• Published 31st Oct 2016
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Equestria Knights of the True Force - Gravestone

A closet brony goes to a con dressed as a Je'daii but an explosion and the Spirits of Harmony choose him to save a world.So with the power an knowledge of the Force he must use the Je'daii teachings to bring balance to a world called Equestria.

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Chapter 6

We made our way to the dining hall. I was trailing behind everyone still thinking about what Celestia said for me to adopt Pip I would have to choose a wife.
I finally entered the hall looking around I saw everyone taking their seat at the table. Seeing a place for me, I took my seat where Pip sat between Twilight and myself. Looking up at me with a smile on his face. I was about to say something when everyone's attention was brought to the sounds of whistles beeps and grinds. Everyone turned to the sounds and watched as two figures emerged from the shadows one walking while the other rolled out. Stopping once they came into full view the walking one was covered in golden Exo-skin while the other was a short boxy white and blue form with a dome-shaped head.

We all sat there staring at them for what seemed like forever. Before the gold one spoke. "Greetings, I am C3PO human-cyborg relations and this is my counterpart R2D2." after that the small one wobbled side to side making whistling sounds.

Before I knew it, I was already making my way over to them. "3PO is that you?" I asked with a little choke in my voice.

Turning to look in my direction C3PO threw his arms up in surprise before he spoke. "Master Socrates Thank the Maker we thought that we had lost you, " he said as R2 made his way over.

Kneeling down I placed my hand on top of his dome and rubbed it while he made more clicks and whistles.

"I missed you as well R2 but how did you get here?" I asked, turning to look towards the table.

"We can explain that." Luna said as she made her way over." You see while we were constructing the other droids we found some encrypted files although the password was quite to solve (It was etched on the hard drive password MLPFIM) when it was opened we discovered multiple AI's with personality programs and their schematics. What was strange is each program and schematics matched our own R2 units and protocol droids." She said as eight more droids moved into view each standing next to their respected counterpart.

Celestia's droids

Cadence's droids

Luna's droids

Chrysalises droids

Looking at each one my eyes finally fell on to Chrysalises protocol droid turning around to look at her with a smirk. " You just had to pick a heavy assault battle droid didn't you?" I said still holding that smirk on my face.

"Well, to be honest, none of the others looked good enough to me so I went to the bulk," Chrysalis said a little embarrassed. "Although he may look intimidating as he still is just a protocol droid." She said lifting her head up with pride.

Smiling back at her I just waved it off knowing full well that her kingdom holds straight as its foundation. Returning to our seats, we decided to have lunch. Moments later the servants brought out the meals for us. I looked down to see the expression of disbelief on the small boy's face. Leaning over I tapped his shoulder so he could turn to look up at me.

"Now Pip I know you want to just scarf all of this down, but I would like you to take it slow," I said causing him to look confused. " You see it's not healthy for you at this time it can cause you to become very ill. So I want you to eat slowly until you are full that way you won't get sick."

Nodding back to me he began to eat taking two to three bites at a time then waiting for a few moments before continuing. Looking around I noticed that everyone else decided to follow suit. Seeing this brought a smile to my face knowing this is how the Je'daii know a family would be. As we continued to eat, I choose this time to be a little mischievous.

"So which one of you will it be?" I said, causing all of them to look at me confused.

"Which one of us will be what?" Twilight said, looking over at me.

"Well, Celestia told me that the law states that a single person could not adopt a child only a couple can," I said taking a breath. "So I ask again, which one of you would like to be Pip's mother?"

After that, there was nothing but silence except for a casual fork or spoon hitting a dish. Looking around I saw the funniest shocked expressions you could imagine. Some of the girls looked like fish while a couple had faces that were redder than a tomato. (Take a guess who they were, go on guess.)

"WHAT!! " Yelled all ten of the girls. This intern made a large number of guards and some of the royal guards rush into the room in seconds with their weapons at the ready.

Looking around I was presently surprised at the speed of the guard's reaction." Wow, it took them two and a half seconds to get in here I am thoroughly impressed."I said with a smile on my face. This intern caused all the younglings to giggle.

Clearing her throat Celestia had explained to the guards that there was no danger it was just exciting news.

Looking around for a moment the guards bowed and left the room. After the guards left all eyes turned to me.

Smiling, I looked back at them." Is there something wrong all of you are looking at me like I grew a second head?" I asked still trying not to laugh.

"Something wrong?! Something wrong?! " Twilight yelled her hair starting to look frazzled. "You just sat there and asked if one of us would be your wife and become a Pips mom in the process."

"Twilight let me explain," I said waiting for her to calm down. " Now the only way I can make sure Pip is safe and truly cared for is to adopt him and raise and teach him in the temple. But to do so, your laws state that it takes two adults for it to work a mother and father."I said in a stern tone. "And besides I already had sexual intercourse with all six of you and Celestia and the others. They, I said, gesturing to them, are already two to three months pregnant and I know for a fact that all of you are as well." After I said this all the girls began blushing while Flutter Shy, AppleJack, Twilight, and Rarity placed a hand on their stomach showing a content smile on their faces. Pinkie and Rainbow's reactions were a little different Pinkie just bounced up and down with a big smile on her face while Rainbow opted for the fish's mouth.

Shaking herself out of her stupor Rainbow Dash had an angry expression on her face."Wait a damn minute how the hell can we be pregnant, it was all of our first time and how do you know we're pregnant?" Rainbow said standing up slamming her fist on the table.

"Oh, Miss Dash haven't you heard the phrase it only takes one time?" Chrysalis said with her hands cupped under her chin.

"And to answer your other question we can since the life growing inside you through the force." Luna said as she made her way over to Rainbows side to comfort her." "Now you do not need to worry, we know how your family had treated both your and young Scootaloo. And I usher you that will not happen here since we are not merely consorts, but family and a family take care of each other so I say to you, welcome to the family, my dear sister Rainbow Dash to all of our new sisters." Luna says as she pulls Rainbow into a loving hug.

I watch as all of the others get up and proceed to join them in a group hug hearing soft sniffles coming from them, I was about to say something when I felt a tug on my shirt. Looking down to see Pip staring at me with some confusion. "What is it young Pip?"

"Is it true you want to adopt me?" He asked with tears forming in his eyes.

"Yes, Pip, I do, but you must understand when you are training I am Master Socrates and you will be treated like any other youngling." I said as I ruffled his hair." But any other time you can call me dad." Which brought a smile to both our faces.

Looking over at the girls I heard them talking to each other quietly before they separated.

Twilight cleared her throat. " We all decided that your choice to adopt Pip is kind and noble, but there is a flaw."She said taking a breath. "We believe it is unfair for Pip to have one mother so we decided that all of us will adopt him and become his mother."

Now it was my turn to be surprised and a little confused. Looking at all of them, I shook my head before I spoke." I do not understand how can all of you be his mother, I thought only one of you was needed for the adoption?"

"That would be normally true, but I believe if all of us were to place our names on the adoption papers as young Pipsqueak's mother there is no doubt that it will be approved in minutes than days, and besides it would be best if we wait to decide who will become your wife," Celestia said stepping over to me.

Nodding in agreement, I chose to end it there. Everyone sat down and we continued our meal well, most of us did Pip was too excited to eat after hearing that he was going to have a real family. He started to ask more questions about the Je'daii and the temple his soon-to-be new home. As we talked I looked over to see Luna with a slightly worried expression seeing as no one else noticed it, I chose to hold off asking her about it. When everyone has eaten the girls and the younglings left to do what they planned. The CMC and their sisters took Pip with them under protest from the boy at first. Then the mention of saber practice from Rainbow and Scoots got him to change his mind quickly. Watching them leave I couldn't help but smile turning to the four royals that smile faded slightly knowing that we had some more business to discuss.

"Socrates, there are a few things we must speak to you about that are of grave importance," Luna said getting my attention as well as the others. "It has come to our attention that there have been numerous attempts on your life, and it appears that you are not taking them seriously, we would like to know why?"

I look at them seeing the concern on their faces shaking my head, I decided to tell them everything. "Yes, there have been five attempts the first three I persuaded the attackers to just walk away which they did. As for the last two, the fourth one happened two nights ago at the temple I had subdued the would-be assassin and questioned him as for the fifth one the undercover guards on the train took him into custody before I could question him." I said looking at them with a monotone expression.

"What did you find out from your interrogation of the assassin you captured who hired them and why?" Cadence asked while she placed a hand on her noticeable baby bump.

"What I discovered might be a little unnerving to hear, but Blue Blood is the prime suspect before you say anything the one I questioned was unable to lie during the interrogation due to me using the force," I said to them.

Cadence, Luna, and Celestia all had shocked and worried expressions.

The chrysalis was the only one to speak up." I believe it, there's nothing that little shit wouldn't do to get what he wants or revenge for someone bruising his over-inflated ego."

"Sister that may be true, but he is still our nephew and a member of the royal family," Celestia said looking at her sister with a stern face.

"The only reason that Brat is part of the family is all because of Princess Platinum, she was his great-grandmother and she ruled Equestria by you, Luna was old enough to rule. And just to show your gratitude, you let her dissidents hold the on to their royal titles even though they had no rights to them." Chrysalis said in an angered tone.

"Now that is enough from both of you!" I yelled, making them both jump and look at me in surprise. " The last assassin was taken by the guards so he is being held in custody we can just go and interrogate him together to find out the whole truth," I said getting up and walking to the doors only stopping to turn around. "I just realized I don't know were prisoners or held."

At that moment the four of them started to chuckle until Cadance walked over to me taking my hand." If he was taken by the guards then he would be in a holding cell. I believe it would be best if we return to the throne room and have him brought before us to be interrogated don't you think Aunties. She said, turning to look at the three women behind us.

"Yes, that would be best and I will also have the adoption papers brought to us as well, but I believe there is something that has slipped my mind, but I cannot remember what it is," Celestia said as she made her way toward us followed by the others.

"Sister I believe that the dignitaries from Griffonia, Draconicus, and Minos will be arriving tomorrow to speak with Socrates about the Je'daii order and the possibility of having their own citizens become part of it as well," Luna said as she and Chrysalis caught up to us.

Nodding my head with that information we continued our journey to the throne room. Along the way, Celestia orders one of the guards to bring the prisoner to us so may speak to him.

When we arrived, they made their way to the thrown's while I brought a single chair over and placed it in the center of the room. A few moments later the doors swung open and a single guard came running in.

"Guard what is the meaning of this wire is the prisoner we order you bring him before us," Luna said walking down towards the guard.

"I am sorry your majesty, but there was an incident and the prisoner is dead." the guard said bowing.

"What do you mean dead, how and when?" Celestia said slightly yelling.

"It appears to be suicide the jailers found him hanging in his cell the M E said it must have happened about a half-hour ago between shift changes."The guard said bowing once more.

Before any more questions could be said I placed my hand on the guard's shoulder to get his attention." Tell me, did the man have any visitors from the time he was brought in to the time of his death?"

Tapping the side of his helmet to contact the holding area to relay the question he soon received a reply turning to face me he tilted his head a little in confusion. " Well, sir the records show he had only one visitor thirty minutes before T.O.D. It was Price Blue Blood." The guard said, turning to face the Royals.

Before anything else could be said I asked one more question. "Tell me, do you have surveillance systems installed in the holding areas?"

Luna nodded to my understanding the question she ordered the guard to bring up all recordings to that call from when the man was placed in there at the time of his death.

Tapping a few keys on his wrist the guard finally brought up the information we needed to activate a small projector on his helmet we watched the scene before us.

The man sat in his cell quietly. Then his attention was focused on the door by a familiar voice.

"Well well look at this the great Shadow Scythe the best assassin in all Equestria behind bars." Blue Blood said with a lot of sarcasm in his voice. "You had one job just one you were to kill that commoner that insulted me and tainted the royal bloodline. And now those four whores will give birth to new heirs and I will never become king."

Hearing this the four girls placed their hands on their bellies and looked at the image with unbridled hatred.

"I'm sorry I failed your highness, but it was as if he knew I was there I don't understand how it happened." Shadow Scythe said looking down at the floor.

"I don't want to hear your excuses you failed and now you will be punished." Blue Blood said with an evil grin.

"How can I be punished more I will never see the outside of a cell for the next forty years," Shadow said now looking at Blue Blood.

"Simple you peasant I shall make you suffer by taking away what is precious to you." Blue Blood said still holding that evil grin. "What are their names again, oh yes Moon-lite and Lilly it's a shame tomorrow morning the guards will find their bodies."

"No, please our majesty don't do this not to them!" Shadow yelled, reaching out for Blue Blood.

"Keep your filthy hands off me you scum." Blue Blood said, whipping the imaginary dirt from his vest after which he reached behind him and tossed a rope into the cell. "I am merciful to a point you can use that to join your family." Laughing as he turned to walk away.

"That's enough, we do not need to see anymore," Celestia said with tears flowing from her eyes.

In fact, all of us had tears.

"Sir those two names the prince said I know them, they live two houses down from me." The guards said turning to face me.

"Are you sure they're the same people?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir Moon-lite even watches my daughter sometimes." He said.

"Listen up don't do anything until I get back do you hear me!" I yelled to the girls all nodding to me before I turned to leave having the guard show me their home hoping we make it in time.

Moving through the city streets I was amazed that the guard was able to keep turning up to look at him I spoke. "Tell me what is your name trooper?"

"Ironside Sir, Private Ironside," he said, turning to look at me for a moment before focusing on the job at hand.

"Listen, I want you to summon any guards in the immediate area and have them surround the house, but stay out of sight," I said, seeing that we were still a few blocks away.

Touching his helmet he relayed my orders. "Sir, we have five guards in position, hold on, one can see an unknown male trying to sneak in the back of the house."

"Detain him immediately, but do it quietly," I said as we came to the end of the block where the house was.

As we walked down the street we stopped in front of the house. I told Ironside to wait as I stepped to the door using the force I reach out to see inside the home. There I sensed three lives slowly I opened the door and made my way inside. With stealth, I moved from room to room until I heard the pleasing of Moon-lite.

" Please don't hurt us, let us go we didn't do anything." She said between tears.

"Sorry lady, but I'm getting paid a lot to take you and that brat out."A gruff male voice said.

Stepping into the room, I can see Moon-lite and her daughter are huddled together in the corner and the man is standing over them with his back towards me.

"Now that is no way to speak to a lady and her daughter," I say causing the man to turn around and face me. Which I used telekinesis to lift the man in the classic coke." Now Mrs. Moon-lite I want you to take your daughter and go outside there is a guard named Ironside out there he is with me he'll keep you both safe."

"Who are you?" The man said between constricted breaths.

Turning back to look at him I smiled."Me, I'm just someone who can't be bribed by money or power I protect the little guy and I really hate when someone threatens the life of a child." With that said I used Emerald Lightning (or force judgment) on him to render him unconscious. Leaving him on the floor I make my way outside instructing two guards to place him in custody.

Walking over to Ironside I get his attention. "Can you patch me through to the throne room directly?"

"Yes, sir one moment." He said adjusting some switches and knobs on his wrist. "Here you are, sir," he said, handing me a small communicator.

"Socrates did you make it in time are they safe?"Celestia practically yelled.

"Yes, Tai they're safe now, I want you to do something for me," I said into the communicator.

"Yes, what is it?" She said, sounding a little unsure.

"Tell me what country is your ally and furthest away from Equestria?" I said to wait for her reply.

"That would be Neighpon but they are having political problems," she said still sounding unsure.

For the next ten minutes, I explained my plan. First, they were to summon Blue Blood to the throne room. There they would tell him that they decided to give him more political power. Then they would tell him the only way for this to happen is he will have to become the new ambassador to Neighpon. If he refuses to, tell him it's not a request, but an order. Then have him loaded on an airship immediately.

"We do not understand how is this punishment for all the evil he has done?" Cadance asked over the com.

"That is quite simply, my dear if the Nipponese is anything like my world counterparts the Japanese of the Heian period. Then his attitude and treatment of others will more than likely have him imprisoned or executed. Either way, it will be his own fault and not ours."I said, causing Chrysalis to bust out laughing over the com.

"That would be perfect knowing that brat, I say he lives for a week at the most," Chrysalis said over the com.

"We will do what you asked, but what will become of Mrs. Moon-lite and her daughter now?" Cadence asked.

"I would like them, put in protective custody for the time being than possibly have them relocated somewhere safe," I said to them. " Also, I would like private Ironside and the five guards that aided me, be allowed to transfer to the temple to be guarded if that is possible your highness?"

"I don't see any problem with that request. Private Ironside, you and your squad are hereby transferred to the Je'daii temple as its honor guard." Celestia sailed over the calm right before we opened the doors to the throne room.

"Thank you, your majesties it is a great honor to be chosen for this service," Ironside said bowing to the four royals.

Leaning over to Ironside I whispered in his ear. " The six of you will be given new uniforms and be issued Light Pikes as standard issued weapons. I said, pulling out my I-phone showing him the temple guard's uniform.

"Sir these Light Pikes are they the same as your Savior?" Ironside asked looking at the picture.

"If the inhibitor is deactivated then they will be but for now they are set to stun on contact," I said reassuring him that there will be no need to kill. " Oh, and one more thing Ironside not only the six of you, but your families will be moving to Ponyville as well."

"Thank you, sir, I will notify the men to tell their families of the news right away," Ironside said as he bowed and turned to leave.

As Ironside left Twilight and the others were entering the room each dressed in the traditional Je'daii attire.

In order outfit #1 Applejack and Pinkie Pie #2 Rarity #3 Flutter Shy and Rainbow Dash #4 Twilight Sparkle.

As for the younglings, they wore standard clothing.

Standing in two rows the younglings in front all bowed. "Master Socrates, we are ready to learn the ways of the Je'daii." They all said in unison.

Seeing this I could only smile and bowed back to them. I was about to speak, but was interrupted when the doors flew open and in walked a man and a woman. The man appeared to be very angry.

"Where is he! Where is the SOB that took advantage of my little girl!!" He yelled not caring that he was in front of royalty.

Turning around in surprise Twilight shrieked." Mom, Dad, what are you doing here!?"

Hearing those words I looked up to the heavens. " Oi vey, This is not going to end well."