• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 391 Views, 40 Comments

Through Deceiving Eyes - CowgirlVK

An ancient evil has once again risen from the shadows. Will Twilight and her friends stop it? ... Or will they crumble one by one in front of this unseen foe...

  • ...

Chapter 12; Racing the Clock

Nurse Redheart grit her teeth as she strove to fight through the illusions that danced all around her. She had to focus, she had to continue to fight.

She squinted her eyes as she tried to read the screen on Spitfire’s bed. The young captain had fallen into a coma eight hours prior, and as was her duties, she was making her rounds to make sure that her condition hadn’t worsened.

If only it was just that simple.

The lights around her flashed and she felt the floor beneath her tip. The floor?

Suddenly she saw something out of the corner of her eye that wasn’t quite right. It wasn't right, it should not be. The seasoned nurse turned to charge it, her schooling flying out the window as her instinct to attack kicked in.

She ran headlong into the creature, her teeth bared as she savagely bit into it. “YOU WILL NOT GET PAST ME!” She yelled.

A strange metallic flavor filled her mouth and she shook her head... it was sharp but strangely good... She had to find more of this flavor!

She saw another ‘thing’ down the hall. It was like the first, she had to get it too! It too did not belong near her patient! She had to protect Spitfire and the others, and SHE HAD TO GET MORE OF THE GOO. ”COME BACK HERE YOU!” She yelled as she took off after it.

She managed to catch up to the ‘thing.’ “Stand down, or I’ll tear you to shreds! GET OUT OF MY HOSPITAL!” She didn’t even give it a chance, she immediately lept towards it, biting down hard.

She felt strong arms clasp down around her. “NURSE!” A voice said.

She did not let go. She had to deal with the threat... and she had to get more of that amazing... spectacular... Stuff! The liquid filled her mouth soothing her throat.

“NURSE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” the voice was distorted.

The older mare paid the strange voice no heed, biting down harder into the skin of whatever the thing was as it released a cry of pain. She relished in the metallic taste running down her throat, crimson trailing from her mouth.

Suddenly, without warning, she felt a rough shove to her side, knocking her to the ground as two strong hooves pressed her to the ground, holding her still. She shouted and struggled against the vice grip holding her, trying to do whatever she could to claw at her attacker as she stared wildly up at the distorted image, her head swimming a bit through her blurred vision.

The last thing she felt was a sharp, painful prick in her neck before her eyelids grew heavy and her mind blanked.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes. Everything hurt, from her head to her claws. Her wings... bill...everything. She groaned as she tried to move.

“Thank Celestia! No darling, not to fast.”

Twilight quit struggling but turned her head so she could see the white feline beside her. “Rare?” She coughed. “What... happened?”

Rarity groaned. “Seems the fluffs are upping their attacks. They just about took both of you out, I found Pinkie Pie about ten minutes ago as well, sound asleep at the bottom of the cart. From the looks of things, she was trying to hide.”

Twilight frowned. “Wha-?”

Again, the cat sighed as she nuzzled her friend. “I’m sorry Twilight. Doctor Stable says that if you guys had been any weaker, the death screams of the fluffs probably would have killed you.”

Twilight froze. “But, what does that mean for everypony else?”

Rarity shook her head. “It means if the fluffs don’t kill them, the cure will.”

Twilight swore under her breath. “So we can’t win for losing?”

“That’s what it looks like darling. Now, you just rest, we just about have everything ready to head... wherever we are heading to start burning the mushrooms.” Rarity said. “Doctor Stables wants us all to come along. Including Zecora.”

“Is that a good idea?” The owl asked.

The feline shook her head with a sigh. “Darling, I... I... If we don’t do something, no matter what direction... at least putting the cure out there... we’ll save some.”

“Or maybe...”

They both looked to their left to where Pinkie stood. She looked them both in the eye. “Maybe being in that coma state is part of what saves ponies. Like how the transfer was harmless to the rest of us but very painful for AJ. If that is true, very few will die, since most ponies are already asleep. Right down the main street.”

It was Pinkie Pie, nopony questioned it. With a groan, Twilight glanced between the others. “It’s a hope. But we don’t have any evidence one way or the other.

“You are right.” Doctor Stables wiped the sweat from his brow. “We don’t know until we do it. All I hope is we make it through this alive. At the very least, with as few lives lost as possible.”

The pets looked one to another. “Well, let’s continue. Doc, what’s the plan going forward, since I don’t think I can help at this moment.”

Stables shooed the others away and helped Twilight sit somewhat up. “Currently, here’s the plan....”

It didn’t take the seven much more time to get everything ready to climb the mountain. With the pets and Zecora riding with a healthy supply of the mushroom dust burning in the medical cart, the second cart was filled with the rest of the supplies and hitched to the back as they started off towards the mountain they’d chosen for use in distributing the cure.

Applejack frowned as she watched the old doctor pull the cart, it annoyed her to no end that a Unicorn was doing a task that- well if she was honest would be no big deal for her, but for a unicorn? He wasn’t complaining. Everypony knew what was at stake, but that little piece of earth pony pride was strangely wounded as the proud stallion pulled the team up the very mountain that Fluttershy had panicked over all those years ago.

It was a no-brainer really, The mountain was tall, and had already been a place where smoke would have been able to blot out the sun. This is what they were all counting on.

Everypony fretted as they made the slow climb. Longboards and makeshift bridges had to be built here and there, taking up yet more precious time.

“GET DOWN!” They all ducked as two crazy young dragons started throwing rocks on the small percussion.

“No Glowers! No Glowers! You die like the others!” The dragons screamed in crazed furry.

Twilight grumbled as the good doctor placed a magic barrier over the party before continuing on. Soon, both dragons seized up and came crashing to the ground. The owl looked away wincing her mind going to her friend down below in the village.

“I do hope Darling Spike is alright.”

“I’m more concerned it’s affecting the dragons now,” Fluttershy stated. “I thought they age gems.”

“It doesn’t affect them as it does us, but it obviously still affects them,” Twilight mentioned. “Within an hour of you getting hurt, I found Spike thrashing on my bed in a haze of pain...” she trailed off.

“I’m sorry I wasn't there for you guys,” Dash said softly.

“You were taking care of Fluttershy Dashie,” Pinkie stated. “We all understood.”

“It’s alright Sugarcube, none of us blamed you. Ah was more concerned with Winona myself... Running’ myself ragged to keep them nasty guards ponies from takin’ her...”

“Glad you did AJ, otherwise you’d been left behind.”

“Might not have made much of a difference.” Applejack muttered.

“Hurting again AJ?” Twilight asked.

The farm mare turned dog didn’t say anything, looking out over the land of Equestria. “As it is... Ah hope we ain’t too late.”

“At this point,” Stables stated, “We’ll be cutting it close... but me too girls. I’d hate to lose everypony to this.”

Suddenly, the wagon wheel hit a rock. Pinkie was thrown from the wagon, sailing through the air. The hoard of pets screamed as their favorite party-Gator went clean over the edge.

“Oh Pinkie!” Fluttershy exclaimed, crying into Rarity’s shoulder.

Twilight, despite how sore her wings still were, left the safety of the wagon to peer over the edge into the chasm.

Pinkie hung from a root about ten meters down. “Can’t! Hold! On! Much! Longer!” Pinkie screamed.

“Unfortunately... neither can most anypony else.” Twilight’s wings trembled as another swarm of fluffs advanced on the party, clipping her wings, and biting at her feathers. Through the chaos, she could just see Pinkie getting a very similar treatment down below. “Oh, Celestia....”

Comments ( 1 )

Sorry for the delay, working with kids...

I'm kinda back. Writing as I get breaks. Yeah things are getting intense. No primces every character will get out without consequences.

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