• Published 15th Sep 2016
  • 4,191 Views, 120 Comments

Not the Enemy - TheAnimerican

Titanium is a new recruit in the Royal Guard and things already become interesting. A Changeling attack? Or a misunderstanding?

  • ...

She's Not a Monster

After I made sure the coast was clear, I signaled Circe to change form. After she changed form, I couldn't help but shiver at the sight of the captain that took her place.

Circe noticed my shivers, "What?"

"Nothing it's... just need to remember that it's YOU that I kissed."

She gave a small chuckle, "Try not to think too much on it. You ready?"

"Let's go."

We left the lake and made our way back to a path. We did not know our way around the park, so we decided to head back the way we came.

On our way out of the park, we noticed a few figures coming in our direction. I couldn't see how many exactly, but one of them was definitely a unicorn. The unicorn was using their magic to light their path. The light was too bright to be able to see, but I heard heavy hoofsteps and slight clanking noises. I had to assume it was a patrol.

I positioned myself in front of Circe and whispered to her, "Circe, there's a patrol coming our way."

"Got it," she replied in the voice of the captain.

Soon we were just a few hoofsteps away from them. I was surprised they didn't say a word to us yet.

Circe broke the silence, "I have this runaway in my custody. I am taking him to Princess Luna right away."

"Is that how I look?" One of the figures spoke and immediately my body turned cold. Although I was not looking at Circe, I was able to feel that her energy had drained. The unicorn dimmed the light and we were able to see the party of ponies; one of them being the captain.

"I don't recall ever having a twin brother. Now what are you?" Despite the captain asking that question, I knew he was playing dumb.

Behind me, I was able to hear Circe shiver in her armor. I slowly stepped back until I was by her side. I placed my hoof on her foreleg. She looked at me for reassurance, but I did not like the idea of giving a promise I wasn't sure I could keep. The most I could do for her was let her know that I was there. I made my presence known and I assured her that I would not leave her. She gave a small smile, but I could still see that she was scared. She took my hoof and changed into her true form.

Gasps and small talk was heard from the guards. The captain, however, stood there silently like he wasn't surprised. Circe and I focused our attention to the guards.

"So this where our spy has been hiding. And you, Titanium, were hiding it from your own-"


The captain was annoyed at my interruption, "As I have told you-"

"And I have told you! It is a her and her name is Circe!" I lost control of my temper.

Never had I thought that I was capable at raising my voice like I did. Let alone to a superior officer. I couldn't tell if the guards were more shocked at the changeling or at my sudden outburst. The captain continued to look at me unamused.

I felt a sudden grasp on my hoof and I looked to Circe. She looked at me with a smile and tears began to drop. I no longer saw fear in her eyes. I couldn't help but give half a smile.

The moment was short lived as the captain shouted, "This is sickening! It is a changeling spy!"

"She isn't a spy!"

"What you are doing is considered an act of treachery. You will be rendered a traitor and answer for your crimes."

"What crimes? I swore an oath to defend the princess and her kingdom, but I also swore to protect whoever and wherever we are called in all of Equestria. The way I see it, this changeling is part of Equestria and I will protect her."

The anger in the captain grew with every word I spoke. I saw that my words were never going to get through to him.

"Titanium, as your former captain, you are considered a traitor from here on out. You and the changeling will be escorted to the Castle to face trial. Take them." Two earth ponies separated from their party.

I was not about to let them take me or Circe. I locked forelegs with her.


"Hold on."

Immediately, I shot both of us in the air without looking back.

"Circe, flap those wings!" I ordered her. Although I was capable of carrying her, it was much easier if she helped out.

"Titanium, they're behind us!"

I learned that if I wanted to fly fast, I was not to look back or be distracted. I took her word for it and just flew. I obviously did not think that through. We might not have gotten arrested, but now we were flying with nowhere to go. As I pondered my next move, I heard something alarming from down below. I heard the sound of a horn. The horn blasted in patterns that I recognized from training.

"Titanium, there are more guards behind us!" Circe shouted.

The horn sounded a call for reinforcements. Seeing as there was not much clouds in the sky, we were easily spotted by other guards. I might have been fast, but there were other Pegasi that were faster. I was only able to fly for so long.

"Titanium, they are catching up!" Circe shouted in fear and I wasn't sure what to do. An idea came to mind. It wasn't the smartest idea, but it might have worked... for Circe anyway...



"I just want you to know that... you are the best thing that has ever happened to me..."

"Wait, what are you saying?"


With a strong swing, I threw Circe as far as I could throw. I immediately turned around to face whatever came my way. It wasn't as large as I thought, but it was still about a dozen guards. In mid-air, I went into a fighting stance. At that point, I wasn't afraid of being arrested or anything. I just wanted Circe to be safe.

As I waited for the impact, as sudden wave of energy shot towards the other Pegasi. Hovering and confused, I looked around to see what caused that blast of energy. Behind me was somepony completely unexpected.

"Princess Celestia?"

The guards that were chasing me bowed before their princess.

"You must be Titanium." Princess Celestia said.

"Yes your highness."

"I was actually searching for you. It is not often when a Royal Guard is accused of AWOL and to be accompanied by a changeling."

Behind her, Circe peaked her head up.


She flew towards me and I took her in a strong embrace. However, I also got a strong kick in the gut.

"Why did you let me go!?!"

I tried to catch my breath before I spoke, "I couldn't let them catch you. I thought if I let you go you could escape."

"Don't ever do anything like that again!" Circe almost began to cry and took me in a hug.

I returned the hug, "I won't."

Princess Celestia gave a small cough to remind us of her presence.

Circe broke the embrace, but she took hold of my hoof. We both looked towards the princess.

"Umm... we can explain everything," I told the princess.

"I am very interested to hear."


On our way back to the park, I gave a short story to the princess about meeting Circe; how we met, about our day, and what the captain has done.

We finally made it to the park with the captain and his group at the same spot. The captain and his party noticed us and he was not happy. Once he spotted the princess though, he bowed in show of respect.

Once we landed, the princess stepped forward to the bowing guards.

"Captain Bronze Plate, you have some explaining to do."

"Your highness, the guard with you, Titanium, is aiding this changeling. It is a spy and-"

"She, captain. It is a she."

It brought me so much satisfaction that I was not the only one who did not see Circe as a thing. Plus, it was a bonus to see the captain get frustrated with that correction.

"Your Highness, you can't possibly-"

"From the story they have told me, she has committed no crimes. Up to now, she has shown no sign of hostility towards anypony. Also, what sort of spy would stay behind to go on a date with one of our guards?"

The captain and his party raised their heads in confusion.

"Did you say... a date?" One of the guards asked.

"Yes. They were on a date."

"That's... that's disgusting!" the captain shouted.

"You will mind what you say captain. Love comes in many different forms. Whether you are a pony or a changeling."

"But... your highness. You can't trust anything they say!"

"That will be all captain. You are relieved of duty. I expect you to report to me first thing in the morning."

"...Yes ...your highness," the captain grudgingly agreed. He got up and left with his party of guards. He didn't leave without giving both me and Circe a look of disgust. I don't think I ever wanted to buck somepony so badly.

"Please understand that the captain has suffered because of the changelings. During the attack at Princess Cadence's wedding, his family's home was attacked as well. Debris from a building fell on his daughter. His daughter is fine, but she is now a handicap. She is just a filly and there is so much that he wanted to do with her. He blames himself for it and said he was too weak. He vowed to be a better captain and protect everypony."

After the princess explained things to us, I did not know whether to hate him or feel sorry for him. One thing for sure though, I was never going to let him get close to Circe.

"Before the attack, he was a good soul and I believe he still is. For now, he has too much hatred in his heart. However, I believe that Circe is the start of something new. I hope that one day, the changelings and ponies can live amongst one another. It will be long and hard, but I believe that you two will set a fine example. One day, I would like you to meet my faithful student so she can learn from this."

"Of course. Thank you for everything princess," I said.

Circe and I bowed to the princess. The princess bowed her head to us and flew off into the night sky.

"So? Was she what you expected?" I asked Circe.

"Yes... and more," she said with a warm smile.

"I only wish I could have talked to her more. There is so much I wanted to ask her."

"You will. I'm sure after tonight, she would like to get to know you more. She even said you could meet her student; the Princess of Friendship."

"That would be nice. For now though, I am very tired."

"Yeah me too. We should get some rest. I hope Sassy won't be too mad about the suit. Do you umm...have a place to stay."

"I am staying at a apartment around here."

"I will take you home."

As we walked, I felt Circe bump into me. I thought maybe she was too tired to walk. Then I noticed, she was just leaning up against me for comfort.

"You don't mind do you?"

"No. I don't mind at all."

"You know what, it's an amazing feeling."

"What is?"

"For the first time in my life... I'm not hungry..."


The next day, Circe said she had a surprise for me. Luckily, I had permission from the princess to go with Circe. I wasn't sure where she was taking me, but it was miles away from Canterlot. It wasn't until we hit a forest that I had an idea where she was taking me. However, I didn't want to spoil the surprise. At some point, we made it to the house in the middle of the forest.

"Circe, is this place what I think it is?"

"Yes. I would like you to meet her."

"I don't know. This is like... this is like meeting your mother."

Circe gave a smile, "Yes. I guess it is."

"What if she doesn't like me?"

"How could she not like you?"

As much as I wanted to give her a reason, I really couldn't think of anything.

"Just don't bring up the time that I kicked your flank."


We walked up to the front porch. I was nervous and my heart was racing. For the first time, Circe had to comfort me. She placed her hoof on my foreleg and gave a smile. I loved that smile. With confidence, I took a deep breath and knocked on the front door.

"I'll be right there," a voice came from the other side of the door.

The door slowly opened and a blue pony appeared. I was looking at what I believed to be an older mare of Circe's pony form. Her black mane was tied back with a hint of grey. Of course, the first thing she noticed was Circe.

"Circe! Sweet Celestia, it is so nice to see you. You are back so soon. I missed you a lot more than I thought. I-."

She paused when she noticed me.

"Who is this?" Compass Rose questioned.

"Compass, this is Titanium. He is my... my coltfriend," she said with blush in her cheeks.

At first, it was very silent. I thought maybe she didn't approve of me. I grew worried as she looked at Circe and I.

"Ah! I'm so happy for you!" I was startled by her sudden burst of energy. She pulled both Circe and I into a hug.

"Come in! Come in! Circe, you got a coltfriend so quickly. You fox you. I need to know everything."

Compass Rose welcomed us with open hooves. The rest of the day, she asked us questions about everything. How did we meet? How long have we known each other? What did I like about Circe? What did Circe like about me? It was like a job interview more than a friendly visit. At first, she did not like the idea that we got together so quickly. By the end of the day, she saw that my love for Circe was true.


I didn't know what the future had for a pony and a changeling that loved one another. The princess was right, it was a long and hard road. There were many ponies that did not approve what we did. However, we made friends that showed their support for us. That alone was enough to give us hope.

As time went on, Circe tried so hard to get along with Captain Bronze Plate. I was against it at first, but she insisted on giving him a chance. She tried the approach of visiting his daughter from time to time. His trust might have grown for Circe, but I fear that the hatred for the changelings still lurked within.

I hope that other ponies out there will hear my story. In hope that this story will encourage others to not judge anypony without getting to know them. Because in the end, your life might change for the better... just as mine did.

Author's Note:

Hello guys and gals! I would like to thank you all for the time you took to read this story. I wrote this story because this is a problem that we all see or maybe even deal with. People are judged without getting to know them. As a brony or a pegasister, you all should know this experience. Not just that, but there are people who are judged harshly based on social media or past events. Don't get me wrong, I have a hard time following this ideal as well. However, I hope that one day it would change. I walk down the street and see a man or woman; not think or fear what he/she might do. I'm not saying we can make the world perfect, but we can certainly try to make it better.

Comments ( 30 )


Nah I have been with the fandom for a while. I was choosing between Faust or Hasbro. Seeing as Hasbro was there before Faust I decided to use that. XD

His daughter is fine, but she is now a handicap. She is just a filly and there is so much that he wanted to do with her.



Holy crap. I swear I didn't know about that. XD lmao

You, good sir, get a very special surprise.
Here you go!


Aww. Thank you! XD I hope future stories are just as good as this one.

I loved this. I feel like the pacing may have been a little fast, but it was a good story that grabbed my full attention either way. Can't wait to see more from you :D.

I really enjoyed this story. :pinkiehappy::heart: The moral was really good too. :twilightsmile: I also really like how you gave a back story for reason the captain was acting the way he did. It make it so much more real because things in real life are like that but worse. :pinkiesad2:


Thank you! Yeah, unfortunately I'm a little fast paced. XD I am trying to decide what to write next. I have three stories in mind. I hope you enjoy them as much you have enjoyed this one. :)


I really enjoyed writing this story. I'm trying to think of what to write next. I actually have 3 stories in mind. Yeah, unfortunately there is a lot of hate in the world. I hope we can make it better though. :)

Very nice. And very timely, considering what's happened in the finale.

Awwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeah, an awesome story well done, well done. Nice job man, nice job on this story!
It felt a bit... rushed, in parts, and a bit choppy and robotic but overall, awesome ending! :yay:

Nice job man, stay frosty.


Well I never made much of a fuss about it. Trying to say who's the true one to say is god,is like trying to find which religion is 100% right. Though I asked the question,because I usually see Faust more than Celestia being said.

Lovely story and nicely written.
This was a pleasure to read, and thank you for writing it :twilightblush:.


I enjoyed writing this one. Thank you for taking the time to read it and commenting. :)

Before I start, I have one thing to say... Your cover... it's just like someone is slapping my heart :pinkiesad2:... I personally love changelings and seeing that picture with those words just makes me tear up... you sure know how to tug on my heartstrings without even trying. :fluttercry:

The mirth I feel from reading this tale is as large and rotund as my girth!

I can say I am vary impressed with this story.
it is vary caring it is tender in all the right places and shows so much love and possibility's.
I will ask of you TheAnimerican to put some serous thought in to a sequel I am sure I am not the only one that would like to see how the life of Circe and Titanium develops.
With the ending of season 6 I am sure most every pony can guess how season 7 will tie this to gather with the new changeling princess and the pony's.


I thank you very much for that comment as it means a lot to me. I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed this story even though I still have grammar and punctuations that I need to work on. Honestly, I was thinking about doing a sequel, but I already had a few other stories in mind. At the moment, it is very difficult to write the other story I am currently writing because my job is very busy during the holidays. However, I will definitely put this idea into consideration and will take this comment to heart.

Thank you again and I will be sure to consider this for the future. Happy Holidays!!!

I can say one thing that I hope will help you at lest a little. follow your muse when you have time. life comes first.
and happy holidays back at you.
if you get a chance you may want to look at my last 2 or 5 blogs.

I don't like it....

Just kidding I loved it, this is a nice story, an I'm gonna re read it:twilightsmile:

Quite enjoyable, I almost wish for a sequel, or at least one more flashback chapter so we can see how their life together goes.

My only complaint is Celestia's appearance in the story, it seems sudden and in my mind doesn't really make sense. Celestia is the chess master, more likely to send her agents to investigate than to do it herself. Now Luna, that'd make sense, many writers here depict her as being the one to get her hooves dirty, the one to lead the army into battle, the one who patrols both dreams and the night sky. I could also see her and Circe hitting it off as one can see parallels in how changelings are viewed in Equestria, and how Luna saw herself viewed back when she turned into Nightmare Moon.


Actually, a sequel is not out of the question. I surprisingly received a few requests for a sequel. As of right now though, I don't have a story in mind for it.

Thank you for taking the time to read it and commenting. :)

Nods, "That's why I suggested another chapter, its an easy way to throw out some basic touches like what's the relationship with the princesses and do they get married?"

To take it to an extreme, lets assume you re-write the last chapter and put Luna in place of Celestia (bear with me on this for a moment)...

Luna invites them to visit the castle in the morn, between breakfast and day court. While they enjoy meeting Celestia, Circe and Luna really hit it off (see my previous comment about the similarities between changelings and Luna/NM). After the better part of a year (prolly a bit less), they marry with Luna officiating (its the least she can do for her friend). An over view of the next few years, not just what happens to them, but Equestria, including the change most of the changelings of the Badlands hive (Chrysalis escaped, and presumably the change didn't effect the changelings imitating the princess, bearers and related ponies) went through culminating in them being led by the technical moose.

Even with all that, you'd still have room to write a sequel since its just a flashback giving a general rundown of major events, any sequel would simply focus on the details of a single instance in their lives.

8089372 Meh. Semantics.

I can't believe it's over already, I need more of so many fics


I actually have plans to writing a sequel. :)

this was a lovely little tale. seemed a little quick but meh minor gripe on my part, still enjoyed it.

This is why this site calls me back so often, because there are always going to be gems such as this to be discovered. What a beautiful and heartfelt story.

Minor quibble, the captain's daughter is not a handicap. She has a handicap, but that does not define her.

I see that you answered this years ago, but I especially loved the character thanking Hasbro. Everypony has been thanking Faust since forever so it seems a nice touch. And speak of Sombra...

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