• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,135 Views, 88 Comments

Waking Nightmares - Kelvin Shadewing

A college student deals with halucinations of the pony kind.

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Chapter 8

Waking Nightmares

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 8

I sat on the sofa with the ponies, watching TV. And, no, we weren't watching MLP. I needed to think, and I couldn't sleep, so we stayed up and watched the news.

My watch beeped at the hour change. "Eleven o'clock. Alright, ponies, listen up."

The five mares sat up and looked at me.

"My room mate will be back in about ten minutes, so I really, really need you all to behave. He already heard me talking to you this morning, but thankfully he thought I was talking to him."

"We understand, right girls?" Twilight asked.

The others nodded. "Mhmm."

"OK, good," I said, brushing my hair out of my eyes, "Cuz I really don't need him of all people knowing I'm talking to invisible ponies. By the way, I should probably take off from work tomorrow."

"How come?" Dash asked.

"Because I can't deal with that and you five at the same time. I'm gonna see Dr. Straus again, and then I--"

I was cut off by the sound of the lock clicking, and then the door opened. John walked in, looking pale and vacant. His hands were shaking as he dropped his car keys on the side table.

"Dude, are you OK?" I asked.

"Huh?" He looked at me blankly. "Oh, uh, yeah. Just, um... just a weird night, I guess. I'm going to bed."

I raised an eyebrow. "OK then..." I watched him go into his room and waited until I couldn't hear him anymore. I turned to the girls. "Yeah, he's totally stoned."

"Oh, dear! I hope it didn't hurt..." Fluttershy cooed.

"Nah, he's really feeling like a million bucks right now, I guarentee it. He's just tripping."

"A millionbucks? Tripping?" Fluttershy sounded even more concerned now. "Oh, dear! I simply must check on him!"

As she fluttered into John's room, I facepalmed when I realized how I sounded. "Fluttershy, he can't see you."

She ignored me, so I peeked in and watched her try to examine him. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the others. "Well, it's late, so I should go to bed too. You girls can sleep anywhere you want to."

"Thank you," said Twilight, "Sorry we've been such a burden on you."

I laughed and waved her off. "No worries. It could be worse. You all could be visible to everyone else too."

The ponies all burst into laughter at this for some reason. I'm sorry, but I can't get by those awkward laughing moments that so frequently occur in cartoons.

I crawled into bed and snuggled into the quilt. I yawned and silently bid the others goodnight. My eyes slowly gave up the fight to stay open, sliding shut as I drifted off towards dreamland... until I felt someone kiss me on the nose.

I bolted upright and pulled the quilt off. Rarity had somehow climbed into bed with me, and was staring up at me with that adorable smile. I swear, sometimes she could get pretty darn close to Fluttershy cute with that face, but I was unfazed thanks to me being molested by a pony.

"Rarity!" I whispered, "What the buck are you doing in my bed?!"

"Well you said I could sleep anywhere!♪" She sat up and tapped my nose with a hoof. "And I choose to sleep with you."

"W-w-what makes you think I want you in bed with me? Didn't we talk about personal space in the shower already?"

The little white unicorn bunched up her shoulders and giggled. "Now, don't you play coy with me. I got on your computer, and I saw--"

"Now wait a minute!" I said in a normal tone, "How did you even find those pics? You have hooves!"

"Oh, so you do keep pictures of me?" She fluttered her eyelashes and drew me closer with her horn. "I'm flattered."

I facepalmed. This chick was the ponification of Black Widow. "OK, fine, you can sleep with me as long as you don't tell anypony about my... collection."

"Oh don't you worry about that..." She traced her hoof from my face down to my chest. "It'll be our. Little. Secret."

I whimpered and laid back down. "Fine. Whatever. But my pants stay on!"

The unicorn clicked her tongue and used her duck-lip pout.

I rolled over and tried to fall asleep. It was only one day, after all. Who knows? They might be gone when I wake up.

Wait a minute. This isn't my bedroom. Am I in--

"Intruder! Who art thou?!"

I spun around on my heel and came face to face with Princess Luna. She was walking in from the balcony, presumably coming in from raising the moon.

"Nice." I threw up my arms and let them fall to my sides. "Now I'm seeing them in my dreams too!"

Luna blinked and then looked at me sternly. "We say again, identify thyself."

I grinned. Reality was one thing. A dream world was different. "My name is David Cavaliere, but you may call me Master."

She glowered. "Thou dares challenge us?"

I smirked. "You mad, Lulu?"

Her eyes shot wide open, and for a second, I swear she had Nightmare's eyes. She bared her teeth and glowed her horn, lifting me up and throwing me through the air.

I flew back and slammed into the big door at the end of the throne room, sliding down and flopping onto the hard tile floor. Groaning, I reached around and felt the back of my head, then brought my hand in front. There was blood on it.

Luna scuffed her hoof on the floor. "Vile invader! Prepare to be purged from our presence!" She began to charge me.

Oh, buck... this is real!

Author's Note:

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