• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 391 Views, 40 Comments

Through Deceiving Eyes - CowgirlVK

An ancient evil has once again risen from the shadows. Will Twilight and her friends stop it? ... Or will they crumble one by one in front of this unseen foe...

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Chapter 7: ....

The ponies all stood together in silence, looking from the very thick book, to the crystal, then back to one another.

Applejack let out an involuntary shudder. “Why do ah have a feelin’ like... well, uh... a timer’s goin off?”

“Why do I have a feeling that we are doomed.” Rarity added.

Pinkie nodded. “There’s more in the book... but-” her mane was flat, her eyes going this way and that. “That was the end result. The book says that when somepony found the town where the research was being done, there was nothing really left of it. Nopony to even save.”

A tense silence filled the room as the realization of the danger they were in settled in on the whole group.

“Well,” Twilight began. “I for one think we need to take this book, and go to Fluttershy and Dash.”

“Will that be smart, darling?” Rarity’s right eye was twitching like mad.

“Ah agree with Twilight,” Applejack said; placing a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Dash needs to be in on this. Ah ain’t sure how much Fluttershy can do to help, but Dash needs to have as much of a say as any of the rest of us do. No need to show them the crystal, ah’m sure...” She trailed off biting her lip, a tear squeaking out of her eye. Quickly Applejack brushed it away. The last scene had been so horrific, Applejack couldn’t help but overlay Granny in the place of that older stallion. “We need to get to Dash, and we need ta hurry. We’ve already had this pest around for a week.”

“We can’t see it.”

All eyes turned to Pinkie Pie.

“What was that Darling?” Rarity inquired.

“We. Can’t. See. It.” Pinkie forced out each word individually. “The Fluffs, not until we go completely mad. The animals can though. That’s why...” her ears were once more pinned flat against her head.

Twilight stood and walked over to Pinkie Pie, pulling the normally chipper pony into a hug. “What else does it cause, outside of the madness?”

Pinkie took a deep breath. “Insomnia, irrational fears, amnesia, hate, anger, it eats the food and starves its host... If it’s inside our bodies. If it’s outside it eats the food we’d normally eat. That’s why the cakes disappeared.”

There was a hushed silence. Each pony slumped over as they processed the new information that Pinkie had provided them. Each time they got an answer to their questions, it seemed as if they were tearing away at any shred of hope that remained.

“Pinkie, did they find a cure? A way to stop it?” Twilight pressed.

The mare nodded. “Page-” she grimaced. “Page...” With a scream of agony, Pinkie Pie suddenly fell over and started convulsing violently. Her eyes were wide open as her body twitched and jerked. “St...” She gurgled; almost choking on her own tongue.

Twilight’s horn lit up, as the whole lot of them moved in to help hold Pinkie still. They didn’t know if it was the parasites, or one of Pinkie’s natural fits causing her to convulse. But one thing was for certain. Pinkie was terrified.

Each one did their best to be there for Pinkie Pie as the seizure continued on, and on, and on. Her eyes suddenly rolled back in her head, and she lay still and unmoving. Horrified, Twilight placed her ear to Pinkie’s chest. Her whole body relaxed as she could hear the faint, but erratic heartbeat of her friend.

“She’s still alive.” Twilight sighed in mild relief.

“Should we let her sleep?” Rarity asked.

Twilight shook her head. “We’ll need her. I agree we can’t wait for her wake back up... AJ, load her up, I’ll grab the book. We’ve GOT to get to the hospital. NOW. We can’t afford...” She choked up as she looked down at the prone figure of her friend. “We... Oh Celestia!” The final two members who were still up and capable of helping, both leaned in and wrapped Twilight in a hug.

“Sugarcube, we’ve fought against worse. The good thing is there is a cure. It’s in that book.” Applejack stated.

“Thing is, can you find it? and if not… will Pinkie be able to find it.”

Twilight frowned. “We can’t waste any more time talking. Let’s go.” With a burst of magic, she teleported the whole lot of them to the hospital once more.

Dash was half asleep, her head bobbing on her chest as Fluttershy had her extended hoof clasped tightly in her grasp.

She grimaced as her stomach growled once more. She knew hosptial food was bad but… It was becoming more desirable with each passing day. Over the week, despite the short time span, Rainbow had dropped quite a bit of weight , adding to her exhaustion. She was just about to doze off once again-


The door to the hospital room slammed open and Applejack stood at the door, a fearful look on her face. “It’s Pinkie Pie.”

Dash was instantly on her hooves. “What!?”

Fluttershy opened her own eyes looking up at Applejack, groaning in her half awake state. “Wha?...”

Rainbow frowned and laid a hoof on her chest. “You don’t worry about it, just go back to sleep… alright?” She was using a rare tone, a quiet gentle voice. She watched as her friend nodded weakly, drifting back to sleep.

Rainbow sighed, nuzzling her. “I’ll be right back…” She said before quietly walking over to the door, pushing Applejack back into the hall and shutting the door gently. She turned to face the orange mare, trying to hide her fear.

“What happened to Pinkie Pie?...” She asked, watching as Applejack grimaced, reluctant to answer. “AJ!” She said firmly, causing the orange mare to flinch. “What. Happened.”

Applejack gulped. “Dash, ah think ya need ta see...”

Rainbow Dash took a step back, keeping her hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “AJ?”

Applejack looked down. “Come on Dash, just.... Follow. Ah-”

Dash wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or not, but she could swear that she had just seen a tear squeak out of the corner of Applejack’s eye. “But-”

Applejack had already turned and was leading Dash to a nearby room. Rainbow’s ears folded back, and she followed hesitantly. She felt tired, oh so tired, but her concern for her friend sent a pang of worry through her that made her hurry... hurry and forget all else. “Applejack!” She exclaimed as she entered through the door.

Applejack paused and stepped aside; closing the door behind Rainbow.

A collective gasp went through the room as the two unicorn’s eyes fell upon her. “Dash!” Twilight exclaimed. “Have you- been eating?” Her eyes widened at the ghastly sight of the mare. She had dark bags under her eyes, and she’d grown rather noticeably thin, some of her ribs beginning to show. It didn’t help that she naturally was a very thin pony, aiding in her speed.

Dash paid little mind to her friends’ questions as she rushed over to Pinkie’s bedside and grabbed the comatose mare’s hoof. “What… what happened?” She choked out; quivering. “If any animal got loose and-”

Twilight laid a hoof on a bony shoulder, frowning. “That’s why we are here. There’s a lot to tell, so hang in there.”

Rainbow released Pinkie’s hoof, stumbling back into a nearby chair, trying desperately to fight the tears welling up in her eyes.

“So, that’s what’s going on...” Twilight summed up shakily.

Dash had hardly moved. Her whole body was trembling as she tried to wrap her head around it all. Twilight felt a pang of sorrow go through her, what type of creature could put the great Rainbow Dash into such a state. A thick veil of silence fell over the group, adding to the tension that already filled the air. The only sound was Pinkie’s heart monitor for, what seemed, an eternity.

Finally, Dash rose back up and crossed the room once more to stand beside Pinkie’s bed. “Should... should...” She took a deep breath trying to settle her quaking body. She just felt so weak. “Fluttershy...” She forced out, trying to hide the crack in her voice.

Applejack barely caught Dash before her knees buckled, and helped her friend back into the chair. “Sugarcube, ah think ya should just sit there. There’s no need for us ta have three of ya down.”

Rainbow nodded, her face deathly white, showing hardly any of her usual color.

“Dash, I still need to find out what the book says. I was hoping Pinkie could tell us, but I’m afraid she-” Twilight frowned glancing over her shoulder at the mare in question. “I don’t know what they did to stop them before, but we have to do it again. If we don’t, there will be nothing left of Equestria. There’s not a hut, town, or city not affected by these ‘fluffs.’”

“What-” Applejack helped to support Dash’s head as she nearly fell forward out of her chair.

“Take it slow; sugarcube.” She said.

Rainbow nodded. “Zecora... do you think she knows about these things?”

Twilight shrugged. “I have no idea. But I’d rather not risk entering the Everfree Forest.”

For several moments Rainbow Dash just sat there blinking at Twilight with the most confused look on her face. “But wouldn’t Zecora know?”

“Animals,” Twilight said with a one word answer.

Rainbow took a shuddering breath before nodding. “Oh yeah...”

The group frowned at one another. Rainbow seemed to be way more affected by the Fluffs than any of the rest of them. Rarity stepped up to Applejack and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Darling, I’ll stay by Rainbow… You’d better find a nurse… and hopefully some food for her…” She said, keeping her gaze to the floor as she fought tears.

Applejack nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Twilight and Rarity with Pinkie and Rainbow.

The blue pegasus watched silently as her friend left, slumping further into the chair and burying her face in her hooves as a wave of frustration overcame her. When she lifted her head once more, a glare plastered across her features, directed at the heart monitor. That beeping… it sickened her. It sickened her to hear it everywhere. Everywhere she turned, things were happening that she couldn’t control; things that were hurting her friends. She hated it all. Tears filled her eyes and began streaming down her cheeks as she glared silently at the monitor.

Rarity and Twilight were at a loss for words, watching in shock as their friend broke down. Rarity sucked in a breath before hesitantly pulling her into a hug, only to watch as she buried her face in the white mare’s chest and fail to choke back her sobs.

Twilight patted Dash gently on the shoulder, then pulled herself away to pour over the book. She desperately wanted to join in with what Rarity was doing, and comfort their friend, but right now the group needed a cure. She couldn’t... Twilight paused, looking up at the ceiling, she focused on it taking full, deep breaths one after another to calm her nerves. She HAD to find the cure. Before any of the rest of them could befall the effects of the Fluffs.

She stole one more glance at Rainbow before turning her attention to the book and reading. No sooner had the book been opened, then Applejack banged back in. The orange mare walked over to Dash, taking in the scene before giving her a plate of food that was in her hoof. Rainbow weakly pulled away from Rarity and looked at the plate for a long moment.

“Eat.” Applejack insisted as she held out the plate, which Dash hesitantly accepted.

Dash stared at the food again, before picking up the fork and studying it. Rarity and Applejack traded looks of worry.

“Darling, allow me.” Rarity whispered to Applejack.

Applejack nodded. “Alright.”

Rarity gently guided the fork down to the plate, and helped Dash fill it. Then she guided the fork to Dash’s mouth.

Rarity glanced at Applejack when Dash’s mouth remained closed.

“Come on sugarcube, ya need ta eat!” Applejack urged.

Dash continued to study the fork, but opened her mouth for the bite.

They all sighed with relief as Rainbow chewed, and swallowed the food, but once it was down, she made no move to get another one, just looking at the plate in bewilderment.

“Get the nurse.” Rarity hissed. Applejack was already half out the door. Rarity then returned her attention to getting Rainbow to eat the meal. The process was slow and irritating, draining her more than she thought possible. Dash, to Rarity’s horror was slowing down, not speeding up. Her body was shutting down.

She glanced over her shoulder; sighing in relief as the doctor, nurse, and Applejack entered the room. Doctor Stables frowned as he looked down at Rainbow. “She wasn’t like that this morning.”

“It’s the Fluffs doc.” Rarity whispered.


Twilight glanced up. “An ancient parasite that seems to have gotten loose on Equestria. That’s what’s causing all of this, and if we don’t figure something out soon...” Her eyes trailed between Rainbow and Pinkie.

“It’s gunna get a whole lot worse.” Applejack finished.

Doctor Stables frowned. “Get a gurney.” He ordered the nurse.

He pulled out a stethoscope, and gestured Rarity to move.

Rainbow frowned. “Doc? Wha...”

He frowned looking her in the eyes. He was shocked to see them dull and glazed over. “Rainbow Dash, how do you feel?”

“Is... Pinkie alright? Will she live?” She said just barely audible.

He frowned. “I’m doing everything I can for her, what I’m concerned about is you.”

Rainbow frowned. “I don’t care… just tell me she’ll live…” She muttered, drifting slowly into unconsciousness.

Doctor Stables frowned as he listened to her faint heartbeat. When the nurse came back, despite Dash’s feeble protests, she was put on the gurney and rushed to another room where she was promptly hooked up to life support, and an IV pushing nutrients into her body.

Rarity and Applejack slumped down next to Twilight and Stables shook his head at the dreadful state of the three remaining mares. “Bring in some cots, pillows, and blankets, Redheart… If these three end up in the same state as their friends, I want you to fire me.”

The nurse nodded and trotted away to retrieve the items while he walked up to them. “I’ve sent for some cots, and when they get here I want to see all three of you laying down and getting some rest. Afterwards, you will EAT. Understood?”

He got no protests from the three and Rarity felt tears stream down her face, Applejack quick to pull her into a comforting hug while Twilight closed the journal, setting it aside for now. She released a defeated sigh and nodded reluctantly.

The cots were set up and the mares supervised until they crawled under their blankets and were fast asleep. Doctor Stables felt his shoulders sag as he sighed heavily and walked out of the room.

Author's Note:

DEATH AND GORE AND INSANITY! Seems this isnt the first time the fluffs have wreaked havoc, eh?~Shadow