• Published 15th Sep 2016
  • 4,190 Views, 120 Comments

Not the Enemy - TheAnimerican

Titanium is a new recruit in the Royal Guard and things already become interesting. A Changeling attack? Or a misunderstanding?

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Visiting Hours: 2nd Day

I was awoken by the sun light that shined through the window. As long as the captain was giving me time off, I was hoping to take advantage of that and sleep in. Apparently, there was no such luxury.

When I woke up, my vision was a little blurry. After rubbing my eyes, it eventually came clear and thought I was still dreaming. On my bedside, I was sure that I was staring at Circe.

"Umm...good morning." Circe said with a small and nervous smile.


"The nurse from before recognized me. She was nice enough to let me in. I wanted to apologize for walking out yesterday, but I didn't want to wake you."

Yesterday? Oh right. I really wanted to ask her why she left, but I did not want to upset her again.

"No, if anything I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you yesterday."

She started to blush and wave her hooves frantically, "Oh no it's okay. It's just that...my hive is...something I don't like to talk about..."

Again, she looked depressed at the thought of it. What could have possibly been bothering her about it? So many questions and so little answers.

"I'm sorry, it's not everyday a pony can talk to a...you know."

"Yes, I understand. It also isn't everyday a pony would save a...you know."

"Hehehe. Yeah."

"Umm...why are you still here? You seem fine. Did you hurt yourself that badly?"

"No. My captain ordered me to rest."


"Well, I guess it would be if I wasn't stuck on this hospital bed. I haven't been out of the castle for a while; not counting our little chase of course."

"If your captain wanted you to rest, why can't you leave?"

"He 'ordered' me to rest, but he made it clear that I am not suppose to leave this bed."

I laid back and looked up at the ceiling. Giving a long sigh that screamed, "Bored!" I couldn't help but notice that Circe seemed to have been in deep thought.

"Hmm...I-I think I have an idea."

Circe stood up and walk towards the nurse from yesterday.

"Circe, what are you doing?"

Circe ignored me and started talking to the nurse. They were talking rather softly so I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then they both started to giggle and it looked like they were nodding in agreement. Something told me that I wasn't going to like what was being planned. Circe then made her way back to me, "Okay. It's all planned."

"What is?"

The next thing I knew, the nurse came with a stretcher.

"What's going on?"

The nurse whispered to me, "Just act sick."

Act sick? All I was able to act was confused.

Both Circe and the nurse placed me on the stretcher. They made their way out of the infirmary, through the Royal Gardens, and I was heading out the back gate. Before I could make it though, the stretcher was stopped by a guard patrol.

"Halt!," one of the guards said, "Where are you going with him? He should be resting in the Infirmary."

"The patient is ill and we ran out of the medicinal herbs to treat him." said the nurse. "We are taking him to an herbalist in the city. Please step out of our way before it becomes a serious case."

"Please sirs. My brother is very sick." Circe pleaded with the guards.

What the hay was going on here!?! All of a sudden I am her brother!

"Very well. Go ahead."

"Thank you gentlecolts. Keep up the good work." said the nurse.

After exiting the back gate, we made our way to the outside of the castle walls. The nurse had me get off the stretcher, "Could somepony please tell me what is going on?"

"Sorry Titanium, I asked Nurse Passion Heart to help me get you out of the castle."


"Hehe, that's right. Seeing how cute you two looked together, I just couldn't say 'no.' You are very lucky to have a marefriend like her looking out for you."

At the same time, Circe and I were blushing with embarrassment.

"W-w-wait, we're not-," I was cut off before I could finish.

"Okay, so this should allow you two enough time to go on your date. Just try to be back before sundown okay?"

"B-b-but, we're not-," Circe tried to explain, but she too was cut off by the nurse.

"Well, I better get back to the infirmary. Ta ta!" The nurse took the stretcher and ran back inside the castle walls.

Circe and I looked at one another, but we couldn't keep eye contact. That nurse just made it even more awkward than before.

"Well umm...I guess I better be going," said the changeling.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Umm...I just thought I would leave you alone. I thought you wanted to go in the city."

"I did, but...well...don't you want to come too?" Okay, while I did not plan this, I was really making this into a date.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Sure. What do you like to do in Canterlot?"

"Well... umm... I never really explored Canterlot."

"You haven't? How long have you been in the city?"

"Not long."

"Well...why don't I show you around?" What was wrong with me? Was I really offering to show her around Canterlot? If she really was a spy, I could've been providing her with all the information that she needed. Every ounce of my sense of duty was telling me not trust her; my sense of duty was telling me to turn her in. And yet... and yet... I couldn't get myself to do that. I felt that, I could trust her. She even risked getting caught in order to get me out of that castle.

"Really? I... no... I better not. I don't want to spoil your fun."

I extended a hoof out to her with a smile, "Come on. I could use the company."

At first, she hesitated. Slowly, she raised her hoof and grabbed mine. She returned her smile for mine. At that moment, I realized that she was no monster... she was my friend. We both flew off towards Canterlot. As we flew, I was deciding what would be our first stop. For starters, I was very hungry.


At the infirmary, Captain Bronze Plate made his way to the bed where he believed Titanium should have been resting. However, he was surprised not to see him there.

"Excuse me," he motioned to a nurse, "do you know what happened to the guard that was resting here?"

"Oh, he was taken away by Nurse Passion Heart. She's actually over there." The nurse pointed towards Nurse Passion Heart with a patient.

The captain nodded in thanks and made his way to her. "Nurse Passion Heart, where is Titanium?"

Startled, she turned around and tried playing dumb, "Umm...who? Titanium?"

"He was the guard who had suffered an injury to the head. He was resting over there." The captain pointed his hoof towards the bed.

"Ohhhhhh, that one. Oh he's Titanium? Well, he was sick and we ran out of the correct herbs to treat him. His sister came to visit and offered to take him to an Herbalist in town. I would've escorted him myself, but as you can see we are very busy."

The captain observed the infirmary. He was confused at her claim, as the infirmary did not have many patients and the atmosphere was quite calm.

"You said his sister came to visit?"

"Oh yes, she was such a darling that one. It was so nice for her to come visit her brother."

"You mean Ocean Breeze?"

"Yes that's her! Oh she is such a sweet girl and...uh..."

She stopped talking as she saw the captain with a serious expression. The air felt cold and she began to feel sweat forming on her head. The captain moved closer to Nurse Passion Heart's muzzle. As he drew closer, he squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"He doesn't have a sister..."