• Published 29th Sep 2016
  • 1,027 Views, 24 Comments

What Happened - Evowizard25

A series of short stories detailing the lives of Shimmerverse characters

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A Twilight Tale: Part 2

Celestia loved her ponies dearly. She loved ruling them with serene grace and watching them all grow up to be such good ponies. There were of course difficulties and things she questioned or disliked in their actions, but deep down, they were all good. No matter what happened, she would always reach out to help a pony in need. Which is why she was making her way down to a detention cell within Canterlot’s dungeons, a place she rarely used since most criminals and such were kept outside of the capital. Only the worst of the worst ever stayed there.

In this case however, it was just a little filly. Which was why her steps were a lot faster paced than usual. While she was renowned as the goddess of the sun, she was also the goddess of motherhood. So hearing that something had happened to a child in her city unnerved her greatly.

It didn’t take her long to reach the dungeon in question. It wasn’t heavily guarded, with just two Heavy Infantry ponies standing watch. Of course, outside was also standing a rather tall human woman. Given that she was tall enough to look Celestia in the eye and had a godly aura to her, there was no mistaking her for a goddess. Celestia recognized her as Epione, the goddess of soothing pain.

Epione smiled slightly at her, though it was tinged with sadness. “Oh thank goodness, you’re here.”

Celestia frowned, “Is she alright?”

“Physically, yes.” Epione waved off her concern. “Her body is perfectly fine, or else they wouldn’t need me. No, that would be her mind that is the issue at hand.”

Celestia’s eyes widened, “Her mind?” The mind was a precious thing and held sacred. This is why there were several laws and practices that were put into effect to protect it from spells and other means of messing with a mind. ‘To know that a child... ‘ the thought never finished as she was too unsettled to continue. She had seen her fair share of broken children and she did not want to see more.

Epione nodded, “I have done my best to soothe her, which is why she isn’t screaming anymore. When she touched the realm of chaos, her mind was warped. I’m honestly surprised she’s not dead or worse right now. She has a magnificently strong mind, so it lasted and potential…” She rubbed her chin. “A lot of potential.”

“But she is stable, correct?” Celestia couldn’t help but glance at the door. The steel kept her from seeing the child within and that made her anxious. She desperately needed to talk with the little filly. Not just to comfort her, but find out how she was able to do what she did. There were some of the finest wards and spells placed in that room. Some of them might have been outdated, but this was still unheard of.

“As stable as she can be,” Epione chewed on her lip nervously. “It’s very hard to state what is stable when talking about the minds that those that have dealt with the realm of chaos on the level she has. I dare say, it is only her potential that has saved her in this case.”

As Celestia placed her hoof on the door, she looked over at her compatriot. “You have mentioned her potential twice and I can’t help but ponder your tone while talking about it. It’s almost like-”

“I believe she has the potential for godhood?” Epione raised an eyebrow as she interrupted her fellow goddess. “That is exactly what I am implying. Go in and see for yourself. You’ll see it too.”

“I see,” Celestia contemplated the next few moments of her life. ‘If what Epione says is true, then that means I have to be extra careful with this young filly. It would explain how she was able to do what she did, but it also means that she might be able to do it again. I know I have the right cells or casters to contain such powers, but this cell is insufficient for this.

Besides, I will not treat her like a criminal. No, I will help her through this. No child should have to go through what she has and be punished for something not of her own volition.’ Preparing herself for the encounter, she stepped inside.

The room was decorated with the sort of things she would expect a young scholar to have. It was plain and filled with bookcases. There was plenty of pens and crayons neatly placed in reach of a young foal as well as quite a few notebooks. A little bed that resembled a book was in the corner. In the center, there was a short table and there before it, sat a little filly.

She was just reading, holding onto what appeared to be an old, gray donkey doll in her hooves. Celestia could tell just by looking at how she held the doll that it was precious to her. She couldn’t help but smile at the sweet looking filly, before it faltered slightly at the rigid, posture the filly had.

“Go away,” the filly, she knew her name as Twilight Sparkle, sounded dejected.

Celestia fought the urge to hug her, “Do you mind if I talk with you for a moment? Just a moment and then I promise I’ll go.”

“...Just a moment?” The filly asked, but didn’t look up from her book.

Celestia nodded slightly, “Yes, just a moment and if you ever wish for me to leave sooner, just say so.”

“...Okay,” Twilight timidly spoke.

Celestia walked slowly to the other side of the table and sat in front of Twilight. A part of her wanted to sit beside her, but she believed Twilight needed a bit of space at first. She looked down at the book, “May I ask what you’re reading?”

“Star Gazer’s Cosmos,” Twilight simply stated.

“An interesting choice,” it didn’t really surprise her, given how much information she was given about this filly. The Inquisition was very thorough, though her grandfather wasn’t really willing to help on this matter. Fervent… had locked himself in his room. ‘That’s never a good sign,’ she thought. ‘I’ll have to keep an eye on him.’

“May I read one of your books?” Celestia asked, gaining a little nod from the filly.

She used her magic to place one of the other books before her. Just a little something on the theory of gravity and opens it up. She didn’t really need to read it since she was around when said theory was made, but it gave her something to do with the filly.

“I know Star Gazer, by the way.” Celestia idly remarked, earning an interested look from the filly. The Sun Goddess couldn’t help but smile a little bit. “He is a remarkable stallion. I think you’d like him.”

The little filly’s eyes widened, “You mean I get to meet him?”

Celestia nodded, “If you so wish.”

Twilight smiled, before frowning. “I don’t know… I’d hurt him like… like…” She sniffled.

Celestia leaned down to nuzzle the filly, “No, you wouldn’t. What happened was unusual, but trust me when I say that newfound power can be easily tamed with time. Besides, there will be other ponies there to help you.”

“There were other ponies there when I tried to get into your school,” Twilight turned her gaze back to the book. “They weren’t any help.”

“This time it will be different.”

Twilight shook her head, “No it won’t. They’ll die… just like the others…” She hugged her stuffed animal closer. “Just like… like…” She started to shake. Her horn lit up slightly and the room warped slightly. Nothing major, but everything seemed to become wavy, as though they were solid liquid.

Celestia slightly sighed, then eyed her stuffed animal. ‘I should change the subject.’ “Do you mind introducing me to your little friend here?”

Twilight blinked in confusion and the magic stopped, “She’s Smartypants. She helps me study and likes to read with me.”

Celestia smiled, “She sounds like a good friend.”

“...She’s my only friend,” Twilight hugged the doll tighter to herself. “Nopony else is going to want to be my friend after this and I don’t blame them.”

“You fear that your actions will forever mark you,” Celestia stated. She already knew the answer as Twilight predictably nodded. “Twilight Sparkle, do you believe I can make mistakes?”

Twilight looked up at her in confusion, “No, you’re a goddess.”

Celestia quirked an eyebrow, “And you believe gods can’t make mistakes?”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something then looked away, “I guess?”

Celestia chuckled, “To be divine, one has to be flawed. It is the same with mortals. No one is perfect and if you were ever to meet a being that openly states otherwise, then they are lying.” She smirked, “Or a complete idiot and let me tell you, I have dealt with both.”


Celestia nodded, “Yes, and just like you, I made a few mistakes.” She closed her eyes, the pain eating away at her again. ‘Stay calm for her.’ She reminded herself, breathing in and letting out. “Far too many that have cost me. One of which scared everypony in Equestria.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, “You scared everypony? You’re too nice to do that.”

“I… wasn’t very nice back then,” Celestia sadly smiled. “However, eventually everyone came to look past that and I made a number of friends. Soon, everyone will look past this and do the same for you.”

“...But what if I don’t?” Twilight gripped Smartypants and looked at her with eyes glittering with tears.

Celestia could see the pain, the anguish on display. She wanted to tell her that she will, but the words never came to her. Instead, she gently picked the filly up in her hooves and hugged her as a mother would, “You learn to live with it, Twilight. That’s all we can do.” She stroked the fillies back as the filly started to cry into her fur. She softly hummed a pleasant melody, letting her motherly aura wash over the filly to calm her. ‘That’s all we can do.’

Author's Note:

A short chapter, but I honestly felt like this was better on its own and I wanted to get something out for you guys. Don't worry, I already have the rest of this planned so it shouldn't take me too much longer though I am going back to college tomorrow. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment.

Comments ( 4 )

Very little I can say except that this chapter might have taken a while, but was well worth the wait. I LOVED the chat between Twi and Celestia. It was quite appropriately emotional.

At any rate, I WILL be looking forward to more, but will also be quite willing to be patient.

This was sweet... and a little heartbreaking

Excellent work as always mate. I'm looking forward to a Rarity chapter, and how she became Alpha of the Diamond Dogs.

This made me teary-eyed.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

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