against the wall, stopping after he thought he might break or dent the wall more than he already had.

After about an hour or two of waiting he thanked the holy Arceus that Trixie seemed to be an early bird person, because when she walked into the main area of the trailer he was happy. Though Aron immediately retracted his thought as Trixie fell over laughing at him over the fact that he couldn't open a simple door.

"Trixie you know I could break down your door rather than be patient and wait for you to come and open it." Aron said with a creepy smile on his metal face. He slowly tilted his head to the side, for effect. Trixie had did something that made his face go deadpan for a moment - an actual giant sweat drop appeared on her head as she slowly moved over and opened to the door for him having shut up when he started talking.

"Well at least I can say that I didn't get transported into an anime like Blood-C," he thought, as he let off a sigh of a relief before stepping outside stretching some more.

He looked out wondering how badly he had made his situation. Now that he thought about it, he had run away from his 'caretakers', threatened the princess of the Night not once but twice, and then he'd did just threatened a whole train full of people. "HOLY MOTHERFUCKING ARCEUS, I just fucking wrote myself into the goddamn villain role in a world that is a kids show, where the bad guy never wins," he mentally screamed internally, whilst still managing to stand as stiff as a statue in front of the trailer.

(Meanwhile with the Princesses.)

Luna and Celestia were trying to find out what they could do to deal with this new threat. They were not sure what he would do - he seemed to act differently than Discord. Though he seemed to have a short temper like him, they could try and send an agent to go and spy on him until they knew they could reason with him.

Who would they send? Most of their usual guards would stand out like sore thumbs if they were trying to follow him. Luna thought using one of the night guards would work, but Celestia pointed out how the bat ponies stood out even more than the regular guards. As they were looking over the guards they thought they could send the few that rarely wore their armor. The captain of the guard was one, though it would lessen the castle's defenses. But his shield magic could be useful trying to catch him, if he was deemed to be a threat to the kingdom and their little ponies. The only thing was they had to wait for one of the town guards to find any sign of them before they could even attempt to watch over him again. Hoping a more gentle touch would keep his temper from being triggered and preventing him going through with his threats.

(Meanwhile back with Aron and Trixie)

Trixie had continued prodding the frozen Aron. She didn't know what had caused him to freeze up and yet she felt she'd rather not know. With one last prod, he fell over sounding like a metal pan that just fell onto the floor.

"Trixie wonders if she should worry that he is frozen. Then again if it comes to it, Trixie could just run from whatever is frightening him," she thought as she dragged him to the front of the wagon. She tossed a bucket of water over him. Aron let out a squeal, which Trixie giggled at as Aron quickly started rolling around in the grass to get the water off.

"Trixie, please never do that again. I would rather not find out whether I will rust or not okay?" Aron said back in his Discord voice.

"Fine, but Trixie says that you are pulling the wagon today since you slept all of yesterday," She replied with a smile, using those large eyes to make puppy eyes at him.

"AH, the puppy eyes they are too powerful. Fine - I will pull the darn wagon," Aron said, as he was put into the harness. His only thought was that maybe this might count as training in this world, as he followed her toward the new town.