• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,612 Views, 80 Comments

A Chance Encounter - Hendy853

Lunaverse story. While running off on his own, Spike the baby dragon meets a certain crazy unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Hours later, Twilight was still walking, dragging Spike along with her. She had created another force field around Spike, a very small one that was just large enough for a baby dragon like him to stand up in. Not that Spike felt the need to stand; he was perfectly fine lying on his back while Twilight struggled to make her way through the forest.

It was obvious that Twilight hadn’t spent any serious amount of time in the forest… or any forest really. She kept jerking her head towards every little sound, and grunting in discomfort whenever she made contact with a loose branch. She was soft, the kind of pony who had spent her entire life in comfort.

Spike thought back to the other ponies he had met, the Elements. Most of them were soft too, but only Trixie had been as bad as Twilight. Maybe it was because the two of them had spent most of their lives in cities, while the rest of them had spent most of theirs living near the Everfree forest.

Not for the first time, Spike wondered exactly what Twilight had done to end up out here. She had mentioned that she was running from the law, or was it her brother she was running from? He couldn’t remember, and he didn’t want to ask. That was rule number five: don’t ask questions. Asking questions usually led to getting yelled at.

Or ending up in pain, it really depended on whatever mood they were in at the time, or what the subject was. With Corona, questions or statements that ended in pain were usually ones that involved her sister.

There was this one time, when Spike had been feeling particularly brave (or particularly stupid) and he asked her how her weak and pathetic little sister had ended up in charge of the kingdom and all she had was a giant rock in a volcano.

And that was the day the two of them learned that dragons could withstand lava.

Z hadn’t been there.

Spike sighed.

Twilight abruptly stopped walking and whipped her head around to face him. “What did you just say?”
Spike blinked a few times before shrugging. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Yes you did, I just heard you say something under your breath. What was it?” There was suspicious gleam in her eyes. She had been completely paranoid ever since she caught him the second time; or maybe ever since she had come into the forest. Either way made sense.

“I didn’t say anything, I just sighed.” Spike glared at her.

The purple unicorn continued to look at him suspiciously until a phoenix call cut through the air relatively close to the two of them. Twilight let out a sigh of her own before turning back around and continuing on her way. She didn’t need to look back to see that it was the same Phoenix that took Spike’s emerald.

That Phoenix had been following them all day, and Spike couldn’t figure out why. He had however, realized that it was the same one that he and Z had been trying to capture all that time ago. It was the same size; it had the same call, and even had the same fiery pattern across its feathers. Granted, Spike had only ever met one phoenix before that, but he was pretty sure that there was enough variation among individual firebirds that if they looked the same, they probably were.

Plus, there was the way it was just screwing with him. Just like the other one had done as he and Z had tracked it down for so long. As if messing around with people was the most enjoyable thing in the world.

It once again passed overhead, and Spike saw that it still had the emerald. The young dragon growled as it briefly gleamed in a ray of sunlight. It was as if the phoenix was going out of its way to taunt him. Why had it even taken the emerald in the first place? And why was it following them?

“Why is that phoenix still following us?” he heard Twilight mutter. That was one of his least favorite things about Twilight, she kept talking to herself. It was kind of creeping him out.

“It’s probably just messing with us for the fun of it.”

Twilight flinched as soon as she heard Spike’s voice. Apparently, she hadn’t noticed that she had been speaking out loud. When she turned back around and actually looked embarrassed.

“But… that doesn’t make sense, it isn’t sentient.” She began walking again.

“I don’t know what that means,” Spike said while crossing his arms. Twilight really liked using big words. It was annoying.

“A sentient creature is a being that is capable of thinking for itself, like the two of us,” She answered without missing a beat.

“But phoenixes aren’t sentient, they shouldn’t be able to act out of a sense of what is or isn’t ‘fun’. And why did it take the emerald in the first place?”

“Because I didn’t eat it fast enough,” Spike answered without thinking. As it in agreement with him, his stomach chose that moment to let out a low rumble. Spike looked down and patted it. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone more than a few hours without food, after all, it was easy to find food when you could eat anything.

It wasn’t until he looked up that he noticed that Twilight had once again stopped walking. She was staring at him. “You were going to eat that?”

Spike wasn’t entirely sure how to respond. “Uh… Yeah. It was supposed to be my breakfast. Or lunch. I wasn’t really sure what time it was,” He said with a shrug. “Why?”

Twilight looked utterly shocked. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, the Phoenix let out another screech and made its way overhead for another pass. The unicorn looked up at it quizzically. Suddenly, her horn glowed just a bit more brightly than it had been a moment earlier, and Spike looked up at the phoenix to see that the emerald was now covered in the same glowing purple aura he had been in earlier.

The Phoenix cried out again as the emerald was yanked out of its talons and made its way down below, heading directly for Spike. For a second, he thought it was going to bounce off the spherical force field he was trapped in, but instead it passed through the wall of the shield harmlessly and came to rest in front of his face.

Spike looked over suspiciously at Twilight and saw that she looked… apologetic?

“Sorry,” she began. Spike was pretty sure he misheard her. “If I’d known you wanted to eat this, I would have taken it back earlier.”

Spike continued to glare at her. Had she actually just apologized to him? He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had apologized to him.

“So… you’re sorry for keeping me from my lunch, or uh, breakfast… but not for kidnapping me?” Twilight shrunk back at his words and turned her eyes away from him in what looked like shame.

He tried to keep glaring at her as he grabbed the emerald and took a bite out of it. But that quickly became impossible as he was overcome with how delicious it was. Within seconds, he had completely forgotten about Twilight. Somehow, the emerald tasted even better than he thought it would. It didn’t even last twenty seconds as he tore into it, munching it down until it was all in his stomach.

Spike let out a contented sigh as he lay back down on his back. He’d been chasing after that gem all day. It had caused him nothing but grief and frustration ever since that stupid phoenix had come out of nowhere to grab it. It was the reason he’d been caught by Twilight and was now being dragged to one of the places he absolutely did not want to go to.

And now that he had finally eaten it, the only thought going through his head was that it was totally worth it. That emerald was seriously one of the greatest things he had ever eaten.

Fascinating,” came a whisper from down below.

Spike looked back towards Twilight and saw that the apologetic look she had been giving him had disappeared. And it hadn’t been replaced by the same smugness from earlier.

No, at the moment, the only look Twilight was giving him was one of completely unrestrained fascination.

She was staring at him as if he were an entirely new creature, something that had never been seen before in the history of the world. It was, hands down, the creepiest thing Spike had seen the purple unicorn do.

And that was saying something.

“Do you eat emeralds often?” She asked suddenly.

Spike wasn’t quite sure how to respond. It was like he was looking at a completely different pony from before, that the previous events of the day had never taken place. Eventually, he worked up the courage to answer.

“Umm… I guess,” he said the words slowly, checking to see how they would affect her.

“So you would say that they make up a large part of your diet?” That was a new word, ‘diet,’ Spike guessed that it meant the different kinds of things you could eat.


“Interesting, virtually all scholars assume that dragons limit themselves to meat but… if they’re capable of eating something like emeralds…” her voice became too quiet for a moment before it picked up in volume.

“And is that diet limited to emeralds? Or can you eat other kinds of gems? Rubies? Sapphires? Diamonds?” At this point, Spike didn’t trust himself to speak, so he simply nodded. He still wasn’t entirely sure what to make of what was happening.

“Does it have to be gems? Or can you eat other things that most creatures are unable to? How about rocks, can you eat rocks?” Twilight appeared to have fallen even deeper into her fascination. As if every new thing she learned was pushing her deeper into an endless pool of water and she didn’t want to get out, but instead wanted to keep going deeper.
When Spike once again nodded, she kept going. “How about wood?”

The baby dragon didn’t know the answer to that. Earlier, he probably would have just fallen silent and ignored her until she stopped, but Twilight’s sheer desire to know was apparently contagious. He hadn’t ever eaten, or wanted to eat, wood but… he found himself wanting to find out. After all, if he could eat rocks and gems…

Wait… what was he thinking?

This pony had come out of nowhere and basically kidnapped him, was he actually considering eating wood for her? That stuff looked nasty.

Spike leveled an even glare at Twilight and spoke without thinking. “You’re crazy.”

The unicorn made almost no indication that she had heard him. Instead, she continued to inspect him, bringing his sphere closer to her to do so. All of the sudden, Spike felt his jaw wrench itself open. He tried to close it, but found that it was frozen in place.

“Hey! What’s the big idea?” he tried to say, but it came out as a bunch of strangled “aaaaah” noises.

Twilight stared into his open mouth, still muttering things under her breath. If he cared enough to listen, Spike probably would have heard what she was saying. But he was a little too preoccupied with his inability to control his own mouth.

Once she was finished with her impromptu inspection, Twilight released his jaw, her horn glowing a little less brightly as she did so. As Spike recovered, she asked him more questions. “What do gems taste like? Is it difficult to chew them? Is it more difficult to chew a diamond than a ruby? Is this what your diet primarily consists of?”

Spike began to wonder if she actually wanted him to answer the questions or if she was just voicing them aloud while trying to figure them out herself. She prattled on like that for awhile, not even noticing as the phoenix that was still following them perched itself calmly on one of the tree branches almost directly above her. An ember or two even landed in her mane, but she didn’t react to it in any way.

The young dragon remained silent for the duration of her breathless line of questioning, still annoyed at the way she had just forced his mouth open without warning.

For a little while, Spike was preparing to yell at her to shut up. But before he could, he had an idea. His annoyance and frustration disappeared almost instantly as he realized that he could use Twilight’s obsession with asking him questions to his advantage.

A small smile grew on his lips as he waited, patiently, for Twilight to stop talking. It took a little bit, but when she noticed, a worried look crossed over her own face. “Why are you smiling like that?”

Spike’s smile grew. “Oh, no reason really,” he began in a very satisfied tone. “It’s just that, well, you really want to know these things about me don’t you?”

Twilight aimed a quizzical eye at him before answering nervously. “Well, yes. Very little information on dragons is available in Equestria. Most of what we know about your species comes from tomes that are over a thousand years old. The most recent book about dragons I’ve ever read that could be considered reliable was over four centuries old. Having you here to answer these questions is a zoologist’s dream come true.”

While he somehow managed to keep it from reaching his face, mentally, Spike grew fearful at the mention of the word
“zoologist.” Zecora had mentioned Equestrian Zoos before. They were horrible places that kept strange creatures like him on display for ponies to come and watch whenever they wanted to.

“A Zoologist huh? Is that what you are?” Spike asked, half to keep himself from giving in to fear.

Was that what was going to happen to him when Luna was done with him? Would she throw him in a Zoo for her subjects to come and see?

At that thought, Spike almost lost control of himself to fear. But the thought of his calm, collected friend Zecora managed to give him a certain level of self control. Z would be proud if she could see what he was about to do. He was sure of it.

“Oh no,” Twilight answered. “My specific area of expertise lies in magic. But I’m well versed in virtually all areas of academia. To be honest, I had always considered the environmental and biological fields to be unimportant subjects, but an opportunity like this is- ”

“Well,” Spike interrupted as he stood up in the force field, “I can answer as many of your questions as best as I can.” He paused to savor the look of excitement Twilight was wearing. “But, you have to do something for me in return.”

Twilight’s excitement vanished instantly as she remembered why she had him in that sphere in the first place. “What?” she asked hesitantly.

“I want you to let me out of this force field.”

She gave him a look of complete disbelief. “How stupid do you think I am?”

“A better question would be how stupid do you think I am?”


“Come on Twilight, do you really think I’d try to run off again if you let me out of here? It didn’t work the first time, so it’s probably not going to work a second time. But I don’t want to just sit cramped up in here all the way to Canterlot. I just want to be able to stretch out my legs. Is that really so much to ask for?”

Twilight stared at him for a long moment, internally debating with herself on whether or not to let the young dragon she had captured out of her constructed shield. Spike, remembering the apologetic, almost shamed look she wore when she gave him the emerald, knew just what to say.

There were three things Spike had learned about Twilight so far. First, she was desperate, she didn’t want to be out here, and she would do anything to be able to go back to however things were. Second, she seemed to feel bad about doing this to him, not enough to let him go, but enough to at least apologize.

“If you’re going to force me to go all the way to Canterlot – which by the way is still one of the last places in the world I want to go to– you could at least let me pretend that I’m going there without being dragged in a cage the whole way.”
That seemed to have the intended effect. Twilight suddenly became unable to look at him, instead choosing to stare at her front hooves guiltily. One more push, and Spike would be able to walk again.

The third thing he had learned about Twilight was that she really liked to know things. She’d practically forgotten everything just because she had learned something new about what dragons ate.

“Plus, if you let me out of here, I’ll answer any questions you have about dragons.” He paused for a moment, and then shrugged. “Well, maybe not any question, but I'll do my best.”

Spike didn’t even try to keep the desperate hope out of his eyes as he watched Twilight consider his request, hoping that her guilt and thirst for knowledge would outweigh her desperation.


This was his best bet to get away. If she was willing to let him out of the bubble, then he would, eventually, be able to find an opportunity to run. It might take a few days to lure her into a false sense of security, but it would pay off in the end.

After what seemed like an eternity, Twilight looked back up at him, with what looked like genuine sadness in her eyes. Finally, she spoke.

“Okay,” it was barely more than a whisper. For a brief moment, the bright aura around her horn intensified in brightness, and the bubble slowly vanished from sight. For a few seconds, Spike was still suspended in the air before he felt himself descend back to the ground. Once his feet were planted firmly on the dirt, the purple aura surrounding him vanished.

Twilight’s horn had (finally) stopped glowing as he struggled to gain balance on the ground. A few hours of being cramped inside that bubble took a few moments to shake off. But he regained control of himself quickly enough, even if his first few steps were a little wobbly.

After stretching his limbs, Spike looked at Twilight. “Thank you.”

“Yes well… you better not try to run away again!” She fixed him with a glare. “Because if you do, I won’t just put you back in the bubble, I’ll put you to sleep until we reach Canterlot.”

Spike raised his arms in a placating gesture. “Don’t worry; I know when I’m beaten. I’ll be right behind you.”

For now, he added mentally.

That seemed to be enough to satisfy Twilight, because she abruptly turned her back to him and started off in the direction she had been heading towards earlier. “Well, come on then, I have a lot more questions.”

“No problem,” Spike said as he hurried after her.

Somewhere behind them, the phoenix let out another piercing screech.

Comments ( 33 )

That Phoenix is totally spying on them for Corona.

And I findit funny that Twi and Spike seem to be slowly becoming friends.

Even across the multiverse, some things don't change.

Well I can't describe how much I've been waitin for this so I won't even try. But this was a good chapter.

The Lunaverse burn is going to hurt so bad when it hits. :twilightoops::raritycry:


I find it more likely that the phoenix is trolling them for the heck of it.

It might not...

That Phoenix is totally spying on them for Corona.

Maybe...I'm sort of wondering if it's just a phoenix. Corona doesn't necessarily seem like the spying type.


I do admit that I amlooking into it too much.

But Ialso don't buy intothe phoenix dragging the trolling/mocking for this long. There has to be a reason...


Boredom is a cruel beast.

Great. Super. Twilight is going to have a premature meeting with Corona, I just know it.

I was worried that people wouldn't like this chapter, but it looks like that worry was unfounded. I'll do my best to keep up the good work.

I don't know, maybe. To be honest, Twilight kicked off the Lunaverse by getting the burn, and she's probably going to get a another one in Elements of Insanity. It would be cruel of me to do even more to her... :trixieshiftright:

Next chapter should be out by Tuesday... but I don't exactly have a good track record of keeping promises like that, so don't hold your breath.



Spike X Twilight ? Yes ? :pinkiehappy:

I liked it! Man, Spike's rather savvy for such a younin'. :moustache:

Spike is one of my favorite characters, and I'm really interested in how this Lunaverse take on him will turn out. This one is going right on the favorites list.

Alright, with EoI:Ch3 finally finshed, and Ch4 still out for proofing, I can take some time to catch up on a little reading; lets see what I've been missing.

Ooh, Twilight the ever studious scholor going on and on about how facinating she finds Spikes dietary habits was simply pricelss.

Ohh, and have I mentionened that I really love Spike's rules for dealing with crazy ponies, because I really love Spike's rules for dealing with crazy ponies.

“I don’t what that means,” Spike said while crossing his arms. Twilight really liked using big words. It was annoying.

think you're missing a "know" there, or maybe an "even know". Also, since the next two paragraphs after this are both Twilight speaking they could probably be combined into a singal paragraph.

Oh, and just a mtter of personal opinion, but Philomena at least always struck me as at least semi-sentient, though maybe that's just something unique to being Celestia's familiar or such.

you’re sorry of keeping me from my lunch…


Twilight’s excited vanished instantly


because she quickly turned back to him

Context sugests to me that there should be a "her" in the middle there. Also, I think "abruptly" would be better tha "quickly", but that's just opinion.

Maybe so, though that's still got me very hesitant about the entire premis of this story.

Fixed the mistakes

... I was trying to post a picture of Discord smiling smugly while tapping his fingers Mr. Burns style... Didn't work out. :fluttershysad:

Guess that would explain the triple ping.



New chapter soon ?



Sorry to bother you with this but.................New chapter soon ?

Wait i'm confused..what is 'The Burn' and how did it 'kick off the Lunaverse'? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_rainbowderp_flip.png

Due to the different circumstances brought out by the altered history of the Lunaverse as opposed to canon, the mane six never became friends with each other. As a result of this, their negative personality traits have been amplified beyond what they are in canon. The Lunaverse burn is what we call it when we showcase these traits in an antagonistic (though usually not outright villainous) light.

When I say it kicked off the Lunaverse, I'm talking about how the very first story, Boast Busted burned Twilight by showing her to be obsessive, condescending, and having a crippling lack of social skills. She does actually have those flaws in canon, but in the Lunaverse, they're much worse because she never had the more positive experiences of being taught by Celestia and becoming friends with the rest of the mane six.

I'm... interested... in this... but still skeptical. Not gonna fave, but going to keep an eye on it. Guessing that Phoenix might be, just might be, a Luna-aligned Philomena.

Spike doesn't need no Twilight Sparkle. He's gon get a Harley. And drink jar whiskey. Out of a jar.

1271897 Philomena is Corona aligned, she showed up in Where the is Smoke there is Fire.

So you think that all Phoenixes are the same? :applejackunsure:

That's racist. :twilightangry2:


1512483 No, I'm just saying it can't be a Luna aligned Philomena since she was already shown to work for Corona.

What makes you so sure it's aligned with anypony?:rainbowhuh:

1512995 I'm not saying it is! It's like we're having two totally different discussions here!:facehoof:


........... You're right...... I didn't that you were replying to someone.


:rainbowlaugh: sorry about that. :twilightsheepish:

1513259 Sometime, when you are sleeping, you will pay for this frustration. Sleep well!:trollestia::pinkiecrazy:


Oh shit.

*runs to secret underground bunker*

1519503 He forgot that bunnys burrow. And last night, he paid alright. *holds up four bits five jangles* I'm going to get me some carrot marmalade, carrot juice, and some carrots. Time to start this day off right with a giant breakfast. Happy Sunday!

And they were never heard from again.

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