• Published 16th Sep 2016
  • 3,396 Views, 3 Comments

Off Season - PangolinPersnickity

In which Rainbow Dash has gotten a bit fat in between activities

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Off Season Blues

Author's Note:

The first story written on site using the editor, all the earlier ones were done offsite and reposted, so, enjoy! =p

It had been a whole 3 months since the last major sporting event or any sort of major danger had presented itself to Equestria, causing its many varied inhabitants to become complacent in their safety. Ponyville was as always a shiny little beacon of sunshine within the rolling mountainous region of the land not too far from Canterlot, enjoying the peace and harmony of no monster attacks or magical craziness going on for once. Life was cosy.

However, this lack of any sort of strenuous activity or incident had meant that its defenders had slackened in their efforts to remain fit and active. Although most of them were still very much active, out of the Mane Six as they had been informally dubbed. Five of the Six, in fact. Which meant that the only slacker of the group was the world's fastest pegasus, Rainbow Dash.

Fast, and Dash, were not words that could amply describe her right now however. Quite the opposite in fact, as now the best words to describe Dash were slow and waddle.

The blue furred, rainbow maned mare whined softly as she stepped onto the bathroom scale within her floating cloud villa home. She bit her lip as the arrow climbed higher to tell her the weight she currently was residing at. And when it stopped, she felt her heart sink in her doughy chest.


"No..." she squeaked meekly to herself.

Dash had, for lack of better phrasing, ballooned due to this deficit of any sort of activity. Her own lazy streak, coupled with having the appetite of a growing colt and an almost infallible sense of being perfect in every way, including her physical shape, had lead to her slacking off when even Rarity would break a sweat, which caused her 'perfect' figure to quickly swell into a more 'pear'fect one: Her largest feature was undeniably her belly, a thick blue dome which sagged down beneath her and squished against her legs, not yet enough to kiss the ground but more than ready to reach that milestone very shortly. Her plot had equally fleshed out, two cyan buttcheeks with cutie marks stretched out comically to fit upon them, her rainbow tail squished up between the domes of ass, swishing to and fro unconsciously as she thought. Her chest had developed a small sloping of fat too, which a double chin was forming above, and even her limbs were thicking, her wings starting to sink slightly into growing divots of excess adipose.

In short, she was very fat!

"I-I gotta stop being lazy, I didn't even realise I was getting this big!" she cried, magenta eyes wide as the dinner plates she routinely cleared.

She thought about all the events that could have lead up to her current size, besides the lack of anything happening to requite physical exertion, what had she done to fatten so quickly? She slept a lot yes, but that alone wouldn't do it. She ate a lot yes, but that alone wouldn't-

Wait. Of course.

Pinkie Pie.

She groaned aloud, she remembered now. The pink party pony had taken an innocent, if intensive interest in Dash since the dry spell of fun things to do had begun, always hanging with her as usual, as they were good friends, but starting to ask her to taste test her baking, encourage her to challenge herself to 'How much can you eat?" competitions, and straight up eating contests against Applejack, who had also gained weight but her farm work kept it to a useful bulk and not the excessive, useless flab she was accumulating. Pinkie's insistence on food was likely a prime factor in her growth. She had to pay her a visit.

Of course, this was only one factor, she had the niggling feeling that there was another one at work, but she didn't know what it was.


Flying wasn't really an option anymore, sadly. Dash was simply too heavy for it, and had to merely glide awkwardly from her floating cloud home to the ground, and even that caused a comical tremor as she landed, sending her fat rippling. Walking was annoying; her once swift, confident canter had become a slowed, wobbling plod where she huffed and puffed with every heavy step, grunting and groaning as she got her breath back, sweat pouring from everywhere it could. The late summer heat didn't help matters much either, Dash thought, and made a mental note to use her weather work to block the sun out under a thunderstorm for a few days when she was capable of it. That'd so it, darned sun, taunting her with its warm, fat worrying rays.

Sugarcube Corner came into few finally, the bakery headed by the Cake clan, for whom Pinkie lived with and worked for, tending to it when they were away. Dash smelled the aromas wafting from the fancily decorated establishment, the scent of cupcakes, cakes and pastries filling her nostrils. Her stomach gave a sludgy growl of hunger as she approached it, her thoughts drifted a little, towards food...

"Guh, no, I gotta talk to Pinkie, not stuff my face!" she snapped to herself, shaking her hunger from her mind. "Come on Dashie, don't fall to it!"

She pushed the door open, the bell jingling to signal a customer. This alerted Pinkie Pie, whose head popped over the counter suddenly.

"Heya Dash!" she beamed happily, her smile far too big for her face. "How's my BBBBFF?"

"Your, what?" Dash asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My Big Blubbery Blue Best Fatty Friend!" the earth pony gigled in response, hopping over the counter towards the pegasus, wrapping her forelegs around her in a friendly hug. "Because, whoa, you're super duper big now Dashie, maybe I should call you Gainbow Dash!"

Gainbow. Dash shuddered. Not in revulsion, but something about it made her...feel weird. Why did she feel weird?

"Uh, n-no thanks Pinkie, I actually needed to speak to you about somethin'." Dash chuckled, the sensation of her fat being squished up in the hug also felt oddly nice. She belched a bit from the pressure and made no apology, she never did.

"Oh? What's on your mind Rainbow? Pull up a chair, or two because ya butt's so big, and tell Pinkie Pie the scoop, the whole scoop, Neighapolitan!" Pinkie smirked.

"Hey! My plot is not that big!" Dash went beetroot, glancing back at her rear. Who was she kidding, it was that big, she would likely need two chairs for it. Why does all this fat talk feel so good? she wondered to herself.

Finding two dining chairs, Dash sat down and told Pinkie her thoughts.

"Ya see Pinkie, I think...I don't wanna be big! I wanna get back to the old me, I wanna fly again! I know I've been slacking off and getting fatter than a bear in winter but, I don't wanna hurt your feelings," Dash found herself actually thinking of that for once, which she also never really did, "but...I think its you who's making me so big, Pinkie Pie."

The pink mare looked shocked, a bit hurt at first, ears and mane drooping with a comical squeak. "Oh."

"Oh geeze, I didn't mean to sound nasty Pinkie!" Dash stammered, "I-I know you just wanted to play and have fun, just, all this food is making me big, I mean, it doesn't, feel too bad, but..."

Pinkie's ears perked back up and she looked at Dash in her eyes. A smile again formed on her face. "Dashie, you're so silly!" she giggled. "I'm not the only thing making you big by accident!"

"Yeah yeah, I know, I'm being lazy and-" she cut Dash off.

"No, no! Not just that Dashie, its not just that, you wanna be big!"


Dash was stunned, what did she mean? She definitely didn't want to be a fat blob! How could she?!

"Pinkie! Do I look like I wanna look like a parade float?!" she barked indignantly.

"Well, Dash, think about it. Every time we got together, you always got super into the food, you kept going all gooey and happy whenever I called you a piggy or said that you'd be a Wonderbulk! I think you secretly really like it but are too embarrassed to admit it!" Pinkie grinned, watching Dash's horrified expression change into one of puzzlement, and then...acceptance?

"No! I...I..." Dash bit her lip. "I think you're right...I, I do like it. I'm such a freak!" she threw herself onto the floor by Pinkie's hooves, wailing not unlike Rarity in her melodramatic moments. "I just, love the feeling of it, the softness, the wobbling, the feeling of being ready to pop when you eat so much your gut's a big bulging balloon! Oh Celestia I'm so weird..."

Pinkie simply smiled and patted Dash on the head, making her chubby cheeks wobble. "Awww c'mon Dash, don't cry, I have a super duper awesome idea for ya!"

"You...you do?" she sniffed.

"Yup! How about this," Pinkie stepped back, so she could have some room to gesticulate, "We indulge your little love of being a big mare for a bit, let you be as biiiig and gluttonous as your little pegasus heart wants, then we just get Twilight to magic you back to normal! Its a perfect Pinkie plan!"

Dash considered it, she hadn't even thought of asking for Twi's help, and now, Pinkie had thrown this idea at her. Being as big as she wanted? Dash felt her body shudder again, she felt...happy with this prospect. She blushed. She gazed back at Pinkie and nodded. "I'll do it!"


Pinkie's plan was simply, just to stuff Dash up massively, really. It would take a few days, but that was fine with both parties.

Dash was once again in the Corner, awaiting Pinkie to bring out a veritable feast of treats with which to stuff her face. And it wasn't long before the cotton candy mare returned with exactly that: A smorgasbord of cakes, muffins, pastries, shortbread,confectioneries, cupcakes, you name it, it was there.

"That's...that's a lot." Dash stated bluntly, almost unbelieving the sheer amount there.

"Yup! Gotta be a lot to fill ya up, Gainbow!" Pinkie laughed, patting her friend's flabby gut.

"Ooh, I think I like that name now..." Dash purred, shaking as her newfound pet name was told to her.

Pinkie busied herself with all the food, she found Dash's reactions to all of this adorable! She wasn't really interested in Dashie in, well, that way, she simply liked how cute she was when fattened up, but part of her did seem to find some interest in all this.

"Okie dokie, here comes the first round!" she yelled, as she pushed a tray of cupcakes to the blue mare.

Dash wasted no time and shoving it all into her mouth; every single cupcake found its way into her maw, frosting being splattered across her muzzle as she made short work of each. She savoured every bite, feeling every morsel splash into her waiting gut, which gurgled happily beneath her as it was filled. After the cupcakes were thoroughly demolished, she moved onto the muffins, which equally were quickly devoured, her stomach began to bulge, even under all the fat it was starting to become visibly fuller, stretching out lower to the ground with every few bites.

"Mmmf...gettin' full, I," she paused to emit a rattling belch, which shook the crockery, "I need a drink!"

"Comin' right up Gainbow!" Pinkie skipped away, returning with a large bottle of chocolate milk. "Open wide~!"

Dash opened her aching mouth as best she could, letting Pinkie put the milk bottle to her lips and tilt back, feeling the cool, soothing liquid rush down her throat, every gulp was heavenly. Her stomach gurgled and sloshed, stretching even more as it filled out, now it kissed the floor, and was getting quite tight.

"D-done, for now...bluh, feel like I'm gonna, mmf, pop...!" Dash grunted, barely able to move due to the weight of her overstuffed tummy. "W-what now?"

Pinkie gave the gut a soft rub, Dash feeling herself relax a little, wings twitching. "Easy, ya sleep it off and we continue tomorrow!"


The next day brought a few surprises. The first one was that Dash had managed to expand another 200lbs, hitting 500 now, and sh was definitely showing it.

The belly that yesterday only reached the floor after being overloaded with food now did it with fat alone, sagging to the ground and squishing badly into all four legs, below the knees, and bulging out to her sides while she was at rest. Her plot now touched the backs of her bloated hind legs, each cheek jutted out at least 2ft behind her and her cutie marks seemed stretched out badly to fit, any bigger and you could likely see cracks!

Her chest had a heavy, doughy slope to it now, sagging down and coating her once sleek body with a heavy amount of girth, that double chin had blossomed into a roll of neck fat that her jaw propped itself up upon, her facial cheeks big enough to slightly outsize a hoof pressed to them, giving Dash a squint.

Her back suffered from bunched up rolls, her wings starting to be sucked down into their divots now, useless and likely too weak to even flap much. Her legs were starting to thicken like logs too.

The other girls had definitely noticed Dash's growth spurt, and Twilight had tried to talk her out of it already, but had been convinced to wait until Dash was ready to be reverted. Fluttershy had called her a big fat bear, and Rarity had flat out fainted. Applejack? Applejack saw this as a challenge.

The orange farm pony herself was big, 300lbs herself, with most of it in the rear and stomach. Working all day tempered it into also being comprised of a good amount of muscle too, making her far more intimidating that she actually was. And she'd given the burgeoning blue blob a proposition.

To see who could eat more, loser had to serve the winner until they're back to normal, feeding them and cleaning them. Both aimed to become blobs.

Many ponies had gathered to watch this event, the most interesting thing in months. The 500lb mass of Dash sat at one end of a massive table set up in the square, the 300lb AJ at the other. Both gave the other a confident, cocky smirk. The table was loaded to breaking point with food that'd been doped with magic to increase girth with every bite, so it would be a matter of endurance and eating skill.

"Mares and Stallions!" shouted Pinkie Pie, leading the event. "Today we're gonna see the town's two resident big mares engage in a battle of wits and stomach capacity! Who alone will become the princess of pudge? Lets find out, in 3...2...1...EAT!"

Both mares threw themselves into the food, chomping and slurping away, gobbling down everything that could. It wasn't long before both began to visibly swell with fat; Dash had a clear head start while AJ picked up the pace behind her.

Dash's body started to pile on the fat within her butt first, filling the already ginormous rear out with even more adipose, before it spread to the rest of her body, her belly swelling and wobbling as it expanded, limbs starting to sink further and further into sleeves of fat, slowly growing more useless. Applejack gained more in the belly, and then all over, her orange body blowing up like a huge grapefruit, as she ate and ate.

"What in the world possessed them both to do this?!" Rarity whined, "its so uncouth and filthy! Just listen to them, they're grunting and burping like pigs!"

"I have no idea Rarity, but I don't think I even have a spell strong enough to fix this straight away..." Twilight moaned, rubbing a hoof down her face in dismay.

Eventually, both mares stopped eating, Applejack had stopped first and let out a muffled, belch punctuated "No more, Ah'm full...", meaning that Dash had won.

The cyan coloured mare was now huge, her final weight was a cool 1400lbs or so, and she was thoroughly immobilised now: Her belly was so big and blobby that it pushed her off of the ground, making her seem taller than the others, and her rear was so big each cheek hugged the ground and sagged out behind her like two enormous carts of jelly. Her legs and wings had become uselessly sucked into their own fat, leaving her more like a saggy sphere of fat than a pony. A cocky, almost drunken looking smile of victory was plastered upon her fat face, eyeing up all before her with renewed confidence. She didn't care how big she was anymore, she cared about only one thing.

Her belly roared, sending her fta jostling and wobbling in all directions, as if to back up her one care.

"AJ? Ya know our wager, go help Pinkie get me more food, I'm hungry."

She knew it'd take weeks, months, even years to get back to normal, but she didn't care now. She was going to enjoy this.

Comments ( 3 )

Why does Applejack see Rainbow Dash being obese as a challenge? If she was concerned for her friend at the very least, that would show that she cares more about her friends physical health rather than just trying to win a stupid challenge, and plus, it better develops her character too.

Also, the pacing is just terrible, though the beginning was Ok, the middle and end just seem to rush by with the following: 'Oh, Rainbow questions on whether or not she like getting fat' then decides she wants to be fatter, 'oh, she suddenly gets overfed with lots of food by Pinkie', 'oh, she suddenly gains 200 lbs in just one day', 'oh, Applejack suddenly grows obese with 300 lbs in a week,' and 'oh, Rainbow now weighs 1400 lbs' there's just too much stuff happening really fast, and it's real jarring too.

Final Verdict: I don't like this story. The Pacing and Applejack's characterization are the worst aspects of the story and with all the stuff you've put in, it feels way too rushed.

Well, thanks for being honest, I admit this was a rush job XD

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