• Published 8th Oct 2016
  • 425 Views, 15 Comments

Down Below - RedRandom

The mane six fall to the underworld and encounter it's strange inhabitants while a demon takes over Ponyville during Nightmare Night!

  • ...

Chapter Three: Finding Home Base


Sugarcube Corner stood strong after the onslaught that had wreaked the once happy town of Ponyville. The Nightmare Night

decorations, still hung up, shifted from the wind. The once happy residents of the town, hiding in fear from the demons that

plagued the streets, looking...no...craving for the next fight.

Inside the building, the place was heavily barracked with the use of almost every piece of furniture in the building. Sitting in the

middle of the room, on some old boxes of ingredients, sat seven individuals, five ponies, a Diamond Dog and a dragon. Behind the

counter, the Cakes sat there with a depressed look on their face, trying their best to not cause their children to cry and attract

unwanted attention outside.

Spike and Eldur, sat beside each other as they were together before meeting the rest of the team and coming to the building.

The feeling of emptiness was in the air as the group tried to keep quiet while socializing at the same time.

One was a pegasus, his brown coat a little damp with sweat from running for a bit. The rusty red mane of his dropped down

over his eyes as he kept watch over the door. Being the second largest in the room, aside from the Diamond Dog who was

also watching the door.

Speaking of the Diamond Dog, his light gray fur and brown mustache were dirty with all the activity he did in his workshop. He

scratched his bald head with one claw as he held a home-made shotgun with the other, the ammo in one of his apron's pouches.

On his head was a common welding mask, which gave him an intimidating appearance combined with his stature, hunched slightly.

Sitting on the floor was a teenage filly, the cloak she wore hid her black coat but not her dark red mane with dark purple highlights.

She appeared to be whispering to herself as she held a doll to her face. The others not wanting to interrupt her.

"Why are we sitting here with these mortals in the first place?" one of the voices asked with annoyance.

"How else are suppose to stay alive, idiot?" another, feminine voice mocked, clearly angering the first

voice, much to her amusement.

"Can we please just calm down for a minute and try to figure out how to get out of here?, please" asked

the final voice, seeming to be the most reasonable of the three.

The filly sighed a bit. "But how would we get out of here exactly?" she questioned with little to no emotion in her voice. "Doesn't

that barrier block the only way out of here?" she asked the three voices in her head, all three turned quiet as they thought.

"Mayyybeee... we can use the people in this room to help us out," the feminine one suggested.

the Filly sat there in silence as all four of them began to think of a plan.

Hovering in the air was an incredibly annoyed looking Stallion, his sandy blonde coat and white mane, with a single sky blue stripe,

stood on end as he hovered impatiently. How, of all possibility's, could the rest of his friends get to go to Manehattan while he had

to stay and mind the house, It doesn't even matter if demons had taken control of the town, he was still kind of pissed about it.

The last one was a stallion, who appeared to be meditating as he seemed the most calm out of the lot. His red oriental clothing and

hat stuck out against his pale Yellow coat and black mane, which was tied in a small ponytail. He would have been more concerned for

his sister, but luckily for him, his sister traveled to Manehattan with the pegasus' friends. He seemed to not be paying attention to

anyone as he sat there.

The pegasus decided to get something to eat, trying to distract his anger with food down his gullet. With a quick leap and a flap of his

wings, he hopped over the counter. Before he could get to the tasty treats, though, he noticed the Cakes with their children, the parents

clearly scared for both their lives and, even more so, their children's.

"Come on Windbreaker, go over there and try and calm them down," his subconscious demanded as he began to trot over to the

terrified family. As Windbreaker looked over at the Cake twins and quietly walked over to them, he gave Mister and Misses Cake a

quick nod before kneeling down in front of the children.

"Hey guys, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine," He said as he took off the goggles from his head and held them in front of

Pound and Pumpkin. "Y'see these right here? These are very special flying goggles that have special powers that protect you. When

you put these on, nothing can hurt you."

He draped his goggles over Pound and Pumpkin, the band of the goggles kept them from falling past their necks. The pegasus smiled

as he gently ruffled both of their heads. "Don't lose hope kids, be strong for Mommy and Daddy," he stated before turning his head

towards the now smiling couple. "How are you guys doing?" he asked the two with a concerned expression on his nervous face.

Carrot Cake sighed a bit with relief, knowing his children were now calm. "W-were fine now Windbreaker...I can sure tell you that

much," he admitted as he looked to his wife, her eyes sparkling with comfort and happiness.

"We do appreciate the help dearie, thank you so much," Cup Cake thanked as she nuzzled her children, who giggled a giggle only

a child could as they too embraced their mother. "Oh, and you don't need to pay for the food, free of charge," she added.

With a nod of thanks, Windbreaker took a small chocolate bar from the supplies, hopped over the counter again to sit with the

rest, leaving the family to have their personal moment.

Before they could think, a sound could be heard outside, the sound of hushed voices came from just outside the door as the rest

inside the building kept quiet, not knowing who or what it was.

The large pegasus' face went from a sad frown to a huge smile of joy as the strange voices revealed themselves to be his fellow

circus members.

Leading the group was a rather muscular Reindeer, wearing a traditional Ringmaster attire. His brown coat looked a little dirty and

sweaty from all the stress he was putting on his body. It surprised the Diamond Dog that he only had one antler. the other completely


"What happened to him?" he asked, putting some ammo into his home-made shotgun just in case. He looked a bit surprised by the

pegasus' grinning face. "Barnstormer...you know him?" he asked in his Manehatten accent, pulling the mask off his face.

The pegasus looked to the confused Diamond Dog. "Course I know him, he's my boss Scarp!", he elaborated as he poked his head

out of his hiding place, the Reindeer clearly noticing him by his face as a warm smile appeared on his own.

"Barnstormer!" he called as the two hugged, his tone changing completely as the embrace ended. "Are you okay comrade?" he asked

in his distinct Ponssian accent, a concerned look in his eyes.

Barnstormer nodded with glee, happy to see his Boss/friend again after the beginning of the demon's assault. "I'm more than okay

Snow Threader," he nonchalantly stated as he looked behind him, the rest of the group's heads poking out of the doorway.

"I met some friends," he exclaimed as the group waved hello to the Reindeer, who waved back with a smile.

"Okay, that's good but we really need to get back to the circus," he stated as he went up to the group. "Alright friends!, come with

me to the circus and we will be all safe!" he exclaimed as the group left their hiding spot, ready to leave with the Reindeer's group.

As they left the building, the Cakes being put in the middle to protect the twins, Eldur noticed that Spike was looking down at the

ground, looking like he had failed. With a sympathetic expression on the old unicorn's face, he trotted beside him as the group moved


"Spike?", he asked as the Dragon turned his head towards him, he had tear stains along his face." W-what the hay ya cry'in about

spike?", he asked again as the little baby Dragon sniffed a little.

As the Dragon looked into the unicorn's eyes, he could see a gaze of understanding, the type of look that would calm even the most

nervous and scared of creatures...and it worked on him.

"I-it's just, I can't forget what happened in the castle, I saw them, they looked so scared and I couldn't do anything as I was having a

panic attack," he confessed as he drew back tears. "I think I've already reached rock bottom," he added, a large frown on his lips.

Eldur looked at Spike with his comforting way, trying to think of advice to give. "Funny thing about bein' rock bottom," he mentioned

with Spike looking on with confusion on his face. "'got nowhere to go but up," he stated, only sighing a bit as Spike still looked


"If ya think that you've hit the bottom of the barrel, ya can't get any lower," he explained as they walked further, Spike beginning to

understand the meaning of Eldur's advice.

Before another word could be said by anyone else, the sound of laughter could be heard. The sound was a spark of Spike memory as

he started to get nervous. With a puff of smoke, the laughter turned into a figure. The same one that tossed the Dragon out the window.

Spike began to scream in terror, the sight of the tall Skeleton causing the babies to cry in fright. The others getting ready for a fight.

"Well, that's a fine how do you do," he joked as he stood in front of them, clearly enjoying the sound of both the Dragon and children's

discomfort in his presence. "But I guess that's what you expect from such a little man like him," he taunted as he chuckled, disappearing

from their sight in a flash and appearing next to the Parents, frighting their children even more. Bub savoring the cries with a smile.

The horn of Eldur glowed as he looked angrily at the Skeleton, who looked back at the unicorn with smugness on his teeth. "Now ya

better leave those little ones alone now ya hear!", he demanded, Bub clearly not respecting his request as he took a small step towards

the babies, his smug smile getting even bigger.

"Well, I am gravely sorry to disappoint you Blaze, but I must decline your offer," he said as he magically took off his top hat off, revealing

the half broken appendage that was his horn. The use of his first name caused Eldur's eyes to widen in surprise.

"How do you know that name!" he shouted as bub bent down to look him in the eyes. The others looking with both confusion but

also with anger towards the tall Skeleton.

"Well, I know a lot of things Blaze, I've been around far longer than you all have," he stated, yet again disappearing and reappearing

in front of all the group. "But, how about instead of just saying how, I sing how!" He declared as music started to play, confusing


"The lyrics to: How I know you.

" Well, how 'bout I tell you a stor...OW!

The group turned to both Eclipse and Chopstick, the filly holding a rock in her magic while the older male picked up another rock from

the ground, ready to throw again.

"I hate musicals," they both said, Bub's mood now ruined by the two trouble makers as his bony face turned cross and angry.

he magically took the rock from his empty eye socket and dropped it to the ground, a glare cast onto the two he gritted his teeth.

"Well, I can surely tell you that I am truly offended, at least that alicorn and her friends let me sing!" he shouted, clearly annoyed. the

reference to the Elements of Harmony causing confusion among those who knew them in the group.

"Fine, be off with you, go to your little pow-wow, but remember this!" he threatened, a sly smirk on his face. "When Nightmare Night

comes, Your souls will be mine," he stated as he disappeared in a blast of smoke and light.

The others looked around in search of the Skeleton but he was gone, Windbreaker looking at the chocolate bar he had been eating

before the Skeleton appeared. chucking it away before asking "Okay, who put something in this chocolate bar," with a confused


Eldur looked at the babies, their parents consoling them as they cried, when he determined they were okay he turned to Spike with

a stern look in his eyes. "Spike, was that there varmint the same one who banished your pals?" he asked.

Spike only nodded in response, repulsing at the thought. The other's heads quickly shot over to the two as they continued to walk,

sure that the Skeleton was truly gone. "You mean he got rid of Twilight and others?" Chopstick asked in his Neighsian accent.

"Applejack?" Scarp Yard asked as he remembered how she took him in and gave him property at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres.

Spike nodded again sadly, Scrap's ears fell at this and he remained quiet, trying to figure out a solution to this problem. Snow

Threader's seemed to sparkle hope and relief as he saw the big top tent of his business and home.

"Comrades!" he shouted as he began to dash in the direction of the circus, everyone else following behind. "We're almost there!"

he explained as the group ran towards what would be their home and base for the time being.

In the distance, Bub sat on the roof of Sugarcube Corner, a smile on his bony face. The circus could be seen in plain sight from where

he was, a small imp sitting beside him. "My friend, could you be of use and go do some recon missions on that there circus with

friends?" he asked as the imp saluted and dived off the building to join a small band of other imps as they quickly scampered off

to the circus. Bub still had that smile on his face as he watched them disappear into the streets and then, with a glow of his horn,


Author's Note:

Just to let you know,
1. Ponssian means Russian.
2. Neighsain means Asian

The OC's, Windbreaker, Eclipse and Barnstormer do not belong to me. they belong
to Crimson Cord, Typervader and Sipioc respectively

The OC's, Scarp Yard, Snow Threader and Chopstick are mine.