• Published 6th Oct 2016
  • 4,958 Views, 55 Comments

A Glimmer in her Eye - Amethyst_Dawn

You've always admired Princess Twilight's newest student... from a distance. Everything about her seems flawless, until one night...

  • ...

Do You Even Need to Try?

The walk back to your house was relaxed, and enjoyable. You and Starlight had spent most of the time chatting, and sharing life stories of trials and errors past. You aren't sure, but you feel a spark between her and you: as if your bond was somehow growing stronger. You almost catch her staring at you a few times, but you're never sure if that's just your imagination.

Once you arrive at your house, you open the door rather unceremoniously: yet graciously offer her to enter first, upholding your philosophy of "Ladies First". Giggling, Starlight bows slightly, before entering your humble abode. You follow soon after, and close the door behind you.

Once inside, she admires the interior of the shack: giving a low whistle at the décor.

"You sure know how to make a house into a palace, don't you?" She chuckles.

You shrug: "I find it helps with customer satisfaction, so yeah..." you say awkwardly.

After a moment of awkward silence, you're panicking internally, until a thought enters her mind:

"Did you say you had board games?"

'Oh, thank Faust...' you sigh to yourself: this mare is a godsend of anti-awkwardness. You nod rather eagerly, and gesture towards your couch: "In fact, I do! I'll go dig up a few options, you make yourself at home."

You stay behind to make sure she's comfortable, and let her know about the spare cider in the fridge. After you're assured of her comfort, you head upstairs, and open the first closet you see.

It's filled to the brim with board games of all types and sizes: from chess to Monopony, and even a couple you made yourself. You pick out three options: Checkers, Othello, and that Shadow Spade game Rarity recommended to you. You're about to bring them downstairs, when a frightening thought smashes through your conscious:

Holy shit, you forgot to close that damn notebook!

In a panic, you race down the stairs, and back out to the Living Room, only to find the most terrifying sight you'd ever thought you'd see:

Starlight Glimmer, sitting motionless, staring into your open notebook. Your heart races as you examine her reaction: her hoof has been daintily lifted to her chest, and was currently held over her heart. Her mouth formed a small "o", and her eyes were wide: and filled to the brim with fresh tears. Her face was so red, you'd swear you could fry eggs on it, and several tear trails marked her cheeks.

Heart sinking, you sulk over to the notebook, and close it with a hoof. Her lack of motion, aside from moving her eyes from the book to your own, smites you with despair. You sit down, writhing inside from utter defeat, and let out a sad sigh that shudders your entire form.

"So... now you know."

Nothing. No movement, no signals, no reaction. As soon as she leaves this house out of terror, you swear you're going to quietly recede into your room: and starve to death.

"I never meant for you to find out... well, not like this, anyways." You choke. "I just... I've just always... I've had these feelings... ugh, nevermind... you must think I'm a creep..."

You get up, and sulk back towards the stairs: "I'll go put the games away... we don't need them anymore. I'm sorry for this, for all of it. Just... just go..."

You feel tears swell behind your eyes as you turn away from her for the last time. You slink up the stairs, kick the games into the cupboard, and walk at a snail's pace into your bedroom: closing the door behind you. After what seems like an eternity, you hear the front door close, and you finally break down: shuffling onto your bed.

It hurt, all of it: you've lost your best friend. A small piece of your heart is slightly relieved that she finally knows, but that speck started floating around loosely when your heart shattered. Once you were sure she was out of range, you clench your hooves, rear your head, and scream in utter anguish out of what you've done. After letting it all out, you curl up into a ball: and give up.

That lovely smile will never appear before your eyes again. Those luscious orbs of pure ocean sapphire will never twinkle the same way when you're around. She'll most likely either just stay around to be polite, or avoid you altogether: and you're not even sure which one of those you'd prefer.

Suddenly, you hear the front door slam shut: and violent hoofsteps running towards the stairs. Groggily, you stand up, and head towards the door. Whatever beating you got from her, you probably deserved at this point. The door flew open, and in it stood a very, very pissed-looking Starlight: tears still marked her cheeks, her face was still red as hell, but her face was one of utter determination.

You fall to your knees, and bow your head: ready for a painful journey to the afterlife. When you suddenly feel the force of a freight train crash into you: pinning you to the ground. You're prepared for the inevitable contact of her hooves to your eyes, yet you're greeting with another thing entirely:

While your eyes are still closed, you feel her press her lips against yours, forcing your eyes to shoot open. You look her face over, to make sure you're not going crazy, and sure enough: her face was scrunched up into pure... well, you don't know any words to describe what her face betrayed, but you're certainly confused by it. And her cheeks somehow grew even redder at the contact.

Her lips were soft, and delicate. Yet they held a degree of firm passion, and care. The taste of mint flowed into your mouth as hers caressed yours, and you slowly let yourself relax, as your hooves wrap around her back.

But, it was all over too soon, as she broke the kiss: and stared into your eyes. There was a new sparkle there, one you'd never seen in any other pony's eyes before, and yet you knew exactly what it meant.

Unexpectedly, however: she grabs you with her magic, and shakes you in midair like a ragdoll. Screaming in your face the whole time:


She places you back on the ground, and immediately gets in your face: staring at you with rage.

"Now, if you don't kiss me in the next five seconds, I'm going to freeze you in crystal, and drop you from--"

You, in spite of your gentlemanly nature, don't even give her time to finish. All you needed to hear was her saying "kiss me", and you were lost. You thrust your lips into hers in one sudden movement, taking your turn to have a face on fire. If rational thought was water, Starlight just dropped a great heap of Magnesium into yours.

Instincts took over, as you lifted a hoof to wrap around her neck. You feel her mirror the action, as she moans into your lips. At this distance, you can even smell the peach shampoo that she uses, and it compliments her perfume perfectly. You let all your passion flow into your lips, as she does the same: every tilt of your head is mirrored seamlessly, and she never resists your embrace.

By the time you break it, you're both panting, and you feel sweat across your brow: accompanied by the most intense blush you've ever had. Starlight seems to be faring about the same.

"So... does this mean...?" You begin, only to have Starlight nod wordlessly.

After a few more moments of silently staring into your eyes, or vice-versa, you really don't care by now: she decides it's time to head home. And with a final hug, she stands up.

"See you tomorrow?" She asks hopefully.

Still trying to convince yourself that this isn't a dream, you nod slightly: "Try and stop me from seeing you." You chuckle, walking her out of your bedroom.

Giggling, she stays behind to let you walk her to the front door, and you open it theatrically.

"Milad--EEE!?" You squeal as a thunderbolt rips the sky in two, making you both jump. You glare outside in disbelief as a downright torrent of a deluge swamps the ground for as far as you can see: and several hail pellets the size of golf balls punch the wet ground with disgusting cracks and clicks.

"Well, I'm sorry, Starlight." you say, turning towards her. "But I'm not letting you go out into that sto--!!"

You freeze from the look she's giving you: eyes half-lidded, lip slightly bit, and eyebrows jumping twice. You feel heat rush back to your face as she lights her horn, and drags you closer to her. You also hear the door slam rather violently, and next instant: you're face-to-face with the mare.

"L-l-l-look, it's not that I d-don't love you, b-b-but--"

Suddenly, she bursts out into hysterical fits of laughter, and pulls you in for a tight embrace: "I'm just playing with you, Anon." She says, catching her breath. "I'll stay on the couch tonight."

Now it's your turn to be kind, as a simple resolution makes itself defined in your head:

"How about I take the couch tonight, hm? You need a soft bed more than I do. Besides, I sleep on the couch most days, anyways. It's comfy."

Se gives you an unsure look: "You sure about that?"

You nod in response. "Absolutely, my little Star."

Her face grows red at the nickname, and she smiles shyly. She chuckles to herself as she recedes to the stairs, before looking back to you one last time: "Goodnight, Anon." She says, her voice smooth as soothing saccharine.

"Goodnight, Starlight." You reply, feeling your heart warm at the sight of that beautiful smile of hers.

Once she was up the stairs, you go to a spare closet: and pull out a large, fluffy blanket. You may have given up your bed, but you're not sacrificing all comfort unless there was a need to. That couch was going to kill your back, anyways, so why not enjoy whatever joy you could scavenge?

Still, as long as Starlight's comfortable, that's all that matters to you. You blow out the torches, wrap yourself in the down blanket, and very, very, very slowly drift off to sleep.

In your discomforted sleep, you dream that you're flying: and can even imagine yourself moving gracefully through the air. You fly up a steep hill, barely missing the jagged stones made as steps, and lay down in a soft meadow. There, a great, soft-furred hare hops over: and pulls you in for a tight embrace.

A few hours later, You stir from your sleep, and open your eyes to see Starlight cuddled up next to you, and find yourself back in your own bed. Starlight is shivering slightly under the blanket: making you subconsciously wrap a hoof around her, and pull her closer. Nothing was wrong with a little cuddling once in a while, especially when she's so chilly. A smile graces her lips once more, as you both drift back into dreamland.


Outside, a certain prismatic Pegasus, and a particular lavender Alicorn admire their handiwork: as the slight flooding prevented any normal ponies from leaving your house.

"Wait, can't she just teleport out?" Rainbow asks, turning over to Twilight.

Twilight chuckles to herself, and turns to fly back to her palace: "Do you really think she'll suggest it?" She laughs, taking to the air.

Shrugging, Rainbow Dash soon follows suit.

Author's Note:

Welcome back for part two! I hope you enjoyed my first 2nd Person shipfic! :heart:

Please leave an upvote above, and your opinion down below. :twilightsmile:

Until Next Time, God Bless You!
~Amethyst Dawn.

Comments ( 43 )


I'm glad to hear it. Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Well this was certainly nice haven't read that many starlight glimmer stories but i liked this one

This was cute, I love it! ( ゚ヮ゚)

Thank you once more for the review, and I'll fix that typo ASAP. :twilightsmile:

And if you want to see the resolution to it all, feel free to check out part two~! :pinkiecrazy::heart:

Cute! Mind if I do a reading of this on my youtube channel. You'd get full credit, and I'd link you it once it's done.

You've just now noticed it. :ajsmug:

(Amethyst, you'd better say yes to this person 'cause this story is good!)
Yes he'll do it sparrow!
(You better say yes!)

7662616 *coughs nervously*
OH um okay, yeah

You're fine. It's actually beyond flattering. :twilightsmile:

One of the best romance stories I've read on this site. Great job!:heart:

Really? Wow, thanks! :twilightblush::heart::twilightsmile:

Well... Can't believe it took me this long to get to this.(wow I suck...) This beats any fluff I write although I'm still not use to 2ND POV. But ignoring that, it was a nice read.

No, you don't suck, you've been busy: and it's also taken me quite a while to get around to fics I'd like to read. :twilightsmile:

Nevertheless, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

7769687 No problem. It just sucks that I made a promise and I failed to full fill it with the time I wanted. Regardless, this deserves more love.

I know what you mean. But: a promise kept past the sands of time is better than a promise not kept at all. :twilightsmile:

I Love This Story So Much Everytime I Read It ^^ Thanks For Makin A YouXStarlight Fic There Are Basically None And This Is To Me The 1st :3 Hope Ya May Make Another ;D XD

Thank you! I'm glad, :twilightsmile:
And there is a sort-of sequel out now, if you want to take a look. Though it doesn't involve Starlight. :raritywink:

8107378 I Saw That Was Awesome To ;3 Though... Needs More Starlight XD JK JK ...Or Am I? :pinkiecrazy:

Brilliant story, will satisfy the romantic cravings of men and women.

This fic satisfies me so much, good word choices, the story, the shipping, the dialogue. Just perfect.
Couldn't ask for more. :twilightsmile:

How did I not see this until now? :pinkiegasp::facehoof:

Anyways, thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Though I'm a little confused. I didn't release the 2nd person romance for women until a month after this comment was posted..? :rainbowhuh:

Loved it! Very powerful, yet, romantic! More please!

Oh, I have a couple more. :raritywink:

Man this is beautiful for a beautiful like Starlight Glimmer she's my top favorite character that's not in the mane six

Very sweet story, loved it! :twilightsmile:

Hello I as wondering if i can make a dramatic reading on this story to YouTube if your ok with that?

I don't mind, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Here’s what needs to happen (in my honest opinion) 🤞🤞🤞

A direct sequel to this story, or a retelling of this story but from Starlight’s P.O.V. (still told in third person, obviously; but you get the point.)

Easily one of my favorite stories

Cute, but needs an editor

Appreciate the feedback. :twilightsmile:



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