• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,135 Views, 88 Comments

Waking Nightmares - Kelvin Shadewing

A college student deals with halucinations of the pony kind.

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Chapter 1

Waking Nightmares

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 1

I'd like to think I'm a normal, sane, average guy. That I'm just leading a normal life from day to day and not doing anything that would get anyone else concerned. But of course, the pink pony sitting on my chest and smiling at me begged to differ.

Now this might sound strange, but seeing cartoon characters in the real world was normal for me. When I get tired or stressed out, I start to halucinate to some degree, and ever since I started watching a particular show that starts with "My" and ends with "Pony," my morning halucinations were shifting more and more towards pony-related images.

"Good morning, David!" Pinkie Pie sang to me.

"Morning, Pinks," I said quietly enough that my room mate, Johnathan, who, not only dislikes My Little Pony, but didn't know about my visions or my affinity for cute, big-eyed equines.

I pushed the bubblegum pink mare off myself effortlessly and climbed out if bed, cracking my joints as I stretched and shook the sleepiness out of my head. Stifling a yawn, I shuffled over to my computer and flipped the screen on, then logged into my college account to check my day's schedule.

PASSWORD: ••••••••

"What'cha looking at?" Pinkie asked me.

"Nothin' much," I lazily replied. Then my eyes shot wide open, my mind snapping to full alertness as I looked down beside me.

Pinkie was still there.

I looked up at my room mate who was heading into the bathroom to take a shower. Once he'd turned on the water, I spoke.

"How come you're still here?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

"Cuz I haven't left yet, silly!" Pinkie Pie chirped and stood up to give me a noogie.

I felt it. I really, really felt it. I turned off my monitor and looked at my reflection in the glass. Even though I could feel her touching me, my hair hadn't moved at all.

"This isn't real," I told myself, "You can't really be here! That's impossible!"

"Let me guess, she's not scientifically possible?" another familiar voice said from behind.

I whipped around to find Twilight Sparkle standing right there beside my bed, looking up at me with a neutral smile.

She and Pinkie were just over three feet tall, had the same outlines from the show, were cute as hell, and very, very vivid. More so than any halucination I'd ever had before, and worse yet, I was lucid, so I knew it was real. I've never had a lucid dream before, but I still slapped myself in the face, just to be sure.

The two little ponies didn't disappear. I grasped my forehead and moaned. "This can't be happening. Why haven't you girls disappeared yet?"

"I dunno," said Twilight, "Why are we here in the first place?"

"Don't you start that with me," I said sternly, pointing a finger at Twilight, "You're in my head, not the other way around."

"What's the matter, Davie?" Pinkie asked with her head tilted, looking up at me sadly, "Don't you like us anymore?"

Looking at those big, shiny, almost fully black eyes and her quivering lip and splayed-back ears nearly made me cry. "Of course I like you! I just can't be caught talking to non-existant ponies! If someone sees me talking to you, I'll get thrown in a looney bin or something."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Twilight said confidently, dismissively waving a hoof at me, "Once we explain that it's all a misunderstanding--"

"Explain?!" I choked, half laughing at her, "No, no, there will be no explaining. You ponies gotta be quiet and not talk to me! I can't go to class with you, and I definitely can't tell anyone about you!"

"Maybe Princess Celestia could--"

I cut Twilight off again. "No Celestia either! You're just gonna sit quietly and do nothing until you disappear, and if you're still here when I get back from class, I'm seeing the school psychiatrist. We clear?"

"We clear on what?" John asked, coming out of the bathroom in a towel.

"Nothing!" I said, quickly acting nonchalant.

"Hey, this towel has seashells!" Pinkie squeed, "Do you know how many words rhyme with shell? Bell! Sell! Well! Tell!"

Hell, I thought, and grinned at John. "I was just, um... you know, rehearsing something I needed to tell a co-worker who's been harassing me. That's all."

"Ah," John said, clearly none the wiser, and totally oblivious to the ponies in the room with us.

I dared a glance in Twilight's direction and saw she was blushing at my room mate as he dropped his towel.

"Ugh, dude! Put some underwear on at least before you do that!" I held my hand out, blocking his groin from my sight.

"Shut up, you homophobe," John said and started getting dressed.

I sighed and got up from my computer, grabbing my own towel as I went to take my turn in the shower. The hot water helped wake me up some more, and hopefully cleared my mind of anypony--

"I hope you don't mind, darling, but I just had to compliment on your toned flank," a posh voice in front of me stated.

I looked down and jumped with a yelp as I saw a sopping-wet Rarity looking up at me aprovingly. This was too much. I yanked the curtain open, disregarding the water splashing out onto the floor, and pointed at the door. "Get out!"

"Alright, fine!" I heard my room mate call, "Jeeze, what's your problem today?"

"Nothing!" I yelled back, then looked to Rarity again and said in a low voice, "Don't you know it's rude to peek on somepony you barely know in the shower?!"

"Well, you aren't exactly a pony," she said back a bit too cheerfully for my comfort.

I glowered at her. "Out." As she departed, I shut the curtain and sighed. It's gonna be a loooong day...

Author's Note:

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